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Is there an associated underwater performance increase with removing the deck gun or is it just visual?
Thanks for the response!
No, nothing special really except that I don't think there were any noticeable performance benefit from the deck gun removal on type VII Uboat. From what I know the main reasons behind gun removal in late war years were totally different. They simply didn't have need for it any more... |
Hello Sir, I am posting this reply just to confirm my question. I started campaing with 2.2.18 and advanced pretty much however I just noticed you released newer version of awesome TWoS mod. Even though you stated that
TWoS v2.2.9 AND LATER IS NOT GAMESAVE COMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS! START NEW CAMPAIGN! is is possible to update it to 2.2.19 without breaking compatibility? And final question is just out of curiosity 2x to 2.2.18 patch is 118 mb however same patch with 2x to 2.2.19 is just 23 mb. Why there is a huge data gap between patches. Thank you kind sir.:Kaleun_Salute: |
Just got SH5 and downloaded TWos mod. Are any other mods compatible with it? If some are, any suggestions on which ones are worth getting? I don't want to get a mod that will interfere with TWos, and the front page says that some mods will.
https://imgur.com/gallery/viQB4no |
I wonder what are your sources on the topic, because all the information I have found so far seem to partly disconfirm your statements above. According to Gordon Williamson: Quote:
According to uboataces.com: Quote:
There is an interesting discussion on this same topic on Ubi's SH3 forum: Quote:
The point is, we can not really conclude this without some complex mathematics and even then I believe that the resulting speed benefit would be quite minuscule. Introducing some small value like 0.05KN of speed increase would be quite silly IMO and probably unnoticed by many Subsim Captains. Not to mention potential army of unhappy weekend Captains with dozens of threads named "BUG! I removed my deck gun but my speed stays the same!!!!WHYYYYYY???!!!" Unfortunately, other mentioned benefits like improved handling and diving times are not possible to simulate since they are controlled by completely different set of sim controllers... |
Regarding U-boat's equipment...
I noticed that deployable decoys are not available (for example, in Mare Nostrum campaign). Will this type of equipment be available in next chapters, or they're completely unavailable in TWOS ? |
I was able to install BOLD 1, a decoy system, inside my boat before going into Operation Drumbeat, maybe near the end of the Western Approchases campaign chapter or when I was in the bunker before going to the US East Seaboard. I still have it on board, though I never use it because I haven't found a single convoy. I have found a few duets of ships. Usually a destroyer and a large freighter (Usually 6,000+ tons) I sink the destroyer first so I do not have to worried about being picked up on ASDIC. I always use electric torpedoes when I attack DDs. I don't really have a use for it since I haven't found an escorted convoy, yet. Currently, I am in Distant Waters and nearly done with the campaign chapter! Farthest I've ever got with SH5. Thanks for the awesome mod, Vecko! :Kaleun_Salute::yeah: |
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