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goodpoints 08-12-15 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2333483)
Quote > Is there some way I can adjust my heading by 1 degree increments?

Fixed with the latest TWOS Patch1

Hot keys can be set up for a number of operations by enabling them in TDW's Options File Editor Viewer.

I didn't see anything in the patch notes about hotkeys and all the OFEV seems to be able to do through the program's GUI is view but not edit hotkeys. But I have tried editing the associated OFEV cfg file to change the hotkeys to both shift + E/Q as well as other alphabetical keys with no luck.


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2333483)
Quote > When at decks awash I'm unable to use binoculars (mouse wheel), crew on deck watch officer commands, send radio messages, or use the Heading to View crew command. Is there a reason that these work at surface depth but not at decks awash?

Yes, because the temptation would be to use them all the time.

Is this really intentional though? Isn't visual range affected in game by observer height? So I don't see how being able to use these commands would allow unrealistic exploits or anything. (unless U-Boat crews were known for refusing to man the deck gun if they would get their socks wet)


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2333514)
goodpoints! :Kaleun_Salute: Decks awash in SHV can be dicey even in the unmodified game: things work at 5 & 6 meters but not at 7 meters awash. I do not use WoS so I cannot help there. PM THEBERBSTER for better assistance.

This seems to be the cause of most of my issues, and it's really frustrating as it also happens during high waves so I lose function of all the commands I mentioned previously and my message box will be full of Diesel Engaged/Electric Engaged messages and the like since it thinks I am repeatedly surfacing and submerging. Is there not just some way to tell the game that anything above say 8.5m is surfaced?


Originally Posted by CaptainFunk (Post 2333864)
Does this mod mix still include realistic hydrophone mod as mentioned earlier in thread? If so can you uninstall it?

I am struggling with the hydro guy at moment.

- Reporting contacts then when asked to follow them stating no. Contacts?
- not reporting contact type consistently I. E merchant etc.
- stating no contacts incorrectly as when I manually check there are contacts.
- doesn't seem to follow contacts. Until really close.

As I've become more familiar with how the hydro works (or is intended to work), I've noticed these things to. In addition to everything you mentioned, many of the contacts he reports seem to either be nonexistant or beyond the operating range of the hydro as I am both unable to hear anything when I check the bearing he states and he replies "no sound contacts" when I use Follow Nearest Contact.

Also, I can't decide which is more obnoxious, his shouting or his whispering. A mod to make his contact updates say ONLY the bearing would be greatly appreciated. (so, just "eins-zwei-drei" instead of repeating the whole spiel) I imagine it could work since the bearing readout portion of the dialogue is already a Bitching Betty style mashup of prerecorded numerals.

On the subject of the hydro, does anyone know if TWOS includes functioning propeller sound where the RPM is proportional to ship speed, similar to this mod? The mentioned mod caused me CTDs when used with TWOS, but I would really love to have that ability as it greatly enhances the efficiency of 4 Bearings tracking when you can get a fairly accurate speed estimate to narrow down the possible distance of the target course before you even take the fourth bearing. I love the look of the charts in that mod but I don't think they're compatible with TWOS since the RPM mod seemed to use different base prop audio files (RPM mod ones were faster), and I believe it definitely something that historic soundmen would do, no?

Also, the hydro operating chart included in TWOS (I believe it's part of sjzzle's chart pack originally) has notes describing the rhythm of 3-bladed vs 4-bladed props but makes no mention of what the significant of that is in-game. (though I assume that, historically, ships could be differentiated by the number of prop blades) Are the number of blades on props differentiated at all in-game? I've only ever heard 4 blades.

THEBERBSTER 08-12-15 06:42 PM

Decks Awash seems to be a contentious issue on a number of fronts.
Apart from not being able to use the binoculars the Watch Officer cannot give a range to any targets as well as issues with the Navigator not being able to carry out certain tasks.
These are all game issues rather than realistic ones.
The increased fuel use and few less knots at Decks Awash seems to be realistic.
The other problem you have with Decks Awash is that you cannot charge the batteries.
This can also cause another problem in rough seas where the propulsions keep changing over backwards and forwards between the diesels and electrics.
There is a setting in the OFEV where the changeover times can be adjusted.
I am currently using Decks Awash at 6.

In TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV) there are numerous Hot Keys that can be used.
One I particularly like to use is to change the Real Navigation map fixes delete Hot Key X to Shift Key + X.
This releases the X key so I can use it for the Crash Dive Hot Key.
The position of the X key in its self is well positioned for a hovering finger.

