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Patrol 7 - U-99 - Kaleun z.S. Fischer - kvadrant BC35 - Dec 2nd 1942 04:38
http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o...7/4a72ff3d.jpg Left U-461 on Nov. 28th. Patrol 6 ended well, approx. 70.000 tons total. Returned to U-461 after Patrol 6 for replenishment with one TIII left in a fwd tube. On our way back BdU reported a task force overhauling us from behind. Soon its radar signals were detected. We waited submerged to see if it had a worthwhile target for our single torp. Yes, a Bogue class carrier with 4 escorts. We fired the single torp, impact setting, from 2500 meters. It hit, but it was a dud. Nobody noticed so we just waited and later set new course for U-461. After leaving U-461, bound for the North-Western Approaches, a new message from BdU - a task force approaching from the North now. We turned around, and again picked up radar signals. Just sighted it - a Bogue class carrier! No escorts have been observed so far. Probably the same we missed a few days ago. We are waiting now.... |
U37 IX(A). 2. Flotilla. Patrol 5.
D. 16.jun.40. Underway from Wilhelmshaven for Patrol Grid DH54.
D. 24.jun.40. AF74. 00.50. Alarm! Crash Dive for Aircraft. D. 25.jun.40. AE95. (Færøerne) 02.42. Ship Spotted. 05.27. Little Merchant (2.343 GRT) Sunk. Course 274. Speed 7 Knots. T2 x 1. 06.25. Alarm! Crash Dive for Aircraft. D. 30.jun.40. AM18. 01.26. Radio Report. Convoy. AM01. East. 7 Knots. D. 30.jun.40. AM29. 11.03. Radio Report. Convoy. AM29. East. 7 Knots. 13.39. Convoy Sighted. Corvette Sighted. (Round we go). 15.47. T2 (10.871 GRT) Sunk. Convoy Course 100. 7 Knots. T2 x 3. C2 Struck T1. 17.50. Surface. C2 Cargo spotted D.I.W. 18.27. C2 Cargo (6.448 GRT) Sunk. Previouse G7A Hit. Deck Gun Finale. 19.47. Contact regained with convoy. 21.20. Escort is 1 DD, and 2 Corvettes per Hydrophone and Visual. 22.02. T3 (11.673 GRT) Sunk. Course 100. Speed 7 Knots. T2 x 3. 23.40. Surface. D. 1.jul.40. AM29. 01.10. Contact regained with convoy. Detected. Wait out DC. No Damage. 02.20. Surface. D. 1.jul.40. AM02. 03.39. Contact regained with convoy. Corvette at 3.500 Meters. 05.00. Torpedo Impact. No sinkings. T1 x 2. D. 1.jul.40. AM52. 09.21. Alarm! Crash Dive for Aircraft. 21.07. Status Report Sent. 4 Ships Sunk. 31.335 GRT. D. 13.jul.40. DH54. 09.00. On Station. D. 13.aug.40. Docked at Wilhelmshaven. Patrol Results: 4 Ships Sunk. 31.335 GRT (U37's best patrol to date). U37's Record: 5 Patrols. 17 Ships Sunk. 95.663 GRT. |
Hi all,
I've started my first patrol after being AWOL for 4 years. I am doing 100% realism using GWX3 + OLC gold, the thing is tho I'm really really bad at aiming the torpedoes, I'm just now getting the hang of it. I got a patrol area just west of Ireland, and as I was getting there I got a message about a transport convoy just a few hundred kilometers from my location north-west of Scotland. I had to intercept. Seeing how I haven't played in so much time and I am doing 100% realism, I had a really hard time catching up to it and figuring out its course etc. After I got near it I tried to set myself up for a salvo shot at the least, but I had to follow for 6 hours and wait for night to fall. It was night time and I sprinted to position, following the convoy at around 10km distance, surfaced decks-a-wash (low visibility, so I risked it) when I noticed a destroyer heading right towards me; I was concerned but then it turned around and headed in another direction, probably patrolling I said. I continued my positioning until ~15 mins later the destroyer was suddenly on my tail, I barely even noticed and crash dived immediately. I went for 150 meters and after 40 minutes or so managed to survive, there were 2 destroyers pinging me and dropping charges... I escaped unharmed and forgot about the convoy for now. I am too amateur to try and take on a convoy, how silly of me. Really intense! btw, I was using a IXB boat(u-111), december 1939 (first available) using SH3 Commander on 2nd Flotilla. |
