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David I 12-20-18 04:35 PM

The Fate of U-254
I began the war with a Med command. U-254's war started in Salamis, Greece in October of 1941 and ended in Toulon in September of 1944.

The Mediterranean is a very busy place and being relatively small gets you into action very quickly and often on patrol. Had many success, including 3 Aquitania Class Liners during the course of the war. There were also some very close calls with the Grim Reaper, but we managed to sailor on.

1944 in Toulon is a dangerous place to be. In July of that year a B-24 raid, which I fought out on the surface, reduced my sub to 4% Hull integrity the most damage I have ever suffered without sinking. From then on I went to periscope depth when Air raids occurred.

Now I knew that Toulon fell to the Allies in September of '44 so I was expecting a notification that my boat was captured along with myself and crew - end of career - but NO!


What happened was I started my last patrol in the slip late Sept 1944. The band playing, nurses waving, etc. From the Conning Tower I could see that a Merchant Ship blocked the end of the slip. "That's odd, how do I get around that?" I asked myself just as the first shell hit the U-254. I was under direct fire from British destroyers just outside of the harbor! I ordered the boat to periscope depth and a turn to port to get around the Merchant even though there was not enough room. I then went to external view and watched shell after shell slam into my boat as, quite literally, the band played on. Until.....


We all died. End of Career.

ivanov.ruslan 01-05-19 06:31 AM

U-702 returning from the patrol -quadrant BE 59,4 1943
Base St Nasare
Convoy meeting - two
Crew lost-no
Available torpedoes -3
Two in the stern, one in the bow
Escape from destroyers - twice, past many hours

VONHARRIS 02-13-19 02:10 AM

Patrol ctd ed while off Freetown
Pity since I had sunk a Ceramic type liner and a 5k tonner merchant.
I forgot to save so all over again.

scunnygsi 03-01-19 05:36 AM

Nov 28, 1939

In command of type IIA U19.
Just been tracking a lone merchant (in AN43) for the last hour on my way to patrol grid AN26. Whilst manoeuvring around 9000m away my first fish malfunctioned and fired on its own command, luckily the merchant cannot of observed the following detonation of the defective torpedo. At 21:20 my 2nd torpedo was fired at a range of 4800m and ran true resulting in a strike under the boiler room, the merchant is now dead in the water and slowly sinking.

With 3 fish left I hope my assigned quadrant proves fruitful.

John Pancoast 03-01-19 06:43 AM

1940 Western Approaches. Intercepted a convoy via a radio approach and hydrophone use once at the intercept point.
Foggy, raining, but light winds, so I've been following it's course via hydrophone for hours; convoy is approx. 10k meters to my WNW.
Staying submerged until this fog lifts; visibility is terrible and don't need to have an escort pop out of the fog at close range if I was on the surface.
Convoy has zig zagged of it's original NE course, now headed due north for awhile. I'm hoping it zig zags due east right into my path but I may lose it with the fog keeping me mostly submerged.
If so, I'll try to regain contact after the fog lifts, if in a reasonable time.

NYGM mod
Hsie's and Stiebler's patches/files
Envsim 10
Hitman's optics
IABL ships
Accurate telegraph speech (gets rid of that annoying "Jawohl....." line every time you do something)

Obltn Strand 03-03-19 09:57 AM



Mussalo 03-03-19 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Obltn Strand (Post 2594809)

Simo Ranta? :arrgh!:

Obltn Strand 03-04-19 10:09 AM

Keep quessing...

ASWarfare 255 03-06-19 02:10 AM

It is mid-September 1939, and U-46(Type VIIB) is currently being depth charged by 3 destroyers off of Scapa Flow after attempting to enter the harbor. Been evading depth charges for an hour and plan to go back home to Kiel when the attack is over.

Currently I have 30,000 tons of shipping in this patrol

Aktungbby 03-06-19 04:42 AM

Welcome aboard!
ASWarfare 255!:Kaleun_Salute:

SonarmaatU212 03-15-19 07:26 AM

Hello everybody. Just starting new campaign with nearly vanilla SHIII (just with H.SIE) on a weak tablet pc. Hopefully it work. Greetings Paul

Aktungbby 03-15-19 09:44 AM

welcome aboard!

