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4 May 1940:
Goeben departs on another raiding mission. Once more headed for the area SSW of Reykjavik, which once again proved fruitful. Ran into and practically obliterated a large enemy convoy. Fired the guns until there was nothing left to fire but starshell, and unfortunately had to leave a Medium Cargo Ship afloat but damaged. Results: Returned to port 18 May 1940, having sunk 32 ships for 110,916 tons. Once again, gunners and lookouts were heaped with medals and promotions. 1 Modern Tanker 1 Large Tanker 2 Large Merchants 1 Large Cargo Ship 3 Medium Cargo Ships 2 Granville-type Freighters 1 Passenger/Cargo Ship 2 Small Tankers 2 Small Freighters 3 Small Merchants 1 Tramp Steamer 1 Coal Freighter 3 Coastal Freighters 4 Black Swan-class Frigates 5 Flower-class Corvettes 1 Elco-type Torpedo Boat |
U-504 IXC
Patrol 11
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received report of allied convoy heading to support Greece Stop
moved to intercept Stop Visual of convoy at 0100 hours. Stop 4 eels launched Ship sunk Auxiliary Cruiser. Stop |
21 May 1940:
Goeben departs Wilhelmshaven to support invasion of France. Patrolled in assigned grid for 24 hours, then made to intercept British task force. Interception called off due to inclement weather...they weren't going to catch us by surprise! But that was just the beginning... Results: Returned to port 25 May 1940 to replenish ammunition, after having intercepted and obliterated TWO enemy convoys; 28 ships sunk for (a career best) 134,568 tons. Goeben's quickly becoming known as the "Knight's Cross crew", due to so many of her personnel wearing the medal. Our career tonnage now stands at a most impressive 1,422,538 tons. 1 Modern Tanker 4 Large Merchants 1 Large Cargo Ship 2 Ore Carriers 3 Empire-type Freighters 1 Medium Cargo Ship 1 Granville-type Freighter 1 Small Tanker 5 Tramp Steamers 4 Coastal Freighters 1 Tribal-class DD 2 C/D-class DDs 2 Black Swan-class Frigates |
U-97 2nd patrol, status report
15 days out of St. Nazaire. Position- Grid AM19 Intercepted inbound convoy. Torpedoed and sunk one large merchant ship 8000 tons. Driven under and depth charged, no damage. Surfaced and ran ahead of convoy for second attack. Sighted Revenge class battleship at center of convoy. Penetrated screen and fired 4 torpedoes at battleship. Two magnetic hits, two misses. Driven under by escorts. No depth charges, but lost contact. Continuing search. 2 merchant ships sunk, 9,996 tons 1 battleship damaged 4 torpedoes left. Oblt. Ernst Walzer |
Question for all my fellow U-boat skippers: when's the earliest you've started sighting BBs and CLs / CAs with convoys? The biggest vessel I've seen with convoys thus far has been a Tribal-class DD, although by some strange coincidence managed to pick out one convoy that had a Revenge-class BB with it back when I was in command of Admiral Scheer. Did battle with it, but didn't sink it. So when should I start expecting big guns with my prey? I'm looking forward to putting those 15-inchers of mine to the test. :)
-Matt |
Those 9 16 in guns on the Nelson can be very dangerous! Good luck! Ernst Engelhaupt U-504 |
U-46, Oblt.z.S. Günther Trede, 5th combat patrol
Oberleutnant zur See Günther Trede just finished his 5th combat patrol - a short patrol cursed by torpedo failures, with a total of 7 duds out of 12 torpedoes fired, including 4 consecutive duds when trying to fire a coup de grace on an immobile target.