4th Sept '39 19:19 Ran into a filthy storm moving through AN46-AN42,waves coming right over the top,visibility poor 20:00 Forced to dive for the duration of the night,will surface when light to recharge Day 5 08:31 Recieved an SOS from SS Bosnia,45 deg 29' North / 09 deg 45' West.Continued on to PZ 13:01 SOS signal,SS Pluvoise stopped by German UBoat operating from 39 deg 42' North / 09 deg 10' West 14:01 SOS Royal Sceptre,no further information 15:10 Picked up a sound contact bearing 36 deg heading roughly NNE,broke out at max speed to investigate.Sound checks every 15 mins until target aqquisition.If hostile I plan to shadow target until nightfall then commence attack surfaced from a range of approx 1000-1500m,depending on immediate visibility.Attack will be made facing away from the strong SE winds.No mag tips to be used.If attack fails due to poor conditions will break off and report contact in to base.Torps must be conserved as much as possible,we have only 4 left. |
11 aug 1941
U-125 a type IXB just arrived this afternoon after its maiden patrol in north atlantic.9 ships were sunk for 56486 tons including a US (neutral) unescorted whale factory ship, unlight, heavily armed and heading to england. In the battle against the US ship ( S.S Thorshovdi) U125 was lightly damaged by gunfire and lost 3 crewmen (Petty officers Johannes Schneider, Paul Sommers and Gustav Möllers buried at sea 06 aug 1941 at 20.35) Kptlt Konrad Tietz, after 7 patrols in U46 and 1 patrol in U125, sank 48 ships for 289938 tons. |
Oberleutnant z. See Hugo Stiglitz
After 5 patrols netting 52,000 tons of shipping in a Type IIA (U-8), Oblt. Stiglitz and crew transferred to the second flotilla in February of 1940. On April 18th, Stiglitz and his old crew commissioned U-65, a Type IXB. This is my first time sailing a Type IX, really. I suspect I will grow to dislike the overly long and uneventful travel periods that go hand in hand with the sorts of distances this boat is supposed to operate at, but we will see. |
The only real benefit for me being in a type IX was obviously the extra fuel and the increased armament,yet dive times were painfully slow,hence more flak mounts.It once took me around 30 secs I think to complete an emergency dive under quite a severe air attack once. At times it felt like trying to steer a B-15 bomber rather than a sleek submersible. |
U-969 (VIIC) 4th March 1941 Patrol 6. (87% realism with manual targeting)
So far U-969 has been very lucky patrolling the North Western areas of Grid BF. It seems to be a choke point for all kinds of incoming and outgoing ships and convoys. We have kept as close to deep water as possible, it seems that RN patrols in the area are gradually increasing over the months. Correct identification is also vital due to many neutrals passing through the area too. After reaching our assigned patrol grid we picked up radar signals almost right away! Initially I had thought it might just be another DD patrol, but this time I decided to dive and check out what was going on in more detail. What luck! We picked up well over 6 merchants with DD escorts, heading right toward our position from approx 20nm eastward. After spending some time listening and and gradually plotting their movements and discovering more and more merchants, we worked out their general course and speed. Even more luck! we only needed to move another 2nm South to place our boat right in their path! After taking some time to decide on an attack strategy while the boat moved toward position I decided I would once again try and get inside of the convoy and attack from the middle ( hopefully picking off the biggest targets before the escorts zero'd in on our position ) Turning the boat toward the oncoming convoy, we counted about 20 merchants and 4 escorts. Putting the boat into silent running we slowly made our way toward them along a path that would put us in the centre of the convoy and went to about 30m depth. Then came a slow and painful wait as they drew closer and we kept close attention on the escort positions. Ready to call out a crash dive as soon as we suspected our cover was blown. Luck was still with us! We passed right into the centre of the convoy, we went to PD and raised the scope just above the water. I then saw something I had not seen before! Half of the ships and at least one DD was on fire and showing blackened impacts from shells. A couple of merchants we listing badly from torpedo strikes but they all seemed to have the damage under control and was making steady speed along thier course. Panning the scope around I picked out 2 potential targets, Lucky again! 