Wolfcat 03-15-19 02:35 PM

On patrol 5 with WAC5.2.

Ran into a huge convoy of 15+ ships with 2 escorts. Had a hard time getting into the convoy so just did a 3km surface attack with 4 torps. Unfortunately the outside column absorb all the hits. I was only managing to sink 2 small merchants. Then the escorts caught up. Somehow these early war destroyers can accurately locate me even without ADIC. I did not hear any Pinging sound. Wonder how their hydrophones can hear me when I am all stop and almost 200 meters deep.

SonarmaatU212 03-16-19 03:20 PM

On patrol 4 north from Loch Ewe i found 10 ships: 3 tanker, 6 cargo and 1 trooper. Trooper, tanker and 1 cargo didn`t survive this meeting.:haha:

Now before 6th patrol i got a brand new type IX from bdu. Patrol from Kiel to AM54 was without any contact. Bdu will not be happy.

SonarmaatU212 03-19-19 08:04 AM

Went towards CF32 on 7th patrol and found some ships:

Von: Kiel

Missiondbefehle: In Sektor CF32 patrouillieren
2116    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11654 Tonnen
2119    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6449 Tonnen
2124    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6446 Tonnen
2133    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11655 Tonnen
2136    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! Truppentransporter, 8009 Tonnen
2213    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11653 Tonnen
2217    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6450 Tonnen
2219    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6451 Tonnen
2226    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6448 Tonnen

2221    Planquadrat AM 51    Schiff versenkt! Kleiner Frachter, 2389 Tonnen

0056    Planquadrat AM 73    Schiff versenkt! C Class Zerstörer, 1375 Tonnen

0729    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Hunt I Zerstörer, 1000 Tonnen
0734    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Hunt I Zerstörer, 1000 Tonnen
0743    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! V&W Zerstörer, 1188 Tonnen
0755    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11656 Tonnen
0801    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Kleiner Frachter, 2337 Tonnen
0802    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Truppentransporter, 8012 Tonnen
0805    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6448 Tonnen
0808    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Kleiner Frachter, 2339 Tonnen
0810    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Kleiner Frachter, 2338 Tonnen
0813    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6446 Tonnen
0815    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Kleiner Frachter, 2335 Tonnen
0817    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11696 Tonnen
0819    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Küstenschiff, 2043 Tonnen
0821    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! C2-Cargo, 6447 Tonnen
0823    Planquadrat BE 64    Schiff versenkt! Kleiner Frachter, 2336 Tonnen

1142          Patrouillenergebnisse
Verluste: 0
Versenkte Schiffe: 26
Zerstörte Flugzeuge: 0
Patrouillentonnage: 146600 Tonnen

BDU should be happy with those results. :)

Sailor Steve 03-19-19 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by SonarmaatU212 (Post 2597158)
...nearly vanilla SHIII (just with H.SIE)

Not a bad way to start. H.sie's mod is excellent.

SonarmaatU212 03-19-19 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2598034)
Not a bad way to start. H.sie's mod is excellent.

That´s absolutely right. I used to play with LSH 2015 but now i´m in hospital and have only a weak tablet. So no megamods. Only vanilla, h.sie and some convoys via campaign.scr :03:

Next patrol:


2351          Patrouille 8
U-108, 7. Flottille
Ausgelaufen: Juli 13, 1940, 23:51
Von: Kiel
Missiondbefehle: In Sektor AK64 patrouillieren


2126    Planquadrat AN 34    Schiff versenkt! Küstenschiff, 2002 Tonnen

0224    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11655 Tonnen
0241    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11654 Tonnen
0319    Planquadrat AM 31    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11653 Tonnen


0230    Planquadrat AL 38    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11673 Tonnen
0409    Planquadrat AL 38    Schiff versenkt! Flower Korvette, 950 Tonnen
0912    Planquadrat AL 38    Schiff versenkt! V&W Zerstörer, 1188 Tonnen
0926    Planquadrat AL 38    Schiff versenkt! T2-Tanker, 10871 Tonnen
0934    Planquadrat AL 38    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11656 Tonnen
0939    Planquadrat AL 38    Schiff versenkt! Leichter Tanker, 4276 Tonnen


