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Driftwood 03-23-08 06:55 AM

Sound Effects
I may just be having a "pre-senior" moment :doh: here but I was running a mission and transiting on the surface and standing watch on the sail bridge. It suddenly dawned on me (pun intended) that there were absolutely no environmental sound effects. You know, like wind, rain, ocean, gulls, engine noise, etc. I'm thinking I may have screwed up my sound files but I wanted to make sure before I go digging around in there. I'm certain there is someone in here that can set me straight! :know:

Molon Labe 03-23-08 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Driftwood
I may just be having a "pre-senior" moment :doh: here but I was running a mission and transiting on the surface and standing watch on the sail bridge. It suddenly dawned on me (pun intended) that there were absolutely no environmental sound effects. You know, like wind, rain, ocean, gulls, engine noise, etc. I'm thinking I may have screwed up my sound files but I wanted to make sure before I go digging around in there. I'm certain there is someone in here that can set me straight! :know:

It's an SCS oversight, all that is in there for the FFG but not the sail bridge.

Driftwood 03-23-08 10:03 AM

ML, do you know offhand if it's even possible to drop those into the sub interfaces?

Molon Labe 03-23-08 12:12 PM

I do not.

Molon Labe 06-09-08 07:18 AM

New question, same topic...

Does anyone know what program is used to convert a wav to the parameters DW uses? Oh, and does anyone know what those parameters are?

TLAM Strike 06-11-08 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Molon Labe
New question, same topic...

Does anyone know what program is used to convert a wav to the parameters DW uses? Oh, and does anyone know what those parameters are?

Grab a .wav file from DW and open it in Sound Recorder (Right click and select 'Record' under most versons of Windows) Under file Properties it should show the settings nessary. Use the same program to convert the files you wish.

TLAM Strike 06-25-08 02:29 PM

Oh I just got windows XP and discovered my kinda vague instructions don't work for it. Anyways the properties you need are To ML 16 PCM 22050 hz or 11,025 hz if you havn't figured that out yet.

Molon Labe 06-25-08 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by TLAM Strike
Oh I just got windows XP and discovered my kinda vague instructions don't work for it. Anyways the properties you need are To ML 16 PCM 22050 hz or 11,025 hz if you havn't figured that out yet.

SuBB took care of it for me. :D

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