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THEBERBSTER 11-08-15 01:27 PM

Just happy to part of anything that helps TWOS succeed and gives SH5 some credibility.:sunny:


Sjizzle 11-08-15 01:30 PM

i am totally agree with vdr1981 so i vote for u

Shaefer for President :P

if u need this wallpaper let me know

gap 11-08-15 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356683)
You humble man...:D

In more or less five years of subsim activity I never went much further being awarded the spam-hunter badge... what should I boast about? :O::D

gap 11-08-15 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2356702)
if u need this wallpaper let me know

Nice! :yeah:

Sjizzle 11-08-15 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2356708)
In more or less five years of subsim activity I never went much further being awarded the spam-hunter badge... what should I boast about? :O::D

u need the best of photoshop master award m8 your photoshop works are really amazing

vdr1981 11-08-15 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2356708)
In more or less five years of subsim activity I never went much further being awarded the spam-hunter badge... what should I boast about? :O::D

We must correct that injustice this year! :o :03:

Shaefer 11-08-15 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2356701)
Just happy to part of anything that helps TWOS succeed and gives SH5 some credibility.:sunny:


Well said, as allways :D

Holy crap Gap. That is beyond awesome.

MaMa 11-08-15 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2356678)
If you ask me, this year and as far as SH5 is concerned, MaMa is the one who deserved that award more than anyone else. No detriment meant to Shaefer or myself :)

Thanks gap :) ... despite following this community for a long time i'm somewhat a newbie posting informations on this forum and unfortunately i do not have much time available due to my job :oops:, i don't know if i may be worthy for such an Honor.

Lot of peoples dedicated a lot of time and efforts in this game so i really do not know if i can be considered for this... anyway, i thank you and all peoples who voted me (i just read some posts from the best Subsim nominee 2015 :)) : thank you all :salute: !

fitzcarraldo 11-08-15 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356645)
And finally, for all those "I hate reading instructions" captains out there, Sheafer has created full video tutorial on how install the game and the modpack. It really cant be easier than this...

Sheafer (aka TheNorseCast) has invested a lot of work in it and this is reason enough to nominate the man for "The most useful member of the year" award. I have already nominated Gap for this year, so I probably cant do it, but anyone else can...:yep:

Tutorial: How to install The Wolves Of Steel Megamod!
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Shared in Facebook SUBSIM.

Many thanks and best regards!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Tonci87 11-08-15 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2356702)
i am totally agree with vdr1981 so i vote for u

Shaefer for President :P

if u need this wallpaper let me know

Awesome wallpaper!

veenee 11-08-15 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356491)
That's really good to know. What about coastal waters? Any problems there with TC 512/1024 ?:hmm2:

It does not crash but I never use such high TCs close to port, 256 is the fastest I feel comfortable with.

fitzcarraldo 11-09-15 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by veenee (Post 2356748)
It does not crash but I never use such high TCs close to port, 256 is the fastest I feel comfortable with.

Same here. Max. TC in coastal waters 256. Good for me. No CTD.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 11-09-15 09:57 AM

Gap, Sjizzle, anyone...
Has ever anyone tried to "transform" coastal defenses into unmovable sea units so that they could be "parked" just of the shoreline and do their job?:hmm2:

What was the actual problem with coastal guns? IIRC, TDW tried to fix them but he eventually gave up, right?:hmmm:

Sjizzle 11-09-15 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356828)
Gap, Sjizzle, anyone...
Has ever anyone tried to "transform" coastal defenses into unmovable sea units so that they could be "parked" just of the shoreline and do their job?:hmm2:

What was the actual problem with coastal guns? IIRC, TDW tried to fix them but he eventually gave up, right?:hmmm:

tdw's tried to fix them if i remember as well .... let me look in my mods for testing list if i find something there i didn't tried maybe gap ....

Trevally. 11-09-15 12:42 PM

The guns could be placed fine - the issue was in them not tracking or firing

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