2320    Planquadrat AL 25    Schiff versenkt! T3-Tanker, 11697 Tonnen

0905    Planquadrat AN 36    Schiff versenkt! Schlepper, 1149 Tonnen

0121    Planquadrat AO 45    Schiff versenkt! Schlepper, 1150 Tonnen


Verluste: 0
Versenkte Schiffe: 13
Zerstörte Flugzeuge: 0
Patrouillentonnage: 91574 Tonnen

Started atack against convoy in AL38 at best weather. Plan was simple: shoot one tanker, sink the two escorts, surface and kill the convoy with 10,5. Weather killed my plan: after diving in suddenly light storm. So no deckgun and part of convoy drove away.:wah:

Randomizer 09-03-19 01:28 AM

Hopefully this will not count as necro-posting but ever since March 2019, the vast majority of posts in the SH3 Forum have been related to questions or problems. Although I have been guilty of posting both, SH3 is really made to be played so...

Using NYGM3 6F with a bunch of minor mods and playing DiD.

U-1009 OLzS Gerhard Haas, 11th Flotilla commanding

On the afternoon of June 4th 1944 took U-1009 out of Bergen for her first patrol bound for Square AE88. The boat was fully fuelled and provisioned for sixty-days. That evening dived and the boat has run submerged since, usually snorkelling twice a day. In good weather eight or ten hours of snorting at 5-knots really helps the speed of advance otherwise it's 3-knots at 30-metres and barely 80-90 nm per 24-hours. Now it is June 16th and the boat is still days from the objective.

On June 6th a message from BdU informed that the Invasion of France had begun but no new orders were received so U-1009 continues towards her map square. Later that day a warship group was detected by hydrophone effect in Square AF79. Successive bearings provided a rough course and an intercept course was set but it proved impossible to close although did briefly spot a warship's mast at the limits of visibility. Returned to base course and after contact was lost, the boat was spotted while snorkelling by a pair of single engine aircraft, no doubt from an aircraft carrier. Quick action retracting the snort and diving to 50-metres evaded the four depth charges that were dropped.

Passing through the Iceland-Faeroe's Gap was very slow due to many Coastal Command air patrols but yesterday and today have been able to snorkel for most of the day except now the weather has deteriorated and the best speed of advance on the snort is just 3-kts. Figure four to five more days to AE88 and forty-days rations will remain allowing 2-weeks on station.

Kapitän 09-30-19 03:22 PM

U 11 Type IIB 1939/2019
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...

After trials in the Baltic during the month of August, left W'haven on 24 August 1939 for First Patrol in Qu.AN13 (West of Orkney's).

Many enemy airplanes in the area of operation as of Sept.1 but almost no surface patrol craft. Good weather and calm seas while in area of operation, heavy storms and sea during return voyage in middle North Sea.

Returned to W'haven on Sept. 12, having sunk 4 merchants for 12560 BRT and 1 Vickers Vildebeest shut down - fished the pilot out of the water and took him prisoner.
Torpedo hits: 5
Crash dives: 2

Transfered from the 2nd U.-Flotilla to the 1st U.-Flotilla. My Diesel Warrant Machinist and one Nautical Seaman 1cl. were transfered to other boats - had to replace them with a Electric Fireman 1cl., two Diesel Fire Men 3cl. and a Seaman 2cl.

Received orders for Second War Patrol:
- Patrol area Qu.AO41 (Skagerrak)
- Departure scheduled for Oct. 10 ...

John Pancoast 10-10-19 09:04 AM

NYGM Campaign
March, 1941. On the third surface attack on a convoy. Shadowed all day, sending reports but after sunset was told pack can't assemble so on my own. Sunk four ships so far. Attack, escape a short distance away, dive to reload, surface and attack again.
Light broken cloud cover, three quarter moon/stars, winds at 9 m/s. I attack around 2.5 km out. Last ship hit was just over 3k out.

Three clueless escorts. One four stacker in the lead, a corvette port and starboard of the convoy. Looks like I'll shoot all my torpedoes at this one convoy.

Last mission, sunk 66k.

Convoy carnage:

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