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vdr1981 01-20-14 01:57 PM

[REL]The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod

It's been very hard for me to witnessing everyday frustrations of new SH5 captains and to read the same threads month after month, year after year, over and over again...I hope that something like this will make "life" at least a bit easier for newcomers or for anyone else who doesn't have much free time or to spend countless hours improving and searching for working modlist.
Although the mod it self is intended for average SH player you may find it somewhat "hardcore". Real navigation will make your job much harder and you'll find your submarine very vulnerable to enemy fire and annoyingly sluggish and slow underwater. Your "tonnage" will become much more appreciated with this expansion.

All credits go to contributing authors of every individual mod!

Mods and tweaks included in The Wolves of Steel 2.2 - Subsim Community SH5 Expansion Pack:

Accurate German Flags
Accurate German Medals_by ual002
Das Boot Departure Theme
SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2
SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2.2 Patch
SteelViking's Sky Banding Mod
gap - Real Diveplane Gauges v. 1
gap - HD 1 deg Scope Bearing v 1.0
DynEnv v2.9 - 1. Main Mod
DynEnv v2.9 - 2. Main Mod Low Resolution Patch - Revised
DynEnv v2.9 - 4.a Camera Filters - Realistic Colors
DynEnv v2.9 - 5.a Ambient Settings - Darker Nights
DynEnv v2.9 - 12. Sounds
DynEnv v2.9 - Sobers Best Ever Tweaks - Wakes Fix
DynEnv v2.9 - No U-Mark
Water reflections intensity varied by available sunlight by TheDarkWraith
Fix clock rear torpedo room VIIA
Fuel Gauge WoGaDi_SteelViking's Interior
Equipment_Upgrades_Fix_v1_4_Patch_1 (available by date) V9 by sober
EUF_UBoat_FX_v0_0_5_ byTheBeast
Equipment_Upgrades_Fix_v1_4_Hinged Snorkel_CTD Fix
FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes - MagDet range 2.5m (modified for torpedoes failure patches)
FXU_0_0_22_Ship zon Files v2
FXU_0_0_22_Shells Explosions_No Debris
FXU_0_0_22_Debris Particles_CTD Fix
Large Optics for TDW UI for NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0
Large Optics for TDW UI 16 by 9_Fixed
Large Optics for TDW UI Manos Scopes Glass Effects
Large Optics for TDW UI RAOBF + Nomograph Fix
RadcapricornLarge Optics No Milliradian Scale Binoculars
TDC Graphics by Naights v1.0
TDW Round Fire Button v12 by Torpedo
Stopwatch by Shmal
Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUIs part 1_07.06.2013 (13)
Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUIs part 3_24.06.2013 (6)
Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUIs part 4_20.07.2013 (4)
Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUI's_06.08.2015 ( merged part_2 and part_5)
Sjizzle's - MarineQuadrat Charts for NewUIs v. 0.00.2 (1)
IRAI_0_0_41_Sensors Difficulty Settings (init.aix)_v0.1
NOZAURIO'S SKIN (Standar No Emblem) v-1.0.0
Cerberus62 Corrected Depth Charge Projector 1.0
SH5 External Cargo 1.0
OPEN HORIZONS II v2.5_TWoS Enhancement
OH II v2.5 Grid Request fix Patch SH5
OH II v2.5 Flag_Wind_Patch
MQK LocationMaps_IO
MQK ShapeTextures_NO
MQK Gradient_IO
IO_StrategicMap_7_5_0_for_TDWv750 Grid Req Fix
IO_MapCourseLine_normal pencil_mod
OHII v2.5 - No Stupid Tonnage Bar_Free Style Campaign v0.3_IO Strat.Map_NewUIs v7.5.0
OHII v2.5 - Neutr.Nations in Allied Convoys_Temp.Fix II
OHII v2.5 - Convoys_Ships Enhancement_0.1.2
OHII v2.5 - Change days in bunker_24d_Flotillas.upc
TF capital ships behavior_Testing v0.1.1
Iron Crosses Disabled for No Tonnage Bar_IO Strat.Map_by vdr1981
Church's Compass Dials Mod v2.2 - Option Two
EQuaTool 01.01 by AvM - Large Style
Trevally Tutorial - All v0.2(for OHIIv1.3)
Trevally Automated Scripts v0.6
Trevally Harbour & Kiel Canal Pilot v3.1
Patrolsearch autoscriptsV04
MightyFine Crew Mod 1.2.1 Stock faces
Reworked Morale and Abilities v.1.1
Real U-Boat Performance - Type VII v1.7.2
Reworked U-boat Guns (incomplete version)
gap - armaments & equipments patch v 0.2
R.S.D. - Reworked Submarine Damage v5.8.1 by vdr1981_Main mod
R.S.D. & R.E.M. - GHG Hydrophone add-on (no hyd on surface)
R.S.D. v5.8.1 - German Patch
Ship Capsize & Listing Effects 1.0_by vdr1981
Ship C&L Effects 1.02 - Test
Speech fixes and additions (german version)
Sub Center on Map Fix_SF&A (ger.version) Compatible
Shadow Improvement ModLR
sobers water splash anim SH5
sobers green crew training V4 SH5
sobers no footstep sound mod SH5 V2
sobers smoke screen V1 SH5 (DynEnv compatible)
sobers CrewAI mod SH5
sobers shipwreck mod V8 SH5
Oby's Fix for Sobers shipwreck mod V8 SH5_no rocks
Pascal-sh5-VIIC-correct periscope in tube
pascal-sh5-VIIB-correct periscope in tube
Less Annoying Stopwatch Ticking - LAST - v. 01.00 by AvM
SkyBaron's Bold SFX for SH5 1.0
Shallow Waters Voice Be Gone
WHF-FUC_We Have Flooding-Flooding Under Control_Fix
Geleitschutz Gesichtet_WO Audio Fix
SH5_No Funny Bandages
Disabled Unrealistic Commands_(ini files)_v1.01
KDB+GHG Upgrade
My Fog & Underwater 0.3
My Waves v0.2
My Sound Mix
Silent UI Sounds
No Crew Whispering
Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New Remix 1939-1945
Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New Remix 1939-1945_CTD Fix
Radio Stations_(radio.ini)
AilBubbles 1.0
AilImpurity 1.2
AilWhiteInterior 1.0
TWoS_New Ships Enhancement
SH5_MataHari's_More_Accuracy_for_TWoS_1.04_RAOBF Textures
Attack Disc by Andrey_Hard
SH5_FW Coastal Defenses by Vecko & gap
A Fistful of Emblems v1.51_TWoS Compatible
A Fistful of Emblems v1.51 (Weathered)_TWoS Compatible
SH5_Playable U-FlaK_0.1
gap - Alternative Cursors & KM Map Tools v2_Parts
nVidia missing lights
smaller flags for Warships 1_0b
SkyBaron's ENIGMA v1.02 for TWoS
Ships sonar Fix For TWoS
METOX warning sound v 1.0
Rudder orders and send radio messages speech fix 1.0
Silentmichals interior mod 1.2.4
Old Style Explosions V1.1
Targors SH5 Wooden Lifeboats ver. 0.4
Z_Tweaks_by vdr1981
... and hundreds of more TWoS exclusive patches , fixes, compatibility tweaks  ect...