Other Hot Keys I use are:
Deck Gun > Shift + D
Attack Scope > Shift + A
Hydrophone > Shift + H
UZO > Shift + U
Observation Scope > Shift + O

As far as the Deck Gun is concerned I would recommend the use of Vecko’s mod “DeckGun Friendly Waves_Test” this works well with TWOS.
This mod seems to have reduced the number of times I was experiencing with the Deck Gun Crew running off to change their socks.

With the Deck Gun performance reduced by 50% I have used the 88mm on both the VIIA and B, although the option is there to upgrade to the 105mm.
The mod “Critical Hits” is highly recommended.
80 shells to sink 2,000 tonnes to me is not acceptable and does not add anything to the game play.
“Critical Hits” In my view and experience of using it to date I think has been harshly criticized as arcade playing which I personally have not found it to be that way at all.
Maybe these critics were using a 105mm.
If the default 88mm was available I would gladly remove the "Critical Hits" mod.


THEBERBSTER 08-13-15 05:45 AM

"hocking" raised a good point about Crew Management/Promotion Points in his post #2433 on page 163 that has not had any answers too.

I think this an interesting subject and if it could be answered would be a benefit to us all.


fitzcarraldo 08-13-15 06:10 AM

Patroling the SH5 mods threads I discovered a "mtsn" mod for more ships and harbors. It was compatible with OHII 1.9. Is it compatible with TWoS? Some adaptation is possible?

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

flaminus 08-13-15 11:38 PM

Is there any download link from Subsim directly? I always get something wrong with the MEDIAFIRE link.

goodpoints 08-14-15 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2335922)
In TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV) there are numerous Hot Keys that can be used.
One I particularly like to use is to change the Real Navigation map fixes delete Hot Key X to Shift Key + X.
This releases the X key so I can use it for the Crash Dive Hot Key.
The position of the X key in its self is well positioned for a hovering finger.

Other Hot Keys I use are:
Deck Gun > Shift + D
Attack Scope > Shift + A
Hydrophone > Shift + H
UZO > Shift + U
Observation Scope > Shift + O

As far as the Deck Gun is concerned I would recommend the use of Vecko’s mod “DeckGun Friendly Waves_Test” this works well with TWOS.
This mod seems to have reduced the number of times I was experiencing with the Deck Gun Crew running off to change their socks.

With the Deck Gun performance reduced by 50% I have used the 88mm on both the VIIA and B, although the option is there to upgrade to the 105mm.
The mod “Critical Hits” is highly recommended.
80 shells to sink 2,000 tonnes to me is not acceptable and does not add anything to the game play.
“Critical Hits” In my view and experience of using it to date I think has been harshly criticized as arcade playing which I personally have not found it to be that way at all.
Maybe these critics were using a 105mm.
If the default 88mm was available I would gladly remove the "Critical Hits" mod.


Wow...I just figured out how to edit hot keys in OFEV. You see, unlike the other options where you double click on the value to edit, you just double click HotKey after expanding "HotKey for..." should've just clicked more stuff. Also...I just figured out that shift + mouse wheel adjusts heading by 1deg as a default stock command :dead:

I've been somewhat skeptical of deck gun performance being underestimated for the sake of difficulty as well, especially since (as far as I understand) none of the SH games or mods really model ballistic and impact dynamics. And from glancing at data/zones.cfg that seems to be the case, see below example (which may also provide an explanation for why that ship you blew the stern off of seemed to have a lingering rudder floating in space):


Armor Level=-1
Critic Flotation=0.300000

If the game engine isn't capable of modeling anything more accurate, patrol reports that make mention of shells expended on targets should be compiled and the average number of shells expended per GRT sunk solely by deck gun (if enough examples can be found) should be taken as the basis of the damage factor of in-game rounds. The first such example I've come across from U-37's third patrol in 1939 is the sinking of a ~3500 ton Steamer, SS Ledbury, with 34 rounds on target. (source, pg. 16-17, 24.10.39, 0800 & 0918 entries) I'll take a look and see if I can find enough other examples to start compiling some data.

I do think though, that the primary limitation on using the deck gun should be the vulnerability of surface attack and the player's willingness to constrain the taking of implausible risks by limiting saving/loading out of port.


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2335922)
Decks Awash seems to be a contentious issue on a number of fronts.
Apart from not being able to use the binoculars the Watch Officer cannot give a range to any targets as well as issues with the Navigator not being able to carry out certain tasks.
These are all game issues rather than realistic ones.
The increased fuel use and few less knots at Decks Awash seems to be realistic.
The other problem you have with Decks Awash is that you cannot charge the batteries.
This can also cause another problem in rough seas where the propulsions keep changing over backwards and forwards between the diesels and electrics.
There is a setting in the OFEV where the changeover times can be adjusted.
I am currently using Decks Awash at 6.

