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Hjalfnar 01-19-16 03:10 PM

A question showed up (after all you already helped me with xD). What are the hotkeys for manning AA and deck canon? Or abandon it.

seba999 01-19-16 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2375028)
Hm. Until late 1940 the british depth charges weren't able to explode at the depth german u-boats could safely reach and detonated at a maximum depth of 76m. But later they should be able to explode down to 270m and so hit you. Maybe you have set the campagin difficulty too low?

No :) I play 100% realism. Thank you and all for answers :) I was try play historical mission in 1942 FX Update... escorts run very beter than 1941. Thanks very much :D Now Im happy :)

Roxor 01-19-16 04:47 PM

New subs?
I was just wondering when in the campaign we get the newer submarine types. What dates and what types. I want to play through the whole campaign but I just want to know when these upgrades take place.

Hjalfnar 01-19-16 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Roxor (Post 2375066)
I was just wondering when in the campaign we get the newer submarine types. What dates and what types. I want to play through the whole campaign but I just want to know when these upgrades take place.

No new subs, only your Type VII will receive upgrades of the tower and equipment. I think the last upgrades will bring you to the Type C/42 and a bit beyond that (Zaunkönig!), but no additional Types. SH5 wasn't programmed with additional types and until now I don't know any mod that gives you any. If you want to play with IX, XXI and XXIII you need SH4 with Operation Monsun Mod.

JT1981 01-19-16 08:58 PM

i have chosen all difficult.but it shows 60%,why it is not 100%?

seba999 01-20-16 03:03 AM

When I use wind&smoke mod I have not 100% too... When i reinstal sh and I dont use this mod I have 100% realism. Sorry. My English no good but I to hope you understend me.

osros 01-20-16 03:49 AM

Hey all been a while for me, but having a problem with the install.

Im following closely the steps and going along with the video however when I get to the Generic File Patcher its goes south for me, when I open and click yes to all the confirmations I do get a error.

sh5.exe is different version than expected!

Update 1: Fixes the Year entry being written over in the
DestroyedUnits.ini file for each {unit_x} entry
Reason: Bytes read does not equal oldvalue or new value

moving forward from this I notice I dont have options on screen that the video is instructing to me to change so Im kinda stuck here. I did a fresh install and its V1.2

Any help appreciated.

seba999 01-20-16 04:29 AM

When run generic patcher you must show folder with game for all questions.

Hjalfnar 01-20-16 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by osros (Post 2375163)
Hey all been a while for me, but having a problem with the install.

Im following closely the steps and going along with the video however when I get to the Generic File Patcher its goes south for me, when I open and click yes to all the confirmations I do get a error.

sh5.exe is different version than expected!

Update 1: Fixes the Year entry being written over in the
DestroyedUnits.ini file for each {unit_x} entry
Reason: Bytes read does not equal oldvalue or new value

moving forward from this I notice I dont have options on screen that the video is instructing to me to change so Im kinda stuck here. I did a fresh install and its V1.2

Any help appreciated.

You did make a clean reinstall? Deleted all SH5-files before, including those in the SH5 folder in My Documents? Oh, and are you using the steam version?

JT1981 01-20-16 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by seba999 (Post 2375152)
When I use wind&smoke mod I have not 100% too... When i reinstal sh and I dont use this mod I have 100% realism. Sorry. My English no good but I to hope you understend me.

i know what you mean,the wind&somke mod will effect the realism and force it down to 60%..

my english is poor too..

seba999 01-20-16 06:28 AM

Before reinstal sh5 and delte mod wind and smoke i have 75% realism max... I write what I doing to 100% realism...

Hjalfnar 01-20-16 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by seba999 (Post 2375190)
Before reinstal sh5 and delte mod wind and smoke i have 75% realism max... I write what I doing to 100% realism...

You have maximum realism. Because of the mods the games realism indicator simply does not work right with the mod, that's all.

seba999 01-20-16 06:42 AM

If I dont help than sorry... Thanks clarifing about this mod :)

MCM 01-20-16 06:43 AM

So can someone help me? How to play the tutorials please? :hmmm:

Cybermat47 01-20-16 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2375089)
No new subs, only your Type VII will receive upgrades of the tower and equipment.

Actually, you have a selection of 4 different submarine types:

Type VII A: External aft tube, two less torpedoes than other types, flak located on aft deck. Starting sub of Coastal Waters.

Type VII B: Internal aft tube, with the now standard 2 aft torpedo reserves. Flak on aft deck, but with the option of moving it to an upgraded conning tower, as well as an optional wintergarten platform for an additional flak. Becomes available during Coastal Waters, and is the starting boat if you begin your career with the Happy Times campaign.

Type VII C: Revised optional wintergarten, and radar capability. Starting sub of Mare Nostrum and Western Approaches.

Type VII C/41: Improved pressure hull, advanced radar and radar detection capability, starts with enlarged conning tower with wintergarten, capable of carrying two light flak guns and one 37mm flak or a quad 20mm flak. Starting sub of Monsun Gruppe and Turning Point.

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