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masd 03-10-15 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by petaduki (Post 2295552)
Hi all!!

This megamod is fantastic. But i would like to change one option in my game. i would like to have the ship identification button in the officer's bar. ¿is there any way?. I moddified some options with de optionsviewer to configure as i like, but i dont find how to put this buttton operative :(

You can do it by yourself

Or you can try this mod and get only the page layout.ini that makes the button active again

- Officer Command „Identify Target“ activated (Page layout.ini)

That is a file that i've changed some time ago to get the button active again, but i don't have it with me anymore.

Instalation instruction

Toniausmuc 03-10-15 02:25 PM


I hope somebody can help me.

I bought days ago, the Silent Hunter 5 Gold Edition via Amazon.
After installation, patching, I decided to install the mod and the Dragon Addon.

The mod installation was done correct and succesfuly as I had help from a experienced guy in some other forum.
Also I deactivated autosave automatication and went offline for playing.

Its really a great mod and everything. Even I went on my first mission, starting in Memel.
After driving into Danzig bay, sinking 6 ships at all, I try to drive out to some home port.
I am dived as 2 polish destroyers are in the near and sonar reporting other contacts in big distance.
I have many savegames, so I tried various savegames to avoid the "1-second-going-to-desktop-crash-without-any-message".

But it crashes all the time when I try to escape the bay of Danzig.
I also restarted career, but it was with same results.

What can I do?
Is this known?
Help would be appreciated a lot

kevinsue 03-10-15 07:54 PM

G'day Toniausmuc

But it crashes all the time when I try to escape the bay of Danzig.
I also restarted career, but it was with same results.

What can I do?
Is this known?
Help would be appreciated a lot
Not sure how this ties up, but recently I've had two situations where all save games including autosaves past a particular point were corrupted and just CTD when you try to load them.
The two things that were common before I had problems were.... an air unit that crashed in the vicinity of my Uboat that I did not get credit for,.... and a lot of savegames.

The first time this happened, after many unsuccessful attempts to get a save game that didn't CTD while loading, I did a complete reinstall and went from using my own mod list and installed "The Wolves of Steel" mod.

The second time this occured, I had just escaped out of Scapa Flow and was attacked by two Hurricane fighters that came out of the fog!:hmmm:
While trying to get below decks to crash dive, one of the planes exploded over the top of the boat and crashed. It was floating on the water in a lot of debris minus its wings and still roaring away like it was still airborne.
I thought for a minute that my useless, constantly disappearing flack gunner actually managed to hit something but after a fair while submerged, no credit was given for the aircraft.

At this point I saved the game and went to reload and had an instant CTD. Every time I tried to do a save after the crashed plane, it was corrupted and would instantly CTD. This also included the autosave games.
Once again.....a lot of previous saved games and a crashed, uncredited air unit in the vicinity.

I loaded an earlier saved game prior to the encounter with the aircraft and it worked.
I then deleted most of my save games except for the autosave enter base and a couple prior to the CTD's.
From this point the game is once again stable and all subsequent saves are working.

I'm not sure whether it is a memory issue with too many saved games or the program trying to find its missing plane or a combination of both that causes the save games to become corrupted and continually CTD.:nope:

I'm hoping one of the more experienced Subsimmers may be able to spot a bug if there is one... or give us some kind of explanation as to why this happens....


THEBERBSTER 03-11-15 04:43 AM

Hi guys

These problems can arise when games are saved around destroyed units.


Toniausmuc 03-11-15 05:00 AM

I am right of Hela allready and it seems more, that when I want cross some line from south to north. Destroyed units are 30km about away.
In the port of Danzig, I sunk alone 5 ships - no problems.

I dont know what to do...
Shall I delete some of my savegames?

col_Kurtz 03-11-15 06:45 AM

Few questions...
Hi guys,

after few years I`m again back to the sea and Silent Hunter.

First of all, great job with this mode - one in one place nice done especially for noobs;)

And I have some questions about HUD and mechanics wich are new for me.

