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XenonSurf 04-22-19 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2604930)
Hardly...Those are just sensor parameters. Nothing to do with actual guns accuracy...:hmmm:

Yes you are right for sure if you say's because I came to see that yesterday by reading some posts about SH1... So I thought I would respond with that. Never mind, I wish you well in the ongoing of TWoS, I will make a donation shortly, it's about time...

SS Norholm 04-22-19 06:06 PM

Thanks for your continued work on this Vecko.....just recently started playing it again.

Can you or anyone else recommend a good interior mod that is compatible, preferably with a darker gritty look?

HowieWowie 04-22-19 07:12 PM

Identification Manual?
Just started playing TWoS. When I'm in the attack periscope there is no Identification Manual available? I've watched some videos and they were able to pull it from the left of the screen but its missing for me. I'm running the latest mod pack release. Thanks!

XenonSurf 04-22-19 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by HowieWowie (Post 2605053)
Just started playing TWoS. When I'm in the attack periscope there is no Identification Manual available? I've watched some videos and they were able to pull it from the left of the screen but its missing for me. I'm running the latest mod pack release. Thanks!

Hit E...and drag it from left :)

Sauroketh 04-23-19 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2604684)
As told by Veko, the gun fire line is disabled in the options, now to stop rotation of the deckgun:

Before you man or use the gun, you must order Battlestations 2, then order WO to man the gun, plus set fire options if you play auto-gun, or go to the gun yourself.
At the end, you must again order Battlestations 2 to revert the 1st order and then give order to WO to secure deck gun. Thats' it, after this exact sequence the gun will be put in the right initial position again. It's all about the Battlestation 2 command.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, sir, but that be much more tricky...
(it ws not about STOPPING the rotation of the gun, but about ROTATING it somewhat EASILY, its rotation much TOO SLOW.)

I ended up meddling with submarine *.GR2 + *.ZON + *.DAT +*.SIM files, for the rotation of the damn cannon was bound to some "turret" setting deep inside these files, with its angular rotaion speed and such.
Success in the end, but nothing to do with common user operaitons.

P.S. Thanks for your compassion, anyway, sir.

Sauroketh 04-23-19 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2604634)
This option is disabled somewhere in the OFEV or maybe even Generic Patcher, can't remember exactly...

OK, blast it, I'll train my RAOBF skills...
I had two mad and successful nights :Kaleun_Party: undoing some realism settings, anyway.

And thank for you continued work on the TWoS.
Thank you mightily, sir.

Belmondo 04-23-19 10:15 AM

I have a Fashion Command Keys 1.03 that does not execute commands like before new 2.2.12 why

Tonci87 04-23-19 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sauroketh (Post 2605162)
OK, blast it, I'll train my RAOBF skills...
I had two mad and successful nights :Kaleun_Party: undoing some realism settings, anyway.

And thank for you continued work on the TWoS.
Thank you mightily, sir.

May I suggest to you the Video that is linked in my Signature? :D

XenonSurf 04-23-19 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sauroketh (Post 2605161)
Thanks, sir, but that be much more tricky...
(it ws not about STOPPING the rotation of the gun, but about ROTATING it somewhat EASILY, its rotation much TOO SLOW.)

I ended up meddling with submarine *.GR2 + *.ZON + *.DAT +*.SIM files, for the rotation of the damn cannon was bound to some "turret" setting deep inside these files, with its angular rotaion speed and such.
Success in the end, but nothing to do with common user operaitons.

P.S. Thanks for your compassion, anyway, sir.

I've taken a look in my notes about the deck gun in WoS, I didn't find anything mentioned to change rotation speed. The deck gun is operated with the mouse to turn it, and the mouse wheel for the elevation; maybe by changing your mouse sensivity you can increase the turn rate?

Then, there is also an automation script to run deck gun attacks (auto-scripts are launched from the map with the icon on the right), but here, you are not operating the gun yourself. Your sub will go flank speed and make zig-zags while firing on the designated target.

Sauroketh 04-23-19 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2605230)
I've taken a look in my notes about the deck gun in WoS, I didn't find anything mentioned to change rotation speed. The deck gun is operated with the mouse to turn it, and the mouse wheel for the elevation; maybe by changing your mouse sensivity you can increase the turn rate?

Then, there is also an automation script to run deck gun attacks (auto-scripts are launched from the map with the icon on the right), but here, you are not operating the gun yourself. Your sub will go flank speed and make zig-zags while firing on the designated target.

Nice try, sir, but, as said, I've already solved the problem:Kaleun_Wink:.
One might as well cut off his legs in order not to suffer from tight shoes, but my solution be much more similar to finding proper shoes.

Sauroketh 04-23-19 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2605226)
May I suggest to you the Video that is linked in my Signature? :D

Yessir, exacly what I've been looking for years. THECOMPLETEIDIOTSGUIDE to HITTING THINGS. I'm happy.:sign_yeah:

XenonSurf 04-24-19 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Sauroketh (Post 2605372)
Nice try, sir, but, as said, I've already solved the problem:Kaleun_Wink:.
One might as well cut off his legs in order not to suffer from tight shoes, but my solution be much more similar to finding proper shoes.

Sorry, I must have missed the part where you say you have solved it.
Nice that you did. In which of the files did you find the setting, if I may ask?

Salvadoreno 04-24-19 12:49 PM

Just RE-purchased SH5 strictly for the Wolves of Steel mod. I gotta say, thank you modders so much for your time and efforts making Sh5 a great subsim. I have only been playing for 3 hours but I have barely left port! There is SO much to do with realism at 100% and realnav on. Makes the patrols feel SO engaging!