Despite only sinking 3 ships and damaging one more, he was awarded the Knights Cross. U-46 (VII B), U-Flotilla Saltzwedel, 5th combat patrol Left at: February 19, 1940, 15:34 From: Wilhelmshaven Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF41 Ammunition: 9 G7e and 5 G7a torpedoes, 220 8.8 cm rounds, 1000 20 mm rounds 19.2.1940 16:50, AN98 Escort turned back to Wilhelmshaven. Plotting course between the Shetland and Orkney Isles and around the British Isles towards patrol zone. Weather: partial clouds, no rain, light fog, wind 4 m/s. 20.2.1940 14:40, AN62 Spotted ship running with lights on, on a course crossing our course. Submerged to take a closer look. Ship turned out to be a Norwegian Medium Merchant. Surfaced again at 16:00 after ship had passed. 22.2.1940 10:15, AN14 Spotted merchant, overtaking and maneuvering for submerged attack position. 11:14, AN14 Ship is a 5100 ton medium merchant, heading 330, speed 7 kts. Firing tubes 1 and 2, G7e's, magnetic pistol, range 700 meters. One detonation 11:15 beneath front superstructure, other torpedo probably was a dud. 11:30, AN14 Target now stationary but doesn't appear to be sinking. Surfacing to finish it off with the deck gun. 5 rounds fired, 215 remaining. 11:32, AN14 Ship sunk! SS Umzinto (Medium Merchant 18), 5176 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 15 12:00, AN14 Between Shetland and Orkney Isles. Weather changed suddenly: wind now 15 m/s. No clouds, light fog. 12:07, AN14 Spotted merchant in front of us, heading almost straight towards us. Submerging for attack. 13:12, AN14 Ship is a 3100 ton medium merchant, heading 95, speed 5 kts. Firing tube 5, G7e, magnetic pistol, range 500 meters. Detonation 13:13 between smokestack and aft mast. 13:30, AN14 Target has stopped and the stern lies deep in the water. Cannot use deck gun in this weather, so waiting to see if target sinks or needs another torpedo. 13:42, AN14 Spotted destroyer approaching torpedoed merchant. Firing tube 3, G7e, magnetic pistol, 700 meters. Dud. 13:45, AN14 Firing tube 4, G7e, magnetic pistol, 700 meters. Dud. 13:47, AN14 Firing tube 1, G7e, magnetic pistol, 700 meters. Dud. 13:49, AN14 Firing tube 2, G7e, magnetic pistol, 700 meters. Dud. Diving deeper and moving away to avoid destroyer and reload tubes. Replacing magnetic pistol with impact pistol for stern reload before loading torpedo into tube. 15:00, AN14 Returned to periscope depth after destroyer moved away and all tubes were reloaded. Destroyer still in sight at long range, moving away from us. Condition of torpedoed merchant unchanged. Maneuvering for new attack. 15:34, AN14 Firing tube 5, G7a, impact pistol, 600 meters, slow speed. Detonation 15:35 just behind front mast. 15:35, AN14 Ship sunk! SS Isaac T. Mann (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 43 6 torpedoes remaining: 2 G7e's and 2 G7a's in front tubes, 2 G7a's in external containers. Surfacing and continuing trip towards patrol zone. 21:34, AN13 Spotted destroyer. Avoiding on surface. 23.2.1940 05:02, AN13 Spotted merchant. Maneuvering for surface attack. 05:15, AN13 Ship is a 6300 ton medium merchant, heading 40, speed 8 kts. Firing tubes 3 and 4, G7a, slow speed, magnetic pistol, 500 meters. One detonation 05:16 just in front of aft mast. First torpedo assumed to have been a dud. 05:16, AN13 Ship sunk! HMS Laomedon (Medium Merchant 27), 6313 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 66. Crew lost: 11 05:30, AN13 With only 2 internal torpedoes remaining and unable to currently reload external torpedoes, decided not to head to assigned patrol zone. Will patrol between the Shetland and Orkney Isles instead, since it seems to be a target rich environment. Will return to Wilhelmshaven after last torpedoes are spent. Informed BdU of current status, intentions and torpedo problems (6 duds out of 10 torpedoes fired so far). 10:39, AN13 Crash dived because of aircraft. 10:58, AN13 Detected merchant on hydrophones. Surfacing and heading towards contact at full speed. 11:26, AN13 Spotted merhcant. Maneuvering to overtake for submerged attack. 