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klh 06-22-20 10:30 PM

KTB-8 U-45 (klh)
U-45 left Wilhelmshaven on 14 June 1940 with orders to harass shipping off the southeastern coast of England in grid AN84.

Shortly after arriving on station we intercepted a fast-moving whale factory ship followed closely by an ASW trawler. We attacked the whaler with two torpedoes and heard both hit the target but no explosion. Determined to not lose our quarry, we fired our remaining two forward tubes at the trawler hoping to sink it and surface to attack the whaler with the deck gun. At least one made contact, but it was also a dud. Before we could reload both ships moved out of range, apparently unaware of our presence.

After trying unsuccessfully to intercept a reported task force, we moved in closer to the coast toward what we hoped would be a shipping lane. On 18 June U-45 intercepted a lone coastal freighter and sunk her with two torpedoes without surfacing so that the Allies would think it was the result of mines rather than a U-boat off their coast.

The following day we were stalked for hours by three ASW vessels patrolling together, which we evaded. That evening a lone ASW trawler came into range, and we fired and hit her at close range. She still had power and maneuvering, and turned to ram us. Believing that we had 25 meters under our keel, we dove to avoid contact. However, the charts were incorrect and we struck bottom while at the same time we were hit from above.

The damage was severe. My best watchman, a bootsman, was killed when equipment fell on him. Forward batteries, both periscopes, and hydrophones were destroyed. U-45 was blind and deaf. Severe flooding throughout the boat was the first priority to repair. Electric engines, aft batteries, diesel engines, forward tubes, and the compressor were severely damaged. We sat on the bottom for nearly two hours to make partial repairs, then limped away with only 15% battery power.

After moving approximately 3 km, we surfaced to survey the damage and clear out the choking smoke. Not only did we discover that the deck and flak guns were destroyed, but we were also greeted by the same ASW trawler. Although she was burning and could not move, she began to fire on us. Having no way to return fire or make speed, we submerged once again to periscope depth and moved slowly away on our last bits of battery power until the cover of nightfall.

Once we resurfaced we were able to complete repairs to diesels and make way for home. Nearing the coast we had to submerge again after being fired upon by a small ship which we did not identify.

U-45 arrived in Wilhelmshaven on 21 June 1940 in need of major repairs.
Our success was limited to only 2000 tonnes. Our failure included the loss of a fine bootsman.

Kapitänleutnant Hähl, U-45

Paco 06-23-20 04:53 AM

KTB03 U80 Klemz
Finished the third Patrol

klh 06-27-20 07:19 PM

KTB-9 U-45 (klh)
After some very quick and questionable repairs, U-45 left Wilhelmshaven on 11 July 1940 with orders to again harass shipping off the southeastern coast of England in grid AN81.

Our crew was upbeat and welcomed our new bootsman, who hardly looked older than a schoolboy. Fortunately he was competent and quickly fit in to the routine.

Shortly after arriving on station we were snagged in a deep fog. BdU reported a large convoy coming our way, and we put ourselves in a position to intercept. We manged to get into the middle of the convoy, but only spotted two ships. We fired all five torpedoes, but only one exploded, hitting a large freighter. She quickly melted into the fog. After reloading, we attempted to make contact again, but the convoy slipped away.

The following day the weather cleared up, but that allowed us to be spotted and fired upon by a small torpedo boat. She was too quick to engage with our deck gun, and was scoring hits that were sure to do damage. Unable to fend her off, we dove to periscope depth in the shallow water and eventually made our escape. It was clear that she was not equipped with sonar.

On 17 July we were again hiding in the shipping lanes, and found a lone coastal freighter that evening, approximately 2000 tonnes. She put up a fight, and took three torpedoes to put down.

The following morning in the same area we detected a large tanker escorted by a torpedo boat. Unable to get close, we fired two spread of two torpedoes at 6.5 km. Three hit, and the tanker exploded and sunk with masts still above the waterline.

As we evaded the escort, another merchant was detected by our hydrophones. We made visual contact and were preparing a firing solution as we saw German planes make an attack and sink her.

With only two torpedoes remaining, the weather worsening, and a desire to complete repairs from our previous patrol, U-45 returned to Wilhelmshaven on 19 July 1940. Our score this patrol was nearly 12000 tonnes.

