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THE_MASK 06-10-15 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by PaulB (Post 2320117)
@BERBSTER: vdr posted a new tonnage bar fix a few posts ago. I assumed this was to be installed after everything else and included improved fixes. I just installed it since I was ready to start a new campaign.

I removed it from JGSME now and it seems to work.

@kevinsue: yup, that's precisely what I was doing, but clicking on that tick mark would only give me the shaded operations area without the 'request mission' button. Date-control of missions shouldn't have been an issue as I was only trying to get the coastal waters mission after starting the first campaign.

Edit: next issue: CTD on exiting Brest harbour on first mission of "Black Pit" campaign. Arghh. Forgot to save/reload in bunker though, let's see if this fixes it..//update: it did :)

Looks like something screwed up with install/Menu .

PaulB 06-10-15 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2320160)
that was for sobers, or other standalone modlists...:yep:
Ah ok, failed to grasp this

Game save/reload in bunker is mandatory every time you start new campaign, using silentotto cheat or without it...

So now is OK I guess?

Yes is is fine so far :) First patrol with real navigation too...have one question though...
Why is it that the tool helper compass rose seems to have degree marks opposite to what one would expect? I would expect 0 at top, 180 at bottom, 270 at left and 090 at the right. Well, mine is opposite. Am I missing something in terms of how the tool is to be used? (screenshot available if needed)...Obviously this way when plotting a course you have to take your heading from the first point of the course's intersection with the rose, rather than the "outward" point. But why is it so?

THE_MASK 06-10-15 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by PaulB (Post 2320175)
Yes is is fine so far :) First patrol with real navigation too...have one question though...
Why is it that the tool helper compass rose seems to have degree marks opposite to what one would expect? I would expect 0 at top, 180 at bottom, 270 at left and 090 at the right. Well, mine is opposite. Am I missing something in terms of how the tool is to be used? (screenshot available if needed)...Obviously this way when plotting a course you have to take your heading from the first point of the course's intersection with the rose, rather than the "outward" point. But why is it so?

PaulB 06-10-15 04:16 PM

Still can't find an explanation.
A compass rose on any map in the world would look like this:

In SH it is opposite (180 at top, 90 at left side).
My assumption is that this is so that a person would find it easier to understand which of the two reciprocal headings one should go for? In your picture there, 245 degrees is the first marking of the compass rose that the rhumb line meets in the desired direction of travel. But in any actual map I've seen, the rose would be opposite, and you'd see 245 degrees on the other side of the compass rose. In other words you'd get your heading off the marking at the point where the rhumb line is 'exiting' the compass rose (in the desired travel direction).

This might be trivial, I can make do with the tool as it is, I just wonder why it was designed in this manner. Probably because it is easier to just draw a line and read the heading at the edge of rose instead of having to draw a line and then put the rose over it to see where it intersects said line.

THE_MASK 06-10-15 04:50 PM
You can rotate that outer bezel with the mouse wheel as well .

THEBERBSTER 06-10-15 06:33 PM

Right clicking with the mouse on the inner dial puts 180 at the top.

Very useful tool for real navigation as it saves having to use a calculator to add and subtract the bearings.


PaulB 06-10-15 11:54 PM

Thank you!!

veenee 06-11-15 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2320197)
Right clicking with the mouse on the inner dial puts 180 at the top.

Very useful tool for real navigation as it saves having to use a calculator to add and subtract the bearings.


Can I get this tool without switching Real Navigation on?

THEBERBSTER 06-11-15 03:41 AM

Hi venee

The tool is used on the navigation map.

The mouse curser is pointing at it in the picture.

To use it just drag it out and place it where you want.

Open the mega mod zip file.
Open the 3rd folder The Wolves of St...
Go to the New_Ui's_TDC_7_5_... folder showing 27 135 427
Open Documentation
Go to the 3rd PDF file Compass Tutorial
Go to the Copy Tab
Press Ok

You should now have your copy readily at hand.

The mouse wheel moves the outer dial 1 degree at a time.
To move the dial quickly, place the curser on the outer dial and hold down the left mouse button and then move the mouse.
To change to 180/360 at the top place the mouse curser in the inner dial and right click the mouse button.


veenee 06-11-15 05:26 AM

perfect, thanks!

kevinsue 06-11-15 10:55 AM

Torpedo loaders on strike!!
:oDid an attack on a convoy and the Torpedo guy was injured when we were depth charged. We escaped with some damage but when the Weps icon returned to normal, i.e healthy again, the torpedo in #2 tube remains at 28% loaded and will not progress further. There is no damage to the tubes or anything else except the Stbd Diesel and Fwd diveplanes so there is no reason why they shouldn't be loading. I have 4 torpedoes remaining and the remains of a big fat convoy to contend with but no loaded torps!!:wah:

N.B Silent running is OFF ; "Wake up crew" patch is activated in Generic Patcher ; Fwd torpedo room crew unresponsive, staring vacantly like people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or possibly possessed by some kind of zombie virus. Here is a picture of Kurt Faust, the Weps officer in his current mental state!

