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Fifi 10-20-18 11:40 AM

Ok, that was what i was thinking. Pretty much logical in fact.
So submarine hunter groups are to be avoided by all cost :yep:

I try to know also what kind of destroyers are hunting me from now on.
Just because some are less dangerous... like VW?
They don’t have the depth charges throwers all around, i think...
Have to check in the museum :oops:

vdr1981 10-20-18 12:34 PM

I'm trying to fix those messed up crew efficiency bars and also to add couple of more but it is not an easy task. :hmmm: I just can not understand what were developers thinking while programming them. It's a complete mess with totally illogical dependencies. I hope I'll be able to bypass some of their nonsense with few tricks of mine.

Anyway, this is how it will look slightly modified crew efficiency page in the future
I'm going to revise once again and adjust positive and negative bonuses for for all abilities to be as realistic as possible. Efficiency bars may not follow this 100% exactly but they should be accurate enough to give you rough idea what is going on in your sub...

I also may add optional mod for disabled moral costs as well (yes guys, you won :)).

Muckenberg 10-20-18 12:53 PM


Fifi 10-20-18 01:55 PM

It’s looking good :Kaleun_Applaud:

Niels 10-20-18 01:58 PM

Very sorry

I'm very sorry but I didn't like this mod. Sure it add realism to the upmost extend possible but it completely removed the fun factor for me. I could not have fun ánd use this mod. The steep learning curve doesn't work for me.
After a hour I still couldn't make the map work for me and succesfully shooting an enemy.
I'm actually better off with the vanilla version of the game, I like the default playability.


lvl4F 10-20-18 09:22 PM

Looking good, and thanks for you work Vecko.

THEBERBSTER 10-21-18 04:34 AM

Hi Vecko
The option to remove the Morale with a mod is a useful option as this already exists in both SH3 and SH4 games by disabling the "Crew fatigue" mod.

Opening up these types of options for players wanting more fun than realism will keep players away from the Stock game and its bugs with end result being the player abandons SH5 as unplayable.

Fifi 10-21-18 06:50 AM

I think removing the SH5 morale doesn’t really affect realism.

Keaping up the crew morale by cook’s food was a good idea, but the cook is loosing 1 point each time...hence very limited morale boost.
When asking chief to hurry repairs, without morale points it’s impossible.
Flooding as well, and when it’s a matter of life and death, in real life, even a demoralized chief would do the best he could to not die!
But i think Vecko has understood this :yep:

The morale stuff is existing in SH5 just to give us some extra activity (as others SH)
In reality, there was not morale influence in submariners job or very little.
They were doing their best to stay alive, even eating crappy food, and never refused Kaleun’s orders. Their best to sink as much tonnage as they could.
How many patrols were back without any kills? Plenty. And the crew was always there doing their best!
Not happy in the U-Boot warfare? Transfert to the East Front infantry :D

Realism (if any playing it on PC!) is more a matter of Real nav mod, no visible contacts Etc...
Just my opinion.

skin-nl 10-21-18 07:49 AM


I think you have the real navigation mod enabled...disable it and you can easy plot your course on the map.

You can also use "auto tdc"

You can change TWOS alot with difficulty :up:

fitzcarraldo 10-21-18 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2573475)
I think removing the SH5 morale doesn’t really affect realism.

Keaping up the crew morale by cook’s food was a good idea, but the cook is loosing 1 point each time...hence very limited morale boost.
When asking chief to hurry repairs, without morale points it’s impossible.
Flooding as well, and when it’s a matter of life and death, in real life, even a demoralized chief would do the best he could to not die!
But i think Vecko has understood this :yep:

The morale stuff is existing in SH5 just to give us some extra activity (as others SH)
In reality, there was not morale influence in submariners job or very little.
They were doing their best to stay alive, even eating crappy food, and never refused Kaleun’s orders. Their best to sink as much tonnage as they could.
How many patrols were back without any kills? Plenty. And the crew was always there doing their best!
Not happy in the U-Boot warfare? Transfert to the East Front infantry :D

Realism (if any playing it on PC!) is more a matter of Real nav mod, no visible contacts Etc...
Just my opinion.

+1. All true.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

hauangua 10-21-18 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2573500)
+1. All true.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

+1 Absolutely true

vdr1981 10-21-18 04:49 PM

I think I have finally satisfied with the results although it was a nightmare to mess up with these because , according to the developers, 100-200=16 and 1-1=-125 ?! :doh: I really do understand now why no modder has ever tried to deal with it...

Anyway, you can see here how modified efficiency bars jump around depending of different crew states and also new passive ability for WO ...:yep::salute:

It also tried to edit those hideous "Radio GUY" and "Sound GUY" inscriptions but that will , from some reason, mess up your gamesave...

