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THEBERBSTER 01-18-16 03:12 PM

Hi fitz
SH3 UI no problem with v1.05.
This is the first time I have used this UI in SH5 as I fancied I would try something different with the new version, so far ok.
My only concern using real navigation and the SH3 UI is the precision plotting needed, and the difficulty to to adjust the course exactly with the smaller compass. With the SH5 enhanced UI the rudder shows you your course as it adjusts which is very useful when taking up an attack position.
Changing back from SH3 to the SH5 UI is however the right decision for new gamers to TWOS.

vdr1981 01-18-16 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2374730)
I know. It's gone and the hotkey won't work.

No idea then...Anyway, TAI map works...


Please don't tell me that you have (somehow) failed to see... :D

Hjalfnar 01-19-16 12:59 AM

Nope, it really wasn't there, must have done something wrong. Reinstalled and made the tweak you suggested and now everything seems alright.^^ Thanks!

Edit: IF I'm doing everything right now, mind if I do a video about it? I've started a little YT channel some months ago.

Hjalfnar 01-19-16 03:44 AM

Ah...I don't know if this is intended, but I don't get any contacts on the map? The ships are right next to me but on the map there are no contacts to aim at.

Edit: Ok, seems to be intented and not switchable. The gameplay option always turns itself back on.

blackcan 01-19-16 05:58 AM

I just started the Game and got that Error:

I Changed that the XO Start to pop up when i lock a Target. Then diabled and Enabled the mod Again and that appeared

vdr1981 01-19-16 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2374843)

Edit: IF I'm doing everything right now, mind if I do a video about it? I've started a little YT channel some months ago.

That would be great! :up:

Hjalfnar 01-19-16 08:40 AM

There is one last problem for a Sim-Light gamer like me. :O: I don't get contacts on the map. It seems the option's locked in the gameplay menu. I tried something via the OFEV but it seems the problem lies elsewhere. THis is the last point keeping me from playing your mod. Any idea how could get it that noobish?:wah:

vdr1981 01-19-16 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2374924)
There is one last problem for a Sim-Light gamer like me. :O: I don't get contacts on the map. It seems the option's locked in the gameplay menu. I tried something via the OFEV but it seems the problem lies elsewhere. THis is the last point keeping me from playing your mod. Any idea how could get it that noobish?:wah:

Do you have real nav addon enabled? You can not use map contacts with real nav ON, that would be silly...:yep:

Note that Map contacts can be seen only in TAI map by default. To enable map contacts in nav map you should check appropriate options in OFEV app...

Hjalfnar 01-19-16 08:57 AM

That's exactly why I did not enable RealNav.

I added contacts to NavMap and TAI via OFEV. But neither shows them. And the gameplay option in the gamplay menu for NOT showing contacts reactivates itself everytime I start a new campaign or load an already started one.

I'm still in harbour though with allied ships around me.

vdr1981 01-19-16 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2374929)
That's exactly why I did not enable RealNav.

I added contacts to NavMap and TAI via OFEV. But neither shows them. And the gameplay option in the gamplay menu for NOT showing contacts reactivates itself everytime I start a new campaign or load an already started one.

I'm still in harbour though with allied ships around me.

While in the bunker, press "esc" key and uncheck "no map contact" option in gameplay settings...Then, start new patrol...

vdr1981 01-19-16 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2374929)
That's exactly why I did not enable RealNav.

I added contacts to NavMap and TAI via OFEV. But neither shows them. And the gameplay option in the gamplay menu for NOT showing contacts reactivates itself everytime I start a new campaign or load an already started one.

I'm still in harbour though with allied ships around me.

Hmm OK, How about to first disable the megamod with JSGME, then use OFEV, and then enable the megamod again? :hmmm:

MCM 01-19-16 10:26 AM

How can I play a tutorial? I select one, e.g. "automations" and then? THX

seba999 01-19-16 01:58 PM

I have one question. When i run max underwather and i have not silent run escorts use sonar, drop waste bomb (1941 and later). Why escorts dont hit me anyone? In GWX sh3 in 1941 escorts drop bomb and hit on target (me).

Hjalfnar 01-19-16 02:37 PM

Hm. Until late 1940 the british depth charges weren't able to explode at the depth german u-boats could safely reach and detonated at a maximum depth of 76m. But later they should be able to explode down to 270m and so hit you. Maybe you have set the campagin difficulty too low?

vdr1981 01-19-16 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by seba999 (Post 2375018)
I have one question. When i run max underwather and i have not silent run escorts use sonar, drop waste bomb (1941 and later). Why escorts dont hit me anyone? In GWX sh3 in 1941 escorts drop bomb and hit on target (me).

You mean like first strike=>dead sub?
Skilled escorts perception is way of the scale in SH3 an SH4.
Check Intelligent Random AI thread/documentation (IRAI), maybe you'll find your answer there...

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