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DaveU186 06-08-09 03:18 PM

Back after third patrol. Patrolling AM29 didn't get into any convoys, but got a Taskforce contact, intercepted and clocked nine escorts, two Southamton class, three battleships, and a carrier. Could only get in a position for a long-range shot on one of the Southampton classes, but struck him and he listed to aft. Was quite surprised only one escort came looking for me.

After a couple of hours HMS Birmingham went under. :yeah:

Few days later picked up an escort West of Ireland, two Black Swan escorts and a pathetic little submarine. Two escorts were taken out early doors, and after another couple of hours in amongst the escort, eight more merchants. Convoy completely decimated.

57,000 tonnes. :arrgh!:

Paul Riley 06-08-09 05:48 PM

New career due to a small problem earlier
Well after a recent unfortunate event during my 1st patrol in GWX3GOLD earlier tonight I have had to start a new career :nope: , hopefully I can see this one through longer.
As my first patrol was assigned to AN26 so I decided I shall return there with this new career.My last career was terminated on 30th Aug 1939 and so I just missed the invasion of Poland.I decided to start this new career on Sept 1st,giving me just a couple of days before Britain joins the war.

Right,here are the details of my new career -

.................................................. .................................................

2nd Sept 1939. + 1 day in port installing KDB
7th Flotilla
Leutnant z.s. Rudolf Esselmann
Mission - to patrol AN26,then prepare for hostile operations against Britain.High priority targets being Polish and French shipping.Under no circumstances are neutral vessels to be engaged,target verification must be carried out at all times during daylight hours as much as possible.

.................................................. .................................................

OrangeYoshi 06-08-09 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1114472)
Well after a recent unfortunate event during my 1st patrol in GWX3GOLD earlier tonight I have had to start a new career :nope: , hopefully I can see this one through longer.
As my first patrol was assigned to AN26 so I decided I shall return there with this new career.My last career was terminated on 30th Aug 1939 and so I just missed the invasion of Poland.I decided to start this new career on Sept 1st,giving me just a couple of days before Britain joins the war.

.................................................. .................................................

How did you manage to get killed before the war even started? Did you run aground or what?

Paul Riley 06-08-09 06:09 PM

LOL valid question.No,during my last patrol I noticed what I THOUGHT was a bug with the game,then it turned out that what I had experienced was in fact a well documented bug/issue and was apparently normal.

For further information on this,read tonight's thread I did titled I seem to have developed quite a serious problem with the game,GWX3GOLD AND stock!

Everything should be in there for you to find out what happened ;)

Pohl 06-08-09 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1114472)
Well after a recent unfortunate event during my 1st patrol in GWX3GOLD earlier tonight I have had to start a new career :nope:

Leutnant Willy Werner (something like that) will be avenged, I shall find a carrier/battleship and sink it on his name :stare:

BTW Update on patrol:

Still on patrol #2, burned some diesel to try to reach a task force near Scapa Flow after returning from the arctic (20 days out there) but I never found it, instead I sunk a Freighter type, wasted 4 eels on her, since they enjoyed bouncing on her hull with both magnetic and impact pistols, I've been so many days in the ocean and seen so little action...hopefully it will be better, had to celebrate happy new year in the way to british territory, I was thinking in raiding a port, but my heavy sub ain't made for that work.

Leutnant Rudolf Gräff

Paul Riley 06-09-09 03:36 AM

Thanks Pohl :up:

Poor Willie Werner never had a chance,had to retire due to technical problems back home affecting his performance (in game bug really).
I tell you one thing though,this green crew I have now are especially determined to make up for that loss! :arrgh!:

meduza 06-09-09 07:19 AM

Oct '41. U-371 is coming home to Brest after completing its 13th patrol west of Strait of Gibraltar, during which 11 ships were sunk, total of 56,000t.

Paul Riley 06-09-09 07:31 AM

Willie is back!
Great news!

After an important family visit by Willie Werner due to his ill father (really it was an ingame bug,or was it?) I am pleased to say he is back on duty (I forgot I saved Willie's career on memory card :yeah:), and he will be embarking on his 2nd patrol some time today.His crew are delighted at his return and can't wait to do him proud.
He has only been absent for just short of 2 days,so he should be able to get in good position before the outbreak of war proper.

A special thanks goes out to Willie's friends and supporters through this difficult time,and he promises to make a significant contribution to the war effort.


meduza 06-09-09 07:34 AM

Good to have Willie back! :salute:

Captain Birdseye 06-09-09 07:40 AM

The end of a long 10 patrol career:
Leutnant z. S. Josef Bunzel and U-403 surrendered to the Allies on 25MAR43. Josef Bunzel was sent to a POW camp in Scotland where he spent the rest of the war. Josef Bunzel died on 19 November 1970.

An apt end, I think.

Jimbuna 06-09-09 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1114634)
Thanks Pohl :up:

Poor Willie Werner never had a chance,had to retire due to technical problems back home affecting his performance (in game bug really).
I tell you one thing though,this green crew I have now are especially determined to make up for that loss! :arrgh!:

I'm ignoring this.....I'm no Willie watcher :smug:

Paul Riley 06-09-09 08:06 AM

Come on jim,not even a Willie warmer?

Synthfg 06-09-09 08:55 AM

Spring 43,
Currently cruising in the northern Gulf of Mexico in a Hurricane, waiting for the weather to clear,

Sighted an american airship when rounding florida but it turned tail and ran before I could approach to gun range. then the weather came in.

Jimbuna 06-09-09 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1114730)
Come on jim,not even a Willie warmer?


Paul Riley 06-09-09 11:56 AM

I cant believe you beat me to it jim! :har:
Well mine is better than yours,and I intend to use it if I get sent anywhere near the arctic or Russia in my career,and it also has breathing holes :03:

I think this hat may be useful near the arctic too,or in the N.Atlantic.
Note - that pic is not me,although I want that hat!


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