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gap 07-18-15 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Trevally. (Post 2329486)
Where free nations have the same flag as original nation - this won't help unless there is some other way to id ship nation or adjust the flag:hmmm:

Maybe type of cargo on deck and/or lights (when I get them ready) and other neutral markings on "true neutral" ships, as opposed to absence of lights and presence of camoufflage schemes and armaments on deck, can offer some hint. In any case, wouldn't the rules I listed a few days ago, help discriminating among valid and non-valid targets (i.e. ships of the "free nations" and their "regular" counterparts:


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2328666) game, "dissident" navies are threated as completely different nations compared to their neutral counterparts (who share the same flag with them). Indeed, this is not apparent to the player, who is left to decide wether a certain ship is a valid target or not from her location and behaviour. Ideally, discriminetaion factors should be:
  • A ship sailing under a neutral flag within an Allied convoy should always be an "1" (badly implemented feature according to your report)
  • A ship sailing under a neutral flag who is bound for/leaving from an Allied port, should always be an "1".
  • A ship sailing under a neutral flag with obscured lights, should always be an "1". Not yet implemented feature though.
  • A ship (especially a small vessel) who is sailing under a neutral flag withinn her national waters, is a dubious case but she is probably an actual "0". In absence of other disciminat factors, better leaving her alone.
  • A ship sailing under a neutral flag with lit lights, could be an actual "0". But this is not always true: before Pearl Harbor US ships were sailing in full light, nonetheless they were considered valid targets long before the USA declared war to Japan and Germany; as above: feature to be implemented.
  • For unescorted/lightly armed vessels, a valid method which also reflects an early war tactic actually used, would be surfacing the boat and drawing ship's attection on our boat. Any hostile action (including abrupt changes of route/speed, zigzagging, aiming/shooting guns against our boat, sending SOS messages, etc.), would unveil any fake "0".
  • Historical radio messages should be integrated with BdU messages stating for each nation fom which date they can start being considered valid targets, and under which conditions (see my notes above). Of course the strict observation of those engagement rules should minimize the risk of wrong target identifications by us. This is only partly implemented in game.

Implementing/exploiting those features would add a whole new dimension to the game, putting our expeience of captains to test. :yep:

What do you think?

gap 07-18-15 08:14 AM

From historic radio messages:


19390903        1256        19390904        2005        1        30        1        0        0        -1        player        1939/09/03|U-boats are ordered to commence hostilities with Britain forthwith. At present, U-boats of the first wave are instructed to wage war against merchant shipping in accordance with the revised issue of the Prize Regulations. As long as war against merchant shipping is governed by the Prize Regulations, attacks are to be aimed at ships which, by the protocol, may be sunk without warning.|OKM

19390903        1400        19390904        2005        1        30        1        0        0        -1        player        1939/09/03|U-boat warfare against shipping is at present to be carried out in accordance with international rules. As long as war against merchant shipping is governed by the London Submarine Protocol, Article 22, attacks are to be aimed at ships which, by the protocol, may be sunk without warning. These are:|1. Troopships, i.e. vessels which are observed to be carrying troops or war material, or which may be identified in other ways.| (continued)

19390903        1405        19390904        2005        1        30        1        0        0        -1        player        1939/09/03|Message Continues:2. Any vessel escorted by enemy warships or aircraft.|3. Vessels taking part in enemy actions or acting in direct support of enemy operations, for example, by passing intelligence transmitting the "SSS" signal identifying an attack by submarine. Participation in operations is presumed if a merchant ship prepares to resist or take any action calculated to jeopardise the U-boat.| (continued)

19390903        1410        19390904        2005        1        30        1        0        0        -1        player        1939/09/03|Message Continues:"The current international law governing the conduct of naval warfare is included in the battle orders for the German Navy. The orders enjoin the strict observance of all rules of neutrality issued by the individual countries and observance of the general agreements of international law. Operations against shipping are to be governed by the revised edition of the Prize Regulations. Observance of the Prize Regulations is only obligatory if the enemy ships are unarmed.||BdU

19390904        1200        19390905        2005        1        20        4        0.85        BEFEHLSHABER DER U-BOOTE        ALL        1939/09/04|By order of the F�hrer: No hostile action is to be taken against passenger ships sailing independently or in convoy. Operation orders Para VIa remain in force against merchant shipping||BdU

19390924        1558        19390925        2005        1        20        4        0.85        BEFEHLSHABER DER U-BOOTE        ALL        1939/09/24|Allied passenger ships carrying 120 people or less can now be sunk in accordance with the Submarine Protocol or prize rules. However not under any circumstances are passenger ships carrying over 120 people to be sunk. These vessels are not to be attacked regardless of being blacked out or travelling a zig zag course.||BdU

We should look for those messages, and make our campaign messages to reflect them, in style and essence, with additional information on each nation whose ships might become valid targets. If need be, we can change ship armament, paint schemes, lights, unit types, etc. roster by roster. Creating dummy copies of the existing ships and equipping them as per need, is easy enough, and the player would still identify those copies as their parent unit. :up:

THE_MASK 07-18-15 08:18 AM

Never seen any lit ships in SH5 . But then again I only travel from the Baltic to Scapa . Start new campaign , Baltic to Scapa . You get the idea . Baltic to Scapa .