*If you have recognized your mod and from some reason you don't want your mod included in the Megamod please let me know and I'll react immediately!
*DO NOT add any additional mods if you are not 100% sure what you are doing! Most of the standalone mods are incompatible with this expansion .

*DO NOT add any additional mods if you are not 100% sure what you are doing or you may induce all kind of stability and gameplay related issues!
Keep in mind that most of the standalone mods outhere are incompatible with this expansion.
Please don't discuss in this thread any potential issues caused by your own custom modlists and unsupported mods.
Also, make sure to pay special attention to FAQ and Tips section and feel free to ask in this thread for any additional elucidation.

*Full game reinstallation is highly recommended when replacing old with new megamod version (for example v2.1.x to v2.2.x) !
TWoS v2.2.x should be gamesave compatible with v2.0.1 and newer although there's a possibility that some changes won't be visible until your next fresh career start or advancement to the next campaign chapter (this depends largely of your TWoS version at the moment of your career start)...

Download The Wolves of Steel_SH5 Expansion Pack_Full

Download The Wolves of Steel - Update


vdr1981 01-20-14 01:58 PM

Quick Start Manual
Read before you start playing or posting questions!

- I'm somewhat confused about SH5/TWoS concept of campaigns, missions and objectives?
The concept is nicely explained here. LINK
- Do I always have to start my career from the first campaign?
No, type "silentotto" while you're in the campaign selection screen to unlock all campaigns and start any you want...

- How can I pass from one campaign chapter to the next one? (IMPORTANT)
Campaign transfers in TWoS are date controlled. This means that, in order to trigger the campaign transfer, you will have to be ON PATROL when ending date of your current campaign chapter is reached, preferably somewhere at open sea without AI units in your vicinity. Campaign transfer should then be initiated, or it will be at least few days after the ending date. This is important so pay special attention not to skip this date due to badly timed docking...The end date of first "Coastal Waters" campaign is on 1st June 1940, "Happy Times" ends on 1st march 1941 ect. Check ending dates for other campaigns here.

Now, there is a catch... Due to certain broken aspects of SH5's launcher, there is a possibility that even upon reaching campaign chapter ending date, campaign transfer still may fail to initialize (your patrol just goes on without any visible flotilla objectives).

