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Just sailed out.
Came back on 8th patrol with type IIA U-22 on April, 9th 1940 Ordered in December, 15h 1937, the U-99 was laid down March, 31th 1939. After tests, she was commissioned April, 18th 1940 Took command of the U-99 type VIIB on April, 10th 1940, moved with crew to Willemshaven on 11th and took control of U-99 on 22th 1940 at 06:00 Sailed with U-99 to Kiel, got her fitted with type II torpedoes. Departed for 9th patrol and U-99 first patrol, brand new ship, April 23th 1940 at 06:45 U-22 was transfered to another command and left for her patrol a week ago. Bdu sent us a message on April, 25th 1940 at 08:02 to inform us U-22 failed to report and came back from patrol. I left U-22 for U-99, U-22 went to sea for her first patrol without me and she will never come back... |
:wah: Ouch man that's gotta hurt.
RIP, U-22. |
The radio message was a slap in the face.
Spent two years with the U-22, from 1st august 1939 (one month before the war even started !) to April, 9th 1940 Done 8 patrols with her, sending to the bottom of sea 30283 tons. I took the U-99, sailed outside of the Kiel kanal and the message announcing the loss of U-22 reached me. :wah: |
Almost got killed on my 9th patrol, first time with my U-99, brand new type VIIB
May, 19th 1940 03:00 En route to Kiel. Spotted warship medium range in grid AM64. Started shooting at us, ordered crash dive. Depth charged. Dived to 80, then 100, then 120 meters. Warship circles and depth charges us. 03:44 : Warship has given up and his heading south. Setting depth to 80 meters, running silent running for one hour. Then periscope check and surface if possible. 06:06 : Spotted ship while on surface. Ordered crash dive. Will remain below water until night. 23:00 : Spotted warship. This place is crawling with patrol boats and destroyers. They know we are travelling the passage and want us sinked. 23:30 : Took a depth charge directly on side of Bow Torpedo. All four torpedo tubes are destroyed, and pressure doors destroyed. Could not block flooding from tubes : ordered evacuation of Bow torpedo quarters, and pressure door is now closed. Bow torpedo quarters are fully flooded, but ballast tanks are still working, helping level the ship. We have no wounded. 23:42 : We have bottomed the ocean floor. Engines are stopped. Destroyers are circling around and throwing depth charges. Ordered full stop and silence. -- May, 20th 1940 00:10 : Another depth charge close to us. Flooding in bow quarters. Bow torpedo flooding is increasing. We hear their sirens on top of us. 00:14 : Flooding in bow torpedo tubes under control. Damage team working on bow quarters. Raising depth to 30 meters and moving away. 00:17 : Stern is moving up but bow remains on ocean floor. Depth remains at 39 meters. Trying to move the sub up. 00:22 : Warship still running around. No ping, no depth charges. We are waiting. Will have to blow ballast to surface. 01:07 : Blowing ballasts. 01:11 : We are on surface. Ordering full ahead speed. We have three dead : Bootsman Gert Eppen, Matrosengefreiter Henning Hansen and Harald Clausen. Two heavily wounded : Eberhard Hauber and Wilhelm Schulz. 01:39 : Water has been pumped out of Bow Quarters. But we cannot dive again or we will bottom the ship. The Bow torpedo is full of water reducing our speed. Chief engineer is taking care of wounded and then will try to path the Bow Torpedo if possible to increase level of bow. -- May, 21th 1940 08:50 : Chief engineer has finished working on the bow compartement. We have a huge hole on the right, the depth charge must have exploded very close. We have welded metal plates to try to avoid too much water pouring in and slowing us down, but the compartement is flooded. We have moded all recipients we could find, filled with air, to that compartement to level it higher than sea line. Boat is almost level and we are running at 12 knots to Kiel. If any aircraft catches us on surface, we might not make it. -- May, 22th 1940 19:34 : Aircraft attacking us from stern. Ordered flak gun to fire. Speed to flank ahead. -- May, 23th 1940 06:00 We buried at sea our three dead. 11:01 - BdU orders to stop any use of the magnetic pistols henceforth. -- May, 26th 1940 00:52 : We are below 10 % fuel We are 50 Km from Kiel. 03:24 : We have reached Kiel. End of patrol. Sunk 1 tanker 4 cargo ships 1 warship Total tonnage : 26165 tons 3 dead Been awarded Iron Cross, First Class Damage to Uboat has been very high. Hull integrity loss is estimated to 85 % |
IIDs can, and realy have, done North Atlantic patrols. (And it's a nice boat). |
Just look at that tonnage! You sink more ships than I even get to see. (You can get your realism up into the 80s, without making anything harder on yourself). |
I was at 8 patrols, so I added 200 x 8 to my renown (since this should have been in the game if there wasn't a bug) I took the VIIB. I removed the deck gun. I like its underswater speed and sleak look. It's a huge and luxurious boat. I have spent 8 patrols in the type IIA. The biggest problem was not the fuel, I always made sure I could come back to port. The problem was only 5 torpedoes. I very often came back to port after two weeks full of fuel because I had fired all my torpedoes... I really like the VIIB. Probably will keep it until the war's end. type IIA -> type VIIB I will then start a carreer with a type VIIB or C and move to a type IX for long-range patrols. Does the change to France port occurs automatically ? I'm in September 1940 and my port is still Kiel. |
Quick question, I am reviewing my patrol logs and I do not get cargo information or crew men lost on the ship like frau kaulen, any ideas?
