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Tonci87 05-10-19 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Venus (Post 2608569)
I have to point this out. Real Navigation thing is such a farce. In reality,
the Captain doesn't steer the boat, he tells the navigator the destination
and the preferred route, and the navigator plots the course, and then informs
the helm on course changes, unless the Captain wishes to divert from
the plotted course.

So this whole real navigation is just rubbish. Using the original games plot course is far more realistic in terms of the way things are done. The mechanics might be different, but the idea is the same.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest lol

Well, without real navigation you always have your position on the map 100% correct and precise. Which is highly unrealistic.

If you use real navigation you will soon notice that you never know your precise position, especially if the weather is bad.

Coastal Navigation for example becomes a lot more exiting. (I once tried to find Wilhelmshaven in dense fog, ended up in Wesermünde)

DieReeperbahn 05-10-19 11:35 AM

You could just hide the plot line and player sub but keep the waypoint functionality?

Aktungbby 05-10-19 12:16 PM

welcome aboard!

kapuhy 05-10-19 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Venus (Post 2608569)
I have to point this out. Real Navigation thing is such a farce. In reality,
the Captain doesn't steer the boat, he tells the navigator the destination
and the preferred route, and the navigator plots the course, and then informs
the helm on course changes, unless the Captain wishes to divert from
the plotted course.

You mean, the captain asks the navigator for a position fix, than based on this and navigator's opinion on things such as fuel usage, navigational hazards along the route etc. orders the boat to set such and such course. In areas where more delicate handling or frequent course changes are required, he lets navigator or harbour pilot take lead and only oversees the operation.

In short, exactly like playing with Real Navigation.

I mean, everyone can tailor game to their liking and play it however he wants, but saying Real Nav is less realistic than stock system is simply false.

Tonci87 05-10-19 01:19 PM

So here it finally is, a tutorial showing how to use the Contact reports to your advantage by simply plotting an intercept course. You will find many more convoys by using this method :D

RAOBF and Attack Disc Tutorial

What would a U Boat commander see if he took a look at his navigators map? A bunch of lines and marks, but not the current precise location :up:

10MAS 05-10-19 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2608608)

Danke Kaleun!

10MAS 05-10-19 01:34 PM

Qualcuno sa dirmi dove posso trovare un log del crash di wolves of steel?senza WOS il gioco gira perfetto con mi crasha....

Anyone can told me where i can find a crash log of WOS?without mod the game runs perfectly:06:...thanks

Salvadoreno 05-10-19 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2608453)
If you are personally on the hydrophone then you can hear contacts even if they are in the deadzone. That is an unfortunate game limitation.

Modules that are damaged will get repaired even if they do not have the hammer on them, as long as they can be repaired at sea. I do not think that the hammer has any particular meaning. I could be wrong though.

I can move the observation scope with the page up and page down keys, and the attack scope with the insert and delete keys. Or do you mean moving to rotate the scope with keys? If yes, then that is unfortunately not possible (which is a good thing since keyboard keys are digital they are either pressed or they are not. Real life periscope controls are more analogue so the amount of input you give will determine how much it gets moved.)

Just saw your intercept tutorial. THANKS!

XenonSurf 05-10-19 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Venus (Post 2608569)
I have to point this out. Real Navigation thing is such a farce. In reality,
the Captain doesn't steer the boat, he tells the navigator the destination
and the preferred route, and the navigator plots the course, and then informs
the helm on course changes, unless the Captain wishes to divert from
the plotted course.

So this whole real navigation is just rubbish. Using the original games plot course is far more realistic in terms of the way things are done. The mechanics might be different, but the idea is the same.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest lol

You are ringing the bell at the wrong address, WoS has not invented Real Navigation, this was in the game since the mod NewUis from TDW almost a decade ago. Go complain to him if you think you need. I'm playing WoS and my own modlist without RN and I'm happy, the good thing is you can configure WoS to your liking and it's nowhere written that you must use RN (or any realistic settings btw).

vdr1981 05-11-19 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2608615)
So here it finally is, a tutorial showing how to use the Contact reports to your advantage by simply plotting an intercept course. You will find many more convoys by using this method :D

RAOBF and Attack Disc Tutorial

What would a U Boat commander see if he took a look at his navigators map? A bunch of lines and marks, but not the current precise location :up:

Great work Tonci87! Thank you very much! :up:

vdr1981 05-11-19 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Venus (Post 2608569)
I have to point this out. Real Navigation thing is such a farce. In reality,
the Captain doesn't steer the boat, he tells the navigator the destination
and the preferred route, and the navigator plots the course, and then informs
the helm on course changes, unless the Captain wishes to divert from
the plotted course.

So this whole real navigation is just rubbish. Using the original games plot course is far more realistic in terms of the way things are done. The mechanics might be different, but the idea is the same.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest lol

No comment really...:doh:

Salvadoreno 05-11-19 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2608777)
No comment really...:doh:

Right? ...why?

vdr1981 05-11-19 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Salvadoreno (Post 2608794)
Right? ...why?

Do I really need to explain my self in this case?:hmmm:
Sjizzle already said why...There is a huge difference between disliking something and trashing someone's work. This is not the way to go IMO ...

XenonSurf 05-11-19 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2608615)
So here it finally is, a tutorial showing how to use the Contact reports to your advantage by simply plotting an intercept course. You will find many more convoys by using this method :D

RAOBF and Attack Disc Tutorial

What would a U Boat commander see if he took a look at his navigators map? A bunch of lines and marks, but not the current precise location :up:

Very nice video and useful, Tonci87 :up:
Your method to calculate interception course is simple and perfect!

excel4004 05-11-19 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2608802)
Do I really need to explain my self in this case?:hmmm:
Sjizzle already said why...There is a huge difference between disliking something and trashing someone's work. This is not the way to go IMO ...

Yes, indeed. Need no more words. :doh:

vdr1981 05-11-19 04:45 PM

I've done some text editing (tool tips, GUI functions description, supporters credits list ect) so you can re-download the latest update (v2.2.12) if you like. I haven't changed version number though since nothing "game changing" hasn't been edited...:yep:
Cheers! :salute:

Kerandor 05-11-19 04:48 PM

Maybe someone is having a download-link, that is faster than 1 bit per minute? ^^

vdr1981 05-11-19 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kerandor (Post 2608829)
Maybe someone is having a download-link, that is faster than 1 bit per minute? ^^

You won't find other download link...Just tested, the speed is fine ~1MB/S...

Kerandor 05-11-19 04:58 PM

Well , for me its 2 days left till finish atm ... i don´t know why ^^

but its ok... wile i wait i watching some videos of this awesome mod :up:

excel4004 05-12-19 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2608827)
I've done some text editing (tool tips, GUI functions description, supporters credits list ect) so you can re-download the latest update (v2.2.12) if you like. I haven't changed version number though since nothing "game changing" hasn't been edited...:yep:
Cheers! :salute:

Good to know, thanks for the updates! :salute:

I tested some days UBoat, sure its a EA game but anyway it make clear what great mod we have here with twos. Great sub sim, love it so much! :D:subsim:

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