Kapitänleutnant Hähl, U-45

klh 06-29-20 09:49 PM

KTB-10 U-45 (klh)
With orders to intercept shipping on the convoy route to the Mediterranean in grid CF99, U-45 and her crew departed Wilhelmshaven on 8 August 1940. We took the English Channel and between the fog and little luck, we avoided detection by the enemy.

En route to our assigned patrol, we intercepted a lone British merchant on the 15th and sunk her with the deck gun.

A few days after arriving on station, we were alerted to a large convoy headed our way. We plotted an intercept course and were in position to attack in the dark early morning hours of 23 August. We fired a full spread of torpedoes, and managed to quickly reload and fire three more. We sunk three ships including a large merchant and two freighters. We surfaced as soon as possible and plotted and end run to meet the convoy again while also taking the time to bring on board our external eels.

The convoy changed course during the day, but our hydrophone operator was able to maintain contact as we dove every two hours to check their position. We again were in position to ambush the convoy later that evening and fired our remaining torpedoes, sinking two more vessels. The large tanker exploded quickly and broke in two. A freighter took longer to sink, but we confirmed she was going down before we were forced to go deep and silent.

We spent the next several hours avoiding depth charges with only minor damage. We surfaced in the early evening and plotted a course for home through the channel, hugging the coast of France.

U-45 arrived in Wilhelmshaven on 29 August 1940 celebrating six sunk for a total of 34,000 tonnes.

Kapitänleutnant Hähl, U-45

vanjast 06-30-20 03:58 PM

And after many weeks on patrol on an empty sea, we come across a few ships only to watch our torpedoes sail straight through them. :wah:

We're now down to our last two 'front' torpedoes so I decide to surface and bludgeon this ship (above) with shells. I was desperate to improve morale.. and I was desperate.

So feeling somewhat inadequately satisfied we continue, having only two front, and 3 back torpedoes left... with nothing to show for it. My crew are looking at me funny.:hmmm:

Change patrol pattern, there.. here... over there. Three days later a contact at long range. Chase this one at full speed.. You can feel the atmosphere in the sub. :ping:

Pick this ship up in the distance (~23:00) and set about tracking it... the crew are like vultures in a frenzy. It's hard to make out, and at 02:00 I change course for the attack.

I had the ship speed spot on as this first topredo hit the mark.. and the other torpedo just disappeared like the rest.

So at least one torpedo has worked.. and we set coursse for home, hoping to pick up single ships en route. Oct 1939

Sad to see it go down alone.:arrgh!:

klh 06-30-20 04:18 PM


First, what 1920x1080 Gui mod are you using?

Second, was the sea state (weather) bad when you fired? A 3m depth on a torpedo will miss in heavy seas depending on what mods you are using (h.sie for example).

Kapitän 07-01-20 03:20 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2679299)
As of Monday, 10 June 1940 - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau, Bremen, Shipyard

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 112.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Monday, 1 July 1940 - Commissioning of U 112 in Bremen.

Until Thursday, 18 July 1940 - Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division, Gotenhafen (Freg.Kpt. HARTMANN) and the 5th Training Flotilla, Stralsund (Kvt.Kpt. MOEHLE).

Torpedo-Shooting Training was done with the new firing fuse Pi-G7H, which were introduced in June 1940, due to the "torpedo crisis" in April/May 1940.

The Pi-G7H is basically, a Pi-1, which has been adapted according to the torpedoes captured from the English submarine HMS Seal (37 M) but without the magnetic fuse (MZ). So, only the contact fuse (AZ) can be used.

The differentiation between the Ato and Eto pistol, is the same as with the Pi-1:
Kopf/K-a = T-1/G7a/Ato; Kopf/K-b = T-2/G7e/Eto

vanjast 07-01-20 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by klh (Post 2680771)
First, what 1920x1080 Gui mod are you using?

My own mod (with some additions) made a few years ago, I think the timeline was. ;)


Originally Posted by klh (Post 2680771)
Second, was the sea state (weather) bad when you fired? A 3m depth on a torpedo will miss in heavy seas depending on what mods you are using (h.sie for example).

Sea state wasn't that heavy, I could get to the deck gun.

On 4 torpedoes I'd shot were alternating Impact and Magnetic torps at 3m, so if the torps ran deep the magnetic should at least get the ship - no such luck.

NYGM mod - one of the files is not the latest, not worried about changing that now.