As far as the decks awash issues, I hope someone else might have some insight on this because it seems that adjusting the surface depth in the data/Submarine cfg files does not satisfy the precondition for using Nearest Visual Contact, etc.

Does anyone know where such preconditions for such commands are located in the file structure? (no hint from commands.txt or commands.cfg) Hopefully it's not buried in the .exe hex code.

fitzcarraldo 08-14-15 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by flaminus (Post 2336217)
Is there any download link from Subsim directly? I always get something wrong with the MEDIAFIRE link.

I had the same problems, but finally downloaded the mod some weeks ago. Insist, insist...


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

THEBERBSTER 08-14-15 06:14 PM

From my previous Post showing my Decks Awash setting at 6.
6 will not activate the Decks Awash Icon.
6.50 will.
7.50 wants to keep changing the propulsion to electric.


Sir Pappnase 08-15-15 05:45 PM

Hey guys,

I have the lates TWOS version, with realistic navigation enabled. I know there's no button for auto recognition, but to use the stadimeter for range I need to identify the target which isn't possible for me. I open the recognition book, choose the correct ship, and send the data to TDC. But in the WO dialogue screen the target is still undetermined and so I can't use the stadimeter. What should I do?

Aktungbby 08-15-15 07:11 PM

welcome aboard!
Sir Pappnase!:Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 08-16-15 02:51 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Sir Pappnase:subsim:
You Will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:
New To Silent Hunter <> Need Help <> Click On My Thread Link.:salute:
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community :yeah:
Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos:ping:

You must lock the target first with the space bar.
Pess the E key to show the recognition manual.

The Wolves Of Steel > Adds The Missing Target Identify Icon Back > Wind & Smoke addon Mod

Sir Pappnase 08-16-15 04:09 AM

Thanks for the mod link but I want to identify the ship myself ;)
Well I did lock the target with spacebar then it opens the WO dialogue where I can only click on "never mind" so I click on the WO icon in the dialogue then I can click "start TDC" or something like that and then it open the dialogue where I can choose range, speed etc. but WO says only tanker or unknown merchant or something like that. so I press E search for the right ship for instance liberty frighter, press send data to TDC but nothing happens.

Edit: It actually did something when I press "send mast data to TDC" in the range dialogue. Now I have the mast data entered. But how to calculate the distance. I assume the triangle between periscope, Ships waterline and highest point of mast is a right traingle, all I need now is an angle.

Jimbuna 08-16-15 08:41 AM

Welcome to SubSim Pappnase :sunny:

goodpoints 08-16-15 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sir Pappnase (Post 2336767)
Thanks for the mod link but I want to identify the ship myself ;)
Well I did lock the target with spacebar then it opens the WO dialogue where I can only click on "never mind" so I click on the WO icon in the dialogue then I can click "start TDC" or something like that and then it open the dialogue where I can choose range, speed etc. but WO says only tanker or unknown merchant or something like that. so I press E search for the right ship for instance liberty frighter, press send data to TDC but nothing happens.

Edit: It actually did something when I press "send mast data to TDC" in the range dialogue. Now I have the mast data entered. But how to calculate the distance. I assume the triangle between periscope, Ships waterline and highest point of mast is a right traingle, all I need now is an angle.

Have you tried using the stadimeter by clicking on the button above the range TDC dial rather than the dialogue option in the WO box? (also, note: the stadimeter is one of the things affected by the issues with decks awash/high waves making the ship state read as submerged, have you had the same issue in calmer seas?)

You could also use the RAOBF to get distance if you know (or approximate) the AoB and target length by lining up the optic length with the AoB and then seeing where the target length wheel on the top aligns with the distance section of the middle wheel, but you definitely want to have a working stad.

Personally I use the Wind & Smoke Addon and just restrict myself to clicking Identify when I'm within a reasonable range to see some detail. You could always use it as a workaround by manually identifying the target before you click Identify to put the data in the WO dialogue.

RoflCopter4 08-16-15 06:38 PM

I am curious, what is the max dive depth in this mod? Whenever I go below 100m (yellow on the dial) for whatever reason I cannot maintain that depth but rather keep sinking deeper, and can't seem to go higher without blowing ballast. Does that mean the max depth is 100m? At 96m I have no problems, but I know that u-boats could go to 200m or so if they had to. Is this a bug or is my u-boat perhaps just damaged?

EDIT: Actually I'm experiencing a far more important problem. I can't seem to save. Every time I try to save I get "Save Game Failed". What the hell? It was working an hour ago and now it's not. Nothing I do seems to fix this...

EDIT2: It seems to have been caused by some kind of corruption of the game. I just couldn't save if I ever went below 100m, and I couldn't escape the group of destroyers without going that deep. I just had to load a previous save and not attack the convoy I attacked at all because I just had not hope of escaping without messing up the save file.

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