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vdr1981 01-30-16 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Roninx (Post 2378021)
I finally got this wonderful mod to work! :up:

Now, I am somewhat of a noob to SH5 and I must admit I am overwhelmed by the manual targeting. I already left out Real Navigation during install ( at some point I will try it, I promise!!), but is there as well a way to change the targeting to a somewhat more automatic or semi automatic version? If I try to reduce realism in the main menu to leave out manual targeting, it does not seem to work in game. It seems I still need to calculate some data points to get a target solution.

At least until I got a better feel for the game I would like to have targeting a lesser challenge with TWOS. If you could help me out here I would appreciate.

There's an option "Manual targeting enforced" (true/false) available in OFEV application ("XO TDC" tab). Check FAQ for more and and set up game difficulty to your liking...:yep:

Roninx 01-30-16 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2378087)
There's an option "Manual targeting enforced" (true/false) available in OFEV application ("XO TDC" tab). Check FAQ for more and and set up game difficulty to your liking...:yep:

Thanks mate!

Btw, is the in game cinematic music "Das Boot" taken from a separate mod? I saw that the main menu/music is taken from a separate mod, but I could not identify the mod from which the in game music of the movie is taken from.

ual002 01-30-16 08:59 PM

Dude. Played all day. Holy crap. Sooo much better than i remember. I did have to use the out of game editor thing to turn on easy targeting. Until I get the hang of manual again.

Additionally, I have an old copy of TDWs sub flag (flagpole for your uboat) mod. Unsure if that got lost or was purposely not added, but if you need it let me know. I dont want to mess with the boat upgrades to make them display just because I do remember it took a bit of work and I dont want to break anything.

OldnSlow 01-31-16 01:38 AM

Trevallys Tutorials with The Wolves of Steel & CTD
Hi guys, just trying to get back into SH5 after a long break. I have done a clean install plus added Wolves of Steel.
I am trying to do the 90 degree attack tutorial but I cannot get past the stage where it asks me to turn on the TDC. The highlighter zooms into a blank area on my screen where no buttons appear and I cannot press the next button. Where do I press? Can anyone help?

EDIT: I finally managed to find the TDC on button :-) now I have enabled Real Navigation for an extra challenge!

I am also having the occasional CTD when playing the tutorials. I followed every stage of the install guide, the forum instructions and the video guide but still get CTDs. (I have always had an occasional CTD problem with SH5 since the beginning).

vdr1981 01-31-16 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by ual002 (Post 2378205)
Additionally, I have an old copy of TDWs sub flag (flagpole for your uboat) mod.

TDW Sub flags=CTDs...:yep:


Originally Posted by OldnSlow (Post 2378235)
I am also having the occasional CTD when playing the tutorials. I followed every stage of the install guide, the forum instructions and the video guide but still get CTDs. (I have always had an occasional CTD problem with SH5 since the beginning).

This is not the first time that people have complained about CTDs during Trevally's tutorial sessions, but since I dont use them , I cant do much about that...I need more data...
Check my sig for "how to report an issue" and try to be more concrete...Which tutorial, how to reproduce CTD ect...

I've just completed two tutorials without CTDs (RAOBF and 90deg attack 1)...:up:
As I said, until I'm able to reproduce the issue I must assume that it is caused by user or by inadequate game/mod installation...Sorry...:yep:

ual002 01-31-16 11:25 AM

Subflag = CTD. Rgr good to know, Thanks. Shame.

ual002 01-31-16 02:12 PM

Any idea why the button to take over manual dive plane control does nothing?

vdr1981 01-31-16 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by ual002 (Post 2378389)
Any idea why the button to take over manual dive plane control does nothing?

Probably incorrectly activated TDW Generic patcher or the Shapshot...(Step 6)

ual002 01-31-16 03:10 PM

I guess i need to do it again since 1.03? or because i replaced my captains picture? or Both?

vdr1981 01-31-16 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by ual002 (Post 2378398)
I guess i need to do it again since 1.03? or because i replaced my captains picture? or Both?

I dont get you there? What "1.03" ?

Regarding captain picture, simple dds file replace wont do any harm, I'm sure...

ual002 01-31-16 03:31 PM

Sorry, 1.05 upd 3

vdr1981 01-31-16 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by ual002 (Post 2378403)
Sorry, 1.05 upd 3

No, you have to activate the patcher and the snapshot only once, on your first game/mod installation. When it's required to re-enable the shapshot with new update , I usually point it out in update in update's readme instructions.

Check your TDW patcher, it should look like this if everything is OK...

ual002 01-31-16 10:06 PM

I don't think I was fully updated the first time I did this. I'm seeing more items in the unexploded list now. I had like 4 originally. Should have stopped there but somehow the game ran.

I'll report back possibly tomorrow. Thanks for your quick replies.

EDIT: looks good so far. Quick question. So the included flag document indicates faction allegience. The dutch ships (netherlands) prior to the date specified as ALLIED, I can assume are neutral?

Kumando 02-01-16 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2378416)
No, you have to activate the patcher and the snapshot only once, on your first game/mod installation. When it's required to re-enable the shapshot with new update , I usually point it out in update in update's readme instructions.

Check your TDW patcher, it should look like this if everything is OK...

Vecko Artillery coastal defense patches should be disabled by default?

vdr1981 02-01-16 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Kumando (Post 2378482)
Vecko Artillery coastal defense patches should be disabled by default?

Yes, because TWoS coastal defenses already have their own hydro capabilities...


Originally Posted by ual002 (Post 2378463)
I don't think I was fully updated the first time I did this. I'm seeing more items in the unexploded list now. I had like 4 originally. Should have stopped there but somehow the game ran.
I'll report back possibly tomorrow. Thanks for your quick replies.

Keep in mind guys that correctly activated Generic Patcher (step 6) is crucial for SH5...Everything is explained in details so make sure not to mess up something there ...:yep:


Originally Posted by ual002 (Post 2378463)
EDIT: looks good so far. Quick question. So the included flag document indicates faction allegience. The dutch ships (netherlands) prior to the date specified as ALLIED, I can assume are neutral?

Until German attack, yes...

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