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THE_MASK 03-31-16 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394069)
OK , nevermind... The main thing is that we have solved one of the oldest minor SH5 bugs...:up::yep:

Would this have caused ctd ? It crashed goblin editor .

vova78 03-31-16 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394062)
Would it be possible to use one paint for Dithmarschen and the other for Dale clone ?

I know how to do (already tried it for themselves on other ships). Just give me a black texture in DDS.

P.S.: Sober Fix NAO_Dithmarschen second LOD from other ship - NOL_T3Cimmaron :) For me personally, my version is more acceptable solutions issue.

Oby 03-31-16 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394038)
Your solution works really fine for now...:up:

However I would like to test this further more in various situations. This type of ship can be commonly found in axis ports and the one thing which SH5 doesn't like is combination harbor objects + ultra detailed U-boat bunker + bunch of high polygon units, so I'm a bit worried about this.

For now, you can upload your fix as a mod and if everything is OK after testing we can then add it to the modpack...:yep:

Don't need to duplicate main model file to LOD...You can just exclude LOD(for example put ; in front of the LOD file) and all the others as well...and get rid of all the problems related to LODs.:salute:

THE_MASK 03-31-16 07:12 PM

Oby 03-31-16 07:25 PM

Nice:up:...Can we get the link for black hull only version again,please?

vova78 04-01-16 04:23 AM

Did this (Set on top of TWoS). NAO_Dithmarschen is now black, NOL_Dale standard gray. There should be a full-featured ships without bugs. Please test it (I have not done, only in the editor).

EDIT: Mod don't content NAO_Dithmarschen_LOD.gr2, try to using advise by Oby, post #4655

DieReeperbahn 04-01-16 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394067)
Yes,I have the same problem here with Gimp...Anyway, you really dont have to bother your self with that because both paints looks very sexy IMO, + LOD bug is fixed...:yep:

You might try opening it with DXTBmp first then sending it to GIMP.

vdr1981 04-01-16 07:11 AM

OK, thanks for your help guys. :up:

I'll try all the solutions with TWoS...
You should also upload your mods/fixes to subsim download section so that more people can participate in testing and reveal potential glitches...:yep:

vova78 04-01-16 08:39 AM

Also, I'm currently working on a fix for a bug with multiple textures on one ship (for example in folder "NKMSS_HogIsland" there is,,, there is a bug where a ship from far away to see each other as the standart texture and is approached with camouflage. I solve it: for example, assign to the standard vehicle only standart gray texture, at "WarSupplies" clone - camouflage, the third ship clone (or German ship clone) - black texture. Tested - everything works fine.

It is also incorrect data Draft of ships, such as that of the original ship 5.8 meters, while the clone is written 7.6 (actually 5.8 as the original). And finally when firing torpedoes magnet they do not work (tested with a third person view).

P.S.: Vecko, you can do the mission with all ships for tests? Or one mission with allies, and the other with the Germans?

vdr1981 04-01-16 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2394189)
Also, I'm currently working on a fix for a bug with multiple textures on one ship (for example in folder "NKMSS_HogIsland" there is,,, there is a bug where a ship from far away to see each other as the standart texture and is approached with camouflage. I solve it: for example, assign to the standard vehicle only standart gray texture, at "WarSupplies" clone - camouflage, the third ship clone (or German ship clone) - black texture. Tested - everything works fine.

How do you plan to do that? Through ship cfg files in Roster folder? :hmm2:
Or maybe again to turn "cloned ships" into individual units with it's own set of gr2,sim, zon ect files?:hmm2:


It is also incorrect data Draft of ships, such as that of the original ship 5.8 meters, while the clone is written 7.6 (actually 5.8 as the original). And finally when firing torpedoes magnet they do not work (tested with a third person view).
Yeah, you are right about this, I'll check cfg entries for next update...:yep:.

