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May 1942, 14:00,
Type VIIb I was attacking a large convoy 1200 kms SE of Iceland, convoy heading WNW at 8 knots. The weather was very poor, heavy overcast, wind speed 15m/s, moderate visibility. I managed to sink 2 ships and damaged another. After firing the last torpedo I instructed my CE to rig for silent running, make depth 100 meters and change course to exit at end of convoy. As the boat passed 30 meters I heard a nearby explosion which surprised me because there was no high-speed screw nearby or asdic ping. Then in the map I saw another new icon of ship sunk, apparently there was another U-boat attacking the same convoy, then another nearby explosion and another ship sunk. 10 minutes later 2 explosions and 2 ship sunk further away at the head of convoy, about 5 km from my position. This must be another U-boat because the distance is quite far. In total, we managed to sink 6 ships. The wolfpack attack was a quite amazing experience. Never before I encountered other 2 boats attacking at the same time. BTW, has anybody experienced being hit by a torpedo from another U-boat? SH3 + GWX3Gold + SC |
Good telling of a good story. :Kaleun_Los:
in Big Trouble
Currently bf-17 on the bottom heavy damage. Following radio report intercepted a small convoy, which turned out to be an ASW group :( Conning tower damaged, both scopes destroyed, deck and AA guns destroyed. Suspect heavy damage to hull due to the time taken for flood recovery. ASW's have moved off, soon as its dark will surface and head for home ASAP!
Normally I'd transit at Ahead One Third or Ahead Standard at most, to conserve fuel. :salute: |
I'm back to SH3 after several years' absence. I'm playing the Real U-Boat mod with Harbour Traffic and an extensive set of my own mods loaded with SH3 Commander. My current career is intended to test some refinements to my crew fatugue model and more realistic crew composition. I play Dead is Dead and 100% Realism, and my mods are designed for greater realism too.
CAREER: Norbert Nacht On August 1, 1939, Lt. z. S. Norbert Nacht (Crew 34) was appointed to the command of U-21, a type II boat of Flotilla 1 "Weddigen", based in Kiel. After sea trials and a shakedown cruise to the coast of Norway off Bergen (AN24), U-21 was placed on active duty and Nacht was promoted to Oberleutnant zur See on August 29. WAR PATROLS First War Patrol, September 2-14, 1939 As part of the response to the Polish attack on the German radio station at Gleiwitz, U-21 was ordered to operate against Polish shipping south of the island of Bornholm in the western Baltic (patrol grids AO83-86). En route to the patrol area, U-21 received the radio message, broadcast to all u-boats, to begin operations against the British (but curiously, not against the French). On September 5, a day after arriving in the assigned area, U-21 received a radio report of a Polish freighter steaming westward close to Bornholm. U-21 intercepted and carried out a submerged attack, sinking the target with a single torpedo fired from 500m away. On the afternoon of September 12, U-21 detected a ship, and approached it on the surface, close enough to determine it was Polish. The close approach alerted the crew of the freighter, which began to zigzag. U-21 conducted a surface attack, firing a single torpedo. The torpedo seemed to hit the target, but failed to explode. U-21 manouvered for a second attack, which was successful from 450m (Shorter than 500m because the freighter was zigging towards the U-boat at the time. U-21 was in reverse to maintain a sufficient range.) The next day, U-21's lookouts sighted a cargo ship approaching and U-21 dived, taking up a firing position perpendicular to the ship's course. Nacht was able to spot a Polish flag through the periscope, and sank the target with one torpedo from 500m. During the patrol, U-21 detected, investigated and reported several Norwegian fishing vessels. There was no sign of Polish naval or air forces. Upon return to base in Kiel, Nacht was promoted to Kapitänleutnant and awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class, in recognition of his accompishments during the patrol. The entry of Russia into the war made it clear that Poland was finished, so Nacht