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Oberleutnant z. S. Ernst Klein commanding U-53.
Ugh, the North Atlantic in winter. My men are beat nearly to death. After an uneventful patrol grid search, I decided to head to Iceland. I heard rumors British convoys were running to and from Reykjavik. These rumors turned out to be true. Plus, this one was escorted by 4 Black swan frigates that had crews who must have been fresh out of training. They couldn't have found their butts with both hands, a flashlight, and a map. It's bad when you can attack with all tubes, and then cruise around inside the convoy at ahead full and remain undetected.:doh: CAPTAIN'S LOG 30.1.40. 1106 Patrol 5 U-53, 7th/13th Flotilla Left at: January 30, 1940, 11:06 From: Kiel Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM11 Convoy Battle 18.2.40. 2211 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Campos (Granville-type Freighter), 4708 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 66. Crew lost: 10 2216 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Garoufalia (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 82. Crew lost: 4 2225 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Sea Fiddler (Large Cargo), 8576 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 8 2329 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Port Adelaide (Ore Carrier), 8083 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 54 19.2.40. 0226 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS City of Yokohama (Empire-type Freighter), 7793 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 65. Crew lost: 16 0228 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Empire Gilbert (Empire-type Freighter), 7794 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 79. Crew lost: 15 0239 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! MV Agatha (Intermediate Tanker), 3491 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 18. Crew lost: 3 0248 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Exceller (Medium Cargo), 4241 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 45 0514 Grid AD 82 Ship sunk! SS Sturdy Beggar (Medium Cargo), 4041 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 40 22.2.40. 0323 Docked at Belchen supply ship. Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 9 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 53434 tons All torpedoes expended No damages. Informed by radio I was awarded the Knight's Cross, and that U-122 has been lost. |
Current grid EE38, 1,100 Km from patrol grid. 0 contacts and some pretty crappy weather. It got great for awhile, but then back to crap. Its currently April 14th 1942.
Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 7th Flotilla
Dear Onkel Karl,
Transferred again, huh? I've always wanted to visit Norway. Maybe I'll get to do some sightseeing in between patrols, learn to ski or something. Certainly sounds a better proposition than, say, running the gauntlet that is the Bay of Biscay. Took me 3 days to get by one single grid, if you can believe it! Funnily enough, the waters off the Irish coast aren't as infested with bees. Who knows, maybe the enemy believes the war will be over soon. And who knows, maybe we'll both get to see it when it's done. Realism @ 70%, original game specs. Docked at Bergen after 16 days (5 RTd inclusive). Respectfully yours, Eschem PS: About time I got the U-Boat clasp; seems like everyone else on the boat has one except me! http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5071 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5072 |
U-102 VIIB
Patrol No 3
Orders : Patrol grid AM41 and around Rockall Bank 14 November 1939 10:52 hours Patrol start from Wilhelmshaven 18 November 1939 Grid AN41 07:10 hours SS Lagarto (Medium Merchant 07), 5036 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 2 26 November 1939 Grid AM19 00:19 hours SS Kosmos III (Whale Factory Ship), 17330 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 182. Crew lost: 167 27 November 1939 Grid AM18 - Convoy attack 02:14 hours SS Orangeleaf (Tanker 05), 5007 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 19. Crew lost: 15 Damaged a converted whale factory ship 11 December 1939 Grid AM01 - convoy battle Damaged a Revenge class battleship and a tanker 07 28 December 1939 Started return trip 04 January 1940 19:35 hours Docked at port 52 days at sea 10 torpedoes + 57 8.8cm rounds used 3 ships sunk 27373 tons No damages or casualties Commissioned the new U-109 IXB Uboot. |
U-109 IXB
Patrol No 4
My IWO was transferred to take command of U-102 VIIB. The IIWO took his place and a substitute officer arrived. 31 January 1940 00:42 hours U-109 left port for grid AD83 03 February 1940 Grid AN41 09:13 hours ALARM! Crash dive to avoid aircraft 11:35 hours Surfaced 11:44 hours ALARM! Crash dive to avoid aircraft 19:30 hours Surfaced 04 February 1940 Grid AN14 12:00 hours ALARM! Crash dive to avoid aircraft. DCs dropped but no damage was done. Stayed submerged 12:15 hours Periscope depth - sound contact with merchant 12:29 hours Visual contact 12:58 hours SS Camerata (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 4 19 February 1940 Grid AD83 - Convoy battle 08:17 hours SS San Tiburcio (Tanker 05), 5007 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 18 08:17 hours SS Sprucebay (Coastal Freighter), 1871 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 14 08:18 hours SS Ledaal (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 28 Damaged an ammunitions ship 24 February 1940 Grid AD82 - convoy battle 07:02 hours SS Brumaire (Tanker 10), 6581 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 16 Damaged a medium cargo 22 28 February 1940 Grid AD83 - convoy battle 21:00 hours SS Athos II (Large Troop Ship), 23515 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 165. Crew lost: 123 All internal torpedoes expended 29 February 1940 The weather is awful. Moving external torps out of the question. Started return trip 11 March 1940 17:55 hours Docked at port. During the return passage U-109 had to let 3 single ships and a huge convoy pass due to empty torpedo tubes 41 days at sea 6 ships sunk 43288 tons No damages or casualties All internal torpedoes expended - no 10,5 cm round used |
Patrol Status
U-47 at Sea (BF15) on fifth day of Patrol Number 4.
