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Farflung Wanderer 05-12-15 12:05 PM

At Port-Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Orders have been received: U-18 is to patrol AN16, off the coast of England. While we were in port, I have enlisted three new Petty Officers and one more Sailor, filling up the Typ-II's crew compliment. I have also eschewed the installing of a flak gun due to the expected time in port.

Despite the fact that we are being put out to sea, there is no state of war between Germany and any other nation. Any information beyond that is vague at all, but it's clear that we're being positioned to strike at the English should they enter this conflict. Let us hope it does not come to that.

01 September 1939
0100h: U-18 leaves port from Wilhelmshaven, setting course out to AN96 before beginning to maneuver toward our objective, AN16. It's just my luck that AN16 would put us in the vicinity of Scapa Flow, the resting place of the English Home Fleet. If war breaks out, this would put us right in the lion's den. God knows how we'll handle that, but I have confidence in my crew.

Besides the late hour of our leaving port, the waters are somewhat rough, even in port, to my surprise. Hopefully by morning they shall become much less tumultuous.

I will establish a protocol with making patrol reports: 0800h and 2000h, we will radio in. Unless something happens that makes me forget or am too busy to perform this duty, this shall be a ritual to base our schedule.

0149h: I have plotted our course to AN16. Once we reach AN98, U-18 will make a turn to head northwest until we reach the objective grid, then set up a patrol circle. I have decided not to risk the lives of the crew and the safety of the ship by actually making an attempt to enter Scapa Flow. The amount of warships in that grid will be worrying enough, let alone what will be in port. We're a merchant killer, for God's sake, and a coastal hunter at that. The waters in AN16 are deeper than in other places around the English coast, but that won't save us should the entire Home Fleet decide to hunt us down.

No news on what has happened since the alleged Polish attack yesterday, and I doubt we'll get any anytime soon. Let us hope for peace, but if there must be war, let it take long enough for us to be where we need to be to do our duty for Germany.

0800h: Sent in a status report. 5 torpedoes left, same as when we left port, and we are currently in grid AN95. We are a long way from our objective, but at least we are in friendly waters. We've encountered more than a few Schnellboots and even a Typ-34 destroyer. I doubt we shall have such friendly company once we get further out to sea.

Waters are still somewhat rough, visibility is more or less clear.

2000h: Sent in status report. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN66. We are 14 hours away from our final turn toward AN16, AN62, and 57 hours away from our objective itself. Unless our pace changes, that will put us somewhere around the morning of 4 September when we arrive on station. We will have to patrol for 24 hours before we can return to Wilhelmshaven.

Waters have calmed some, beautiful sunset. The moon tonight is a waning gibbous moon, meaning that we might have a new moon sometime during our patrol. That would make visibility tougher for us, but at the same time it would make us harder to detect. We will face that when it comes.

02 September 1939
0800h: Sent in status report. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN62. Little under three hours until we make our final turn, 47 hours until we reach AN16.

Still no news on the Poland situation. Crew's moral is high, but we're all waiting for more information.

Waters are copy, visibility is clear.

UKönig 05-12-15 03:49 PM

If I played as "dead is dead", then you might hear reports of something that sounded a little like this...

October, 1943

U-73 is the first of a few selected U-boats to receive new equipment in what feels like a very long time. The latest upgrade to the radar detector, or 'fuzz-buster' as my funkmaat likes to call it (I don't know why). Sonar detector, with range finding pulse, now we can ping them right back! BOLD decoy upgrades, supposed to last longer than the last batch. But the best improvement that I can think of is the snorkel system. The Dutch boats have had these in place for a while, but they were only used to air out their boats. Ours are also designed for us to start and use the diesel engines, while we are underwater!
I need not state the obvious advantages, except to say, that in this case, the irony was stronger, and the snorkel, or lack thereof, played no part in what followed...

U-73 in transit across the Bay of Biscay, from St. Nazaire. We are barely 4 hours from harbour when we are harassed by our first air attack. Shot one Short Sunderland down, damaged another. Attackers cease fire and withdraw.

30 minutes later, a fresh batch of 4 B-24 liberators. Nope, not these guys, "Alaaarrmm!!" - oh, uh, hang on a sec, we're still kinda close to shore. How deep is it really here? *ping* Ocean floor is 106m away... (whew). That had potential to be nasty.

