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fitzcarraldo 06-03-19 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612637)
Removed...They were too repetitive and annoying.

Is it possible to recover the sounds deleted?
I like them.....

Many thanks.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 06-03-19 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2612714)
Is it possible to recover the sounds deleted?
I like them.....

Many thanks.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Not so easy but anyway, since some of you guys like those removed sounds, I'll try to collect them these days...

fitzcarraldo 06-03-19 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612717)
Not so easy but anyway, since some of you guys like those removed sounds, I'll try to collect them these days...

Many thanks! I like the prussian chain of command. :salute:


skin-nl 06-04-19 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612717)
Not so easy but anyway, since some of you guys like those removed sounds, I'll try to collect them these days...

I liked them to :Kaleun_Cheers:

sputterfish 06-04-19 05:46 PM

Hey VDR reach out to me before you do a new release. I found a way to automate all the things Generic Patcher does without user input needed. :yeah:

XenonSurf 06-04-19 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by sputterfish (Post 2612861)
Hey VDR reach out to me before you do a new release. I found a way to automate all the things Generic Patcher does without user input needed. :yeah:

That's easy if you backup all the files immediately after TDW patcher changes them. Plus, if you use special 'magic files' to start with it gets even better for the player, guess why :yep:
I will do so when releasing my modlist, you will install everythng with one click using a JSGME profile.

sputterfish 06-04-19 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2612865)
That's easy if you backup all the files immediately after TDW patcher changes them. Plus, if you use special 'magic files' to start with it gets even better for the player, guess why :yep:
I will do so when releasing my modlist, you will install everythng with one click using a JSGME profile.

Is Generic Patcher not patching the SH5 executable or DLLs? If so you cannot legally redistribute the SH5 exe or dll files. Thus automating the install is necessary..

vdr1981 06-04-19 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by sputterfish (Post 2612861)
Hey VDR reach out to me before you do a new release. I found a way to automate all the things Generic Patcher does without user input needed. :yeah:

Rgr that sputterfish...I'll make some space in my inbox as well. :yep:

XenonSurf 06-04-19 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by sputterfish (Post 2612873)
Is Generic Patcher not patching the SH5 executable? If so you cannot legally redistribute the SH5 exe file. Thus automating the install is necessary..

When modding, I'm not supposed to know these finesses, it's the game developer to allow for mods in the game or not by crypting the files or make them editable. If I can edit: it's legal.

sputterfish 06-04-19 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2612875)
When modding, I'm not supposed to know these finesses, it's the game developer to allow for mods in the game or not by crypting the files or make them editable. If I can edit: it's legal.

Unfortunately that's not really how it works.. I would take a guess that posting or hosting files with copyrighted content that is being redistributed without permission is against the Subsim terms of service or would be frowned upon. :subsim:

That's is why it's important to include the same functionality Generic Patcher was providing in that it is initiated by the user except the new autopatcher will not require any user input as VDR has a snapshot that he has already configured which will be restored automatically.

XenonSurf 06-04-19 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by sputterfish (Post 2612886)
Unfortunately that's not really how it works.. I would take a guess that posting or hosting files with copyrighted content that is being redistributed without permission is against the Subsim terms of service or would be frowned upon. :subsim:

That's is why it's important to include the same functionality Generic Patcher was providing in that it is initiated by the user except the new autopatcher will not require any user input as VDR has a snapshot that he has already configured which will be restored automatically.

I think you misread the copyright law (but there are specific Subsim rules beside that, yes).

First, "files with copyrighted content", as you say, include all files of the game, not just executables. By modding files and posting them you would infringe the (c), which is wrong and makes no sense if the developer has authorized modding with his game. This 'authorization' is implicit if he makes his files editable. Unless I see a contrary statement made at release in the Eula etc., and even in that case, Ubisoft had to protect their files (binary, and crypted which is easy to do to avoid modifications; failing this would be pure negligence if they intended that the game would never be modified; in this case what counts is the absence of adequate measures or a Eula inclusion by Ubisoft).

In conclusion, what you say would be valid only if a file distribution would allow to run a playable game without previously owning the game - clearly illegal and which is not possible with Subsim mods (or my modlist, or TWoS etc), therefore: I understand that there is NO infringement by publishing a mod with executables or dll's in such a restrictive context. The purpose of file distribution is to make the game playable for the owners and not to 'distribute the game'.