14:17, AN13 Ship is a 5100 ton medium merchant, heading 250, speed 9 kts. Firing tubes 1 and 2, G7e, magnetic pistol, 600 meters. One detonation 14:18, behind smokestack. First torpedo assumed to have been a dud. 14:30, AN13 Ship has stopped and stern lies heavy in the water. Unable to use the deck gun or reload external torpedoes in this weather, so waiting to see if it sinks. 16:30, AN13 Ship shows no sign of sinking. Waiting submerged nearby. 18:30, AN13 Ship still shows no sign of sinking. Surfacing at a safe distance and leaving. Plotting course to Wilhelmshaven. 19:03, AN13 Aircraft sighted, crash dive to avoid. Surfaced at 19:30. 24.2.1940 06:00, AN14 Spotted merchant. With no means of attacking, avoiding on surface. 25.2.1940 10:00, AN49 Weather calmed down. Still light fog, but no clouds or wind. 27.2.1940 02:00, AN96 Requested escort to Wilhelmshaven. 03:00, AN98 Sighted Admiral Hipper, which was leaving Wilhelmshaven. Passed nearby, waved, and wished them good luck. 04:35, AN98 Docked at Wilhelmshaven. Patrol results: 9 days at sea. 2 torpedoes and 215 deck gun rounds remaining. No AA gun usage. No damage, Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 3 Ships damaged: 1 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonage: 14674 tons. Knights Cross awarded. Oblt.z.S. Günther Trede |
U-504 IXC
Patrol 12
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I put this game down for a bit. Been playing other ones where outright aggressiveness wins, and lost my sea legs.
Well the legs are fine, but my choices on the other hand. I attack a convoy sinking a tanker outright, and damaging a large cargo, easily a slow sinker. Nice haul...Except I got greedy. Needless to say I torpedoed a destroyer, was forced to the surface due to flooding. I was able to finish off the destroyer with my deck guns and another torpedo (and luck) and slip away...Yay!!! Aircraft found me before repairs could be completed, unable to dive I met my fate. But the ups and downs of it is exactly why I love this game. |
1341 Patrol 4 U-123, 2nd Flotilla Left at: April 24, 1941, 13:41 From: Lorient Mission Orders: Patrol grid ET41 05.03.41 BdU reports Convoy heading south in patrol grid CG 72 at 8 Kts. Will attempt to over take convoy Grid CG73 050341 05.04.41 Attacked convoy, approximately 18000 tons sunk, Large Cargo and Large Merchant. Pinged and depth charged, convoy moved off, attempted to over take, gave up after 8 hours when expected time of arrival failed to come to pass. Ship sunk! SS Burleigh (Large Cargo), 8577 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 55. Crew lost: 25 Ship sunk! SS Umtali (Large Merchant), 10615 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 53 05.12.41 Engaged ship on surface 051241 DU27, Fired Coup de Gras, 0627 ship observed sunk at 0635 2200 tons Ship sunk! SS Margarita (Small Freighter), 2228 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 21 05.22.41 052241 reached patrol grid ET41. 0330 06.04.41 Encountered and engaged target on surface, there is an escort, came from behind and fired off torpedoes, after about 4-5 misses/duds launching from the beginning of 2100 hours and 2140 hours, finally got an impact, crash dove. Grid ET24 060441 Ship sunk! SS Agapenor (Large Merchant), 10621 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 85. Crew lost: 56 06.05.41 Infiltrated base, took damage on sub net. Discovered a Large troop transport, a large tanker, and a modern tanker. It was enough for us, we attacked sinking them all. Torpedo reports were not kept. Crept out of port. 060541 ET38 Ship sunk! MV Inversuir (Large Tanker), 9505 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 6 Ship sunk! SS Cameronia (Large Troop Ship), 24469 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1087. Crew lost: 945 Ship sunk! MV British Pride (Modern Tanker), 10866 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 45. Crew lost: 32 06.10.41 leakage in the fuel line, not enough fuel to return home, sent request for orders to BdU ET 21 06.14.41 Arrived 061441, refueled and rearmed. Received by radio I was awarded the Knights cross. 76880 tons sunk. Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 7 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 76881 tons |