Got to enjoy the symphony of charges going off, one after the other, round after round, for 5 minutes straight. They were pretty serious about stopping our patrol. Two hours later, surfaced into bright daylight, calm seas. I dispense with the watch crew, and just man the flak. I have two recently trained and qualified POs to handle the AA duties, and they're brothers! I couldn't ask for a more effective team. Maybe twin brothers, that might work... Anyway, we only had to wait another hour or so, and our radar detector started chirping away. The watch officer was close behind. "Aircraft spotted, incoming, at 150" "Fire at will!" Once the target had been identified, we remained confident in our ability to defend our boat. Our AA crew made short work of this flight of four Sunderlands, and with our morale at a dangerous high, we proceed, brazenly, on the surface.
We only had to wait about 30 more minutes when the next flight of four showed up. One thing about 1943 that I've noticed, is the frequency that aircraft attack. 1941, not so much, '42, a bit more, and then '43, bam! All over the sky...
Our gunners got it down to a fine science, and we had made quick work of 3, when the 4th came around for a bombing run. Port side aft. View from lower AA platform on type VIIb, about 240 degrees. Short Sunderland on approach, lower gunner leads target perfectly. Full magazine right into the cockpit. Pilots never saw it coming. Co-pilot shredded by sheer amount of shrapnel and bullets, lifeless body of pilot now falling over control column, causing the plane to assume a downward dive... Second by second the plane gets larger and larger through the targeting circle, when, it smashes bodily into the hull. The damage is instant and complete. The three crewmembers topside were killed instantly when the plane hit the hull, about the portside diesel room, breaching it seconds. The plane still carried its bombs so those got to go off at close range, further splitting U-73 in half. The crew in the bow compartments were flooded almost immediately, and within 5 minutes, U-73 took all hands to the bottom. There were no survivors...

Is what it would sound like if 'dead is dead'. But since I will only start again with the same name and pretty much the same career, I might as well just start over from before when I made that terrible mistake, and save some time.

Farflung Wanderer 05-12-15 08:23 PM

Continuing Patrol 1 for U-18, commanded by Lt. Jr. Theodor Lawrenz, attached to U-Flottila Weddigen, based in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

02 September 1939
2000h: Reported in. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN61. We're still a good 38 hours from AN16, meaning it will be a long, boring night as we draw ever closer to our ordered grid.

I've ordered the crew to get some rest, as we're all getting tired. Hopefully we'll have a refreshed shift ready for the morning.

03 September 1939
0800h: Reported in. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN48. 27 hours to AN16 still, meaning it will be mid-day tomorrow when we finally reach our objective.

Still no news on the situation with Poland, it has been eerily quiet on that front. I hope we don't stumble into something.

Waters are very rough and visibility is decent, but it's making me a touch nervous. A Typ-IIA is not designed to take terribly much punishment.

1737h: I had my RA go on duty to check for any transmissions, and he came back to me not too long later, message in hand. It's from Raeder, and it's addressed to every German naval vessel at sea. The message: "Commence hostilities against Britain forthwith." Germany is at war.

So too, then, is U-18. We are still 17 hours away from AN16, but from here on in we are on war footing. Should we pick up any British vessels, we shall engage and destroy them.

The weathers are too choppy to have my SO on station, meaning it is up to the watch crew to spot the British as we approach AN16. Hopefully by tomorrow the waters will have calmed and we can begin our hunt.

2000h: Sent in status report. 5 torpedoes, grid AN44. 15 hours to our objective, no contact with the British yet. The waters have gotten rougher, the waves often rolling over the deck of the ship and even up to the conning tower. I am worried about being swamped, so I shall order a dive until 2200h.

2108h: Ordered a test dive at 2103 to 68m in order to test ship's ability to perform at depth. She performed admirably, and I ordered her back up to 30m and ordered the SO to man his station to see if we couldn't pick up anything despite the rough seas.

2200h: Ordered to surface to recharge batteries and refill air. Waters are still very rough, but at least we are not getting swamped. I am proud of my crew and how well they are performing in these adverse conditions.

04 September 1939
0830h: After a longer than usual breakfast this morning to mark the first full day of the war, reported in. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN44. It is a mere 4 hours until we arrive at AN16, and the crew is getting excited. This marks our chance to do our part for Germany.

The waters are still very rough, frustratingly. It will make hunting the enemy much more difficult, but not impossible. At least visibility is good.

1049h: At 1010h, we were passed over by a British plane. I ordered a crash dive, and we escaped with no attack being made on us. We will now surface and continue on our way to AN16.