But...Back to the TDW Generic Patcher: With or without automation, it's easy enough to run it, you have to make a lot of clicks, but no need to be an expert...Doing it will take 2 minutes, even if you don't know what you do :)
But because I listen to what others say, and what you say, I will think twice before foolishly publishing some files. Thank you for your reply!


vdr1981 06-05-19 02:45 AM

XS please, we are going off topic here. Legal or not , this is not the place to discuss it. Here we have job to do...:yep:

XenonSurf 06-06-19 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by sputterfish (Post 2612861)
Hey VDR reach out to me before you do a new release. I found a way to automate all the things Generic Patcher does without user input needed. :yeah:

How did you bypass the Generic Patcher to ignore the 'GenericPatcher.cfg' file? The user needs to change this depending on where his game is installed. Can you make this automatic?

Tonci87 06-06-19 02:43 PM

Hi VDR I have three requests for a future update.

1.) Is it possible to reduce the noise of the electric engines when you are at the hydrophone? They seem to be really loud, even at silent running.

2.) My Deck gun crew is terrible at shooting although they have maxed out skills. Their horizontal aim is sometimes of by a shiplenght or two, even in calm seas. I can understand that it is difficult to get the distance to your target right when your gun is bobbing up and down, but to get the direction wrong like that? It seems excessive. Can their horizontal aiming error be lowered a bit?

3.) What would need to be done to make the vertical markings in the UZO usable? Currently they are not suitable to measure the range as you explained in another thread. Can this be corrected?

Thank you.

excel4004 06-08-19 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612637)
Removed...They were too repetitive and annoying.

IMO a very good desicion, pls dont bring that sounds back. For the people who liked that stuff, maybe an explanation/soundmod to use them?

excel4004 06-08-19 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612580)
I'm preparing new update which will hopefully solve or at least ease some of the issues recently discussed on forums. Here is the change log so far...:yep:

Fell free to jump in with some ideas...:salute:

" Slightly reduced visual sensors difficulty parameters for merchants and warships."

It will be interesting how does it feel in game about balance.

All other fixes sounds very good too! :)

When do you think will the patch be released?

Tonci87 06-08-19 06:16 PM

Hey VDR, is the Radio Station Großdeutscher Rundfunk part of your mod?
The events mostly get played on completely wrong dates, sometimes months before they are due.
If this is part of TWOS, can you say where those files are from so that I can try to track down the actual dates for the news reports?

Is it this one?
Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New Remix 1939-1945

IŽll see if I can fix the dates.

fitzcarraldo 06-08-19 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2613387)
IMO a very good desicion, pls dont bring that sounds back. For the people who liked that stuff, maybe an explanation/soundmod to use them?

I like the sounds but I mean an addon mod, of course.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 06-09-19 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2613390)
Is it this one?
Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New Remix 1939-1945

IŽll see if I can fix the dates.

Thanks Tonci87.
Anyway I will hardly have time for anything these days, plus it seem that my motherboard is dying off again (constant restarts ect). I'm afraid I'll have to postpone the update for some time... :(

vdr1981 06-11-19 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2613148)
Hi VDR I have three requests for a future update.

1.) Is it possible to reduce the noise of the electric engines when you are at the hydrophone? They seem to be really loud, even at silent running.

I don't know how or can this be done at all. I'll put this on my to do list for some future update since I don't have much time these days for detailed file exploration...:yep:


2.) My Deck gun crew is terrible at shooting although they have maxed out skills. Their horizontal aim is sometimes of by a shiplenght or two, even in calm seas. I can understand that it is difficult to get the distance to your target right when your gun is bobbing up and down, but to get the direction wrong like that? It seems excessive. Can their horizontal aiming error be lowered a bit?
Random aiming error can not be tweaked. I think this is hard codded or something. What can be done is to slightly increase vertical gun movement speed. I need to think about this solution and test it more. U-boats were very unstable platforms anyway but right now I'm quite satisfied with crew's hit/miss ratio from some normal distance (500-600m) in calm seas.


3.) What would need to be done to make the vertical markings in the UZO usable? Currently they are not suitable to measure the range as you explained in another thread. Can this be corrected?

Thank you.
I think that this can be done but I'm not sure that real life UZO binoculars had that kind of markings in the first place? :hmmm:

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