CaptainFunk 07-18-15 08:59 AM


Ok all up and running with the enhanced SH5 UI (after using option viewer) :D and stadimeter working again :03: cough cough (see previous post)

Final (I hope) question to get me back to where i was some years ago. With the realism settings of TWOS there is no auto identify / send data to TDC. I know I can enable this with the WIND & SMOKE mod (yay) but wanted to know how I would go about sending the ID data to TDC manually?

I can obviously visually ID the ship with the recog manual but then what? :arrgh!:

gap 07-18-15 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2329521)
Never seen any lit ships in SH5 .

No, there are not lit ships in SH5 yet. But there can be in future. Though not impossible, lit windows and portholes might be a bit difficult to obtain; on the other hand, ships with navigation lights on should be a no brainer.


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2329521)
But then again I only travel from the Baltic to Scapa . Start new campaign , Baltic to Scapa . You get the idea . Baltic to Scapa .

We get you sober :haha:

THEBERBSTER 07-18-15 09:45 AM

For those of you who cannot get on with real navigation I would suggest to make it a bit more challenging than using waypoints is to go in to both of the map tabs in TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer and disable the waypoint patches.

You will still see the sub and map contacts on the maps (game play setting) but you will now need to use the compass and rudder to navigate and the protractor and ruler to set up a 90 angle attack.


Pressurised 07-20-15 01:55 AM

Could someone please advise on how I can change the underwater transparency? Thank you :)

veenee 07-20-15 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Pressurised (Post 2329832)
Could someone please advise on how I can change the underwater transparency? Thank you :)

If you replace these two files in relevant folders in MODS directory, you should be able to see as much as in vanilla SH5.

I think these files come from one of sober's mods but I might be wrong...

Pressurised 07-20-15 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by veenee (Post 2329882)

If you replace these two files in relevant folders in MODS directory, you should be able to see as much as in vanilla SH5.

I think these files come from one of sober's mods but I might be wrong...

I tried them, it made everything underwater pitch black lol. Should of made a backup >.>

redline202 07-20-15 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pressurised (Post 2329923)
I tried them, it made everything underwater pitch black lol. Should of made a backup >.>

If you want the underwater to be more transparent, try using Enhanced Visibility from Dynamic Environment SH5 v 2.9-

Pressurised 07-20-15 04:14 PM

Thank you, but im not sure how to modify it from within TWOS megamod.

CaptainFunk 07-20-15 04:20 PM

hmmmm next problem .....

I cant seem to complete the first mission (Dazig Bay) .....The Captains log states that both primary / secondary objectives are complete and I recieved a message to rebase at Keil. I headed to Keil but I dont get any dialog to refit/ end patrol? I seem to recall little blue anchor symbols from the vanilla version? How do I end this mission?

THEBERBSTER 07-20-15 06:00 PM

Hi CaptainFunk

You do not say if you have entered Kiel.

You should see the U-Boat base icon in Kiel.

This does not happen immediately when you receive the radio message.

On your way to Kiel at some point the U-boat base icon will move from Memel to Kiel.

Do not end your patrol before 4th September 1939 stopwatch time 00.00 otherwise when the game loads you will not be able to select the new mission.

The next mission will show on the navigation map when the nautical time is 00.00 but the stopwatch time will show 23.00.

Always work to the stopwatch time as here in Kiel GMT is + 1 hour.

Head for the U-boat base icon and at some point you will be able to end the patrol before reaching the bunker.

Keep a check on TWOS post #2 as this is constantly updated by vecko to keep us all informed what to look out for.

Quote > Make sure to be ON PATROL when deadline date of last objective is reached, preferably somewhere at the open seas without AI units in your vicinity . This is important so be careful if you use mods like "Change Days in Bunker"... The end date of first "Coastal Waters" campaign is 1st June 1940.


Zinmar 07-20-15 07:01 PM

Thanks for the help Berb, got me up and running! I do have one more problem though. Which mod out of the bundle in the mega do I need to remove for auto-TDC. The way it runs now I lost the 6 white circles for a plot to hit. I know some folks like doing the plotting themselves but I have no desire to do it. If I need to remove the mega I will but I'm hoping if just one of the mod in the collection is removed those plot/attack circles will return.

I have another problem that has cropped up as well. When I go to use my binoculars I now have 4 different views. In in each of the 4 corners and showing the entire scope view but in 4 sections. Very weird and very hard to work with. Any idea what might be going on?

CaptainFunk 07-21-15 02:02 AM

HI Peter, thanks for.helping however.I'm.still.confused.

I am in Keil Harbour now and there's a little gold sub symbol symbol.for.Keil. Is that

Another.mission for.British coastal.waters.has.also appeared on

However.I am.still I even.went all the.Keil u.boat.pens. The.first mission.ended.on 4.Sept and I.arrived back in Keil around 6 Sept. (I'm not at Pc to confirm but it

I presume I need to dock for refit and to complete mission? The captains log states.that it is.all complete and is highline as such in green text.

Not sure.what I'm missing?

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