One issue, I also turned on the Enigma decoding machine (or at least I thought i did). I am still getting radio messages as I normally would. Not sure if there are special radio messages I need to wait for before I use the decoder? How exactly does that work? I have already received a message directly from BdU asking for my position, I would think I would use the enigma for that. Can someone assist? Am I missing something?

Tonci87 04-24-19 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Salvadoreno (Post 2605535)
Just RE-purchased SH5 strictly for the Wolves of Steel mod. I gotta say, thank you modders so much for your time and efforts making Sh5 a great subsim. I have only been playing for 3 hours but I have barely left port! There is SO much to do with realism at 100% and realnav on. Makes the patrols feel SO engaging!

One issue, I also turned on the Enigma decoding machine (or at least I thought i did). I am still getting radio messages as I normally would. Not sure if there are special radio messages I need to wait for before I use the decoder? How exactly does that work? I have already received a message directly from BdU asking for my position, I would think I would use the enigma for that. Can someone assist? Am I missing something?

From time to time you will receive a coded message from the BDU, for example when you complete a side objective, or when a special event happens. You will easily recognize them because they will look like random letters.

Even with the Encrypted BDU orders such messages will be somewhat rare. That is a good thing. If every message was coded, the decoding would quickly become very stale and boring. As it is, it´s always a little novelty :)

Salvadoreno 04-24-19 02:31 PM

Thanks!!!!!! I wouldn't mind getting more messages to decode. Love spending TC1 on the boat doing errands :).

Sauroketh 04-24-19 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2605506)
Sorry, I must have missed the part where you say you have solved it.
Nice that you did. In which of the files did you find the setting, if I may ask?

It be a bit wordy... It's more than ONE file, sir.

First open your submarine .GR file with GoblinEditorApp (it be NSS_Uboat7a in me case), then merge it with NSS_Uboat7a.ZON, and with NSS_Uboat7a.SIM+.ZON, to be safe, to avoid further conflict, then (it be in the ZON file, but no matter now) you right-click "EditControllers", find obj_turret @ cfg#M01 (it be the stats of the axis, around which the cannon turret rotates and pitches), a tree window pops up, double-click this controller in the RIGHT tree, then expand the +/- - marked expanding thread "obj_turret" and then the thread "Traverse" (it be rotation speed) and "Elevation" (it be the pitch) and then set the, well, finally, THE speed.

Then Open Deck_gun_GE88mm files in the same manner, repeat similar steps.

kapuhy 04-25-19 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Salvadoreno (Post 2605569)
Thanks!!!!!! I wouldn't mind getting more messages to decode. Love spending TC1 on the boat doing errands :).

Funnily enough, while making game easier by not having to decode every message, current system is also close to reality. If we can trust depiction of it from "Das Boot" book, most messages would be decoded by radio room crew, exception being "officers only" messages that were coded twice - upon decoding by radioman they would still be gibberish and officer would have to use his personal settings and decode the message again. These messages would contain highly sensitive matters (like special missions), which fits quite well with what we have in game, where "fluff" messages not directly related to your boat are not coded (or, as we could roleplay it, decoded by your radioman) and coded ones are those that contain orders and special instructions for you.

XenonSurf 04-25-19 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Sauroketh (Post 2605653)
It be a bit wordy... It's more than ONE file, sir.

First open your submarine .GR file with GoblinEditorApp (it be NSS_Uboat7a in me case), then merge it with NSS_Uboat7a.ZON, and with NSS_Uboat7a.SIM+.ZON, to be safe, to avoid further conflict, then (it be in the ZON file, but no matter now) you right-click "EditControllers", find obj_turret @ cfg#M01 (it be the stats of the axis, around which the cannon turret rotates and pitches), a tree window pops up, double-click this controller in the RIGHT tree, then expand the +/- - marked expanding thread "obj_turret" and then the thread "Traverse" (it be rotation speed) and "Elevation" (it be the pitch) and then set the, well, finally, THE speed.

Then Open Deck_gun_GE88mm files in the same manner, repeat similar steps.

Thanks to elaborate, that's really useful and a real precision work :up:

Salvadoreno 04-25-19 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2605666)
Funnily enough, while making game easier by not having to decode every message, current system is also close to reality. If we can trust depiction of it from "Das Boot" book, most messages would be decoded by radio room crew, exception being "officers only" messages that were coded twice - upon decoding by radioman they would still be gibberish and officer would have to use his personal settings and decode the message again. These messages would contain highly sensitive matters (like special missions), which fits quite well with what we have in game, where "fluff" messages not directly related to your boat are not coded (or, as we could roleplay it, decoded by your radioman) and coded ones are those that contain orders and special instructions for you.

Perfect way to look at it! :)

Tonci87 04-25-19 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2605666)
Funnily enough, while making game easier by not having to decode every message, current system is also close to reality. If we can trust depiction of it from "Das Boot" book, most messages would be decoded by radio room crew, exception being "officers only" messages that were coded twice - upon decoding by radioman they would still be gibberish and officer would have to use his personal settings and decode the message again. These messages would contain highly sensitive matters (like special missions), which fits quite well with what we have in game, where "fluff" messages not directly related to your boat are not coded (or, as we could roleplay it, decoded by your radioman) and coded ones are those that contain orders and special instructions for you.

Great explanation!

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