Left St. Nazaire on 23rd January 1941 at 10:26, en-route to BE67. Ships sunk: 24th January 1941. Large Cargo, 8576 tons (BF24) - sunk by two torps (impact fused). Initial attack made on surface but cargo was armed, and firing accurately, so submerged to lessen risk of damage to sub. Decided that size of target justified use of torps. 27th January 1941. Granville-type Freighter, 4707 tons (BF15) - sunk by one, impact fused, torp. Weather awful at present. Seas very high and visibility poor. Was lucky to blunder into most recent victim. This patrol is going much, much better than third patrol. In that patrol, I botched a convoy attack, off the coast of Eire and was held down by escorts from 18:00 until 02:45. My sole victory was the sinking by gunfire of a small merchant, in BF13. |
Thanks for your first report and welcome aboard Old Timer! :salute:
Oberleutnant z. S. Ernst Klein commanding U-53.
Ran into a large convoy just SSE of Iceland again. Midnight submerged attack. I must say, this time the escorts had a clue! They actually managed to shoot my attack scope off. Knocked 6 ships out of that one, and headed for home. Reloaded N of England when the weather decided to cooperate. Found one lone ship after that. It is good to be home. CAPTAIN'S LOG 23.2.40. 1353 Patrol 6 U-53, 7th/13th Flotilla Left at: February 23, 1940, 13:53 From: Belchen Supply Ship 28.2.40. 2347 Grid AD 58 Ship sunk! SS Indier (Medium Tanker), 9543 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 1 2347 Grid AD 58 Ship sunk! SS Asperity (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 6 2353 Grid AD 58 Ship sunk! SS City of Madras (Large Merchant), 8632 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 27 29.2.40. 0006 Grid AD 58 Ship sunk! SS Arendskerk (Large Merchant), 8630 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 66. Crew lost: 21 0007 Grid AD 58 Ship sunk! MV Dodata (Intermediate Tanker), 3491 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 17. Crew lost: 9 0011 Grid AD 58 Ship sunk! SS African Dawn (Medium Cargo), 5511 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 31 8.3.40. 0233 Grid AN 34 Ship sunk! SCF, 2364 tons 9.3.40. 1204 Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 7 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 40041 tons 1 Torpedo left U-boat damaged (HI 97.11%) |
U83, Type VIIC, March 1940.
On patrol out of Wilhelmshaven. Invasion of Norway begun. Ordered to CG85. Missing out on all the action. Spotted a convoy north of Blythe. Engaged two large cargo transports. Four torpedoes fired. 3 impacts. Escort wrecked conning tower, aft crew quarters. Heavy flooding. Sank to the bottom at 75m. Damage control crews fight to keep the water at bay. A&B Class circles above. 26 hours later, flooding is under control. One heavy transport is floundering in the water, propulsion dead. 16 hours later, escort moves away. Waited four hours, blew ballast, surfaced. Immediately spotted by the transport. Begin maneuvers to fire aft torpedo to finish off transport. When nearly set up, round impacted conning tower. 3 crewmen dead. A&B Class returned, fired a long-range (lucky) shot. Make engines ahead flank, snap-shot the aft torpedo. Miss. Crash-dive, rig for silent, begin slow circles. Can hear the A&B Class overhead. Torpedo impact heard. Silence. Bulkheads collapsing. A&B Class no longer audible. Wait for 3 hours. Surface. Large transport still afloat. A&B Class gone. Remnants of an oil-slick present. Conclusion: Final torpedo impacted A&B Class. Sunk. :D :D :D :D :D Headed to Corrientes for refit and refuel. |
U-109 IXB
Patrol No 5
07 April 1940 12:00 hours Start patrol. Orders are to patrol grid CG87 and then the Straits 20 April 1940 Grid BF48 03:14 hours MV Canton (Medium Merchant 29), 4903 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 20. Sunk by gunfire - 18 105mm rounds used 22 April 1940 Grid CG57 18:24 hours SS Rose Castle (Ore Carrier), 6120 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 91. Crew lost: 88. Sunk by gunfire - 17 105mm rounds used 30 April 1940 Grid CG95 18:59 hours SS E. Sang (Medium Merchant 31), 3516 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 46. Sunk by 3 torpedoes 21:28 hours MV Grenanger (Medium Merchant 08), 5283 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 66. Sunk by 3 torpedoes 22:30 hours Rammed by destroyer in heavy fog , rain and heavy seas Both scopes destroyed. The destroyer just kept going. 01 May 1940 19:07 hours Docked at SS Thalia to replace scopes rearm and refuel. 25 days at sea 4 ships sunk 19822 tons 6 torpedoes fired 35 105mm round used No casualties and hull damages |
Intercepting a Merchant in dark, rainy no visibility weather.. Calculating his speed and course as we speak by plotting it all out, all down to using hydrophones right now!