requested, and was granted, a transfer to 2nd Flotila "Saltzwedel" in Wilhelmshaven. Second War Patrol, September 16 - October 16, 1939 Immediately upon his arrival at Wilhelmshaven, Nacht was ordered to take U-21 on a patrol off the southwest corner of Ireland (AM87). Given the limited fuel capacity of the type II boats, the only possible route involved a run through the English Channel. Fuel management would be very important, with surface cruising speeds restricted to 5 knots most of the time. On September 18, while transiting the North Sea in grid AN82, U-21 received a radio report of a British freighter headed towards a port in the Netherlands. The enemy ship's reported location was only 25km WNW of U-21's position. Nacht was perfectly placed to intercept. However, heavy rain had reduced visibility to less than 400m, although the sea state was calm. Nacht decided on a submerged attack guided only by hydrophone bearings. Because he didn't know the target's ship type, he used a shallow setting and an impact trigger. The hydrophones quickly picked up the sounds of the approaching freighter, which seemed to be on course and on schedule. Target speed was calculated from the time it took the ship to get from its reported location to Nacht's position. When Nacht judged the target was 600m away, he fired a single torpedo. When the stopwatch reached the expected running time, nothing happened. Several more seconds passed, and Nacht decided he had missed. He ordered U-21 to surface and run parallel to the freighters's course, hoping to establish visual contact. As the crew was preparing to bring U-21 to the surface, an explosion was heard. The target had been running several hundred meters north of its presumed course, but the hydrophone bearings and correctly calculated speed had sufficed to bring the torpedo to its target. U-21 found a C2 cargo ship dead in the water, and finished it off with another torpedo below the stack. Shortly afterward, the skies suddenly cleared and U-21 was attacked almost immediately by a British aircraft. U-21 dived and avoided the bombs. Now it was time to pass through the Straits of Dover. Running on the surface at night, Nacht brought U-21 to a point 35km NE of a line running from Dover to Pas de Calais. He dove at dawn, and proceeded submerged at 2 knots for about 45 km, changing course to avoid warships detected by the hydrophones, and rigging for silent running whenever a patrolling warship got too close. U-21 surfaced unscathed and undetected the next night, and ran SW while recharging its batteries. On September 21, while running submerged about 30km S of Beachy Head, hydrophones detected a freighter steaming westward along the coast. Since there were no current warship contacts, Nacht decided to turn northwards to interecept. The target was sunk with a single torpedo fired in a submerged attack from 500m off the target's course. Six days later, U-21 detected and chased a British naval tug, about 135km SW of the Isles of Scilly, sinking it with a surface attack at dusk. The next day, Nacht thought they were far enough from land that air attack was unlikely, so he decided to run surfaced during daylight for the first time since passing the Sheldt Estuary. He was wrong. U-21 Was fortunate to be be missed by the two Britsh aircraft that detected him. U-21 arrived at its designated patrol area of AM87 on October 1, having used nearly half its fuel. Nacht decided that he would need to plot a return course much closer to Cornwall if he was going to allocate any fuel for patrolling his target grid. The weather had deteriorated quite badly: high seas, driving rain and no visibility, so Nacht chose to patrol submerged most of the time. He was quickly rewarded with a hydrophone contact. Shortly after nightfall, U-21 found the target and surfaced quite close to it, but the visiblity was so poor that nobody could make out the target's flag, even though they got close enough to scrape paint. Trailing the target until morning light would take U-21 well out of its designated patrol area, and Nacht was unwilling to risk sinking a neutral ship, so he reported its position, course and speed, and returned to patrol. He found no more targets in the area until declining fuel forced him to turn