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gutted 10-20-15 09:56 AM

Just checked the version in the main menu and apparently Uplay installed version 1.1.5 instead of 1.2.

Had to run the game updater manually in the game install folder.

Geez, now i remember why i hate Uplay :/\\!!

Aktungbby 10-20-15 10:08 AM

Welcome back
gutted! After a long silent run :salute: cannot assist; i removed the SHV game myself and went back to reliable AoD and SHII & DC.

gutted 10-20-15 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2352203)
gutted! After a long silent run :salute: cannot assist; i removed the SHV game myself and went back to reliable AoD and SHII & DC.

Yeah it's been a few years. :)

No worries though, after updating the game to the correct version everything installs fine.

THEBERBSTER 10-20-15 10:23 AM

A Warm Welcome Back > gutted:subsim:
You Will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:
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Treat Yourself To The Wolves Of Steel Mega Mod <> SH5 The Dawn Of A New Beginning :)
The Wolves Of Steel > Adds The Missing Target Identify Icon Back > Wind & Smoke addon Mod:)
Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos:ping:

THEBERBSTER 10-20-15 10:27 AM

hi Deke

Check out
Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos

Also there are plenty of YouTube videos that will give you the basics of what you need to do.
Also your game play difficulty level will have an infkuence.


Muddyn 10-20-15 01:17 PM

Hi everyone!

How do you progress to the next campaign? I've finished coastal waters, i have been at sea when it ended (1st of June 1940, right?) And i docked in wilhelmshaven on june 15th and still nothing happened. What do i do?

Aktungbby 10-20-15 01:40 PM

welcome aboard!
Muddyn! After a very long silent run! :Kaleun_Salute: I cannot recall but is that the correct homeport with anchor icon?

Muddyn 10-20-15 01:44 PM

Yes it is, but if i remember correctly i wouldn't need to dock anyway right? Usually when a campaign ends you get teleported right to the next screen

THEBERBSTER 10-20-15 02:02 PM

A Warm Welcome Back > Muddyn:subsim:
You Will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:
New To Silent Hunter <> Need Help <> Click On My Thread Link.:salute:
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community :yeah:
Treat Yourself To The Wolves Of Steel Mega Mod <> SH5 The Dawn Of A New Beginning :)
The Wolves Of Steel > Adds The Missing Target Identify Icon Back > Wind & Smoke addon Mod:)
Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos:ping:

You do not get teleported anywhere to the next campaign "Happy Times."
That sounds like something you may have remembered that may well have happened in the stock game.

My apology for the previous errors, hope they did not cause you any problems.


Muddyn 10-20-15 02:20 PM

Running a test save right now. Ill let you know how it plays out! Thanks for the help!

Muddyn 10-20-15 02:48 PM

Testing done

Left Wilhelmshaven on may 25th 1940
Docked on june 16th at around 1300
Same as before,
No "campaign-switch-screen"

Chose to sail again,
Started in France on july 2nd, on the top of the map it still said "coastal waters, with no missions available.

vdr1981 10-20-15 05:48 PM

@ peter
you've got it all wrong

@ muddyn
check yoyo's posts few pages before.

typing from cellphone , sry...

Deke 10-20-15 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2352214)
hi Deke

Check out
Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos

Also there are plenty of YouTube videos that will give you the basics of what you need to do.
Also your game play difficulty level will have an infkuence.


In this movie Let`s Play Silent Hunter 5 Wolves of Steel # 1 - Danzig Bay Taskforce
At the time 8:52 he is klicking a button named ship identification
I don't have that button. i have also not the manual for ships.

Muddyn 10-21-15 01:15 AM

I did see yoyo's post, but there was no solution other than use silentotto. I don't want to loose my crew experience everytime i finish a campaign. Is there no other solution?

Tonci87 10-21-15 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Deke (Post 2352405)
In this movie Let`s Play Silent Hunter 5 Wolves of Steel # 1 - Danzig Bay Taskforce
At the time 8:52 he is klicking a button named ship identification
I don't have that button. i have also not the manual for ships.

The button is disabled in WoS because it´s basially a cheat. To get the manual you have to activate the charts (button on the right side) and then you most likely have to drag it out because it´s hidden on the side of your screen. Only one of those brown handles should be visible.

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