1. Shafts - is it work and how?

2. Tried activate some patches via GenericPatcher - great tool (step by step and after that I decide to DL some gps.gps from this link Maybe I did something wrong because on the mini map I can see some strange "+" icon described: Look at this contact... Don`t know what is it:( And don`t how to get off that.

I`m after second full installation after cleaning my PC deep - Revounistaller did that for me;)

3. How to enable tutorials mission, Trevallys and TDWs? Few years ago it was simply. Go to Tutorial, pick mission, go to Historical find out this missin - Start, thats all. And now? Should I pickup them from Automatation icon ingame?

Last pic - nothing, can`t find out this mission (How to use speed finder).

THEBERBSTER 03-11-15 01:15 PM


I also get the X in the TAI map and have no idea what it is for?


Husksubsky 03-11-15 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2295538)
The first time i've used this megamod i also used winrar and didn't had any problems with it. But now, i've formatted my PC, and only after extract the files with 7Zip i could get the mod to work.

Really. I got worried, so I took my folder with the packed mod extracted it in a new folder and put the patch 4. All extracted with rar and made a snapshot with jsgme. Eplaced with 7z extracted and got perfect match in snapshot.

petaduki 03-12-15 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2295590)
You can do it by yourself

Or you can try this mod and get only the page layout.ini that makes the button active again

- Officer Command „Identify Target“ activated (Page layout.ini)

That is a file that i've changed some time ago to get the button active again, but i don't have it with me anymore.

Instalation instruction

I tried and got it, but now i get CTD's and the speed buttons dont work (if i click in speed 1 or 2 or 3 or4... doesnt do anything, now only works keypressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,....).:/\\!!

masd 03-12-15 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by petaduki (Post 2296248)
I tried and got it, but now i get CTD's and the speed buttons dont work (if i click in speed 1 or 2 or 3 or4... doesnt do anything, now only works keypressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,....).:/\\!!

No CTD's on this side and speed buttons work just fine.
Did you just copied the "page layout.ini"? Or the entire mod?

Koranis 03-12-15 12:43 PM

Hello, is there a way to remove Steelviking's mod from this collection? I just don't like the new color sets, can't play with it. Please?

Toniausmuc 03-12-15 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Toniausmuc (Post 2295638)

I hope somebody can help me.

I bought days ago, the Silent Hunter 5 Gold Edition via Amazon.
After installation, patching, I decided to install the mod and the Dragon Addon.

The mod installation was done correct and succesfuly as I had help from a experienced guy in some other forum.
Also I deactivated autosave automatication and went offline for playing.

Its really a great mod and everything. Even I went on my first mission, starting in Memel.
After driving into Danzig bay, sinking 6 ships at all, I try to drive out to some home port.
I am dived as 2 polish destroyers are in the near and sonar reporting other contacts in big distance.
I have many savegames, so I tried various savegames to avoid the "1-second-going-to-desktop-crash-without-any-message".

But it crashes all the time when I try to escape the bay of Danzig.
I also restarted career, but it was with same results.

What can I do?
Is this known?
Help would be appreciated a lot

Still an issue....unfortunally.
After 5-10 minutes its going to desktop, ending game without any message.
Made today my 8th try.
Any help?

masd 03-12-15 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Toniausmuc (Post 2296355)
Still an issue....unfortunally.
After 5-10 minutes its going to desktop, ending game without any message.
Made today my 8th try.
Any help?

Dragon's addon it's for the 1.2 version of the wolves of steel, current one it's 1.3 with update to 1.4
Perhap's this is why you are getting these CTD's

My advice, uninstall dragon's addon and start a new career.

petaduki 03-13-15 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2296253)
No CTD's on this side and speed buttons work just fine.
Did you just copied the "page layout.ini"? Or the entire mod?

First i tried modify the file, and i had the problem speed buttons.

Second i copied only page layout.ini and the got CTD.

finally i copied original file from this mod, and goes fine again. But i added Stormys sound mod too, that mod modify sounds and also remap keywords keys, i saw that with shift + i, i have the identify target, so problem solved :salute:

Thank you so much for your help :yeah:

scissors 03-13-15 07:26 PM

Works nice with Coratios
Delete the folder it says delete from coratios reloaded , Install Corartios Reloaded after TWOs alowing it to overwrite whatever .. seems to work so far ..

kevinsue 03-14-15 03:03 AM

You can rename or delete the music folder out of the mod prior to installing it....then it doesn't matter what order you you install.


