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Kapitän 09-15-20 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Niume (Post 2694994)
Just sank Illustrious aircraft carrier with one torpedeo!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Cheers:


Kapitän 09-15-20 04:08 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2694653)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Awards, Promotions & Crew Changes:

Upon arrival in Lorient, I was promoted to Kapitän-Leutnant and the Senior Midshipman (j.g.) and acting L.I., was promoted to Ltnt.-Ing. and awarded with the E.K.I. He also, received additional Machinist Training in Lorient.

The I.W.O., the II.W.O., the Quartermaster and both Warrant Machinists, received the E.K.II.

Two other crew members were promoted and the rest of the crew received several awards. In all, one more E.K.I and 30 more E.K.II were given.

A Fireman-E 3cl and the cook left the boat and were replaced by a Fireman-E 2cl and a new cook (Seaman 2cl).


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 15 September 1940 - Lorient

Taking on of Artillery and A/A Ammunition.
(3.7cm SK C/30U not regarded, as historically, not placed on Uboats until early 1941, first boat being U 111).

Taking on of Provisions and Torpedoes: G7e (K-b) in Tubes V & VI and 4 each in bow compartment below the floor plates.

(in CCoM10.0, Lorient doesn't open until 1941 - I therefore, had to improvise ...)


Kapitän 09-17-20 01:38 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2695628)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 15 September 1940 - Lorient

Taking on of Artillery and A/A Ammunition.
(3.7cm SK C/30U not regarded, as historically, not placed on Uboats until early 1941, first boat being U 111).

Taking on of Provisions and Torpedoes: G7e (K-b) in Tubes V & VI and 4 each in bow compartment below the floor plates.

(in CCoM10.0, Lorient doesn't open until 1941 - I therefore, had to improvise ...)


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Tuesday, 17 September 1940 - Lorient

Trials and tests in Lorient and transfer to St.Nazaire for supplementing of fuel, torpedoes and fresh provision, and pre-war patrol work-up's.

(in CCoM10.0, Lorient doesn't open until 1941 - I therefore, had to improvise ...)


Kapitän 09-18-20 02:30 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2695939)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Tuesday, 17 September 1940 - Lorient

Trials and tests in Lorient and transfer to St.Nazaire for supplementing of fuel, torpedoes and fresh provision, and pre-war patrol work-up's.

(in CCoM10.0, Lorient doesn't open until 1941 - I therefore, had to improvise ...)


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Wednesday, 18 September until 20 September 1940 - St.Nazaire

- Taking on of fuel (total of 176.2cbm).

- Taking on of torpedoes (all Pi-G7H, Pi-1 without MZ):
  • Tubes I-IV: G7e (K-b)
  • Fwd & Aft below the floor plates: 2 ea. G7a (K-a)
  • Upper deck containers: 8 ea. G7a (K-a).
- Pre-war patrol work-up's.


Texas Red 09-19-20 05:41 PM

August 5, 1944

Entry Log #2256
Skipper Wolfgang Ulrich, U-198 type IXD2

The allies are closing in on us. From the east and the west. The Allies invaded Europe nearly 2 months ago, dooming the French ports on the Atlantic. I have no doubt that BdU will disband the 2. flotille and assign us someplace else. Meanwhile our lossess are mounting. Friends of mine are dying quicker. I am one of the very few experinced skippers left in the war. Our last patrol we attacked a convoy, sinking three ships for 15,000 tons. In return, we sustained heavy damage in a depth charge and hedgehog attack. The only reason we survived is because I picked off the attacking escorts with TIV homing torpedoes. To ensure the safety of my crew and myself, I will not attack large and escorted convoys.
It feels as if the allies have a bounty on my head. After all, I have sunk 124,932,7 tons of enemy shipping. They attack my boat with noticably more fercoity then the rest of the Uboat force.

I feel as if the end is drawing near. We depart on our next patrol tomorrow.


KpLt Wolfgang Ulrich

Cajun Kaleun 09-20-20 12:57 AM

Another successful patrol to the Americas this time we were tasked just east of the Dominican Republic during the late spring of 42. It was a fairly uneventful transit only got bounced once leaving Lorient by enemy air but it was a lackluster attempt. Made it to the patrol area and didn't encounter a thing. So I made the decision to steam west to Florida and go around the peninsula.

Just east of the Bermudas while doing a hydrophone check we picked up merchant screws heading our way. The weather was absolutely piss poor visibility was barely 400 meters so I decided to surface and run to a shooting position. First position was useless visibility was so bad and the sea so rocky it was impossible to get a visual contact. So we surfaced and hustled to our next shooting position on their track. Well I miscalculated a little and suddenly they burst out of the fog it was a heavy tanker bearing down right on us. Went all ahead flank to avoid the collision and pumped a stern eel into her. Finished her off with two more and entered the strait between Florida and the Bermudas.

Was running decks awash when hydrophones picked up a destroyer headed straight for us. Crash dived and then suddenly the dreaded splashes. Dived to 150 meters at flank and waited. Luckily they exploded far aft so rigged for silent and scooted out of the area quietly as the destroyer killed the local fish life behind us. Finally made it just south of Key West and decided to take a peek at what early 42 American docks looked like. An old Clemson was the only defense and it was running a wide pattern. After observation decided to draw on my Type II days and went in silent and shallow. Found another Clemson docked and a small tanker. Sank both and slunk back out towards west of Cuba.

At that point the trip took a foul turn American air assets were in an absolute frenzy after our daring raid and it was just constant diving and trying to charge batteries for days until we were well east of Cuba. At that point fuel was low even though we only went through half our compliment of eels and decided it was time just to call it. Better alive and victorious than push our luck anymore with the American ASW assets.