2 Ore Carriers! Setting up the TDC for a 90 degree shot and setting the bearing to 30 degree starboard. We still hadnt been noticed! It was a clear day and calm seas... Waiting until the first Ore Carrier reached the scopes 30 degree mark, then fired... no time to waste, I reset the TDC for another shot at the second Ore Carrier, swung the scope, waited a few seconds... and thats when I head the HUGE explosion. The first target had been hit, and then the pings started. We fired at the second Ore Carrier and crash dived... As we made our way to about 120m at flank there followed a lot of depth charges but again our luck held out, the first few detonated near the stern, the boat was badly shaken but took no damaged. By the time we had levelled out the depth charges were being set too shallow and they all detonated above us. I wasnt about to relax or get cocky, I had my crew to think about and their lives were my responsibility, I was going to get each and every one of them home. So we remained at depth and silent running. We had scored hits on 2 of the largest ships in the convoy (which sunk within half an hour), I was satisfied and decided we should wait for the DD's to give up the search for us and let the convoy pass. I knew for certain that other boats in the area would pick up the convoy and they too could get a share of this prize. A few hours later the convoy had passed Westward into the distance and all the remained in the area was a single DD that was still trying desperately to located us. It was all just a matter of time and within the next hour that too had given up and took off to catch up with the convoy. So now we have surfaced to recharge batteries and continuing our patrol until we have no torpedo's left. Lets hope our lucky streak stays with us for the next encounter! |
You shouldn't worry too much about that. I rarely get to the far-out patrol areas as there are always some large convoys popping up on the way which the torpedoes can be spent on. Then it's back home.....:cool: |
I think I'm in big trouble after latest "patrol"
So, I thought I would give LSH_V5 a try and it loaded without problem into a spare vanilla SH3 I had. After a quick spin around the naval academy (I had only loaded the main LSH mod) I thought this looks fine so I think I'll volunteer for some sea time. Before doing so I installed some more of the mods that come ready to use with the JSGME mod enabler which is also built in to LSH_V5.
Then I tried to start out. But, but, ... where is the engine room telegraph and the compass and everything else? Well, I eventually found them just before reaching the Kiel Canal locks. After getting through the locks I was admiring the huge dry dock and really appreciating the view. So much so that I did something wrong with the sliding out controls and ran aground, not only causing quite a bit of damage but also killing my Radio Op and seriously injuring the hydrophone op. I then aborted the patrol just a few hundred metres inside the Kiel Canal. (That answers another question which popped up elsewhere: your crew can be killed or injured even when "no fatigue" is switched on.) If I survive the court martial I will RTFM! :damn: |
About to leave for my 4th Patrol on 23rd NOV 1939 at AM-34
KAPITÄNLEUTNANT William Adama U-52 Type VIIb U-Flotilla Saltzwedel (3 patrols) 17.8K Tons so far Hit a nutral ship and survived the court marshall, How was i surpost to know the ship was from Belgium? the flags look the same in the dark and it was in french waters. pluss it was blacked out and not lighting its flag up.. Luckily she dident sink the explosion from the initial hit light the flag and made my aware. I let her be and ran away fast. :oops: "there are some days I really hate this job" Lets hope I get a nice fat un escorted convoy for number 4:arrgh!: |
Patrol 4
U-35, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel ObltzS Peter Schmidt, Commander November 22, 1939, 04:34 Departed: Wilhelmshaven Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF17 November 27, 1939, 06:08 Grid AN 12 Ship sunk: MV Draco (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons Cargo: Scrap Metal Crew: 32 Crew lost: 20 November 30, 1939, 12:56 Grid AM 53 Ship sunk: SS Bedenham (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons Cargo: Steel Crew: 30 Crew lost: 22 November 30, 1939, 20:42 Grid AM 52 Ship sunk: SS Cavallo (Tramp Steamer), 2239 tons Cargo: Grain Crew: 31 Crew lost: 15 November 30, 1939, 21:41 Grid AM 52 Ship sunk: SS Lifland (Passenger/Cargo), 2240 tons Cargo: Passengers Crew: 127 Crew lost: 80 