1157h: At about 11:47h, we were passed over by another British plane. Again, a crash dive, again, no attack by the hostile aircraft. Our luck can't last forever, but I am thankful that the water is deep enough for us to be able to crash dive.

Two and a half hours until AN16.

1243h: Another crash dive, this time to avoid two British craft. They are getting much more aggressive, and I'm sure that they're ranging in on our destination and our course. Regardless, we are ever so close to AN16. I hope we make it soon so we can start our duties.

1419h: We have finally arrived in AN16. Our 24 hour patrol now begins. Let us hope that the British do not throw the book at us and instead send some nice soft targets our way.

1628h: Ship spotted, merchant of some form right off our bow. Diving to periscope depth, let us begin the hunt.

1631h: Target is a C2 merchant heading southeast, almost 7km away. We shall begin hunting her, and when the opportunity arises, strike.

1739h: We've been chasing for some time, but batteries are running low. I am going to run decks awash and try to get in closer using the diesel engines. We're only 3000m away, I think we can do this.

1846h: After a grueling hour chase, success! It took two torpedoes to sink her, but that is one C2 going into the deep. Our crew is celebrating, and we still have three torpedoes to hunt with. Now to return to AN16 and continue our patrol.

2000h: Reported in. 3 torpedoes left, grid AN18. One cargo ship sunk, for a grand total of 6446 tons. There will be partying tonight!

2015h: Another air attack, I'm sure in response to our sinking of the cargo ship. We've crashed dived away, and shall be safe from their bombs. Aside from this distraction, we are well on our way back to AN16 and shall be back on station by around 2100h.

2054h: We have surfaced and are almost to AN16. We received an uplifting response to our last report, which has been shared amongst a happy crew. It has been a good day for U-18.

05 September 1939
0420h: The SO awoke me to report a merchant vessel not too far from us. I have ordered the U-18 to turn to engage. We still have three torpedoes left, perhaps we can bag another victim before dawn...

0425h: Target has been identified as a coastal merchant. They ought to be faster than the C2s, and not worth as much tonnage, but they'll be easier to sink. It's heading northwest, meaning that we will need to catch it before it enters the protected waters of the Home Fleet. I think we can do it, though.

UKönig 05-15-15 01:08 PM

might be dead...
Looks like 'ole U-73 may be in over its head...

Attacking a heavily guarded convoy. 2 of 8 escorts destroyed, two tankers (large) and cargo ships (small) have been sunk.
HK units are many and working with extreme cooperation and skill. Damage is slowly starting to mount. Doesn't look like we will get away this time...

UKönig 05-16-15 05:30 PM

we got away!!

I was on the edge of my seat -really- for almost 2 hours, real time.

Tally on merchants was 2 small for 2300 tons each, and two T2 tankers, for 11000 tons each. 3 escorts destroyed. Taking out the third one sealed the deal. If I had been unable to sink at least one more of my attackers, then I would not have made it out.
They destroyed my watch tower and everything on it. They destroyed the officer's post in the stern torpedo compartment. They destroyed my AA cannons and badly damaged the foreship and deck gun.
But the snorkel survived, and I owe my escape and longevity on it.
U-73, returns to St. Nazaire.

Gunnarr 05-18-15 04:06 AM

I tried going through the Irish sea, from south to north.

I will never do it again.

Destroyer after destroyer found me, depth charged me. For the first time, I saw a town class destroyer (They look really nice actually)

It took many hours of real life time to get through all that... having to wait for them to run out of charges, constantly dodging.

and when I think im home free, at northern ireland, 3 destroyers in a group find me...


never again

Farflung Wanderer 05-19-15 07:08 PM

Sorry for the delay, but here's the continuing adventures of Lt. Jr. Theodor Lawrenz, commander of U-18. Still on our first patrol...

05 September 1939
0500h: Still continuing our stalk of the merchant. Waters remain very choppy, and visibility is very low. Despite the fog, the moon is still out and visible for all to see.

We're closing rather rapidly to the enemy craft, but we must be careful. Being detected could bring the entire Royal Navy on our heads.

0552h: Gave up on pursuit as merchant began to gain speed after we dived to approach.

I have decided that we shall begin our return to Wilhelmshaven no matter what on 7 September. We can't stay out here forever, after all, and we need new orders. Besides, I'm not keen on staying out at AN16 forever.

1446h: Encountered a C2 approaching our position. Diving to periscope depth, going to lie in wait.

