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succerpunch 02-28-15 01:17 AM

Is there a way to disable Manual Targeting?

Sjizzle 02-28-15 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by succerpunch (Post 2291987)
Is there a way to disable Manual Targeting?

u can disable it from game menu or from TDW's Option File Viewer

succerpunch 02-28-15 05:18 AM

I have it disabled in game menu but it still wont work in game and what do I disable in Option File Viewer?

THEBERBSTER 02-28-15 06:07 AM

Hi succerpunch

Quote > I have it disabled in game menu but it still wont work in game.

I am assuming that the box was previously ticked and you have un-ticked the box and saved the settings but the settings do not take effect.

Any Game Play setting changes you make will only be effective in the bunker before you start a patrol not while you are out on patrol.

However > Go to your:

Documents folder

SH5 folder

Data folder

cfg folder

GameplaySettings CFG file

Look for > ManualTargetingSystem=true < change to false

Go to file

Go to save


If you have TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV) installed may have to disable TDW’s NewUI (main mod) in JSGME for any changes to be effective.

Before you do this check the XO tab in the OFEV

If the 'Manual targeting enforced' patch is showing red then you do not need to do anything else below.

If it is blue then carry on with the instructions below.

Create a mep file to do this.

See my tutorial post # 5 if you do not know how to do this.

Create your mep file.

Do not make any changes to this mep file.

Make another mep file with a different reference to it.

Mep file 1 no changes

Mep file 2 delete TDW’ New UI

Load mep file 2

In the OFEV

Go to the XO tab.

Change Manual targeting enforced from true to false.

Go to file

Go to save.


Load mep file 1


vdr1981 02-28-15 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Husksubsky (Post 2291572)
How many tons for baltic operation? I just get funny dates and zeros on my sinkings and tonnage bar is not moving. I thought that issue was solved. I saw Sober had a tonnage bar fix snapshot but im not eager about messing with the snapshot I got with the modpack. I dont care about the bar but I like to complete missions and get type c eventually.can I put my tonnage manually and get the benefits from it?I have 35 000 tons now I think baltic was less than that

Actually it's two ships only. But don't worry, this mission wont effect your progress in any way, It's just cool mission for campaign start. You can proceed to Kiel anytime and shift to British coastal waters. And you'll get your type VIIB and C and C41...It's just a matter of the campaign...

Avenger 02-28-15 07:02 AM

Hello gentlemen,

after downloading the latest version of Wolves of Steel megamod yesterday, I followed the installation guide

I think, everthing is fine. I started a new carrier at Memel, left the harbour and headed for Danzig harbour. I could do that, because I am not a completly noob in navigation. Running the automation script for a first celestial fix on the map, doesn´t work. The navigator tries to position via dead-reckoning and of course he can´t! Right now, my sub is surfaced with very nice weather, no rain, sun is shinning, just a few very little clouds. The navigator doesn´t want to do his job. Do I have to head back for Memel and fire him? :har:

Best regards

vdr1981 02-28-15 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Avenger (Post 2292038)
Hello gentlemen,

after downloading the latest version of Wolves of Steel megamod yesterday, I followed the installation guide

I think, everthing is fine. I started a new carrier at Memel, left the harbour and headed for Danzig harbour. I could do that, because I am not a completly noob in navigation. Running the automation script for a first celestial fix on the map, doesn´t work. The navigator tries to position via dead-reckoning and of course he can´t! Right now, my sub is surfaced with very nice weather, no rain, sun is shinning, just a few very little clouds. The navigator doesn´t want to do his job. Do I have to head back for Memel and fire him? :har:

Best regards

You have to match current nautical time with selected script, did you do that?

Avenger 02-28-15 07:14 AM

Yes I did. There are 4 or 5 selections for a celestial fix. I activated them all. Not the dead-reckoning one.

Thx for your quick answer!

vdr1981 02-28-15 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Avenger (Post 2292046)
Yes I did. There are 4 or 5 selections for a celestial fix. I activated them all. Not the dead-reckoning one.

Thx for your quick answer!

Heh no...You should activate only one...:03:

Note nautical time in upper right corner and popup cloud text...

Avenger 02-28-15 08:21 AM

Mhm, with sobers mega mod I could activate them alltogether at the same time without problems.
Activating only one at a time doesn´t work neither. :hmmm:

Husksubsky 02-28-15 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2292034)
Actually it's two ships only. But don't worry, this mission wont effect your progress in any way, It's just cool mission for campaign start. You can proceed to Kiel anytime and shift to British coastal waters. And you'll get your type VIIB and C and C41...It's just a matter of the campaign...

Oh thank you. Im now in process of full reinstall (wich is so quick with your mod its just fun :D) with new uplay etc.
I ll try and hope for the best, since I never got complete in progress files and 0 tonnage I got suspicious. I removed the advanced setting that stopped campaign progress in patcher, but then game froze when I clicked to see captains log. Anyway I ll go sink a Gryf minelayer and some more and see what happens . Baltic will never show complete? or ...:hmm2:
And those funny dates (zeros or weird numbers) are nothing to worry about?

vdr1981 02-28-15 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Avenger (Post 2292089)
Mhm, with sobers mega mod I could activate them alltogether at the same time without problems.
Activating only one at a time doesn´t work neither. :hmmm:

I guess you've activated real nav optional patch? :D


Originally Posted by Husksubsky (Post 2292091)
Oh thank you. Im now in process of full reinstall (wich is so quick with your mod its just fun :D) with new uplay etc.
I ll try and hope for the best, since I never got complete in progress files and 0 tonnage I got suspicious. I removed the advanced setting that stopped campaign progress in patcher, but then game froze when I clicked to see captains log. Anyway I ll go sink a Gryf minelayer and some more and see what happens . Baltic will never show complete? or ...:hmm2:
And those funny dates (zeros or weird numbers) are nothing to worry about?

I personally sail the campaign with advanced and orbit patches disabled but they are enabled in the snapshot because some players told me that is necessary to be so. Till this day I'm not really sure should they be enabled or not...
I always have funny 0000-00-00 dates when I sink some ship but my tonnage is properly registered always. Also do not attack Polish ships until midnight , they will become enemy then.

Avenger 02-28-15 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2292117)
I guess you've activated real nav optional patch? :D.

Aha, now it looks ok. Is there a real nav without it?

vdr1981 02-28-15 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Avenger (Post 2292153)
Aha, now it looks ok. Is there a real nav without it?

Well of course not...
If you wish to use TDW real navigation your activated JSGME list should look like this

The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 4
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - TDW Real Navigation

planecrazydale 02-28-15 01:01 PM

Ubiplay and Wolves of Steel mod question
Hi, I downloaded SH5 through Ubiplay, and when I try to run it using this mod it looks like everything will work fine (I get the Wolves of Steel load screen, etc) and then when I click New Campaign, or anything else for that matter (like Tutorial, etc) it goes to the "loading" screen with the timer at the bottom right, then everything closes and it brings up the Ubiplay desktop with the Silent Hunter 5 pic in the middle and the "play" button.

If I click the play button there, it goes to the Wolves of Steel opening load screen again, I click New Campaign, or whatever, and again it closes and goes to the Ubiplay Silent Hunter screen with the "play" button.

So, obviously I am in some kind of loop. It seems like other people can use the mod even with Ubiplay.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Or can someone give me some advice please?

Thanks all!


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