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fitzcarraldo 01-22-16 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by KrOkOZyABrA (Post 2376020)

In bunker before request mission and go to the boat? I will try it. Ever I save and reload when I am in the boat bridge, inside bunker, before departure.

Many thanks!
Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Working now with your solution. Load the bunker- exit and save - reload the game. So the supply officer works.

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Kumando 01-23-16 03:20 AM

Snapshot changes:
- Remark: in v1.05 "Carriers/Airbases launch aircraft" patches are disabled because of suspicion that these are responsible for planes overspawn bug which can corrupt game saving function. You can enable these patches at you discretion and report any findings in TWoS home thread.

So this means there will be no aircrafts launched from bases and carriers by default?

vdr1981 01-23-16 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2376024)

Working now with your solution. Load the bunker- exit and save - reload the game. So the supply officer works.

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

You're surprising me Fitz. :) This "solution" is old almost as SH5 it self...Not to mention that it is bolded in install instruction...:yep:

JT1981 01-23-16 05:04 AM

how to escape from dd?dd will always follow me even in silent running with 1knot
,it will never give up,what should i do?

JT1981 01-23-16 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Roxor (Post 2375592)
So on the first mission for the Atlantic Air Gap Mission I was told to "Intercept a convoy and sink at least 2 ships"

In that area I was doing 6-7 knots, every 2h manual hydro search @ 34m, doing 45° tacking every 4h. (Zig-Zag)

While listing to the hydro, I found an unknown contact. I raced to it at 15 knots for 1h then another hydro search. This time my sonar man calls out "Merchant-mid speed-long distance" + some warships. I thought it was a merchant convoy w/ heavy escort. Lucky for me they were closing the distance and getting closer. I waited for a bit until my sonar man could give me a distance (12000m). Next I plotted an intercept, witch was only like 4-5km away.

Lol when I looked through the scope and saw first the Illustrious-class aircraft carrier then the Royal Sovereign Battleship. :arrgh!:

I fired 2 on each and only one hit on each. (2 duds)

So the answer is be at the right place at the right time. The convoy was vary fast at 17 knots. I think I was lucky because at 17 knots you can't catch up or follow. Also watch out for the flank destroyers in the formation they came vary close to me and I was over 2000m away from the A/C.

Also keep in mind the sonar man calls the A/C a Merchant!:yep:

After the hits and they started sinking the whole task force was on me for 4h I was depth charged and forced to dive to 160m. Eventually I made it back to base.

Don't know why it did not count for the task... a little disappointing. Just says Finished in red. If someone knows why this is please let me know:hmm2:

-Gute Zeiten !

How many escorts the task force have?i encounter some task force today,2 dido class light crusier and 16 dds,i gived up and run away...

another question,how do you escape from being hunted? i was followed by one dd,it will hears me even i am rig for silent running in 1knot....what should i do?

MCM 01-23-16 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by JT1981 (Post 2376110)
how to escape from dd?dd will always follow me even in silent running with 1knot
,it will never give up,what should i do?

Maybe you should go deep? Minimum 80m... that helps alot. Also try to show the smallest shiloutte agains the DDs. Short full ahead when they are right above you. And change your course every now and then :up:

JT1981 01-23-16 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2376121)
Maybe you should go deep? Minimum 80m... that helps alot. Also try to show the smallest shiloutte agains the DDs. Short full ahead when they are right above you. And change your course every now and then :up:

thank you,when change course in silent running,it turns slow,the speed will drop to 1knot or even below....that will make the sub a good target for dd...if order ahead flank,you will make alot of noise....

MCM 01-23-16 09:29 AM

That's why I wrote: "when the DD is over you" You wait until the DD is almost directly over you (the ping-ping echolot sound stops) and THEN you take full speed and turn (perferable away from DD course)! This you are doing for approx. 10sec, then back to silent run again. In this time the DD can't hear you, because you are right in his back. And as long as waterbombs are exploding keep on full speed because no DD can hear anything.

Also in early war waterbombs go maximum of 80m dive depth as far as I know, may someone can approve? And in middle of war not far more than 130m I think. So go as deep as you can. Second advantage is that the echolot is getting very bad signature of your uboot so far down.

fitzcarraldo 01-23-16 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2376070)

You're surprising me Fitz. :) This "solution" is old almost as SH5 it self...Not to mention that it is bolded in install instruction...:yep:

I'm a rookie in SH5...Bought it in 2011 and now (five years after) I'm playing with TWoS....