Husksubsky 03-14-15 02:37 PM

I m happy to see that my autoscript mod is included, however it doesn t work properly with the "sluggish" settings. I can tune the scripts if theres interest , and put out both a mod to be installed and the file to replace so its a free choice. Loads of files to be altered and tested so it might take some time.
I also made a patrolarea option where it just baffles slow and go up to recharge and get oxygen, but I never published it.
the somewhat annoying autorecharge upon surfaceing as to be enabled unless u do it manually to avoid batteries going down.
If theres no interest I just leave it :) (and make a messy fix for myself)

kevinsue 03-15-15 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Husksubsky (Post 2297041)
I m happy to see that my autoscript mod is included, however it doesn t work properly with the "sluggish" settings. I can tune the scripts if theres interest , and put out both a mod to be installed and the file to replace so its a free choice. Loads of files to be altered and tested so it might take some time.
I also made a patrolarea option where it just baffles slow and go up to recharge and get oxygen, but I never published it.
the somewhat annoying autorecharge upon surfaceing as to be enabled unless u do it manually to avoid batteries going down.
If theres no interest I just leave it :) (and make a messy fix for myself)

WOW....I just read the documentation in TWOS mod and realised that you are the author of "Patrolsearch autoscriptsV04".:yeah:

Not sure what you mean by "sluggish" settings, but I'm sure that any improvement on an already good mod has got to be a bonus!:D

Don't know if this is possible, but would there be any way to script the search pattern to continue with the original sequence after an inadvertent interruption like a crash dive due to an air attack etc?

If you have to dive, the surface run sector will remain submerged until the next scheduled surface run which uses up a lot of battery power.

It would be great if the automation could run the boat submerged for a short while on "Slow ahead" then to periscope depth for a look, then surface and continue from where it was interrupted.

Then again.... I think I'm just being lazy because I have to check to see that those annoying planes have gone before surfacing anyhow..:har:

Best regards.......:salute:

Husksubsky 03-16-15 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2297590)
WOW....I just read the documentation in TWOS mod and realised that you are the author of "Patrolsearch autoscriptsV04".:yeah:

Not sure what you mean by "sluggish" settings, but I'm sure that any improvement on an already good mod has got to be a bonus!:D

Don't know if this is possible, but would there be any way to script the search pattern to continue with the original sequence after an inadvertent interruption like a crash dive due to an air attack etc?

If you have to dive, the surface run sector will remain submerged until the next scheduled surface run which uses up a lot of battery power.

It would be great if the automation could run the boat submerged for a short while on "Slow ahead" then to periscope depth for a look, then surface and continue from where it was interrupted.

Then again.... I think I'm just being lazy because I have to check to see that those annoying planes have gone before surfacing anyhow..:har:

Best regards.......:salute:

Hi there glad you like it :)

VDR said the boat is slow and sluggish and I like it. It s anyway different than it was when I used a Sober based soup and there are stuff that is out of sync.
-it uses too long to turn 90 degrees so it kinda changes direction 30 degrees per dive
-it starts to scan with scope 30 secs before the scope is at surface

If I just put bigger speed, the surfacetime is to short to keep battery up. EDIT: nopes, but recharge command must be fullfilled before tc64
Ive started the task though..

I dont think it s possible to solve that issue u mention, the scripts are not very advanced. I don t even remember where I read how the scripts work, but if you find it its not hard to experiment with them.My scripts file is added as a txt file aswell in documentation. I basicly just used Trevallys scripts and shuffled around with the commands. All with Trevallys blessings :yep:

Not all the searchscripts are mine only those that says "husks" . (and FEsearch..fueleconomysearch) I made them cause I wanted more options when travelling in potential hostile waters.