Additionally, in-game "Campaign/Flotilla transfer" radio messages will tell you exactly how to behave when nearing campaign chapter ending and what to do if the transfer fails to initialize on designated date... You can also put to a good use optional "Campaign Advance Verifier Testing" TWoS addon which will tell you will the automatic campaign transfer be successful upon loading a gamesave. Note that if you are getting persistent "problem detected" messages with this addon even after 2-3 reloads, the message may be false positive actually.

Alternatively you can use this workaround which will work for sure even if campaign chapter ending date is passed for a few days ...SH5 campaign progress workaround

- We have "Enigma" machine too ?
Yes! Thanks to the amassing SkyBaron's work, SH5/TWoS features, for the first time in SH series...

[Under construction
Check TWoS Quick Start Manual from your TWoS Documentation folder for full version...

Trevally. 01-20-14 02:25 PM

Looking out for this Vecko - well done


mikaelanderlund 01-20-14 02:57 PM



THE_MASK 01-20-14 04:52 PM

You can use any of my mods if you want :up:

vdr1981 01-20-14 05:13 PM

Tnx guys! :up:
Let's hope this will work for our less "involved" comrades until we have something better, faster, more stable ect!

LMD 01-20-14 05:18 PM

Have already subscribed for this topic:up:
Thanks in advance!

gap 01-20-14 05:54 PM

Just spotted this thread. Looking forward to your upcoming megamod, Vecko :yeah:

zeus 01-20-14 06:01 PM

Vdr1981, Open horizons II?

THE_MASK 01-20-14 08:49 PM

Re TC settings and NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_Real_Navigation
This is my experience anyway . If you want the game to drop down to 1TC before you hit land while in real nav then max 256 and don't use travel mode . So I would have Maximum=256,512 . After 3 years I figured out that radio report to work with TDW New UI options should be your max travel setting otherwise if in non travel mode every radio contact report will drop the TC to 32 . Its just a suggestion .

quad5 01-21-14 02:55 AM

Very good news!

Sjizzle 01-21-14 03:17 AM

good one but i recomand you to use TDW_UI's 7.4.2 not cos 7_5_0 is test version and why not OH II 2.3.1

u can use my charts mod also ...

Delta Wolf 01-21-14 03:57 AM

Good job guys, :salute:

Going to keep an eye on this one.

tonschk 01-21-14 05:06 AM

Nice :D, well done :yeah:

vdr1981 01-21-14 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by zeus (Post 2165822)
Vdr1981, Open horizons II?


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2165872)
Re TC settings and NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_Real_Navigation
This is my experience anyway . If you want the game to drop down to 1TC before you hit land while in real nav then max 256 and don't use travel mode . So I would have Maximum=256,512 . After 3 years I figured out that radio report to work with TDW New UI options should be your max travel setting otherwise if in non travel mode every radio contact report will drop the TC to 32 . Its just a suggestion .

Tnx Sober, I could fix that...:up:

Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2165929)
good one but i recomand you to use TDW_UI's 7.4.2 not cos 7_5_0 is test version and why not OH II 2.3.1
u can use my charts mod also ...

7.5.0 works just fine...Latest OHII isn't fully ready yet,check the main thread...

dcb 01-21-14 09:02 AM

Many thanks
Many thanks for this megamod, to all those involved in it, with a particular mention to the soul of the project, vdr 1981:rock:

Just what I needed to fire up SH5 again.:up:

BigBANGtheory 01-21-14 02:25 PM

  • "Step 2:
    Open Main.cfg file (my documents/SH5/cfg) and make following" Should be ..My Documents\SH5\data\cfg I think.
  • An average SH Captain 'Lost at Sea', is IMHO going to be resistant to Real Navigation, though I agree it should be aspirational.
  • I can't believe how much SH5 has improved, it really is playable now because of Modders thank you so much, and credit to the Dev team for allowing it to happen. I hope you are proud of your collective achievements.

vdr1981 01-21-14 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by BigBANGtheory (Post 2166115)
[LIST] [*]"Step 2:
Open Main.cfg file (my documents/SH5/cfg) and make following" Should be ..My Documents\SH5\data\cfg I think.

Oups...I'll fix that!:oops:


Originally Posted by BigBANGtheory (Post 2166115)
[*]An average SH Captain 'Lost at Sea', is IMHO going to be resistant to Real Navigation, though I agree it should be aspirational.

Dont be afraid of real navigation...If you use automated scripts for navigator it's almost the same like default route clicking solution. Everyone can handle that...

Sepp von Ch. 01-21-14 03:25 PM

Would be please possible to add into your megamod this mod with additional ships? Would be really great!

vdr1981 01-21-14 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sepp von Ch. (Post 2166139)
Would be please possible to add into your megamod this mod with additional ships? Would be really great!

I really can't say...:hmmm:

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