Could also be some Union issue with rolling stoppages because prior to repositioning to a new assigned grid, the Watch crew flatly refused to go up an the bridge and the planesmen stayed at their stations when surfaced. :hmmm: They finally got back on the job and now the fwd torpedo room loaders are on strike!! Sigh.........who next I wonder? Survive a pounding by 3 DD's and will now probably die from starvation because the cook will more than likely walk off the job in support!...bloody commo's!

MCM 06-12-15 04:09 AM

You guys doing such an amazing job: I have no glue about programming but can imagine how much work an effort you are putting in this!!! This is outstanding, just WOW :D:up:

I am not used to the keyboard, can I use this mod? "Keyboard Deutsch V0.6F"
When to install? At last?

And: Is the "nvidia missing lights" fix included or do I have to install this too?

THX again

THEBERBSTER 06-12-15 04:28 AM


"nvidia missing lights" is in my tutorial downloads section.


MCM 06-12-15 05:10 AM

Yes I know but my question is if I can/should/have to install this mod too if I have a nvidia card and if I have to install this last? And if it is possible to change to keyboard by a mod?

THX THEBERBSTER for the fast answer

Sjizzle 06-12-15 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2320514)
Yes I know but my question is if I can/should/have to install this mod too if I have a nvidia card and if I have to install this last? And if it is possible to change to keyboard by a mod?

THX THEBERBSTER for the fast answer

the nvidia fix is for the light bulbs if i remember as well and yes u can change all key bindings from the command.cfg file ....

MCM 06-12-15 07:37 AM

understood, perfect.

Last questions, I promise :D
- why is maximum wind speed at 60m/s deactivated? Would bring better/higher waves didn't it?

vdr1981 06-12-15 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2320541)
understood, perfect.

Last questions, I promise :D
- why is maximum wind speed at 60m/s deactivated? Would bring better/higher waves didn't it?

Actually it can't...
It is irrelevant is it max game wind speed 15 or 60 m/s. All waves parameters are drown from seaparameters.cfg file and anyyhing more extreme will look unrealistic and ridiculous. Also with 60m/s patch enabled clouds and smoke will move unnaturally fast...The game is to much optimized for max 15m/s and that's it...


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2320532)
the nvidia fix is for the light bulbs if i remember as well and yes u can change all key bindings from the command.cfg file ....


vdr1981 06-12-15 11:57 AM

Here's how AI sonarmen detection ranges/areas should look on a boat equipped with two types of hydrophones (GHG+KDB, TWoS feature largely thanks to Gap)...Note that these are maximum ranges and range will also vary with depth...
Sry for my poor paint skilles...:D

gap 06-12-15 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2320580)
Here's how AI sonarmen detection ranges/areas should look on a boat equipped with two types of hydrophones (GHG+KDB, TWoS feature largely thanks to Gap)...Note that these are maximum ranges and range will also vary with depth...

Did you manage getting the two sensors to work together? I remember silly things were happening during our first tests. In real life the sonarman could switch at wish the two of them, but in game he couldn't decide which one to use, even after the KDB was destroyed. :hmm2:

vdr1981 06-12-15 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2320631)
Did you manage getting the two sensors to work together? I remember silly things were happening during our first tests. In real life the sonarman could switch at wish the two of them, but in game he couldn't decide which one to use, even after the KDB was destroyed. :hmm2:

Hey Gap, I'm glad you're still with us!:rock:
I'm testing your idea since or first talk and since I released this megamod...Back then I didn't quite understand what is going on but now I'm pretty much sure that concept with two hydrophones can work really great, even better then with just one...

AI sonarmen handles it really good and his detection zone looks just like on the picture, if contact is at bering 000 ~50km away it cant be heard, but if you move to something like 35 km then KDB controllers will kick in and contact will be reported...If you stay 50 km away and turn your boat so that contact is now at bearing 340 , contact will be reported again but this time by GHG controllers...

Why do I think that two hydrophones are actually better then stock one hydro?
You are aware of game issue when player can hear audio contacts in all directions, even at bearing 000/180, right? Now, using two hydrophones will actually justify this bug to some extent because rotating KDB device should be usable in almost all directions. Knowing that player's ability to hear contacts is limited to something like 40 km, it matches almost perfectly...

The only glitch is notable with type VIIB and C/41 where, if KDB is destroyed hydrophone needle will stay frozen for player's use but only until the game is saved/reloaded. Still AI sonarmen will continue to operate just right with operating hydrophone. :yep:

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