1550h: After putting our last three torpedoes into the C2, it finally slipped beneath the waves. U-18 has done well. We shall finish our patrol, report into the fleet, then get out of here as fast as our Typ-IIA will let us.

1725h: We were attacked by British planes 10 minutes ago. I assume that we have become quite infamous. Crash-dive performed successfully, and we're continuing on our merry way.

1755h: Another crash dive to respond to another air attack. I assume that the British will be attacking us every time we attempt to surface, so I shall endeavor to keep the U-18 underwater until night, when we can safely surface, recharge batteries, and report home.

2000h: Reported to fleet. Position AN16, no torpedoes left. Two cargo ships sunk, with a total tonnage of 12893 tons sunk.

06 September 1939
0800h: Reported back home. Grid AN41 is our current position, and we're a good 90 hours until we're back at Wilhelmshaven. It'll be a long trip back, but at least we do not need to fear English air attacks any longer.

Weather is pleasant, and waves are still choppy.

1100h: A British plane came out of nowhere, and we dove away. No damage, no problem. I'm just surprised of its direction of attack: The plane came from the south, which is just open sea all the way down to Hartlepool and the English island, but we're miles away.

1429h: Another attack. I wonder how long we'll need to manage this until we are in the clear.

1520h: Another attack.

2000h: Sent in patrol report. AN42 is our grid. 75 hours to Wilhelmshaven.

07 September 1939
0800h: Sent in our patrol report. AN45 is our position. It's going to be a long boring run. Even if we encounter anything hostile, we can't do anything other than just dive away. Our lack of torpedoes is a sign of a job well done, but I'll be damned if it doesn't make the run home a tiresome one.

Farflung Wanderer 05-20-15 05:10 PM

Continuing the adventures of Lt. Jr. Theodor Lawrenz and U-18, on course for home from a long patrol.

07 September 1939
1009h: We picked up some enemy vessel not too far away, and on a course that will put us on intercept. We have no torpedoes, no deck gun, and we certainly don't have the capability to board anything, so I'm going to put the U-18 under until we're in the clear.

1111h: Made visual contact on the vessel. It's a small merchant, such a tempting target, but it's too far away and we have no way of fighting it. Since I do not want to risk the RAF being called in, we shall remain underwater for perhaps another hour.

2000h: Reported back home to flotilla. Grid AN49 is our current position, and we're a good 46 hours away from Wilhelmshaven still. I hope that the next two days go quickly.

08 September 1939
0800h: Report sent in. We're at grid AN62, and still 35 hours out.

2000h: Another day, another report. Grid AN66, 23 hours out.

09 September 1939
0800h: Hopefully our last report for this patrol. Grid AN95, back in German controlled waters finally. The crew is relaxed and happy.

1812h: Wilhelmshaven is clearly in sight, and the lighthouses are here to guide us home. Will report time of docking in the sub pens here before getting finally out of this tin can that has been my home for this past week and back into my office for some time.

1847h: Docked at Wilhelmshaven.

10 September 1939
Well, time to put things in order.

First and foremost, it is as I suspected. Germany went to war with Poland, and both England and France joined the party immediately afterwards. We managed to score some of the earliest victories for the U-Boat fleet, and our tonnage of 12.893 puts us a good thousand above Wilhelm Rollmann, who has 11.357 tons. I'm going to tell the officers today about our position as top U-Boat ace, see how the crew reacts. There will be champagne tonight, more so than there was the last. My head is still spinning from our party.

Business as usual, though. I've updated my patrol log and submitted it, to the satisfaction of the higher-ups. In turn, I have been given some medals to hand out, as well as some duties to perform. Warrant Officer Wolf Degen has been given some enhanced training and is now a qualified Machinist. Warrant Officers Axel Thurmann, Wolf Degen, Karl Creutz, Adolf Conrad, Jorg Zander, Sub-Lieutenants Udo Hartenstein, Otto Totenhagen, Fritz Frederichs, and Adolf Carlewitz have all been awarded the U-Boat War Badge. I still have two remaining to pass out, but I shall award them after the following patrol.

I have ordered that U-18 be upgraded with a 2cm FK C/30 flak cannon for use in air defense. While our past patrol took us into deeper waters, the Typ-IIA is a coastal merchant raider, which means shallow waters will be our norm. Having something to engage air targets when a crash dive could be a tragic mistake will save our skins, especially given the sheer volume of air attacks we were subjected to in the last few days of our first patrol. I have also asked that an emblem be marked on the side of U-18 to commemorate her survival of her first patrol. This is our ship now, and I shall not abandon it. To mark our travels, and the hope of always coming home again, U-18 shall now and forever have a Kompaßstern affixed to her conning tower.

