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THEBERBSTER 11-28-15 05:49 AM

Hi Vice

I've 16 skill points to spend but the game still say "you don't have enought skill point for this ability" for the first level :doh:
It maybe the games way of telling you that this ability has been removed from the game.
It maybe one of Vecko's patch13 modifications.


steevo45 11-28-15 08:02 AM

Crash Dive Wait
Just a quicky, I've notices that when I order crash dive I'm sent to hydrophone and nothing happens for about 20 seconds-very sluggish crew! How can I change this to make it quicker, say 5 seconds after crash dive order. Surely must be a simple tweak of a cfg file somewhere.

THEBERBSTER 11-28-15 11:01 AM

Hi steevo


I've notices that when I order crash dive I'm sent to hydrophone
In this picture you can see the stations you can crash dive to.


nothing happens for about 20 seconds-very sluggish crew! How can I  change this to make it quicker, say 5 seconds after crash dive order.
As you can see in the example from the picture below you can customize the crash dive delay time to whatever you want.


Dodo11 11-28-15 06:42 PM

Thx for this great megamod.

Vice84 11-29-15 04:28 AM

The berbster, where i can get that file editor/viewer?

THEBERBSTER 11-29-15 06:16 AM

Hi Vice

The berbster, where i can get that file editor/viewer?

Or as a stand alone.
Post #6 TDW's Option File Editor Viewer Installing It Correctly

Mods need to be disabled before making changes.


steevo45 11-29-15 06:41 AM

Crash Dive Again
The berbster,
I was able to open the file editor viewer as shown in your post but don't seem to be able to bring up the editing box as shown in your post to make the time change from 20 seconds to something more realistic. can you explain?

vdr1981 11-29-15 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by steevo45 (Post 2362215)
The berbster,
I was able to open the file editor viewer as shown in your post but don't seem to be able to bring up the editing box as shown in your post to make the time change from 20 seconds to something more realistic. can you explain?

Any value lower than, let's say, 15-16s will be unrealistic because than your sub will CD very fast, much faster than it actually should...:yep:

And once again guys, read goddamn FAQ and tips before posting...:)

Dodo11 11-29-15 08:33 AM

Map contacts
How can i restore contacts to show on the map ?
At which option in OFEV should i look ?

vdr1981 11-29-15 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dodo11 (Post 2362244)
How can i restore contacts to show on the map ?
At which option in OFEV should i look ?

vdr1981 11-29-15 04:36 PM

Ancora niente Gap ?:O:
Maybe model without sandbags? :hmm2:

Dodo11 11-29-15 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2362320)

Its exactly what i needed.
Thank you.

LCQ_SH 11-30-15 12:27 AM

So I have noticed when warshirps (mainly DDs) are approaching to me as fast as hell, sonar man will say "moving slow". I listen to them myself and props almost sound as rockets.

The opposite also happens, when a task force of DDs is moving so slow, sonar man will say "moving fast"..... any clue on what is it going on?:hmmm:

Also I was using time compression, suddenly I got TCx1 got a DD infront of me no more than 1,500 m (it was night, very little light fog). MY first thought was "holly.....I'm dead". I ordered to crash dive, and it did not even notice I was there. (nor by its hydrophone or active sonar) Is that that type of AI I will be dealing the my who carrier? :hmmm:

THEBERBSTER 11-30-15 05:07 AM

The sonarman always seems to say "moving fast" whether the ship is or not.
Does not help with the plotting as fast is determined as "13 knots and faster."
It is the same with the ranges always being "long range" unless you can see it.
And what is "constant distance" all about?

The only way to be sure it seems is to take timed sonar reports as in the 4 bearings.


gap 11-30-15 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2362356)
Ancora niente Gap ?:O:
Maybe model without sandbags? :hmm2:

Sorry for my usual delay Vecko, I suck at estimating release dates and at meeting deadlines :D

After reducing the polygonal resolution of my sandbag model, I further reduced its polygon count by removing the inner and lower faces that would have been occluded by other polygons in game. This was a time consuming process, as I know no method to do it automatically. Moreover, every time I imported the model, I discovered the stock GR2 file I had used as template had some type of unknown data format not supported by GR2 editor. I lost my work more than three times :/\\!! ...but I don't complain, because I gained a lot of experience (pity TDW is not around, I have a lot of exception reports for him).

Anyway, now all the models are game ready. I just need to set some controllers/cfg files. Wait for updates by me later today :up:

PS: should we model any damage for bunker, sandbags and ammo boxes? I could set some new zone definitions for them, something not too complicated:

bunker - damage mesh/boxes only above the waterline (to avoid it being subject to torpedo hits), huge Armor Level/HP values (it should only be affected by some heavy airdropped bombs), not destructible (the model shouldn't disappear after its HP are zeroed), no floatability (the model shouldn't sink), fire effect triggered when nearly destroyed. Basicly the bunker should work as a "damage absorber", shielding the gun within it.

sandbags - same zone definition as the bunker (it should actually work as a shield for the gun and ammo boxes behind it).

ammo boxes - reasonably low AP/HP values, high multiplier, cargo type: ammo (I think one of the existing zone definition might be used on these).

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