Happy hunting:salute:

EDIT the descripion is in TDWs new uis mod as a txt file under data/automation.

vdr1981 03-18-15 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Husksubsky (Post 2294467)
Hi back Theberbster:salute:
In Captains log the game state mission objective wich might be to patrol an area, put a spy or something. This might be what navmapfeatures call strategic Objectives..( I have no red cross for my missionobjective to confirm that ATM.) The same navmapfeature call the 70 000 tons (l looked that up in the campaign.cfg file) for Macro Objective and we do need tons or filemanipulation to fulfill it. Macro objectives also get called campaign objective and we need them to succeed in campaign. so when you wrote

"The tonnage bar has no impact on completing Missions and Campaigns.

Missions/Campaigns are date controlled and come on and drop off as the dates change."

I got slightly confused. Although I understand that a VISIBLE tonnage bar is not needed to fulfill macro/campaign objectives.
Regards Tom

Do not pay so much attention to tonnage objectives, every SH has some kind of tonnage objectives but they were invisible. And now they are invisible in SH5 too. I'm just finishing my Happy times campaign without single tonnage objective completed...I wont get Iron Cross probably but hey, we cant all be aces...


Originally Posted by Kumando (Post 2295555)
Anyone knows if using Rongels lifeboat mod breaks something? Apparently not but i would like to confirm.

I like Rongels lifeboats very much but game will repeatedly CTD in certain situations with this mod enabled, on my system en least. That's why I hesitate so much to add it in the megamod. If you like I can tell you how to test lifeboats with TWoS so you can report to me what's going on...


Originally Posted by Toniausmuc (Post 2295638)

I hope somebody can help me.

I bought days ago, the Silent Hunter 5 Gold Edition via Amazon.
After installation, patching, I decided to install the mod and the Dragon Addon.

The mod installation was done correct and succesfuly as I had help from a experienced guy in some other forum.
Also I deactivated autosave automatication and went offline for playing.

Its really a great mod and everything. Even I went on my first mission, starting in Memel.
After driving into Danzig bay, sinking 6 ships at all, I try to drive out to some home port.
I am dived as 2 polish destroyers are in the near and sonar reporting other contacts in big distance.
I have many savegames, so I tried various savegames to avoid the "1-second-going-to-desktop-crash-without-any-message".

But it crashes all the time when I try to escape the bay of Danzig.
I also restarted career, but it was with same results.

What can I do?
Is this known?
Help would be appreciated a lot

Dragons addon is outdated...


Originally Posted by col_Kurtz (Post 2295854)
Hi guys,

2. Tried activate some patches via GenericPatcher - great tool (step by step and after that I decide to DL some gps.gps from this link Maybe I did something wrong because on the mini map I can see some strange "+" icon described: Look at this contact... Don`t know what is it:( And don`t how to get off that.

Why downloading some other gps snapshot when it's already one included with TWoS?


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2296278)
Hello, is there a way to remove Steelviking's mod from this collection? I just don't like the new color sets, can't play with it. Please?

You can add Ali's white interior for example but SilentMichael's interior is too complex just to be enabled after the megamod.


Originally Posted by scissors (Post 2296738)
Coratios Radio Mod , Perhaps my favorite Radio mod .
Besides being so hard to lay your hands on has a glaring flaw ,, That you have to Keep a music cfg file on hand to replace the Games music cfg file with lest you CTD .. Its not hard but I remember having to figure this all out using the forums at the site it was hosted at ( which is closed btw ) .

In any case i Installed WOS and then Coratios ,,, it informed me that WOS had already changed the Music cfg file, was i sure?
and i said to myslf ... HMMMM !!!

SO ,I Installed Coratios first,
let WOS overwrite whatever it was that coratios messes up and has to be alterd by hand to prevent CTD and Voila .. You dont have to do ANYTHING else .As far as i can tell at the moment ,
Both work perfectly Simply By installing coratios first with no having to alter any CFG files by hand ..

WOS actually Fixes Coratios radio mod ..

To be honest i havent tested this very much at all ,, It loads and plays and the radio works , so far so good ..

WOS is epic btw ,
TWO friggin mods and I have huge beautiful game, I much recomend this product to all my friends and family .

Any radio mod should be compatible with TWoS, I could include some of them in the first place but that would increase size of the archive drastically...

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