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vdr1981 11-26-15 07:00 PM


Looking very nice Gap.:up:
It would be nice if you could use standard crew (from merchants and warships) instead of U-boat/bunker/lifeboats characters, they cause to much lag and I'm a bit afraid of potential instabilities( had to remove TDW AI sub crew because of this :wah: )

gap 11-26-15 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2361755)



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2361755)
Looking very nice Gap.:up:
It would be nice if you could use standard crew (from merchants and warships) instead of U-boat/bunker/lifeboats characters, they cause to much lag and I'm a bit afraid of potential instabilities( had to remove TDW AI sub crew because of this :wah: )

Okay. Characters have the lowest priority though, I will add them when everything else is game-ready :up:

Sandbag stacks are my biggest concern right now. As I told you I have a nice model, but I need to reduce its polygon count to a large extent. By the way, sandbags will encircle the bunker "window", where the artillery piece is placed.

Also note that I am moving the searchlight bone from the roof to the "first floor" of the bunker, where it will stand by the side of the gun. Though more functional, the position you had chosen for it looked a bit unrealistic, as it would have left the reflector totally exposed to attacks from the top and from the sides. Even so, I don't think gunnery bunkers were equipped with searchlights. For sure the Regelbau type M262 gun-director/observation bunker was fitted with one, together with range-finding equipment and light Flak guns. In Normandy, M262 and M272 bunkers were grouped together in a proportion 1:4 (check this lik for more details). If you like the idea, when we finish our work on the M272 we can model the M262 just as well. :salute:

Vice84 11-27-15 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2361745)
What is your TWoS version mate? :hmm2:

1.04 with the patch 13 in your signature :)

I think it's just a mod that made the underwater watching more "realistic" and that's it... if i go underwater without mask i prolly see like that, but i prefer the vanilla underwater view.
I can play even with this, no problem.. don't wanna break a beautiful mod just because of my visual caprice :)

Another question, i've installed the 1.3 patch while having already and active carreer (im on coastal water btw)
Should i restart another carreer?

gap 11-27-15 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Vice84 (Post 2361794)
1.04 with the patch 13 in your signature :)

I think it's just a mod that made the underwater watching more "realistic" and that's it... if i go underwater without mask i prolly see like that, but i prefer the vanilla underwater view.
I can play even with this, no problem.. don't wanna break a beautiful mod just because of my visual caprice :)

Ciao Vice,

enable either of the two Dynamic Environment Enhanced Visibility additional mods after TWoS. Note that if you pick the "high" version, you also need to enable the (otherwise optional) DynEnv No Underwater Impurity Patch on top of the other mods.

Buon divertimento :up:

Vice84 11-27-15 06:31 AM

grazie! :)

I've installed that mod and now underwater watching is good, but now time compression limit is set to 512 even when there's ship in view.

With twos i remember that limit was set to 64

I don't play full realism, i kept all the fuel, oxygen, repair time, reload, dud torpedoes etc. on... but (ok you can spit on my face) i don't use the real navigation mod, so sometimes may happen that on tc higher than 64 i find some ship...
I hope not to break something

vdr1981 11-27-15 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Vice84 (Post 2361794)
Another question, i've installed the 1.3 patch while having already and active carreer (im on coastal water btw)
Should i restart another carreer?

Not necessarily, check yellow footnote...


Originally Posted by Vice84 (Post 2361806)
grazie! :)

I've installed that mod and now underwater watching is good, but now time compression limit is set to 512 even when there's ship in view.

With twos i remember that limit was set to 64

You say that TC wont drop to 1 even if your sensors/crew detect something in the proximity while your TC is higher than x64? Correct?
Are you sure that you have correctly set main.cfg file, mentioned in step 3? :hmm2:

vdr1981 11-27-15 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2361759)
Also note that I am moving the searchlight bone from the roof to the "first floor" of the bunker, where it will stand by the side of the gun.

I hope it wont interfere with gun operations...:hmm2:
Also does this mean that search light beam will pass directly trough bunker walls when in "search mode"? :hmm2:

gap 11-27-15 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2361893)
I hope it wont interfere with gun operations...:hmm2:

It shouldn't. After my changes, the searchlight is placed exactly to the left of the gun, at a distance of 5m from it. This means that it would only get in the way if the gun had a training angle of ±90 deg, which is not the case, as at this high angle the gun would fire through bunker's walls. :yep:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2361893)
Also does this mean that search light beam will pass directly trough bunker walls when in "search mode"? :hmm2:

No, there is a controller usually placed on gun linking bones which limits training/elevation angles set in gun's main controller. This is useful for when the same gun is used by more tha one ship, or in different positions on the same ship, for preventing it from firing through masts, superstructure, funnels, etc which migh get in the way or not, depending on gun's position. I think the same controller also works with searchlights, as main searchlight and gun controllers are similar. :up:

vdr1981 11-27-15 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2361909)
It shouldn't. After my changes, the searchlight is placed exactly to the left of the gun, at a distance of 5m from it. This means that it would only get in the way if the gun had a training angle of ±90 deg, which is not the case, as at this high angle the gun would fire through bunker's walls. :yep:

No, there is a controller usually placed on gun linking bones which limits training/elevation angles set in gun's main controller. This is useful for when the same gun is used by more tha one ship, or in different positions on the same ship, for preventing it from firing through masts, superstructure, funnels, etc which migh get in the way or not, depending on gun's position. I think the same controller also works with searchlights, as main searchlight and gun controllers are very similar. :up:

Very nice! Is there any ETA ? :hmm2::O:

gap 11-27-15 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2361912)
Very nice! Is there any ETA ? :hmm2::O:

The placing of sandbag linking bones on the Bunker GR2 file took a bit longer than expected because bunker's floor is not perfectly flat and I wanted to make sure that they will look right in game. Since the sandbag model will be stored in an external file, I had only a vague visual reference on the correctness of rotation/translation values applied, and I had to rely largely on measures and calculations back and forth from Wings3d to GR2 Editor. I hope I did a good job; you will tell me. As I write a AO map is baking for the sandbags.
A realistic ETA? Tomorrow :03::up:

vdr1981 11-27-15 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2361936)
A realistic ETA? Tomorrow :03::up:


Lost At Sea 11-27-15 08:57 PM

Howdy All,
Back into SH5 after a particularly long time wasted on dry land!
Installed the mod, oh the excitement and finally a sh5 working flawlessly.

As a rusty captain, I need to test my crew and ship before getting into battle.
Out on the open seas and I have a tiny, but slightly irritating problem, if I hit the left gui, to go to periscope depth I get a "Cannot submerge. Crew on the deck"...

I know I'm missing something but simply can't figure out how to get them below deck presto.

Anyone, please.

Mikemike47 11-27-15 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lost At Sea (Post 2361975)
........ if I hit the left gui, to go to periscope depth I get a "Cannot submerge. Crew on the deck"...

I know I'm missing something but simply can't figure out how to get them below deck presto.

Mouse click the hatch when at bridge or exterior view. The hatch should open then. Keep at mouse cursor at the opened hatch and use the down keys to go down the hatch.

Lost At Sea 11-28-15 02:24 AM

Thx Mikemike,
That did the trick. Had totally forgotten.


Vice84 11-28-15 04:13 AM

solved the tc problem by re editing the main.cfg...

The "Expert navigator" skill of the navigator is disabled or something?
I've 16 skill points to spend but the game still say "you don't have enought skill point for this ability" for the first level :doh:

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