December 3, 1939, 08:52 Grid AM 87 Ship sunk: SS Varangberg (Coastal Freighter), 1871 tons Cargo: Steel Crew: 25 Crew lost: 17 December 4, 1939, 10:43 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk: Q Ship HMS Looe (Small Freighter), 1749 tons Crew: 60 Crew lost: 33 December 5, 1939, 10:12 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk: SS Erik Boye (Coastal Freighter), 1872 tons Cargo: Grain Crew: 33 Crew lost: 26 December 6, 1939, 02:47 Grid BF 11 Ship sunk: SS The Marquis (Coastal Freighter), 1873 tons Cargo: Tobacco Crew: 23 Crew lost: 1 December 14, 1939, 05:22 Grid AM 52 Ship sunk: Q Ship USS Irene Forsyte (Small Freighter), 1750 tons Crew: 65 Crew lost: 14 December 16, 1939, 20:07 Grid AN 14 Ship sunk: SS Sheaf Mead (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons Cargo: Military Stores Crew: 46 Crew lost: 23 December 18, 1939, 21:25 Returned: Wilhelmshaven Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 10 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 22040 tons Career stats Merchant tonnage: 83487 Warship tonnage: 0 Aircraft: 2 Upon return to base I was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class*, as was my gunner Otto Nelke. Bootsmann Nelke finished off four of our last five targets with the AA gun after we ran out of ammo for the deck gun. He was also promoted to Stabsbootsmann. Other promotions: Matrosenobergefreiter Emil Iffinger, to Matrosenhauptgefreiter. Matrosengefreiter Siegfried Bornhoff and Matrosengefreiter Wilhelm Herbig, to Matrosenobergefreiter. *The game also opted to award me the U-boat Front Clasp, quite an achievement since it does not exist yet. A quick visit was made to my career cfg files to rectify this most undeserved, and indeed quite impossible, accomplishment. :O: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=1404 Plus we made it home in time for Christmas! And as you can see, Bernard remains my trusty "go-to" man for keeping an eye on all those sneaky friendlies lying in wait at home base. |
Thanks. |
I use SH3 Commander which generates the patrol logs. It randomizes the tonnage somewhat. I can look at the logs (or even edit them) in Commander, but what I've started doing is opening the patrol log file in my career folder in My Documents and just copying the info, then I paste it at the end of a Wordpad file I made to keep a running record of my patrols. I have to edit out a bit of "programming text" and move some bits of info around to get the format I like, but since all the info is there I don't really have to type anything out.
The ship names and info also come from Commander, via a Ship names.cfg" file that Sailor Steve updates with additional info about once a month. It's awesome! I play with GWX3 Gold, and right now I have these other mods as well: GWX 3 St Naz and Schluese and other units V4 WB's GWX campaign with VonDos' ships v2.7 WB- add Q ship GWX - 16km Atmosphere GWX - Alternate Loadscreen - Full Circle GWX - Captain America's Officer Icons GSX - Contact Color GWX3.0 Additional Ammo GWX3.0 All Weather Guns Foam Sober's 3D Waves SH3 Moon Mod WBNN Mission Orders Lite Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3 Waterstream+Exhaust Combi - Single Exhaust for TypeII Das Boot Clothes Dertien No Rank On Crew Scirè-Tikigod- repeated order skin_VIIB_Isitol GWX - Integrated Orders DD_OH_V3.09_20091209162038.7z* DD_OH_V3.09_ConningDeckCam_Fix_20091210230737 GWX - Enhanced Damage Effects Pascal_Port_People FK's Das Boot Music** *I play with a slightly modified version of this since I wanted to make it compatible with GWX Integrated Orders, which I just can't do without. **This is my own personal mod that subs in music from Das Boot for the Menu screens and a just little bit of it in the game, since I don't like a lot of background music unless it's coming from the gramophone. I am still playing at 18% realism while I get the hang of how to sink as many ships as possible and still get home alive. Which probably explains how I manage to sink so many damn ships, lol. Thank you Mr. Triangle! :/\\k: :O: Oh but you know I tried that thing of locking on the target but then moving the crosshairs of the 'scope right over the bow of a ship and THEN firing, and it worked! THREE TIMES! Boy they sure do go down fast when they get their keel all blowed up right up there in the front like that. |
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