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Pretty sure jimbuna is a IXB commander. |
me too. but I see them as a different weapon (from beginning of 1942): hunting lone merchants far from the convoy-routes hunting far away from home-ports hunting where no well-trained ASW are the type VII is IMO the boat for fighting the convoys as they approach Britain. they are even capable to evade DDs in shallow waters. both of them have their advantages. |
On Patrol 7, early 1940.
Our first contacts of the day: two Fiji Light Cruisers steaming fast toward England. Submerged after my comfort level on the surface reached critical, launched a full spread of four TII so as not to spook my quarry. Narrowly missed the lead ship, hit the trailing cruiser near amidships. My first cruiser encounter and kill! :yeah: The lead ship is quickly weaving away from us, and I've already expended into our reserves trying for that luck shot. We need a torpedo that would somehow follow him. Doubt we will be able to sink this one, but we did at least nail that other one. :DL |
U-53, Type VIIB, Oblt. z. See Jochen Lübke.
Patrol 8: Departed Lorient on September 20th, 1940. Assigned DH32. Sank one Granville freighter on the way (off the west coast of Spain), but encountered no contacts while patrolling DH32. Headed east, towards Gibraltar. What a goldmine. Everyone travels in pairs, which just means that I get a two-for-the-price-of-one deal. Sank a pair of coastal freighters on September 29th in CG78, one torpedo each. They were timed so that the impacts were practically simultaneous. October 3rd was a busy day. In CG95, I sank one large merchant, two coastal freighters, and two Granville freighters. By this time, I was operating exclusively within the strait of Gibraltar itself. On October 4th, I sank two coastal freighters, one small freighter and, best of all, two large merchants within minutes of each other. Nailed one last merchant on the way back. Docked at Wilhelmshaven with 60,946GRT sunk. |
U-207. 2nd war patrol, 10th overall for captain and crew.
Departed St Naz with escort late November after refitting with new hydrophones and batteries. Some crew swapped out for newbies. Currently steaming around the BE's after having made our patrol area in BE15 for 24 hours. No contacts yet but hopefully a convoy comes our way. I've got 14 eels and lots of patience. |
U37 IX(A). 2. Flotilla. Patrol 5.
Underway d. 1.jul.40 from Wilhelmhaven.
Bound for AM47. D. 16.jul.40. AM01 10.54. Radio. Convoy. AM18. East. 7 Knots. AM18 16.02. Managed to find Convoy, and gain a forward position. Problem 1: U37 is right in the Convoys path. (I prefer working from outside). Problem 2: Heavy Fog set in. Tryed to go deep and avoid, but my positions was (unintentionaly) perfect. Made a U-turn to match the Convoy's Course, and started up from 90 Meters, at 2 Knots. Preset the UZO to my 270, and Targets 090. 7 Knots (from Radio Report). Range 300 (limit of visibility). (Torpedoes turn offsets the minimum range). If anything happened into my preset Perescope it would get 3 x G7Es. Course 105. Came up JUST outside the Convoy's Starboard Side. 17.23. Open Tubes 1, 2, 4. Periscope Depth (From 20 Meters). 17.26. Merchant. 7 Degrees past perfect. Fire! New Depth 101 Meters 17.27. Impact! Destroyed! Impact! Impact! Full Ahead. 17.28. "We have been detected". New Course 059. 17.42. Last D.C. heard. 17.59. "Warship moving away. Medium Range. Result: Little Merchant (2.335 GRT). Followed via Hydrophone and short surface runs until the situation was futile. Fog wouldn't lift. Shallows and Aircraft Operating Range were closing in fast. D. 19.jul.40. AM47 06.00. Arrived On Station. Heavy Fog! Remain On Station until d. 25.jul.40. Send Status Report and head North. D. 27.jul.40. AM19. 12.19. Radio Report. Convoy. AM17. East. 7 Knots. Full Ahead for AM18. 16.22. Radio Report. Convoy. AM18. East. 7 Knots. AM18 18.52. Dive for Sound Check. "No Sound Contacts". (I don't man the hydrophones). 19.05. "Sound Contact. Merchant. 003. Moving Slow. Closing. Long Range." 20.27. Firing Tubes 5, 6. (G7A x 2). Target is T2 Tanker. Course 088. 7 Knots. 20.28. Torpedo Impact! (The other missed). No sinkings. (Daylight Submerged) D. 28.jul.40. 02.01. Damaged Tanker Spotted. Lots of smoke. Hi Convoy! 02.51. Fire Tubes 1, 2, 4, on T3 Tanker. Course 086. 7 Knots. Dive! (Surface Attack). 02.53. 2 Impacts. T3 Tanker (11.673 GRT) Sunk. (G7E x 3) 04.38. Surface & Persuit. AM27 05.58. Flower Class Corvette sighted. (Rear Escort) 06.55. V & W Class Destroyer sighted by me. Periscope Depth. 07.25. Fire Tubes 1, 3, 4. (G7A x 3) at T2 Tanker. Fire Tube 2 (G7E) at C3 Cargo. T2 Tanker (10.817 GRT) Sunk. Course 086. 7 Knots. 07.53. Pass directly under Warship (nose to nose) undetedted. (102 to 113 Meters). 10.15. Surface & Send Patrol Report. All 12 Torpedoes Expended. (Type IX(A) External Stern Tubes not reloadable No external reloads carried. Ever!) D. 12.aug.40. 20.00. Docked at Wilhelmshaven. Patrol Results: 3 Ships Sunk. 24.879 GRT. 100% Hull Integrity. U37 to date: 5 Patrols. 132.653 GRT. For me, this boat is doing great. Ekstra happy with boat & crew. |
"Patrols_0" U-124, no? |
attacking convoys near my favorite spot of Rockall.
1 torpedo, one ship. Been playing with manual targeting and magnetic torps a bit and i love it! 100 thousand tonnes from one patrol :) Kptlt-Werner Clausen U-479 Out! i reserve myself from impending messages that tells me of being more aggresive, doing so will result in a fine of 5000 Marks. |
U-110 (IXB)
Kaleu Artur Stein 01.06.1942 left Lorient on April 25th to assigned grid CA76. long and uneventful patrol across the atlantic. wheather was bad at the U.S. east-coast, didn't expect that. a lot of small tankers and coastal freighters sighted, only few ASW and even fewer aircraft. sank in 10days 3large freighters and an ore-carrier. tried one-shot kills but had to finish two of them with a second eel (so 16eels left). headed then up the coast to the south-east of Nova Scotia, tried to search for convoys which usually gather there for their voyage to England. and finally in BB8896 on the first of June I spot: 23 merchs (mostly large ones) 2 DDs (one Swan, one V&W) - no side-escorts!!! :D and right in the middle for the first time in-game: a U.S. Brooklyn-class. they are heading east and already got attacked by an AI-boat, because 2or3merchs already burn .... it's 10:00a.m., I will shade the convoy till evening and then conduct attacks from AOB90 until I run out of torps. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/972/brooklyns.jpg |
(I combine 2 patrols when I resupply at the Brake, just seems more realistic. What now Kentrat!?!) |
U-479 Positioni Grid AL27
Large convoy, Shadowing until nightfall :woot: |
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