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Aktungbby 11-16-19 11:59 PM

welcome aboard!

hauangua 11-17-19 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by TheUBoatGirl (Post 2636827)
Hello Guys!

I have a little question, is it possible to play TWoS without any "Nazi Design"? I mean i hate this German Nazi Flag on my U Boat.. I would take the Russian one or another ("dont matter what flag") but is there a way to play without it? I mean with No flag? Like it is in the stock game?

Sorry I know this is history accurate, but my grandgrandfather and Grand Uncle (i'm a russian girl) are both dying in the 2nd World War killed by germans. I dont hate the Germans for that, because it was War.. But i dont want to see (if possible) a Nazi Flag in the game. Any tip for me would be fine! If theres no way out then "it is what it is.." Maybe i can change the Nazi Flags in the bunker by myself? Or ist there a existing mod, cause i only find the "sub flag mod" but this mod dont work for me. The flags are always visible on the boat.

I thank you for that! :yep:

Hi TheUboatGirl
Yes you can replace them all flags, for Germany ships and in bunker too(I do it too ... I don't like the swastika) ... now I'm working, in the afternoon if nobody answers you, I'll explain how to do it

Fifi 11-17-19 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by TheUBoatGirl (Post 2636827)
Hello Guys!

I have a little question, is it possible to play TWoS without any "Nazi Design"? I mean i hate this German Nazi Flag on my U Boat.. I would take the Russian one or another ("dont matter what flag") but is there a way to play without it? I mean with No flag? Like it is in the stock game?

Sorry I know this is history accurate, but my grandgrandfather and Grand Uncle (i'm a russian girl) are both dying in the 2nd World War killed by germans. I dont hate the Germans for that, because it was War.. But i dont want to see (if possible) a Nazi Flag in the game. Any tip for me would be fine! If theres no way out then "it is what it is.." Maybe i can change the Nazi Flags in the bunker by myself? Or ist there a existing mod, cause i only find the "sub flag mod" but this mod dont work for me. The flags are always visible on the boat.

I thank you for that! :yep:

In each data/submarine/sub name/Eqp, scrolling down the list you’ll find flag part, and changing the start date for 19451231 should make the flag gone.
There’s 2 flags, 1 Nazi and 1 pirate, you can keep the pirate one if you still want a flag...

hauangua 11-17-19 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2636836)
In each data/submarine/sub name/Eqp, scrolling down the list you’ll find flag part, and changing the start date for 19451231 should make the flag gone.
There’s 2 flags, 1 Nazi and 1 pirate, you can keep the pirate one if you still want a flag...

Hi fifi
In SH5 folder,i no remember were,( now at work not have here pc-game) maybe in "texture" folder?.. there are 2 folders you need to search for "german flag" or "flags" ... no remember ... there are German flags with and without swastika, you must correctly rename those without swastika, and they will replace the others. for "long flags" in bunkers, those hanging on the wall, you have to replace another file .. but always always inside these folders .. I repeat I'm not at the PC now .. I don't remember all the necessary steps
For flags on U-boats i play with the TWoS MOD "no sub flag" enabled
In afternoon maybe if I can do a mini-mod "TWoS_no_svastica" JSGME ready.
But before ask permission by Vecko think this is more correct step.

THEBERBSTER 11-17-19 06:27 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > TheUBoatGirl
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TheUBoatGirl 11-17-19 08:35 AM

@Huangahua (what Name is that?:D) and also FIFI: THANKS FOR ANSWERING
And also to "the Berbster" for the warm welcome.. if i forgot someone, sorry!
yes i did, of course... a Hurra for "Aktungbby" !!! Thank you also!

i try to rename the flags and also try to take another one, but
at most i like "no flags" at all at the ship, there is no need for
a flag so everybody can see "ho ho ho there comes the nazi boat":haha:

like i say before.. Thanks Gentleman! And i see i have my most loved rank: "NOOB" :haha:


vdr1981 11-17-19 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by TheUBoatGirl (Post 2636827)
Hello Guys!

I have a little question, is it possible to play TWoS without any "Nazi Design"? I mean i hate this German Nazi Flag on my U Boat.. I would take the Russian one or another ("dont matter what flag") but is there a way to play without it? I mean with No flag? Like it is in the stock game?

Sorry I know this is history accurate, but my grandgrandfather and Grand Uncle (i'm a russian girl) are both dying in the 2nd World War killed by germans. I dont hate the Germans for that, because it was War.. But i dont want to see (if possible) a Nazi Flag in the game. Any tip for me would be fine! If theres no way out then "it is what it is.." Maybe i can change the Nazi Flags in the bunker by myself? Or ist there a existing mod, cause i only find the "sub flag mod" but this mod dont work for me. The flags are always visible on the boat.