homewards. The weather remained foul thoughout U-21's stay in AM87. The day after U-21 left the patrol grid, the skies cleared enough to allow aircraft to fly, but seas were still high. The following day, U-21 was surpised to be attacked by multiple aircraft while running on the surface, still rigged for red. Apparently, the British aircraft had taken off before dawn. Although their bombs missed as U-21 crash dived, the aircraft were able to summon a nearby destroyer. U-21 detected the destroyer's approach on hydrophone and Nacht was able to employ a burst of speed and a change of course before the destroyer got too close. Another short burst of speed was applied while the destroyer was turned away from U-21. U-21 was able to avoid detection by the surface ship. On October 7, U-21 was proceeding submerged in an easterly direction in BF2597 when the hydrophone operator reported a merchant approaching. After repeated hydrophone readings put the ship on a generally southwestward course, with no warship contacts, Nacht ordered U-21 to surface and run at speed on a southerly course to intercept. U-21's final torpedo claimed its victim in a surface attack in BF2832. Later that week, hydrophones detected a naval task force coming out of Portsmouth and heading east, but U-21 was unable to report a course or speed. A few days later, right after successfully getting through the Straits of Dover, U-21 found and reported a convoy running up England's east coast. U-21 returned safely to Wilhelmshaven on October 16, with the Engineering Officer reporting "out of diesel fuel" as they passed the island of Mellum at the entrance to the Jade Bight. KptLt. Nacht was awarded the Iron Cross, First class. ATTACK STATISTICS Torpedoes fired: 9 Torpedoes hitting target: 9 Topedoes exploding on target: 8 Ships sunk: 7 With 18,932 tons sunk, KptLt. Nacht stands third among Germany's submarine aces. CREW U-21 has a complement of 25 souls comprising: 1 x Kapitänleutnant - Boat's commander (equivalent to RN Lieutenant) 1 x Matrosengefreiter - Seaman Cook Sea Division 1 x Leutnant zur See - Commander of Sea Division, and first watch officer (IWO) 1 x Obersteuermann - Senior Petty officer, Quartermaster, Navigator, and IIWO 1 x Bootsmann - Bosun and Third Watch Officer (IIIWO) 1 x Oberbootsmannsmaat - Senior Bosun's Mate 1 x Bootsmannsmaat - Bosun's Mate 6 x Matrosengefreiter - Ordinary Seamen Engineering Division 1 x Leutnant zur See - commander of the Engineering Division (LI) 1 x Obersmaschinist - Senior Diesel Chief (DC) 1 x Maschinist - Electric Chief (EC) 2 x Maschinenmaat - Machinist's Mates (MM) 2 x Maschinenobergefreiter Stokers, 1st Class (MOG) 2 x Maschinengefreiter - Stokers, 2nd Class (MG) Technical Staff 1 x Mechanikersmaat -Torpedo mechanic 1 x Funkmaat - Radio mate 1 x Funkgefreiter - Radio operator Totals 3 x Officers (Offiziere) 4 x Senior Petty Officers (Unteroffiziere mit Portepee) 6 x Junior Petty officers (Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee) 12 x Sailors (Mannschaften) WATCHES The Ka'leun has set the following watches: 1st Sea Watch: IWO, Bootsmannsmaat, 2 x Matrosengefreiter 2nd Sea Watch: IIWO, Oberbootsmannsmaat, 2 x Matrosengefreiter 3rd Sea Watch: IIIWO, 2 x Matrosengefreiter Starboard Engine Watch: 1 x DC, 1 x MM, 1 x MOG, 1 x MG Port Engine Watch: 1 X EC, 1 x MM, 1 x MOG, 1 x MG The captain, the LI, the technical staff, and the cook do not stand regular watches. They serve as needed. The Diesel and Electric chiefs, though nominally in charge of the two engine watches, tend to work most often when their respective mode of propulsion is in use. The crew of a Type II is too small to consistently run compartments at top efficiency, but the torpedo mechanic can often help out with the motors and batteries, while the cook and radio staff can serve as supplementary lookouts. |
A few days after hostilities have been declared. September 1939. Heavy seas, early morning. Detect, track and try to attack a large merchant. Not good for a periscope attack. Create a solution. 6 knots? OK, maybe... Surface quickly as close as possible (700 meters), one G7a torpedo, hit in the forward hold, right in front of the bridge; port side. Took 25 minutes to flounder and sink. About 6000 tons. Weather getting worse.