Lanzfeld 10-21-18 07:41 PM

The only problem I have with Real Nav is that The heading I select will wander over time. No helmsman would be that sloppy! Just hold the course I give you. I really don’t like this part of it

Fifi 10-22-18 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2573563)
The only problem I have with Real Nav is that The heading I select will wander over time. No helmsman would be that sloppy! Just hold the course I give you. I really don’t like this part of it

As in real life, it simulate the drift the navigator had to deal with :D

Vecko, i see you separated the crew morale dots/points and the leadership dots...
What are the leadership dots meaning? The kaleun morale? :o
I never saw them decrease :hmmm:

vdr1981 10-22-18 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2573563)
The only problem I have with Real Nav is that The heading I select will wander over time. No helmsman would be that sloppy! Just hold the course I give you. I really don’t like this part of it

Do you want "sub on rails" back? :hmm2:


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2573579)
As in real life, it simulate the drift the navigator had to deal with :D

Vecko, i see you separated the crew morale dots/points and the leadership dots...
What are the leadership dots meaning? The kaleun morale? :o
I never saw them decrease :hmmm:

No idea...Probably nothing.

vdr1981 10-22-18 11:42 AM

I was thinking about something... Those hard codded crew efficiency modifiers could be used in many ways. We only need imagination...:hmm2:

For example, what about players ability to "disable" his watch crew from any possible reason he can think of (leaving/entering port maybe, friendly convoy in sight) ?
This could be also applied for other sensors which can not be usually turned off (RWR, hydrophone ?)
Or even, "don't waste ammo" ability which will slow down the rate of fire but increase accuracy simulating careful aiming?
How about simulating the ending of Das Boot? An ability to send your entire crew to sleep in order to save the oxygen, with only few people still awake to finish up necessary repairs? :hmm2:

Really , the are lots of possibilities. We only need some imagination to utilize them realistically...

Fifi 10-22-18 02:56 PM

That sounds excellent!

I always dreamed of disabling the hydrophone man always announcing tons of contacts when hearing a convoy :yep:
When i’m Aware of the convoy bearing and movement, i don’t want more each 15 seconds...and furthermore when accelerating time a bit, it’s often a mess :D

The idea of saving oxygen sending everybody off duty could be also useful :Kaleun_Applaud:

SH5 TWOS could be the first silent hunter to get this!

Clyde00 10-22-18 08:42 PM

Looked a bit around this thread, search function too. Couldn't find a solution, but here goes....

Is there some leftover Real Nav bits in the stock new full release of TWOS?

Asking because I reinstalled both SH5 and TWOS for the new release. My old was 2.1.2 I think.
I play on full on manual target, real nav, etc... but I used to keep a quick TDW and JGSME files for another member in the house that was easier.

I ask because I see a celestrial nav fix on loading a save. No point and click sub navigation, no more sub cones-view ranges-ship id and such in game even though the TDW options are set to show them. Says disabled on the map options in both TAI and Nav map.

Just wondering if I am doing the TDW correctly? Or is there a changed process to make those TDW values xfer to the menu and layout?

Can get some screenies if I didnt explain it properly. Thanks

hauangua 10-23-18 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2573606)

No idea...Probably nothing.

Hi Vecko Hi Fifi
I found this:

"By completing campaign objectives and proceeding through the dynamic campaign’s historical events, the player will advance in rank and position.
In fact, the player’s progression does not stop once he becomes captain. From that point on, experience points will increase his leadership, enhance his renown, and add skill points.
Leadership value will be added as a bonus value to each crew member’s morale pool. In other words, the more experienced the captain becomes, the more effciently the crew will perform
.Skill points are gained in the same way as renown points. They serve to upgrade crew members’ active and passive abilities"

Maybe can help

Fifi 10-23-18 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2573722)
Hi Vecko Hi Fifi
I found this:

"By completing campaign objectives and proceeding through the dynamic campaign’s historical events, the player will advance in rank and position.
In fact, the player’s progression does not stop once he becomes captain. From that point on, experience points will increase his leadership, enhance his renown, and add skill points.
Leadership value will be added as a bonus value to each crew member’s morale pool. In other words, the more experienced the captain becomes, the more effciently the crew will perform
.Skill points are gained in the same way as renown points. They serve to upgrade crew members’ active and passive abilities"

Maybe can help

Interesting ... that makes sense.
If it is working ... :)

At start of career, if i remember well, i already had all leadership points...but i’m Not 100% sure.
If this feature is working correctly i should have almost no points at start.
Have to start an other one just to see how many points i get.

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