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von Harris = My current Commander name. |
Had a hairy moment, was tracking a Task force, and was hoping to find a nice ship at the center of it. Then I ran into it.
3 torpedo boats, and 3 ASW trawlers. (opps) crash dive and slink away as they blow holes in the water with depth charges. Luckily later i was able to find a convoy and sink three ships and survived getting dinked by a Q ship and got my crew home. It is late 1940 and it is already MUCH harder to hunt. |
U-124 IXB
100% realism - GWX - Hsie V16B1 patch
Patrol 11 page 1 of 2 http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/3...11page1of2.jpg Patrol 11 page 2 of 2 http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/3...11page2of2.jpg Patrol 11 map http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4287/patrol11map.jpg |
3 14NOV40 - 19NOV40 (6 days) 3 (3/0) 7831 (7831/0) U-boat damaged (H.I. 82.34%)
I lived, very short patrol, sunk a low value tanker, then came to a massive convoy. Sneaked in, you would think that it would of been a turkey shoot, but Dud torpedoes was the rule of the day. Firing them off as fast as I could. Lots of duds. surfaced and manned the guns but the escorts fire was too close for comfort, so I crashed dived and waited for the convoy to pass me over. Then I finished off a small freighter who was crippled with the deck gun. Shadowed it till dawn, and gave a lot of locational reports, hoping for a air raid as it was so close to France in late 1940. I tried to sneak in once again with three eels, but a Town Class spotted me and damaged my boat, so I got quiet, got away, and returned home. Somehow A Intermediate Tanker was sunk by me, so I was able to get 7931 tons, my worse showing by far. |
U-124 IXB
100% realism - GWX - Hsie V16B1 patch
Patrol 12 log page 1 of 4 http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2...12page1of4.jpg Patrol 12 log page 2 of 4 http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/568...12page2of4.jpg Patrol 12 log 3 of 4 http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/42/...12page3of4.jpg Patrol 12 log page 4 of 4 http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/576...12page4of4.jpg Patrol 12 map http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/293/patrol12map.jpg |
U-124 IXB
100% realism - GWX - Hsie V16B1 patch
Patrol 13 log page 1 of 2 http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/6...13page1of2.jpg Patrol 13 log page 2 of 2 http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/9...13page2of2.jpg See also : http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=83681 post 10650 |
Pretty scary patrol Von :yep:
Same situation but I didn't survive. |
17.1.41. 1626 Patrol 5
U-403, 7th/13th Flotilla Left at: January 17, 1941, 16:26 From: St. Nazaire Mission Orders: Patrol grid CF32 22.1.41. 1031 Grid BE 97 Ship sunk! HMS Bataan (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 206. Crew lost: 41 1144 Grid BE 97 Ship sunk! SS Bienville (Medium Cargo) (Medium Cargo), 5301 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 6 1245 Grid BE 97 Ship sunk! HMS Cygnet (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 183. Crew lost: 155 1904 Grid BE 94 Ship sunk! SS Sea Panther (Large Cargo), 6946 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 3 2029 Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 4 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 15347 tons BACK Almost bit it when suddenly a flowers class got the range on me on the opening salvo on my last attack. was depth charged out the wazoo and was under 50% hull when I limped home. Looks like the men will have time to visit the french girls while the ship repairs. It was a nasty convoy fight between me, a large convoy, and its five escorts. First approach i was spotted well outside the convoy, and I sunk the Tribal with a electric eel gut shot before I crashed drived, the flowers class that annoyed me the entire battle depth charged me. I surface, reload with steam torps, and launch a long string of steam torps at the convoy at 10k meters. get two hits, and one is fatal. perscope depth, and get a ideal shot at one of the escorts, so I sink it and go down as the flowers pounds me with some more depth charges. Now it was night, and i was down to one steam forward, and one rear. So I charge in, and there is a front escort, a rear escort, and a type S somewhere inside. So I launch the steam at a large frighter, and I flip around to launch the last torpedo when I am spotted. Star shells are fired, and I order my gun crew into action to cause mayhem, as I keep turning at flank speed to get my stern shot off. Then the same flowers starts to pepper my haul with fire. Crash dive, damage control teams get the damage under control, and i risk 100 meters and go silent. Get 40 depth charges toss at me by the flowers class and its buddy. As they go they are sailing back at 8000 meters to the convoy. So I use my stern shot to take a last chance at the flowers class, and when it misses, surface, and head back to base. Didn't get as many freighters as I wanted. Do the allies already have radar in Jan 41? |
Came home from fifth trip
almost hit the 100.000, but it was 95.875 tonnage, the credit i had was 2500, torped 17 ships, and 1 bi-plane....
Tonight im ready to sail out again saving credit to purchasing XB for long haul to US coast, away from the planes... hopefully will have luck like the last mission.. But DD's gettin smarter every day, i had 1 mission grid CG 85, there was a DD in 1940 that already use hedgehogs..., it was a pain to get away, but it works, and made home.... |
U-124 IXB
Two patrols completed
Lots of time to play 100% realism - GWX - Hsie V16B1 patch Not much details this time:oops: Patrol 14 log page 1 of 1 http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/467...14page1of1.jpg Patrol 15 log page 1 of 2 http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/8...15page1of2.jpg Patrol 15 log page 2 of 2 http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/1...15page2of2.jpg |
U-154 IXC
Patrol 16 Log page 1 of 1
Not much of a patrol , as both scopes were useless! http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/5...16page1of1.jpg After repairing the scopes , U-154 was ready to sail again Patrol 17 log page 1 of 4 http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3...17page1of4.jpg Patrol 17 log page 2 of 4 http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/3...17page2of4.jpg Patrol 17 Log page 3 of 4 http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/5...17page3of4.jpg Patrol 17 Log page 4 of 4 http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/867...17page4of4.jpg Next patrol will be at the US East Coast , operation Paukenschlag |
05.1941. On the way to the coast of Africa (Freetown) with my lovely VIIC Boat. I am saving fuel
Mission 5, Juli 1940
Mission grid: AM53, after patrolled that grid 24 hours heading south to Gibraltar, there are loaded with ships coming in/out that corridor, just wait and take them down... with luck 2 ships together.. the weather change quick, torped 2 ships and 1 friendly fire(Greece ship)(small cargo ship) but didn't sink otherwise it will reown me minus, it was to dark to check the flag... the greece ship was limped(out of order) or in german language "aus ter stelle"....
Now heading back to Ireland grid BE, have 6 torpedos left, and 100 round deck-ammo, hopefully after this mission, i can relocate to Brest or Lorient.. Im at 5014 reown, need to have for IXB 7500, so hopefully i pass the reown, to pimp my new IXB for the next voyage... Came home at Lorient when i received a message that Lorient is available, on the mission book it said back to Wilhelmshaven, but i was lazy to take a long route all the way to N13/N14 thats crowded with DD's later in the war, so came home, with tonnage of 29500, not enough to get the IXB, so i stick for 2 mission with the VII type.. I will upgraded for 300 reown from single to dual AA, and keep the rest for the new boot... |
U-29 patrol 6
Here's my latest patrol: http://imgur.com/p4Hr3 It's the whole war diary I kept during the patrol, 24 pages, so I put only a link here. |
Congats on that! :up: |
New mission grid BE61
Boot: VII
Upgrades: dual AA for free changed: type II torpedo's in Type I torpedo's Mission 7 Came home with total tonnage 31952 Torped 7 merchants 1 destroyer 1 patrolboat(not speed boot) date left port: 10-6-1940 Date arrive port: 11-12-1940 U boot hull %: 84.90 Reown this mission: 746.65 |
OKM - Berlin, 13/05/40 |
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