http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=9027 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=9028 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=9029 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=9030 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=9031 |
too long to message but my patrol can be followed from post #129
http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/show...=226420&page=9 |
This captain of a mod and if so by whom :cool: Thanks! |
Looks kinda like Lemp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz-Julius_Lemp
Yeah,unfortunately not a mod;)
Just started a new campaign after a break of over a year from playing! Cant believe I ever stopped, too much fun was had last night... :D
First Patrol (Incomplete) Captain Rostek of U49 set sail on 2nd September 1939 (Thanks S3C) just as war has been declared by Great Britain. Tasked with AM18 as a patrol grid, Rostek and crew head out from Wilhelmshaven and cross the North Sea heading towards Aberdeen. Numerous reports come in over the radio but mainly quiet for U49 until 5th September when a contact via hydrophone is established. Excited, Captain Rostek and crew attempt to cut off the contact to score their first sinking of the war. After a 3 hour search the contact comes into view, a small coal tender. Disappointed, crew morale drops slightly. The next day, the watch crew spot numerous British planes in good time allowing evasive action to be taken easily. During one dive, the hydrophone picks up another merchant vessel moving right towards us. The luck of it raises morale on U49 and cheers ring around the boat. U49 dives to periscope depth and lies in wait for a couple of hours until the ship comes into view. Luck indeed, a 10+ton large merchant 13km off in the distance. As the ship moves closer the flag is confirmed as British and an attack is readied and inevitable. The crew hurry into positions and wait, excited and apprehensive for the coming action. Firing 2 fish, 1 impact and 1 mag, the crews hopes are high. No one on board however expected such a great first torp of the war, landing perfectly and somehow managing to split the large merchant clean in two. The second fish hit also, though made little difference as the ship was already a goner from the first impact. Crew delighted, U49 sneak off in search of their next target - confident now and action ready. :salute: |
At the night we intercepted a convoy,grid AM 15
In the first attack in the path of the torpedo stood a heavy tanker There was a loud bang and the horizon lit up by the flames, which were even remotely scary http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...e-1702pn0N.png Delegation welcoming us http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...4uB_sredna.bmp After being plucked by our hosts, the hunt continues Loaded torpedoes and forced diesels In the morning, in the eye of the periscope we saw the whole convoy, http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...RwP_sredna.bmp which fortunately had only juicy tankers http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...YiU_sredna.bmp During the attack, which sent the bottom three tankers were intercepted by the destroyers who bombarded us with hedgehogs and depth charges http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...Huh_sredna.bmp http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...oFU_sredna.bmp http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...QLq_sredna.bmp During one of the attacks, in which nearly sent us to the bottom, http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...8Sf_sredna.bmp http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...40t_sredna.bmp http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...I48_sredna.bmp made a sharp turn to the right in full swing in which the destroyer caught in a good shooting position with bow torpedo aparat http://www.img-share.eu/f/images/246...kRL_sredna.bmp |
We are in a Shallow Game, Captain
Bruno Hessler: "New course 138 degrees."
CE: "Jawohl, Herr Kaleun! Are we ending our mission early?" Bruno Hessler: "Of course chief. Have you not noticed SH5 is rubbish?" CE: "Jawohl, Herr Kaleun!" Bruno Hessler: "I can't target the Tommies properly in this version. My Watch Officer is too much wrapped up in his family." CE: "Jawohl, Herr Kaleun!" Bruno Hessler: "When we dock at Kiel re-install SHIII." CE: "Jawohl, Herr Kaleun!" Bruno Hessler: "Stop the shouting!" CE: "I'm sorry Herr Kaleun I don't have that MOD installed." Bruno Hessler: "And wear a decent uniform!" CE: "I don't have either, Herr Kaleun." Bruno Hessler: "Never mind." |
Welcome aboard!
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