Edit: Forgot about my duds against the Tanker. Had 2 duds and the other 3 found their mark. Rough seas are frightening sometimes.

Texas Red 09-20-20 10:06 AM

September 4, 1944

Entry Log #2257
Skipper Wolfgang Ulrich, U-2531 type XXI

We have been transferred to Bergen, Norway as the French ports on the Atlantic are nearing capture and had to be evacuated. Luckily we recieved a new boat! The newest feat of German engineering, a type XXI boat! Donitz says we could possibly change the tide of the war, I believe so too. See, we can go 17 knots underwater, 10 knots faster than what my type IX could've made underwater. We depart on our next patrol today, time to give those tommies hell!

KpLt Wolfgang Ulrich

Kapitän 09-21-20 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Cajun Kaleun (Post 2695065)
Going to be a bit lazy with this as I have been playing a lot and not really posting. So U-94 has been a lot of fun was getting a ton of tonnage off the English and Irish coasts it was absolute bedlam. Would end up butchering a bunch of merchants and then duck out just as ASW assets showed up it was a grand ole' time through 40 to summer of 41.

Then near the end of 41 some big wig obviously started noting our success started shifting us way south along the Spanish coast. Then while we were still having success they tasked us for Gibraltar every. Single. Time. It was touch and go a lot with destroyers absolutely smothering us with depth charges and other fun toys. After last patrol on which we sank 6 merchants causing absolute pandemonium I decided it was time to fold before BdU got us all killed.

So with the Americans entering the war I put in a transfer to 2. Flotille in Lorient and received command of a Type IXC U-802. First patrol has been good so far. Oddly enough they tasked us for just west of Ireland for some reason. Sank two merchants en route and got to try out the massive deck gun. It was fun. Just finished marking time off Ireland and we are steaming towards Canada for more lucrative hunting grounds.

Do you use Sh3_Cmdr? One can change the patrol grid there ...

Kapitän 09-21-20 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2696363)
To ensure the safety of my crew and myself, I will not attack large and escorted convoys.

Yes! In 1944, that is probably a wise thing to do ...

Kapitän 09-21-20 02:53 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2696055)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Wednesday, 18 September until 20 September 1940 - St.Nazaire

- Taking on of fuel (total of 176.2cbm).

- Taking on of torpedoes (all Pi-G7H, Pi-1 without MZ):
  • Tubes I-IV: G7e (K-b)
  • Fwd & Aft below the floor plates: 2 ea. G7a (K-a)
  • Upper deck containers: 8 ea. G7a (K-a).
- Pre-war patrol work-up's.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 21 September 1940 - St.Nazaire

Basin Trials and taking on of fresh food and provisions.


Cajun Kaleun 09-21-20 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2696555)
Do you use Sh3_Cmdr? One can change the patrol grid there ...

Yes. I do but I kind of enjoyed the patrols and to be honest I purposefully went outside the straits after our patrol area. Most of the patrols were off the coast of Spain of Africa but the hunting in the straits was too good to pass up.

Texas Red 09-21-20 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2696556)
Yes! In 1944, that is probably a wise thing to do ...

I certainly did learn after sustaining that heavy depth charge bombardment!

New entry log to be posted shortly :salute:

Texas Red 09-21-20 04:01 PM

May 13, 1945

Entry Log: #2258

The war is over, we lost. It was clear by Christmas that the days were numbered for the Reich. I surrendered my boat in Loch Ewe, the British crew recognized my emblem, and they sent me into a "special cell". I was then sent to a temporary holding cell in Loch Ewe, where I was questioned about my career. The Army men questioning me had told us that the First Sea Lord had set out a 100,000 dollar reward for my capture or confrimed kill. The chaos I caused the Navy by sinking a record breaking 1,391,473 million tons of merchant shipping. The questioners left me in my interogation cell, I have no clue what will come next.
I am glad to have survived the war.

Wolfgang Ulrich

Yes, I did complete the ENTIRE SH3 game!! I am so happy! :salute:
It has been a wonderful journey!

Kapitän 09-22-20 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2696678)
May 13, 1945

Entry Log: #2258

The war is over, we lost. It was clear by Christmas that the days were numbered for the Reich. I surrendered my boat in Loch Ewe, the British crew recognized my emblem, and they sent me into a "special cell". I was then sent to a temporary holding cell in Loch Ewe, where I was questioned about my career. The Army men questioning me had told us that the First Sea Lord had set out a 100,000 dollar reward for my capture or confrimed kill. The chaos I caused the Navy by sinking a record breaking 1,391,473 million tons of merchant shipping. The questioners left me in my interogation cell, I have no clue what will come next.
I am glad to have survived the war.

Wolfgang Ulrich

Yes, I did complete the ENTIRE SH3 game!! I am so happy! :salute:
It has been a wonderful journey!

Great Job!:Kaleun_Salute:

Kapitän 09-22-20 02:12 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2696557)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 21 September 1940 - St.Nazaire

Basin Trials and taking on of fresh food and provisions.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 22 September 1940 - St.Nazaire

Received operational orders for second war patrol with U 112 and tenth war patrol overall:
- At escort point "Tanne", send transfer message 10°West
- Deep dive trial at 200m-Line
- Take up position in patrol line in front of Northern Channel, in Marqu.49AM.

2140-2150 - Qu.6515BF - N2/2, clear, vis.16000, >1000mb
- Leaving St.Nazaire lock. Taking on escort, distance 400m.


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