Also, when is the IID available? I am using the IIA on the 2nd flotilla in oct39, the only one available is the VIIB. |
U37 IX(A). 2. Flotilla. Patrol 7.
This is cool. My IX(A) managed to get assigned a VII grid.
Thought briefly about "doing my 24" and slipping off to my favorite grid, BC43 (Canada), but reconsidered. U37 must be the the southern most boat of a patrol line (Wolf Pack) covering the western side of Rockall. Can't leave a hole. D. 6.dec.40. 02.37. Depart Lorient enrout to Patrol Grid AM43. 08.47. BF61. Alarm! Crash Dive for Aircraft. Wasn't that nice of the RAF to see us off, and drop off some "presents". Just 35 miles out of port. No damage luckily, but a real wake up call. D. 11.dec.40. BF14. 04.45. Ship Spotted. T3 Tanker, making 12 Knots, and flying The Stars And Stripes. D. 12.dec.40. AM87. 03.01. Ship Spotted. Destroyer at 4500 Meters, and heading our way. Full moon, calm & clear. Turn bow on while diving to 100 meters. Undetected. D. 12.dec.40. AM76. 08.56. Sound Contact. Merchant. Closing. Moving Slow. 09.08. Surface. Full Ahead. Variouse Courses and Speeds. 09.21. Target spotted by me on a reciprical course. Periscope Depth. 09.44. Coastal Merchant (2.047 GRT) Sunk. Course 177. Speed 7 Knots. G7E Torpedo x 1. D. 14.dec.40. AM43. 01.00. On Station. D. 15.dec.43. AM43. 14.06. Radio Report. Convoy. AM19. East. 7 Knots. (Full Ahead for AM01). D. 15.dec.40. AM01. 21.00. Ship Spotted. Destroyer! And Convoy! Coming straight at us. Periscope Depth. Don't like inside attacks. Turning 90 degrees for the stern tubes. 21.30. T2 Tanker (10.872 GRT) Sunk. Convoy's Course 098. 7 Knots. (Thanks for the speed, BDU). G7A Torpedo x 2. Full Moon. Calm & Clear. 22.58. Surface. Full Ahead. The chase is on. D. 16.dec.40. AM01. 00.01. Regained contact with Convoy. 00.03. Corvette Spotted! This guy was good. It was a long way around him. Hard to see little thing! 01.47. Coastal Merchant (2.050 GRT) Sunk. G7A Torpedo x 1. 01.47. C2 Cargo (6.250 GRT) Sunk. G7E Torpedo x 3. Night Submerged Attack. Full Moon. Calm & Clear. Convoy's Course 098. Speed 7 Knots. 3 known escorts. Destroyer Front. Corvette Port. Destroyer Rear. Second Corvette suspected on Starboard. 04.10. Surface. Full Ahead. 06.03. Regained contact with convoy. 08.05. T3 Tanker (11.654 GRT) Sunk. G7A Torpedo x 1. 08.06. Little Merchant (2.343 GRT) Sunk. G7E Torpedo x 1. 08.08. Little Tanker (4.276 GRT) Sunk. G7E Torpedo x 1. No result on C2 Cargo fired on. G7E Torpedo x 1. Presunrise Submerged Attack. Light. Clear & Calm. My last Torpedo, a G7A is loaded into Tube 3. The next 10+ hours are devoted to this single torpedo. 09.40. Surface. Full Ahead. 10.41. Contact regained with convoy. (Visibility Limit 7.000 Meters). 11.05. "We've been spotted!". Corvette is at 6.900 Meters. Escaping on surface. 11.13. "Ship Spotted!". DESTROYER! Dive! 100 Meters. 11.17. Report nearest warship. "No Warship Contact.". 11.28. Sound Contact. Warship. 156R. Moving Away. Moving Fast. Long Range. 11.29. Sound Contact. Warship. 158R. Moving Away. Medium Speed. Long Range. 12.20. Surface. Full Ahead. 13.43. Regained contact with convoy. 13.47. "We've been spotted! We've been spotted!". Dive! 100 Meters. 13.48. Sound. 2 Warships. Medium & Very Fast (35+ Knots!) D. 16.dec.40. AM29. 16.00. Surface. Full Ahead. 17.05. Regained contact with convoy. D. 16.dec.40. AM51. 18.40. Torpedo Impact. C2 Cargo hit. No Sinkings. No stragglers. All Torpedoes (12) Expended. Status Report Sent. Returning to Lorient. D. 17.dec.40. AM46. 08.00. Sound Contact. Convoy. Surface. Full Ahead. Standard Propulsion. 08.34. Destroyer & Convoy Sighted. Dive, Follow & Shadow. 09.40. Contact Report Sent. Convoy's Course 051. Speed 11 Knots. Transports, Cargoes, and a Tanker. D. 20.dec.40. BF12. (Shortcut across England's front lawn). 04.39. Corvette Spotted. 000R. Dive. 100 (of 134) Meters. Undetected. D. 24.dec.40. Docked at Lorient. Patrol Results: 7 Ships Sunk for 39.692 GRT. U37's History To Date: 7 Patrols. 24 Ships Sunk. (Frau Kaleun does that in one patrol). 135.325 GRT. |
I don't get that either. How'd you get a IIA in the 2. Flotilla? The 2. Flotilla usualy (if unaltered) starts you in a VIIB, and later progresses to IXs. Neither the IIA nor IID have enough range to do 2. Flotilla Grids (African Coast and the like) 1. Flotilla starts with a IIA, and offers the IID in oktober 1939 for 500 Renown. I don't think you can get either of these boats outside the 1. Flotilla. |
