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THEBERBSTER 01-06-16 11:30 AM

From the SVI mod readme.

- WoGaDi Mod version 7 included. This mod is a big rework of the gauges/dials around the sub to make more of them functional and to make already functioning ones more accurate. Please refer to the thread for this mod if you would like more information. A big thanks goes to my friend BIGREG for creating WoGaDi, and for letting me include it.

Hecki Stafman 01-06-16 11:46 AM

Ah, allright.
Thanks a lot =)

palmic 01-06-16 12:19 PM

If someone would be interested i found this very nice presentation about torpedo targeting when i studied a little torpedo trigonometry.
Most interesting part for me was part about how gyroscope in torpedo works :salute:

And this is theory of underwater explosion (it uncovers what will happen if you set your torps how you did)

palmic 01-06-16 12:38 PM

GUI of my dreams would be GUI without any information about course or depth, co2, ... anything. -To force me to use standard working instruments on boat.

But it would have standard text inputs to be able to order course and depth just by digits. Unfortunately i am not able to do it :hmm2:

Hecki Stafman 01-06-16 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2371178)
TWOS uses the Das_Boot_Crew mod from TDW's New Ui 7-5-0 mod.

Ok, found the mistake.
I just copied the whole NewUI_TDC-zip in the Mod folder. Not the "MODS" in the "mods"-folder. :D

THEBERBSTER 01-06-16 05:11 PM

Your not the first, and you will certainly not be the last to make that easy mistake.
Tip > Always look for the data folder and you will not go wrong.

Hecki Stafman 01-07-16 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2371266)
Your not the first, and you will certainly not be the last to make that easy mistake.
Tip > Always look for the data folder and you will not go wrong.

After a week with daylie modding (one by one) I know it now :)
In the beginning of playing SH5 I just took a look how to install Wolves of Steel mod, and in his video he copied the zip in the mods-folder. So I thought I can do it with every zip file - until I understand how this mod-installation really works ;)

And - of course - in the generic mod enabler the zip file folder of each mod was displayed, and the installation time for bigger mods took the same time. But not with the same results as copying the "mods"-folder of a zip in the mod-folder ;) That's why some mods haven't worked.
But now, all is fine.
May be a few little questions will be left, but this are more detailed questions with true-false-options in the Editor viewer or GernericPatcher.
Or questions like "how can i get the old map-style with open Horizon mod and where can I activate or deactivate the mission bar?" ;)

MCM 01-07-16 04:27 AM

Is there still no option to play everything in german? The menu etc? The "Deutschmod 1.0.10" worked with TWOS 1.03 but now with 1.04 not working anymore. Any solutions would be highly appreciated :D


Hecki Stafman 01-07-16 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2371327)
Is there still no option to play everything in german? The menu etc? The "Deutschmod 1.0.10" worked with TWOS 1.03 but now with 1.04 not working anymore. Any solutions would be highly appreciated :D


I have this mod:

MCM 01-07-16 05:19 AM

This one works perfect, thanks you so much!!! And again THX so much for all the other supporters and especially for the TWOS modders: What a brilliant work!!! You should get money from ubisoft HEHE :D

Another question: FAQ says- Should I do harbor raids? Answer: you should stay well off any major allied port.
So no Scapa Flow? Or what is a major port? Or can I go in, out and save way way out the next time but not in harbor itself?

Cybermat47 01-07-16 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2371332)
You should get money from ubisoft HEHE :D

Not a bad idea, I'd appreciate the extra cash :D, here I come :O:

MCM 01-07-16 10:32 AM

Last question: The Options File Editor gives me an error: *******invalid optin entry found. Option value contains menu entry that exceeds MaxStrings property @ line number 1922*****

Did I have the wrong menu.txt file? Which one is it? Or what could go wrong?

vdr1981 01-07-16 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Hecki Stafman (Post 2371328)


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2371403)
Last question: The Options File Editor gives me an error: *******invalid optin entry found. Option value contains menu entry that exceeds MaxStrings property @ line number 1922*****

Did I have the wrong menu.txt file? Which one is it? Or what could go wrong?

The mentioned German addon is probably incompatible with current TWoS version and largely outdated.
Please, do not add unsupported mods/addons if you dont know what you're doing and also refrain of issue reports if you use additional mods. This can only case confusion and I'm tired of answering these type of questions...

THEBERBSTER 01-07-16 03:33 PM

The path is.
Mods\TWOS main mod\data\menu\menu text doc

No harbor raids as it causes in game unnatural events and I believe can also affect spawning.

vdr1981 01-07-16 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2371332)
Another question: FAQ says- Should I do harbor raids? Answer: you should stay well off any major allied port.
So no Scapa Flow? Or what is a major port? Or can I go in, out and save way way out the next time but not in harbor itself?

That's only an advice...It's up to you how will you play your game...

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