I think (only my opinion), in the install instructions is not clear when you have to save - reload the game in bunker. Bunker with mission assigned and in the bridge of the boat or on the bunker pen? Now I know is on the bunker pen. :D

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

ryejar333 01-23-16 08:48 PM

just a quick question. I am runnin a 3440x1440 monitor. Is there a 43:18 resolution patch for wolves of steel? I did not install a rez patch, but I think the mod comes standard with a 16:9 resolution patch. Would that work with my hardware? If not, any suggestions on what to do ?

vdr1981 01-25-16 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by ryejar333 (Post 2376311)
just a quick question. I am runnin a 3440x1440 monitor. Is there a 43:18 resolution patch for wolves of steel? I did not install a rez patch, but I think the mod comes standard with a 16:9 resolution patch. Would that work with my hardware? If not, any suggestions on what to do ?

Currently TWoS supports only 16/9, 8/5(16/10) and 4/3 resolutions...You can use mod without any problems but your angular measurements with periscope markings will not be 100% correct. Yet again, modpack is perfectly playable even without this ability ...

palmic 01-25-16 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by JT1981 (Post 2376110)
how to escape from dd?dd will always follow me even in silent running with 1knot
,it will never give up,what should i do?

I dont know if you haven't get into some bug, but i can say that if i am good in something in sh5 WOS, its escaping of DD sonar at 1939-1940 :know:

I always go as deep as i can and listen its propellers on hydrophone and track its movement in my mind.
If you track it for a while you could say pretty sure even its turns very precisely..

From manuevers i use only one when you let DD attack you from behind and when you lost his propellers sound at ~180 (its over you), i order flank ahead and turn hard to any side.
In this moment he cannot hear you because you are behind its own motors (and any other cannot hear you too because of the motors of DD above you), so i let flank ahead on for few seconds and change my course.
Then i just order silent run (slowest ahead) or even machine stop and hope they've lost me.

Keep in mind that you are always as "visible" for their sonar as much of you expose to them (you are closest to invisible if you are turn directly to DD or from DD because you expose minimum of your body).
If you are hunted by more DD's at once, it will be very lethal fight for sure and you will have very low chance to escape, because they can cooperate and scan you by sonars in 2D scale (one can detect bearing to you if he detect you, but if second DD do the same from 90 degree, they have your position). Try to escape their depth charges and wait for moment when you can hide behind motor of one of them.. (and hope for a miracle :O:)

JT1981 01-25-16 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2376595)
I dont know if you haven't get into some bug, but i can say that if i am good in something in sh5 WOS, its escaping of DD sonar at 1939-1940 :know:

I always go as deep as i can and listen its propellers on hydrophone and track its movement in my mind.
If you track it for a while you could say pretty sure even its turns very precisely..

From manuevers i use only one when you let DD attack you from behind and when you lost his propellers sound at ~180 (its over you), i order flank ahead and turn hard to any side.
In this moment he cannot hear you because you are behind its own motors (and any other cannot hear you too because of the motors of DD above you), so i let flank ahead on for few seconds and change my course.
Then i just order silent run (slowest ahead) or even machine stop and hope they've lost me.

Keep in mind that you are always as "visible" for their sonar as much of you expose to them (you are closest to invisible if you are turn directly to DD or from DD because you expose minimum of your body).
If you are hunted by more DD's at once, it will be very lethal fight for sure and you will have very low chance to escape, because they can cooperate and scan you by sonars in 2D scale (one can detect bearing to you if he detect you, but if second DD do the same from 90 degree, they have your position). Try to escape their depth charges and wait for moment when you can hide behind motor of one of them.. (and hope for a miracle :O:)

Thank you for your reply,it is very detailed...i will try in my next patrol:up::up:

MCM 01-25-16 05:26 AM

One short addition: When DD comes from behind flank speed any direction but if he comes from front side I always try to turn the other side as the destroyer does. This is why that way you are bit longer directly behind him :salute:

vdr1981 01-25-16 05:27 AM

Keep in mind that excessive use of high underwater speed will also "lure" additional escorts located further away. They could here that "something is there" and then you're really busted...:)


If you enable "sensor regions" in TAI map options with OFEV and enable map contacts, you can then see how AI actually sees and hears you depending of your speed, depth, profile ect......

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