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Silamon 11-24-16 06:12 PM

So it seems Silent hunter 4 actually costs more since I would have to buy the uboat mission expansion to play the german side....

Now I remember why I never bought these games :hmmm:

rainiere 11-24-16 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2448374)

1266 downloads in less then a month, without major issues reports. I think we've scored bullseye this time...:up:I did several patrols and I don't know about rest of you guys, but my game with TWoS 1.06 is 100% rock stable... Maybe it's time to edit those tips for stable gameplay of mine...:yep:

Yes, I have the same experience with 1.06. I didn't have one single crash yet!:yeah:

vdr1981 11-24-16 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by rainiere (Post 2448433)
Yes, I have the same experience with 1.06. I didn't have one single crash yet!:yeah:


Presentation of the megamod in Spanish language...:)

THEBERBSTER 11-24-16 08:00 PM

Regarding the Steam Conversion problem on my tutorial.
I was not aware of a problem since the original problems were updated by the Subsim community.
I am only the messenger here not my work.

There is another way round this problem which I have seen mentioned regarding STEAM not just for SH5 but also works for other SH versions.
XP virtual machine

When Googling XP virtual machine you can select it for your Windows version.

All a bit technical for me.

Silamon 11-24-16 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2448445)
Regarding the Steam Conversion problem on my tutorial.
I was not aware of a problem since the original problems were updated by the Subsim community.
I am only the messenger here not my work.

There is another way round this problem which I have seen mentioned regarding STEAM not just for SH5 but also works for other SH versions.
XP virtual machine

When Googling XP virtual machine you can select it for your Windows version.

All a bit technical for me.

Wait, you mean the virtual machine got around the problem with cabinet file viewer? I thought that was for something else.
If that is the case I would be willing to try that.

THEBERBSTER 11-25-16 05:28 AM

Hi Silamon
Send a PM to kiinteistoesijoitus and ask him how it works.
I have seen other post regarding this STEAM workaround used on other SH versions.

Gizmortis 11-25-16 11:02 AM

It would have been awesome
If this line was higher in the install directions: Steam version doesn't support generic patcher and therefore this expansion too

THEBERBSTER 11-25-16 12:42 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Gizmortis
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vdr1981 11-25-16 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmortis (Post 2448548)
If this line was higher in the install directions: Steam version doesn't support generic patcher and therefore this expansion too

LoL, it seems that someone is pissed off again .:) Here on Subsim it's common knowledge that if you want to play SH5, you don't buy it trough Steam...

I could emphasize more Steam warning though...:hmm2:

Silamon 11-25-16 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2448623)
LoL, it seems that someone is pissed off again .:) Here on Subsim it's common knowledge that if you want to play SH5, you don't buy it trough Steam...

I could emphasize more Steam warning though...:hmm2:

I don't think it would hurt to mention that at the start of the guide and not 6 steps into the installation:yeah:

I had no idea that getting it through steam was so bad, working on getting a vm going to see if I can patch it that way, if not no worries I guess.

Out of curiosity, where else do you buy it? Would the amazon downloads work? I didn't see the game on Ubisoft's store page or I would have gotten it there.

vdr1981 11-25-16 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Silamon (Post 2448628)
I don't think it would hurt to mention that at the start of the guide and not 6 steps into the installation:yeah:

I had no idea that getting it through steam was so bad, working on getting a vm going to see if I can patch it that way, if not no worries I guess.

Out of curiosity, where else do you buy it? Would the amazon downloads work? I didn't see the game on Ubisoft's store page or I would have gotten it there.

Amazon is fine...Only Steam version has protected executable...

Silamon 11-25-16 06:45 PM

In that case I think I will just refund it on steam and get it on amazon.

Costs a bit more but... seems like it would save me a whole lot of trouble.

kevinsue 11-26-16 08:11 AM

FaT 1 Torpedo TDC setting
Could someone familiar with using the T1 FaT 1 ladder pattern running torpedo please tell me the function of each of the extra dials and how they relate
to setting the various legs of the pattern? :hmmm: Tried various searches but there is very little relevant info on the subject regarding SH5.

EDIT: Ahhh...found some info in the SH3 forum.

vdr1981 11-26-16 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2448699)
Could someone familiar with using the T1 FaT 1 ladder pattern running torpedo please tell me the function of each of the extra dials and how they relate
to setting the various legs of the pattern? :hmmm: Tried various searches but there is very little relevant info on the subject regarding SH5.

EDIT: Ahhh...found some info in the SH3 forum.

If you enable appropriate TAI/Nav map options via OFEV (Torpedo Solution Line), you should be able to observe in game predicted torpedo path . Don't forget to also disable real nav of course...:yep:

elder_gutknecht 11-26-16 10:02 AM

First CTD, while i was in my 3rd patrol near to british cost and really near to end it, turn on radio and talk with my crew trying to increase moral, no tc at this moment
Arrrrgh, time to start my 3rd patrol again

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