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Niccerman 10-24-19 03:03 PM

I proceeded to download the zip-file (or in my case it is a winrar file) and the problem is not a missing patch in the TDW GenericPatcher folder as you say in your instructions. The file "TDW_SH5_Patches" is present in the folder, however, the generic patcher seems to be unable to open or register it at all.

THEBERBSTER 10-24-19 06:25 PM

Hi Niccerman

The file "TDW_SH5_Patches" is present in the folder, however, the generic patcher seems to be unable to open or register it at all.

Let me guess....your game is a Uplay download and that is why you cannot patch the SH5.exe?
I have patched 3 different SH5 exe's with it but not the STEAM one and they all work installing the game and loading the game.
You need to replace your SH5.exe with a genuine one and see if that is the answer.

vdr1981 10-25-19 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2633907)

@Vecko: Can I update my 2.2.16 with the new 2.2.16 update with the correction for KSD? Overwriting with the patch my full 2.2.16 installation, I mean.

Many thanks and regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Yes ...:yep:

hauangua 10-25-19 06:20 AM

I confirm,ununstall and reinstalled, with Steam, TWoS Mod works perfectly

Vertigooo 10-25-19 10:38 AM

RPM Hydrophon v.2.2.1
It seems that this Mod is not integrated in WoS. If yes, I apologize being wrong.
It should enable RPM estimation based on sound pulses and number of blades and consequently speed estimation.
I don't know if this mod is really accurate but I guess this method was used during WW2 as a first rough speed estimation for long distance boat. It should increase immersion.

Any feedback on it?

fitzcarraldo 10-25-19 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2633979)
Yes ...:yep:

Many thanks. Going for it.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

boogieman335 10-25-19 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2633963)
Hi Niccerman

Let me guess....your game is a Uplay download and that is why you cannot patch the SH5.exe?
I have patched 3 different SH5 exe's with it but not the STEAM one and they all work installing the game and loading the game.
You need to replace your SH5.exe with a genuine one and see if that is the answer.

The steam Sh5.exe will work as well but it requires you to re- run the installer for TWOS to have the SH5. exe converted prior to being patched by the Generic patcher .
I have 3 installs of SH5 on my system. One is my original Steam download for backup purposes which I never play, the second is a TWoS install without any additional mods as a backup for it which I almost never play, and the third is a TWoS install , with my graphics mod installed and several other mods:
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[E:\SteamLibrary\Steam\SteamApps\common\Silent Hunter 5\TWoS_Parts]

TWoS FX_Incr. Flooding via Zones
TWoS Harbors Chimney Smoke
TWoS Map Contact Colors
TWoS Neutrals Illuminated Only_Until [Date]
TWoS UI cmd_Radio Reports_Auto Target ID
Boogie's Pencil line
Dynamic Environment SH5 Waves (realistic version) V2.1
DynEnv v2.9 - 10.I Seafloor (high resolution)
DynEnv v2.9 - 11.a.I Sea Plants - Atlantic Kelp Forests (high resolution)
DynEnv v2.9 - 3.a Enhanced Visibility (medium)
DynEnv v2.9 - 5.e Ambient Settings - Brighter Nights-No Murky Waters
SH5 Eco mod 2.1 merged
My Favorite AA gun AIs
one ship, one torpedo v1.00
Paajtors_Renown_cheat (compatible with Equipment_Upgrades_Fix_v1_4_byTheBeast)
Shorter External Transfer Cooldown
U-Boat Watch Crew Routine SFX
emtguf - Periscope rework V 1.7
Boogie's Uniforms
Boogie's Refit for TWOS v1.2

This combo works fine, gives me a game that looks great, gives me the casual gameplay{no real Navigation, etc} that I actually have time for.
But please note I launch my game from a shortcut of the sh5.exe in that versions folder. That means it launchs Uplay but not Steam, when I launch the game. This is important because when Steam does an update it will overwrite this file if you launch the game from steam. Also I forgot to mention I copied all my games original voice sound files to the install which I play because I prefer the voices to be in English rather than German.

slipper 10-26-19 02:48 AM

Hi all

Just an update. I downloaded the Uplay version, replaced the SH5.exe with one from a DVD I have (with an invalid serial key), i then ran TWoS installer and patched but still get the same problem as mentioned, Im supposing the DVD SH5.exe is not patched to version 1.2 as its original? And maybe this is a problem. However i cant think how to patch to 1.2 through Uplay without also the silent patch installing.

The easier option would seem to be to purchase a steam version, however I can only find it on steam for Ģ25 as part of a bundle with SH3 and SH4 , which is too expensive for me for a game I already own!!

So looks like TWoS is off limits unless a new patcher can be made for the Uplay exe

Thanks for your help everyone



vdr1981 10-26-19 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by slipper (Post 2634102)
Hi all

Just an update. I downloaded the Uplay version, replaced the SH5.exe with one from a DVD I have (with an invalid serial key), i then ran TWoS installer and patched but still get the same problem as mentioned, Im supposing the DVD SH5.exe is not patched to version 1.2 as its original? And maybe this is a problem. However i cant think how to patch to 1.2 through Uplay without also the silent patch installing.

You should have tried to replace problematic sh5.exe with included steam converter tool (Silent Hunter 5\Resources\TWoS_Setup\SH5updateSteam.exe)

Hoster1472 10-26-19 12:29 PM

MightyFine Crew Mod
Hello lads,
I donīt like the stock faces in TWOS, I think, the alt faces of the MightyFine Crew Mod are much better. Is there a possibility to install the mod over TWOS? Tried it via JSGME but with no success.

excel4004 10-26-19 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2633719)
I have updated latest TWoS installers with a small Nobon's tweak for KSDCommander so if you wish to have this application fully functional again (server connection, chat ect) re-download and install the latest v2.2.16 update again...Cheers! :salute:

Thats really a good news! :D Iam a big fan of this tool, it brought a "little smell" of online feeling to SH5.

Hope the server will stay online in the future because it seems that Warham left this community, who is maybe the host from the KSD server too. :hmmm:

Also its curious how the results are played for the first players in normal (not elite) mode ranking. :03::haha:

excel4004 10-26-19 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Hoster1472 (Post 2634204)
Hello lads,
I donīt like the stock faces in TWOS, I think, the alt faces of the MightyFine Crew Mod are much better. Is there a possibility to install the mod over TWOS? Tried it via JSGME but with no success.

I use "Conus Das Boot crew faces" mod - for years now - with JSGME. :salute:

Tonci87 10-26-19 06:30 PM

I have a problem with KSD.

Since I connected it to the server it does not show my current local captian any more, but instead a captain that I had years ago before KSD stopped working.

How do I get my current captain back into KSD? :(

Kode13 10-26-19 06:54 PM

Problem with gyro angle.
Hello there everyone!
Just getting into this mod and it's awesome!! Thanks modding team. Unfortunately I can't yet jump on board, for turns out my gyro angle doesn't act the way i see it video tutorials (before anyone asks, those where Wolfes of Steel tutorials).
My gyro angle doesn't change it's values when I move attack scope arround, if i do manual TDC information input. What am i missing here?

Aktungbby 10-26-19 07:55 PM

Welcome aboard!

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