29 September 1939
Tomorrow night, at around midnight, U-18 is to head out on patrol again. Our orders take us this time to AN81, a point in-between England and the neutral Netherlands. I don't imagine too many hostile contacts in this area, but we will do our duty none-the-less.

The crew is set and ready to head out again, and we are confident that we can make our mark for Germany.

30 September 1939
0119h: U-18 embarks from Wilhelmshaven to head out on patrol. Waters are rolling, but not all-together rough. Will establish a new reporting procedure for this and future patrols. One report, daily, at 2000h, should be suffice.

The course we are setting will put us moving mainly off the coast of the Netherlands until AN82, in which case we'll push out to our grid and begin a search-pattern. This way, I hope to minimize air attacks from the RAF.

2000h: Reported back to Wilhelmshaven. We're currently in Grid AN69, and are only 19 hours away from AN81. I'm particularly happy about this, I despised the long trip there and away from AN16, and I prefer to have our hunting grounds close to home given the nature of how the Typ-IIA hunts and performs.

01 October 1939
1424h: We have arrived in Grid AN81 and are beginning our patrol. Let us see what the coming days throw at us...

Rambler241 05-20-15 08:14 PM

9th patrol, returning from an (almost) fruitless tour of grid AL29, which my convoy route maps show should be bang across the northern convoy routes. They must have heard we were coming.... Still, heard & intercepted a C3 before leaving the grid after a boring 5 days. Returned along the convoy routes to N.Ireland, just enough targets there & down the W coast to keep the crew happy. S of Ireland, a very strange noise in the 'phones turned out to be two C2s in tandem. With only 3 fish left, I was loath to use 2 (or even three) eels when we had a locker well stuffed with gun ammo, so I decided to take out the first (both armed on the stern) with a T1, and use my well tried disarming technique on the second.

This involves approaching very close submerged, surfacing about 50m away and parallel, and potting the pop-gun on the poop, before perforating the plates with a few (a lot for a C2!) shots. If you're close enough, the gun shield is a fairly easy target - the gun can't be depressed enough to hit the boat, though the crew might fire a few shots overhead. A single AP usually suffices (2 in this case - choppy sea, and the shield is a small target). While submerged and waiting for our deadly tryst, my usually taciturn sonar man announced a Merchant at around 20k to the north, going the wrong way (SW), but thankfully slooow.

Having chased & dispatched the C3 ( gun on the bow, and so high up and difficult to hit first shot), I thought a trek up the Western Approaches might provide a couple of suitable targets for my last two torps before returning to Brest. After another sonar contact, and a frustrating and tricky intercept of what turned out to be a US T3 tanker (blast the yanks!) we returned to a more direct route homeward, pausing as usual for regular sonar dips. My sonar man was, as usual, unable to identify the roar of a nearby convoy - a big 'un. A bonus on the way home perhaps?

Tricky, this one - the haze meant that trying to keep the flank escort in sight was not an option - we'd be in radar range. However, the large convoy icon with directional arrow allowed a track to be plotted, and an out-of sight approach to get in front to a close attack position.

So far so good - keeping out of the lead escort's sonar cone enabled a close attack on the lead T3 tanker in the centre left row, with a T2 conveniently one ship behind in the adjacent row. Both were hit square on at the appropriate depth, both stopped dead in the water - and stayed afloat. Drat and double drat! With escorts converging from all 4 points of the compass, and 90 metres depth at that point, and discretion being the better part of valour, we hid under the T2 tanker. I've discovered a new and less obvious use for the observation 'scope - with the prism tilted almost straight up, the bottom of the T2 could be seen clearly, 80 or so metres above..

Three DDs and a deadly little Flower circled, pinging away like mad. After about about 15 minutes, one left at speed - the lead V&W escort, I guessed. Then the other two must have stopped to listen, pinging occasionally while the Flower showed off by circling and uselessly dropping DCs (at a safe distance from the crippled T2, and so a safe distance from U-47 and yours truly). After another half hour with no movement from the two DDs, and no more pings, we crept away at 2 knots from the last known position of the DDs, heading back to the surface. They were still there, 2km away, one either side of the bow of the T2 - then they started up and returned to the convoy at speed - now a further wait until they were out of sight, and far enough away to allow me (chief gunner - got the badge, wear the T-shirt) to finish off the two tankers. Job done, we set off to investigate another sonar contact to the north, only to have a shell whistle overhead from the Clemson hard on our tail at 35knots, and 4k behind. I know just who'll spend their leave peeling potatoes in the officer's mess kitchen back at Brest.