On which ships form recognition manual you have actually spot incorrect draft data issue?:hmmm:


P.S.: Vecko, you can do the mission with all ships for tests? Or one mission with allies, and the other with the Germans?
It'll be done...

vova78 04-01-16 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394191)
On which ships form recognition manual you have actually spot incorrect draft data issue?:hmmm:

NAMC_Penguin It has Draft=8.68, his clone NKL_Ehrenfels has Draft=5.8, NKL_North_Sands has Draft=7.4
The correct value in this case is 5.8 meters. That is one of the clones can be the correct value and the original is not, and vice versa. It is necessary to shoot and watch.

NOL_T3Cimmaron has Draft=10.50, correct is Draft=9.80

And a few more ships. List updated gradually, as to identify the correct Draft needed practical shooting (again, the mission would be useful to all ships).

vdr1981 04-01-16 10:15 AM

100% accurate data would be unrealistic in my opinion because ships draft is very variable in real world and it depends of many factors , like water salinity , ships weight ect...Even in the game, ships draft will also vary due to some game engine issues with somewhat realistic outcome...:yep:
I'm trying to get rid of XXI century computer accuracy in this expansion , not to enforce it, if you understand what I mean...:yep:

Plus, 100% accurate draft info will also be somewhat useles if we know that TDW generic patcher actually randomize torpedo depths. You think that torpedo set to 5.5 m will actually be on that depth? I dont think so...;)

Also Penguin and Ehrenfels data are irelevant because I guess no one will try to actually aim at those ships ?:doh: Those are Germans goddammit...:)
I think that their values are taken from the real historical data related to these ships...:hmm2:

vova78 04-01-16 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394191)
How do you plan to do that? Through ship cfg files in Roster folder? :hmm2:
Or maybe again to turn "cloned ships" into individual units with it's own set of gr2,sim, zon ect files?:hmm2:

The main problem with multiple skins on the same ship loaded through the Roster folder, that they are tied to LOD1 and when the camera goes away and loaded LOD2 always become visible texture standard collection which contains LOD2 (Example scrins: 1, 2, 3, 4. )

So to get rid of this problem on the ship have to appoint .gr2 (LOD1) and _LOD.gr2 (LOD2) same texture (or camouflage, or standard gray - the main thing that they were the same).

It follows that in order to get rid of the glitch with the change of textures when changing LODs - only one texture can be assigned to one ship. And the second option - to put up with this little glitch and leave multi texture from ships as is.

vova78 04-01-16 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394209)
100% accurate data would be unrealistic in my opinion because ships draft is very variable in real world and it depends of many factors , like water salinity , ships weight ect...Even in the game, ships draft will also vary due to some game engine issues with somewhat realistic outcome...:yep:
I'm trying to get rid of XXI century computer accuracy in this expansion , not to enforce it, if you understand what I mean...:yep:

Plus, 100% accurate draft info will also be somewhat useles if we know that TDW generic patcher actually randomize torpedo depths. You think that torpedo set to 5.5 m will actually be on that depth? I dont think so...;)

Also Penguin and Ehrenfels data are irelevant because I guess no one will try to actually aim at those ships ?:doh: Those are Germans goddammit...:)
I think that their values are taken from the real historical data related to these ships...:hmm2:

I accept your point of view! It is logical. But at least probably need a little to reduce this spread, at least 0.5 - 1.0 meters. Otherwise, many players will be disappointed carefully taking aim and "not getting", thinking that they do not know how to shoot :wah: :/\\!! :)
I was so in the Campaign - could not understand what was happening until it included a third person view in the config - torpedo was all this time, right on target but below it by about three meters! This makes magnetic fuses are not playable, especially if you play without a view from a third party.

EDIT: I think the question can be left with a draft as there are, as there probably is no one correct answer. As in real life to submarine sailors also had a hard time :Kaleun_Mad: :)

palmic 04-01-16 11:04 AM

Does someone know how i could add magui tdc, rudder and so into twos? I would really like to try it, but i don't want to lose great Veco contribution.

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