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battou 10-13-15 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2350697)
Hi batttou

Did you upgrade your game to version 1.2?
Post #5 Just Finished Installing SH5 > Do This Now

Have you added any additional mods?


Hi Peter! Yes, game version is 1.2 and no, I have not added any other mods.(

Deke 10-14-15 02:41 AM

Hello all, Is there a possibility to change the ui in SH5 Enhanced?

THEBERBSTER 10-14-15 03:58 AM

Hi Deke
Make your changes in TDW's OPtions File Editor Viewer after disabling the mods in JSGME.

THEBERBSTER 10-14-15 04:05 AM

Hi battou

I do not think it is a corrupted file although it still might be unless you have tried separate re-installations with the TWOS download.
I would be inclined to look at your game to resolution settings.
This is not the first time I have seen this type of problem.
If you cannot sort it out here then I would suggest that you put it out on the SH5 forum for all to see.


Deke 10-14-15 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2350859)
Hi Deke
Make your changes in TDW's OPtions File Editor Viewer after disabling the mods in JSGME.

I dont no how to do that anymore, and i could not find the File Editor Viewer.

gap 10-14-15 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by battou (Post 2350767)
Hi Peter! Yes, game version is 1.2 and no, I have not added any other mods.(

Did you update the game manually, or through the auto-updater?

THEBERBSTER 10-14-15 11:34 AM

Hi Deke

Take a look at this

Alternatively this
Post #6 TDW's Option File Editor Viewer Installing It Correctly


YoYo 10-14-15 01:13 PM

Like Günther Prien said: one torpedo, one ship :D .

Deke 10-14-15 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2350928)

I can't find the NewUIs in the mods map

THEBERBSTER 10-15-15 05:56 AM

Hi Deke

Check out the path at the top of the picture.

Deke 10-15-15 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2351077)
Hi Deke

Check out the path at the top of the picture.

I have found the File Editor Viewer, then i search in de The Wolves of Steel 1.04 but there is no NewUis_TDC_7_5_0_ByTheDarkWraith:06:

KrOkOZyABrA 10-15-15 01:03 PM

Very. very good and nice mod!!! But very unstable... Lamps in the sub dont work. Sorry my english.) Очень красивый и атмосферный мод, очень не стабильный, лампы в лодке не горят! Лучше бы оставили стоковые лампы. Нужен патч.)

THEBERBSTER 10-15-15 02:08 PM

Hi Deke

My apologies if I have confused you.
It is only the one you are looking for not both.
All you need is the TWOS main mod as showing in the post.


Keyboard Commando 10-15-15 09:28 PM

Hello, I am completely new to SH5 and yesterday I decided to try out this mod but I quickly ran into issue where I can't see my boat on the map (The icon is gone). I am running steam version of the game, I also had to skip the step 6 so my game would start up without errors.

Aktungbby 10-15-15 11:33 PM

welcome aboard!
Keyboard Commando!:Kaleun_Salute: good help to arrive shortly; hang tough!:up:

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