I thank you for that! :yep:

Optional mod to remove flags from players submarine is included in the package. However, to remove all other WW2 historically accurate flags and symbols from the mod would be much more complicated...

fitzcarraldo 11-17-19 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by TheUBoatGirl (Post 2636827)
Hello Guys!

I have a little question, is it possible to play TWoS without any "Nazi Design"? I mean i hate this German Nazi Flag on my U Boat.. I would take the Russian one or another ("dont matter what flag") but is there a way to play without it? I mean with No flag? Like it is in the stock game?

Sorry I know this is history accurate, but my grandgrandfather and Grand Uncle (i'm a russian girl) are both dying in the 2nd World War killed by germans. I dont hate the Germans for that, because it was War.. But i dont want to see (if possible) a Nazi Flag in the game. Any tip for me would be fine! If theres no way out then "it is what it is.." Maybe i can change the Nazi Flags in the bunker by myself? Or ist there a existing mod, cause i only find the "sub flag mod" but this mod dont work for me. The flags are always visible on the boat.

I thank you for that! :yep:

The sub flags addon in your TWoS parts folder should work in your installation. Activate or deactivate it with JSGME. It works for me.

In the bunker you need to edit the textures....

BTW you have a russian campaign for SH4 with russian submarines. The Battle of the Baltic mod. It is a nice and accurate mod but it is for SH4 1.5 only.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

TheUBoatGirl 11-17-19 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2636895)
The sub flags addon in your TWoS parts folder should work in your installation. Activate or deactivate it with JSGME. It works for me.

In the bunker you need to edit the textures....

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Thanks vdr1981!

Thanks also fitzcarraldo, 1st also thanks for helping.. so last thing is first, i know the russian campaign in SH4 and also played it years ago, at this time i only played SH3 and SH4, SH5 was never a real compromise for me for all this lousy bugs in the game - BUT it has potential cause i think the grafics looks better then in SH3 and also SH4. Imagine Ubisoft would normally have released Silent Hunter 6 for a long time, if not the 7 part. And imagine how good that would be looking today? But unfortunately Ubisoft was and is a really miserable sloppy arrogant company! And I hate them for Part 5 because you see how important Ubisoft cares for their customers, not at all. But thats history and it is what it is...

My question fitzcarraldo is now: whats the name of the mod inside the JSGME? Cause there are many mods i have activated, please give me the name of the mod - that would be fine! Maybe other Gentleman here can help me out with the name of the Mod who is activated in TWoS which i cant recognize in the JSGME to deactivate the nazi flags. Thanks!

Thanks in advance!

vdr1981 11-17-19 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by TheUBoatGirl (Post 2636929)
Thanks vdr1981!

Thanks also fitzcarraldo, 1st also thanks for helping.. so last thing is first, i know the russian campaign in SH4 and also played it years ago, at this time i only played SH3 and SH4, SH5 was never a real compromise for me for all this lousy bugs in the game - BUT it has potential cause i think the grafics looks better then in SH3 and also SH4.

My question fitzcarraldo is now: whats the name of the mod inside the JSGME? Cuase there are many mods i have activated, please give me the name of the mod - that would be fine!

Thanks in advance!

Be aware that using TWoS with custom and unsupported mods will bring back most of those "lousy bugs" you were talking about .

SEREGA 11-18-19 01:49 AM

Map designations
Thank you for the warm welcome of TABERBSTER and Akhtungbva.
I have been following TWoS for a long time and have done quite a few mods for TWoS for the Russian community. I am currently working on a grid of squares for the map and I am interested in one thing.
Is this Kriegsmarine card original? Could there be other cards similar to this one? How were minefields, nets, and fairways marked on military maps?

I understand that I am writing off topic and I hope that moderators will not delete the post. I really need the help of knowledgeable people. Thank you

The font question for vdr1981 remains unanswered. I want to use this font to indicate squares.

Sorry for my English!

vdr1981 11-18-19 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by SEREGA (Post 2636948)

The font question for vdr1981 remains unanswered. I want to use this font to indicate squares.

What font do you have in mind? I don't quite understand you...

SEREGA 11-18-19 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2636972)
What font do you have in mind? I don't quite understand you...

I'm interested in this font.
And this font too.

vdr1981 11-18-19 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by SEREGA (Post 2637000)

No idea really , I created that sig long time ago...First one is from YT video not created by me.

SEREGA 11-18-19 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2637007)
No idea really , I created that sig long time ago...First one is from YT video not created by me.

Well, the font is not so important, I almost picked the right one. What interests me most is the designations that talked about minefields, fairway and nets. What was the way to mark them on the map? Maybe someone from the knowledgeable people in this community will tell. I want to make a mod that would allow me to see all this on the map in the game.
Here is a test case of a square grid.

scale 20,000

scale 10,000

scale 4,000

And all this is possible without a load on the game.

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