Long range target, moving slow and closing :) |
@ VONHARRIS! Good work, :up:
Detailed report to come in later, again having a problem with my radio. I gotta get that figured out.
Spent one day in patrol grid. Infiltrated the port of bridgetown. Nothing worth a torpedo seen in periscope. Spent nearly 1/10th of my fuel reserves chasing a sound contact of a merchant, which turned out to be a large tanker. After loosing contact with the tanker, we were close to port of spain. Infiltrated port of spain. On way encountered a stationary large tanker. Periscoped. Two torpedoes launched. She sunk. Continued approach to port of spain. Sank a modern tanker, a small tanker, and a cargo. Out of internals, so we decided to leave port of spain. On way out sound contact. Large Merchant and a costal freighter(I think). Surfaced and engaged with deckgun. Took damage. Periscoped. Got into better position. Surfaced. Engaged again. Sank Large Merchant and damaged Costal Freighter. Two fast movers spotted in distance. Periscoped. Followed damaged freighter until patrol craft moved off. Surfaced and used the rest of deck gun ammunition. Periscoped. Got closer. Surfaced and engaged with flakgun. Ship sunk. Patrol craft spotted again. Periscoped. They move off. Surfaced and another ship spotted. Decided it was not worth the attack risks. Periscoped. Set course for milk cow in patrol sector CC. Put in last 2 stern externals. No future contacts aside from a sail boat. Weather to bad to engage. Five hours from refuel and refit. Planning to attack the American coast. Wish me luck! |
Last night, my Type IXC captain, "Wolfgang Krauss" had a really lucky patrol. The last two targets were in a small convoy together, with a medium tanker, and a Ceramic-type ocean liner. They were accompanied by 5 entirely incompetent destroyers, and followed by a large convoy group.
Patrol 5 U-173, 2nd Flotilla Left at: September 29, 1942, 23:07 From: Lorient Mission Orders: Patrol grid ED41
Patrol results|Crew losses: 0|Ships sunk: 18|Aircraft destroyed: 0|Patrol tonnage: 202404 tons |
9 ships sunk
15 crew killed in action.............. Will continue report later end transmission.... |
Nice patrol Hans!
Oberleutnant z. S. Ernst Klein commanding U-53. Oh boy did the Brits try to bring the heat. They got cooled off real quick with winter north sea seawater too.:D The crew really did a great job. Attacking a minelaying task force of 8 destroyers is not what I call light work. I'm sure they're all at the club, getting drunk, while I'm here sorting the paperwork for the new boat. CAPTAIN'S LOG 13.3.40. 1741 Patrol 7 U-53, 7th/13th Flotilla Left at: March 13, 1940, 17:41 From: Kiel Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN23 6.4.40. 1334 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! SS Aberdovey (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 27 7.4.40. 0013 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMCS Kootenay (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 184. Crew lost: 3 0025 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Duncan (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 178. Crew lost: 40 0032 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMCS Margaree (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 149. Crew lost: 14 0034 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Vanquisher (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 102. Crew lost: 63 0035 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMAS Voyager (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 118. Crew lost: 7 0040 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Vansittart (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 111. Crew lost: 48 0050 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Delight (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 166. Crew lost: 41 0109 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Vortigern (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 120. Crew lost: 102 9.4.40. 0046 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! SS Garesfield (Small Freighter), 1953 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 18 10.4.40. 0101 Grid AN 36 Ship sunk! SS Wacosta (Medium Cargo), 5081 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 18 0103 Grid AN 36 Ship sunk! SS Kara (Tramp Steamer), 1964 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 17 11.4.40. 0940 Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 12 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 21119 tons All torpedoes expended 116 88mm rounds expended U-boat damaged (HI 99.48%) Received Oak Leaves for my Knight's Cross. Commissioned the VIIC boat U-551. Ah, the smell of new paint.:yeah: |
Hans Ubermann
This patrol will have the Limeys running! A job exellently done Roadrage A great example of courage and seamanship attacking the DD TF. Congatulations for both of you. Andwii Awaiting your final report |
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