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Fifi 08-27-18 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Unbroken (Post 2566464)
@BrokenPrism, OK I'll be more careful with messages. Btw is there a box to tick (or anything else) to get an alert when receiving messages in [U]Captain's log[U] ?
I have alerts for messages in the radio log (shortcut upper right corner)("New radio message") but I didn't have any for those in Captain's log. I noticed that when the Captain's log is opened it is not updated (I've kept it opened to treat an arriving message in real time, a few hours later I've closed and re-opened it and I had received messages during the time the Captain's log was opened...)

Best regards

There are no options to get TC1 for capt log messages, but nevertheless you can set TC1 for any radio message (in OFEV i think) so when a new radio contact report appears in capt log, your time compression drops to1...and you have to manually open the capt log and scroll down the list to see it.

I noticed sometimes radio contact report are showing in message box too, with distance/bearing/periscope bearing/true bearing! But rarely.

SH5 doesn’t like high time compression. Best is to stay at 256/512.
You can set max TC in your documents/SH5/Cfg/main, so you’ll never pass those values.

Fifi 08-28-18 09:34 AM

Destroyed marks issue
Finally found my destroyed marks issue not showing up on further loading saves.

In documents/SH5/Cfg/game saves, i have a file called destroyed units. When opening it, i have all my victories but some (the one not showing up) have their longitude and latitude messed up (showing 1.000.000 instead of real values)

Looking at older saves (the one i make each time i get a victory) i have correct values for longitude and latitude.
I copied/pasted them into my very last save...and magic! They are all showing up on my nav map :)

Now, continuing my patrol, and making new saves, some destroyed marks are still disappearing.
What i did is i created on my desk top with note pad a page where i put all my victories longitude and latitude as soon as i get them correctly.
This way i can adjust my destroyed units file if being messed up.

The problem lies in the SH5 save processing. It mess up the destroyed units file each time.
This is a very old bug (that i had from day one when TDW created this feature, even though he tried to solved it)

Hope this helps people who want to have a track of their victories on nav map.

ÉDIT: for best results, i had to correct the patrol log 0000-000-000 issue too.
It’s located in same document/SH5 folder as above.

Fifi 08-29-18 04:10 AM

Other problem report:

Last mission, i lost my KDB due to depth charges and too deep dive.
So far, no problem as it was reported when i upgrade this equipment.
But my sonar man kept giving me hydrophone contacts, as it was not destroyed!

I managed to sink an U class submarine North England.
To do so, i attacked him with my deck gun.
Problem is i had to hit him with more than 2 dozens shells!
Isn’t it a bit too much? When i think the damage i get when hitted with only one shell...i can sink a cargo with less shells than this submarine!
Maybe the damage model of those English submarines has to be tuned down :yep:

Hope that helps :salute:

hauangua 08-29-18 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2566840)
Other problem report:

Last mission, i lost my KDB due to depth charges and too deep dive.
So far, no problem as it was reported when i upgrade this equipment.
But my sonar man kept giving me hydrophone contacts, as it was not destroyed!

it's not a bug, if I remember correctly it's wanted

Fifi 08-29-18 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2566848)
it's not a bug, if I remember correctly it's wanted

Ah really? That’s strange... if it is destroyed, should be destroyed!
Anyway, this one is no big deal. Can live with it.

But the others...
I don’t know if my fog issue on saves, and my destroyed marks on saves are steam game linked :hmmm:
Both are kind of screwed up by saving and reloads. I play totally offline (steam & uplay), but at each save loading i get a window (before accessing main game page) saying saved games are synchronized from server...
Maybe i get errors during this, even though my PC is not internet connected.

meccup 08-29-18 12:02 PM

after instaling the wolves of steel 2.2_sh5 expansion pack_v2.2.7_full game (steam version) not responding after firs load bar (black screen after loading)

please help

Fifi 08-29-18 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by meccup (Post 2566893)
after instaling the wolves of steel 2.2_sh5 expansion pack_v2.2.7_full game (steam version) not responding after firs load bar (black screen after loading)

please help

As i told you in other thread, be patient for TWOS loading. At least 4 minutes...
Mine takes around 3 minutes.

hauangua 08-30-18 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2566854)
Ah really? That’s strange... if it is destroyed, should be destroyed!
Anyway, this one is no big deal. Can live with it.

But the others...
I don’t know if my fog issue on saves, and my destroyed marks on saves are steam game linked :hmmm:
Both are kind of screwed up by saving and reloads. I play totally offline (steam & uplay), but at each save loading i get a window (before accessing main game page) saying saved games are synchronized from server...
Maybe i get errors during this, even though my PC is not internet connected.

Hi Fifi
unfortunately I do not find where it was written, but I remember that Vecko said that if KDB was destroyed other hydrophone continued to work ... not very realistic I know ... but I do not know if it is a bug of SH5 or an aid...forgive my English...

vdr1981 08-30-18 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2566941)
Hi Fifi
unfortunately I do not find where it was written, but I remember that Vecko said that if KDB was destroyed other hydrophone continued to work ... not very realistic I know ... but I do not know if it is a bug of SH5 or an aid...forgive my English...

Actuality, it is more realistic than stock hydro implementation. Just like in real life, TWoS boats have two hydroaparatus on board. I was talking about this in the documentation. Check it out an also google about ghg and kdb hydrophones. You'll understand than what is going on...:yep:

THEBERBSTER 08-30-18 05:11 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > meccup
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Fifi 08-30-18 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2566942)
Actuality, it is more realistic than stock hydro implementation. Just like in real life, TWoS boats have two hydroaparatus on board. I was talking about this in the documentation. Check it out an also google about ghg and kdb hydrophones. You'll understand than what is going on...:yep:

Ok make sense now.
I dindn’t Know that U-boat kept the first hydrophone when the KDB was when one is destroyed, still remain the other :up:

Thanks Hauangua too :salute:

Aktungbby 08-30-18 03:53 PM

Welcome aboard!

Cybermat47 08-30-18 07:09 PM

Has the method of editing time compression changed? I’ve edited menu.cfg, but I’m still only getting 64 with friendly units and land in sight.

Rather annoying when I’m sitting in St. Nazaire, waiting for it to become my base?

Also, where can I see the dates for the bases to switch over? I got a radio message on the 5th of April saying that St. Nazaire was my base, but it’s currently the 9th of April, and it still hasn’t switched over.

Fifi 08-31-18 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2567079)
Has the method of editing time compression changed? I’ve edited menu.cfg, but I’m still only getting 64 with friendly units and land in sight.

Rather annoying when I’m sitting in St. Nazaire, waiting for it to become my base?

Also, where can I see the dates for the bases to switch over? I got a radio message on the 5th of April saying that St. Nazaire was my base, but it’s currently the 9th of April, and it still hasn’t switched over.

Yes, have that too. Impossible to overpass X64.
It’s probably to avoid people to get CTD when close to ports or convoys etc, if playing with high TC...
This way it’s 100% CTD free for everybody :D

On very first mission in Baltic, new base Kiel took few days more to appear on map too. Had to hunt around a bit more until i docked :03:

Haukka81 08-31-18 03:01 AM

TC / stability combo is reason why i cant play sh5 , too slow paced. Makes me crazy to look map screen with slow time compression,

2048 is must have, and least 512 near ports too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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