Also, I am in 1st Flotilla, pardon me... another omission. Thanks for the data, do I spend my 500 on the IID or save up for IXB & transfer to 2nd Flotilla? I really want to get my hands on that 105mm deck gun. |
You can use it with stock game or with GWX 3 Gold Not only it adds names ships, but it also keeps a log of ships you sunk so you cannot sink the same ship twice in your logs. |
If your Radioman tells you that you have a message, press "M", then click on "Message". The missing renown for returning to port should actualy be 100 per patrol, but that's OK. I've done worse things than that. Not sure why you would want to remove the deck gun. It can come in handy for Trawlers, Fishing Boats, Tugs, and finishing off ships you've managed to cripple with torpedoes. The IIA & Fuel. No problem . . . until the move to France. From that point on, the patrols get much longer. Just getting to France in a IIA can be exceptionaly challenging. Enjoy your VIIB. It's a nice step up from either of the IIs, for sure. |
IIA til IID til IXB: I've gone that route. It's not easy, but it is rewarding. WARNING: Should you decide to do it this way, you may have to do at least one patrol out of France in the IID. If you use a VIIB as a stepping stone to the IXB, there's an ekstra 2.000 Renown to make up. Personal Recommendations. From the 1. Flotilla: IIA, IID, IXB. (The hard way). From the 7. Flotilla: VIIB, IXB. (Easy). (You get the VIIB, FREE.) |
I'll probably go for IID then save up for the IXB, I see it available in december 39 on the 2nd Flotilla. |
It'll happen shortly after the move to France. |
Love that ship :) It's November, 12th 1940. My base is still kiel and I received no message until now about it. I was told renown for returning was 200 per patrol :/ I need to remove renown now then. 8 x 200 - 8 x 100 that's 800 to remove. I was at 500 so I should have missed about 1200 renown to get the VIIB :damn: |
I decided to start again with a German name and not a picture and name from Battlestar Galactica :yeah:
I'm going to try and give updates as diary entries ....................................... 26th August 1939 I was given command of U-52 looks like all that brown noseing at the academy paid off. After a shakedown cruise and some leave for my men, last night we were put to sea. We have been sent to a classified location somwhere near France and Britain. The men are anxious. I have a feeling too.. we have our reserve bays loaded with torpedos too.. Bdu have never done that before.. I have a feeling war is imminant.. 27th August 1939 We have passed Dutch and British in grids AN95 and AN83. Weather is good and no word from Bdu. We are setting course to the English Channel. I can smell food. I think the galley is cooking up somthice nice.. (more to come as it happens) |
2nd patrol of U-16
Kpt Franz Weber
U-16 , Type IIA 2nd war patrol , assigned to grid AM87 Left Wilhemshaven on 26th Sept 1939 at 0654 19:32 Passed along the Frisian/Dutch coast and recieved radio report of large enemy task force in AN41 heading ESE at 25kts Decided against any sort of action against it due to our relative position and they could change course at any given point making interception unlikely,and due to their speed of 25kts would easily catch us if spotted.Proceeded back to original course 26 Sept Day 1 at sea 04:52 Patrol Craft spotted in AN83 heading 266 at 5kts.Went to periscope depth until vessel disappeared 15:28 Second Patrol Craft spotted in AN85 possibly heading to the nearest Dutch port at 9-10 kts.Again dived to periscope depth until craft had gone 15:43 Passing through AN85 along the Dutch coast about 7km from land,a day and a half away until we enter the Dover Strait.May luck be on our side passing through this perilous area,and then onward as we break out into the Irish Sea.Our priority is to intercept any inbound traffic heading for the Bristol Channel.Recieved reports from fellow captain's that this is a lively spot...lets hope so.This time we can afford no more errors in identifying ship nationalities,we must be certain,even if it means us making prior interceptions in daylight just to verify their ID End of log. |
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