U-504 IXC
Patrol 13
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I'm into commander Paul Just skin ATM. The date is 1944 Jan. and I'm trying to pass the english channel from Lorient to Kiel in order to mimic his first patrol from Kiel to Kristiansand (Marviken was RL destination near by)
I almost did it, however I had to make a save and leave the game exactly between Denver and Calais, not sure if I manage to load it up without CTD :06: |
Kapitänleutnant Sigmund Strand
U-6 type IIa (1 patrol) U-72 type VIIc (1 patrol) Career tonnage: 22 716 tons Patrol 1 U-6, 1st Flotilla Left at: April 6, 1940, 10:43 From: Kiel Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN29 8.4.1940 17:40 Arrived patrol area. AN 2977 20.4.1940 18:32 Docked at Kiel. Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 0 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 0 tons Patrol 2 U-72, 7th Flotilla Left at: March 16, 1941, 18:57 From: Kiel Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM19 25.3.1940 01:10 Arrived patrol area. AM 1973 26.3.1940 01:41 Convoy sighted. AM 1973 02:45 /From BdU: Full freedom of manoeuvre granted/ Positioned ahead of the convoy. Will try to manoeuvre surfaced inside the columns and attack tankers there. AM 1946 02:59 Attacked tanker with tubes II and III. G7a, range 600m, speed 8 kts, AoB green 90, depth 3m. Both hit. Target exploded upon detonation. 03:00 Attacked large steamer with tube V. G7a, range 1800m, speed 8 kts, AoB red 90, depth 3m. Hit. 05:00 After first torpedoes exploded boat was detected by escorts. Took damage from gunfire and heavy depth charge attack. Port propeller out of action and damage to both diesels. Broke contact with convoy. 10:04 Took external torpedoes on board. 12:09 Repairs complete. 13:04 /From BdU: Patrol grig AL28/ 27.3.1940 17:40 Arrived patrol area. AL 2899 21:25 A/c, crash dive. AL 2897 28.3.1940 16:37 A/c, crash dive. AL 2837 20:42 A/c, crash dive. AL 2856 29.3.1940 13:21 A/c, crash dive. AL 2872 15:21 A/c, crash dive. AL 2874 31.3.1940 10:51 A/c, crash dive. AL 2897 14:24 A/c, crash dive. AL 2823 16:16 Warship sighted. AL 2683 16:21 Convoy sighted. 16:26 A/c, crash dive, depth charged. 19:05 Convoy at AL 2637, heading SE at 6 kts. 19:31 A/c, crash dive. AL 2661 21:05 Convoy at AL 2671, heading SE at 6 kts. 21:45 /From BdU: Attack at discretion/ 21:50 Commencing attack aginst convoy's outetrmost column. 22:26 Detected by escorts. 1.4.1940 03:00 Damage from gunfire and depth charges. Port diesel out of action and cannot repaired at sea. Aborting patrol. AL 2698 8.4.1940 08:18 Docked at St. Nazaire Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 2 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 22716 tons Ships sunk: MV British Energy (Modern Tanker), 10965 tons. SS Indian Prince (Large Merchant), 11751 tons. Usually u-boat commander has to deal with only escorts but this time RAF decided to join the party. Almost didn't make it home. |
-Matt |
May 6, 1941
17th war patrol in U-48, Type VIIC. Was in BE 37 and now moving to BE 39. Two weeks at sea and only seen one neutral. Hoping for better luck.:salute: |
U-97 2nd Patrol
Patrol 2
U-97, type VIIC 7th/13th Flotilla, St. Nazaire Assigned grid- AM41 Departed: 24NOV40 Returned: 27DEC40 5 merchant ships sunk, 18,856 tons 1 REVENGE class battleship damaged All internal torpedoes expended No damage sustained Oblt. Ernst Walzer |
U-97 3rd patrol (aborted)
Patrol 3
U-97, type VIIC 7th/13th Flotilla, St. Nazaire Assigned grid: AL 39 Departed: 24Jan41 Returned: 25Jan41 Serious fuel leak discovered first day at sea. Request grantd by BdU to return to base to investigate cause and effect repairs. Oblt. Ernst Walzer |
U-504 IXC
Patrol 14
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Just got my promotion to Oberleutnant. Took out the sloop at the bottom so there were no witnesses.
http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8251/18630611.png |
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