After a nervous half-hour at max depth evading the persistent Clemson we followed a straight course back to base, sinking a C2, a Tug Boat, and a couple of annoying Elco TBs on the way. Three or four star shells on the water line gets 'em every time, with a 2cm magazine to finish 'em off if necessary.

A good patrol, if rather boring on patrol S of Iceland in crap weather. Finished strongly though, if i say so myself (no one else will).

Fubar2Niner 05-21-15 08:48 AM

Unfortunately my current campaign has come to a complete standstill. Recently upgraded from a 580GTX SLI system to a 980GTX SLI and can't get SH3 to looks as nice anymore :/\\!!:/\\!!:/\\!! Spent two weeks so far trying different NI profiles but nothing will get me even close :wah:

Best regards.


Kip Chiakopf 05-24-15 09:33 AM

After two highly successfull cruises in a Type IXB (more than 100,000 tons sunk including two aux. cruisers and the HMS Renown), I got cocky. I torpedoed and crippled a large freighter. I surfaced to finish it off with my deckgun. Suddenly, a tiny British electro boat arrives on the scene shooting. "Poo," sez I, "A seasoned ace such as myself can easily swat this bug!" So, I manned my 20mm and engaged the little pest while my deckgun concentrated on the freighter. Well, the little bugger sunk me with all hands!:dead:

banryu79 05-24-15 12:14 PM

Ahahah, another lesson learned, the hard way of course :-)

Rambler241 05-25-15 12:17 AM

Kip said:

I surfaced to finish it off with my deckgun
- not a bad idea to check sonar first, methinks.

It's also not a bad idea to put some distance between your boat and the sunk target, but in which direction? You may be heading straight for a DD, whose gun crews are just waiting to show off their well-practised skills to their commander. Not to mention the DC crews, with depth-setting keys burning a hole in their pockets. I usually dip down for a sonar check, unless I've done a full sweep before the attack.

Zosimus 05-25-15 11:05 AM

January 1943. Launched U-211 from Bergen. Assigned to AN64.

January 24, 1943 picked up radar detection from airplanes. Dived to 20 meters -- about as deep as I could go. AN64 is quite shallow. Came up for air an hour later and as I got another radar detection, my 1WO reminded me that our boat, which is equipped with the best anti-air guns available, had been ordered to stay on the surface and fight it out.

So we did. We turned tail and kicked it up to full speed. That's when I realized that I had no one skilled at flak guns. So I did what I could. We took some damage from a near-miss on a bomb, but we shot a Halifax down. :up: It took me about half an hour to stop the leaks and we went back to scope depth and north out of AN64. The exact extent of the damage is hard to assess.

I then took a long route around to northern Ireland. I got notifications of various convoys, but they were all headed into Liverpool and in shallow waters. No way I was going to make it there.

February 2. It was raining heavily so I went back to scope depth and headed west. After a few hours I got notification of a cargo ship closing. I marked its approximate location on the map and we watched it carefully for 6½ minutes. Approximate speed: 6 knots. Heading... eastish. Then I checked the gauges and saw that my CO2 was over 2.0. We surfaced to vent and that's when I realized that another cargo ship was following behind me. It immediately started to zigzag and opened fire.

I just kept my stern on him till I had vented completely, dove to 25m, and turned to 5º to intercept my primary target. At 1500m I went to scope depth and got a visual on both targets. The primary target was much larger, so I continued the attack. At about 1200m I fired a two-torpedo salvo (T3s), scoring two hits and sinking it immediately. We estimate it at 6780 tons.

We loaded two more submerged, surfaced, and are continuing our patrol. I am relieved to say that the wind is about 15 m/s (sea 6) and so we are not manning the flak guns. I hope no more aircraft show up.

Kip Chiakopf 05-25-15 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Zosimus (Post 2316153)
I just kept my stern on him till I had vented completely, dove to 25m, and turned to 5º to intercept my primary target. At 1500m I went to scope depth and got a visual on both targets. The primary target was much larger, so I continued the attack. At about 1200m I fired a two-torpedo salvo (T3s), scoring two hits and sinking it immediately. We estimate it at 6780 tons.

Were you using magnetic or contact fuses? What was the weather like?

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