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chipsranger 06-06-18 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2556336)
Then it must be installation problem...
Did you copy/paste your SH5 folder around by any chance?
I guess you've done everything like stated in provided pdf install instructions?:hmmm:

If you do the search you'll see that your problem is quite common but it's always user or system related...


Jimbuna 06-07-18 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Uroth (Post 2556331)
"Did you apply administration rights directly in SH5.exe? If not , try that..."

Yes I did that, tried it different ways.

Perform a full uninstall and clean out all registry files using an appropriate programme such as CrapCleaner (it is free here) then install again.

renard60 06-07-18 08:45 AM

[help]probleme grid tool

I am French I hope you will understand my post

I installed the mod and put a French translation mod but I have a problem with grid tool see screenshot I no longer have the grid tool with the French translation


can you tell me how to fix or do you have a mod to fix the problem
thank you very much

Congratulations for the mod beautiful work

chipsranger 06-07-18 09:24 AM

Hello sailors I am submerged with the periscope of attack focusing on three merchant ships and I am easily detected at 1500 meters. And rule this?

vdr1981 06-07-18 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by renard60 (Post 2556405)

I am French I hope you will understand my post

I installed the mod and put a French translation mod but I have a problem with grid tool see screenshot I no longer have the grid tool with the French translation

can you tell me how to fix or do you have a mod to fix the problem
thank you very much

Congratulations for the mod beautiful work

Your French translation mod is probably not compatible with latest TWoS versions. Ask the author to update his mod. Cheers!:salute:

renard60 06-07-18 03:01 PM

Good evening
thank you for your return vdr that's what I thought too
but do not you have an idea of the file to modify or a mod to try to correct
thank you

vdr1981 06-07-18 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by renard60 (Post 2556459)
Good evening
thank you for your return vdr that's what I thought too
but do not you have an idea of the file to modify or a mod to try to correct
thank you

Yes...You can try to open original TWoS "data\UserCharts\***.TDW" files with some text editor and translate them manually.

What you're looking for are charts from "Maps & Map Tools" category...:yep:

chipsranger 06-07-18 08:05 PM

1500 Meters
Hello Sailors
I am in depth of periscope to 1,500 meters of 3 merchant ships when using the periscope of attack is easily detected. This is normal?


vdr1981 06-08-18 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by chipsranger (Post 2556482)
Hello Sailors
I am in depth of periscope to 1,500 meters of 3 merchant ships when using the periscope of attack is easily detected. This is normal?


Make a gamesave and upload it. I'll test what's going on...
Or you can enable highlighted sensor zones options in map settings and see what, how or is it detected at all...

Smurfy 06-08-18 08:40 AM


I am new to silent hunter 5. I installed WoS without any problems. I started to play the tutorials. I am facing a problem now in the "The Wolves of Steel Mod Speed Finder Tutorial"

Everything is working just the detected target speed is wrong. Seems like i am getting allways 10x the speed the target is actually moving?!? I get allways a speed of 60 - 66 knots. It should be 6 knots. Maybe someone knows what causes this problem?

I use a clean isntall (1.20) only WoS installed.

I tried to follow this this tutorial play on youtube. Everything is comparable except the calculated speed.

maybe someone can point me in the right direction how to fix this.

thank you in advance

Forgot to mention its not a tutorial problem. I tried historical battles and campange mode. The speed caculation is wrong in theese modes too.

renard60 06-08-18 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2556470)
Yes...You can try to open original TWoS "data\UserCharts\***.TDW" files with some text editor and translate them manually.

What you're looking for are charts from "Maps & Map Tools" category...:yep:

Good evening
thank you very much for this help
good night

vdr1981 06-09-18 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Smurfy (Post 2556556)

I am new to silent hunter 5. I installed WoS without any problems. I started to play the tutorials. I am facing a problem now in the "The Wolves of Steel Mod Speed Finder Tutorial"

Everything is working just the detected target speed is wrong. Seems like i am getting allways 10x the speed the target is actually moving?!? I get allways a speed of 60 - 66 knots. It should be 6 knots. Maybe someone knows what causes this problem?

The tutorial isn't really needed for this one. Your navigator will always give you speed and course of the target after two range measurements (it will appear in your msg box). The trick is that your measurements have to be accurate,, you have to move very slow (preferably stopped) and not to change your course between the measurements. Bigger the time interval between the measurements, more accurate data you'll get.:yep:

chipsranger 06-09-18 06:46 PM

sub detected at 1500 meters

Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2556506)
Make a gamesave and upload it. I'll test what's going on...
Or you can enable highlighted sensor zones options in map settings and see what, how or is it detected at all...

It was on a historic mission are 2 Merchants Liberty Cargo do not remember the other and the third Cimmaron Tanker


Smurfy 06-10-18 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2556655)
The tutorial isn't really needed for this one. Your navigator will always give you speed and course of the target after two range measurements (it will appear in your msg box). The trick is that your measurements have to be accurate,, you have to move very slow (preferably stopped) and not to change your course between the measurements. Bigger the time interval between the measurements, more accurate data you'll get.:yep:

Thanks mate i will try this right away. I did not know about the 2 measurements.

Edit - i found out what caused the 10x speed measuring faults. I checked the activated mods again and noticed i overlooked several times that the TWoS UI mods are the same. I did not get any feedback (maybe a bug?) that i activated the same mod 2 times XD.

TWoS UI cmd_Radio Reports_auto Target ID
TWoS UI cmd_Auto Target ID

After deactivating one of them - I get 6 knots now (The correct speed). But why do I get no feedback that I activated this mod allready and try to edit the same files again? I am used to such a feedback from skyrim mods. Nevermind i just wanted to write here that i found the reason, maybe someone will make the same mistake and/or encounter the same bug.


chipsranger 06-10-18 12:13 PM

How do I change the keyboard layout in this Mod twos?

THEBERBSTER 06-10-18 02:10 PM

Hi chips

How do I change the keyboard layout in this Mod twos?
Depends what you are looking for!

Post #432 Keyboard Changes Needed In The Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV) with Church's SHV 1.01 Keyboard Commands 1.1 Mod > Pictorial

Aktungbby 06-11-18 03:08 AM

welcome aboard!

Originally Posted by Aldarean (Post 2555129)


vdr1981 06-11-18 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Smurfy (Post 2556816)
I checked the activated mods again and noticed i overlooked several times that the TWoS UI mods are the same. I did not get any feedback (maybe a bug?) that i activated the same mod 2 times XD.

TWoS UI cmd_Radio Reports_auto Target ID
TWoS UI cmd_Auto Target ID

I am used to such a feedback from skyrim mods. Nevermind i just wanted to write here that i found the reason, maybe someone will make the same mistake and/or encounter the same bug.


The mods are not the same but they are dealing with one and the same file. You can't say that you hadn't been warned...

palmic 06-11-18 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2556124)
Hi p
Have you ever tried to break a dvd/cd on purpose?
You would have to be very clumsy or careless to break one of these.

Nope, but i already had problem to read dvd..

chipsranger 06-11-18 09:14 AM

keyboard layout

Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2556864)

With movements using the arrows I noticed that it changes the audio of the Twos so I will continue using the Twos pattern.
Thank you


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