Paco 07-01-20 09:08 AM

KTB04 U80 Klemz
Finished the fourth Patrol

klh 07-01-20 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by vanjast (Post 2680838)
My own mod (with some additions) made a few years ago, I think the timeline was. ;)

I missed it when I was converting my setup to 1920x1080 (I ended up using ARB). I like your design - very neat and tidy. Well done!:Kaleun_Cheers:

Kapitän 07-01-20 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 2680840)

Nice read and format! Short patrol and running out of fuel quickly ...

BTW: Torpedo pistol G7H was AZ only (no MZ), from 06.1940 until 11.1942. Only after Pi39H was introduced in 11.1942, MZ was available again ...

klh 07-07-20 10:27 PM

KTB-11 U-94 (klh)
Shortly after returning to Wilhelmshaven I received orders to take command of the Type VIIC boat U-94 and transfer her to the new base in Lorient.

We departed on 18 September 1940 and took the English Channel to our assigned patrol in BF12. I am pleased not to have to make that transit again. Despite being within site of the French coast the entire way, we were harassed by British torpedo boats many times and had to remain submerged during daylight hours.

En route to our assignment we encountered a lone British cargo ship on 23 September and sunk her with torpedoes as the seas were too rough to rely on the deck gun. It took three to finish the job.

On 24 September we intercepted what was reportedly a neutral convoy heading southwest, but discovered to our delight it was flying British flags. We fired a spread of torpedoes and hit two ships, sinking a medium tanker. A pair of destroyer spent the next few hours keeping us down while the convoy made its escape. After surfacing we attempted an end run but the convoy changed course away and eluded us.

We spent the next two days in a search pattern in BF12 and were given the gift of two unescorted tankers. We submerged and waited for them to approach our position. After a fast surface we took aim with the deck gun and sunk both.

The next day we discovered another large British convoy bound for England comprising 16 ships plus escorts. We fired all five tubes and hit three ships, sinking a freighter. I immediately took the boat to 100m silent running and the escorts never picked up our scent.

With only a single aft torpedo left, we made our way to our new base in Lorient, arriving on 29 September 1940. It was a glorious first patrol in U-94, with five kills for 32000 tonnes in only 11 days.

Kapitänleutnant Hähl, U-45

Kapitän 07-08-20 03:20 AM

@klh: Sorry, what Mod are you using again?

klh 07-08-20 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2682079)
@klh: Sorry, what Mod are you using again?

I'm currently running GWX3 and V16B1 with the ARB 1920x1080 mod plus some other mods that I like for gameplay. The "KLH" mods are either combinations of other mods or a few that I've done myself.

1-Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)
2-Tychos Patch (that works)
GWX - 16km Atmosphere
GWX - No Medals on Crew
GWX - Enhanced Damage Effects
German Voices Speed Dial Fix 1.0
ARB WideGui 1920x1080
ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3.1
ARB WideGui English & Deutsch
Fix for GWX and ARB 1920x1080 No officer at helms station
Fix for ARB WideGui Fonts
KLH Sub Emblem
KLH No Fatigue plus No Neutral Penalty
KLH Fix ARB RecogBk Chrono
Das Realistic Food
Ultimate ObjectView Camerav1.0
O2-Gauges v2
KLH Tweaks for GWX ARB
KLH Binocular for ARB GWX
KLH ARB Fix cameras.dat
KLH Working Files for GWX ARB

Kapitän 07-08-20 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by klh (Post 2682107)
I'm currently running GWX3 and V16B1 with the ARB 1920x1080 mod plus some other mods that I like for gameplay. The "KLH" mods are either combinations of other mods or a few that I've done myself.

1-Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)
2-Tychos Patch (that works)
GWX - 16km Atmosphere
GWX - No Medals on Crew
GWX - Enhanced Damage Effects
German Voices Speed Dial Fix 1.0
ARB WideGui 1920x1080
ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3.1
ARB WideGui English & Deutsch
Fix for GWX and ARB 1920x1080 No officer at helms station
Fix for ARB WideGui Fonts
KLH Sub Emblem
KLH No Fatigue plus No Neutral Penalty
KLH Fix ARB RecogBk Chrono
Das Realistic Food
Ultimate ObjectView Camerav1.0
O2-Gauges v2
KLH Tweaks for GWX ARB
KLH Binocular for ARB GWX
KLH ARB Fix cameras.dat
KLH Working Files for GWX ARB

Looks pretty good! I've always played GWX in the past but kinda got stuck on CCoM10.0. Works pretty good is runs quite stable.

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