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Well it was a very short patrol... (3-4 days)
My men get to spend New Year at home good weather and heavy trafic in the north sea = 22,000 tones patrol.. even spotted an enemy sub close to my port.. Stukas came and gave him a Christmas present from the Luftwaffe... I then got in close and gave him some deckgun shells from my crew.. She sunk slowly before a second wave of stukas came to find i already claimed their prize.. the brave crew of HMS Starfish we :salute: you On return to Wilhelmshaven I was promoted and awared the Iron Cross 2nd Class along with a uboat clasp:arrgh!: No Bernard on my crew so far :woot: |
my second patrol
about 200km from wilhelmshaven i initiate a test dive...depth check, 37m, shallow but i only want to see if all systems function as id like them to. I order the dive, but forget to prescribe the 25m depth(rookie mistake)...im already at 25 meters by the time i realize my mistake and even though i correct, i dont correct in time..a few seconds later i impact the bottom but miraculously i survive with only minor damage, 1%.... at sea north of england, the message comes in that england and germany are now at war, i soon thereafter receive a report of a task force headed sse from greenland...i chart the path i believe them to be following and order full speed ahead to my patrol area. I spend two days searching, both above and below water...to no avail...i return to port empty handed |
1738 Patrol 6 U-8, U-Flotilla Weddigen Left at: December 15, 1939, 17:38 From: Kiel Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN82 20.12.39. 0612 Grid AN 81 Ship sunk! SS City of Lancaster (Small Merchant), 2587 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 10 1315 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! SS Empire Scout (Tramp Steamer), 2253 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 20 1317 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! MV Aldington Court (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 16 23.12.39. 2251 Patrol results Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 3 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 9547 tons The crew are in good spirits about this last patrol, even more so if the 4th merchant had gone down. I can only presume that after leaving her heavily damaged and dead in the water she went down, if only that last eel didnt prematurely explode. I think a word with the ordanance dept in the Bdu is in order before the next patrol. |
Ship sighted sir! 30 degrees, medium range!
me: What? Where? I see no ship? Where is the... THAT'S NOT A SHIP THAT'S A DINGHY! Wait... is that a single crate? A British flag? The deck gun won't depress that far... MAN THE FLAK GUN! 12 shells later from the 20 mm, and I add 20 tons to my tonnage for this patrol. The little guy never stood a chance. I'm such a bastard. |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVESMxs4rbA:har: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPTpa...eature=related this one should be the new "we got her" sound :P |
Patrol 13: January 1, 1941 - January 12, 1941. Type IXB, U-127. Commanded by Kptlt. Todlich. Based in Lorient. Encountered two light cruisers, steaming at 28 knots. Four torpedoes missed, so I surfaced and let off a few rounds with the deck gun. They were 7000 meters away, but I did score one hit. And... I did it again. http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/a...me/Connvy2.jpg I am leaving because at that point I was literally out of everything. 13 sunk for about 74000 tons. To be honest, there were four other u-boats there; they accounted for two more merchants (and possibly the escorts?) for the price of three of our own. |
Well I started playing Sh3 about three weeks ago, and my first career came to an end...
Lt. Sr. Alexander Bäcker, his (brand new) U-103 IXB and all of its crew have been reported missing on february 20th 1941, presumably dead while patrolling the southern Atlantic. His career started in november 1939. He took down a total tonnage of 328.902 and he completed 14 patrols. Anyway, I do play DiD, but starting back in 1939 didn't seem realistic, I want to play throughout the whole war and after that start over again in '39 so I'm now continuing in march '41 with a new 'character'. Since in my previous career I just switched from the VII to the IX and hardly got a chance to get used to it, I'm choosing for the IX again. Let's hope Ludwig Mayer will take down as much ships and perhaps survive a little longer :O: The campaign continues, although with a different career. :arrgh!: After three weeks of playing I'm kinda hooked :yeah: |
Lost at Sea
I'm back. That was one hellishly long patrol, and I'll tell you all about it when I get some rack time. :yawn:
But, one question before I collapse: just where the hell is grid BF10? I steamed around the grids near BF11 but couldn't get a clue - that mole at BdU still messing up my order packets? |
(in before ALARRRM:)) I do recall there being a missing grid.. after reading that |
I'm looking at the map here, and grid numbers only go from 11 to 99, so there is no BF10, or any grid number 10 for that matter. It wasn't april 1st when you got your orders from BdU was it? :hmmm:
I think BF1 would be the northwestern corner of BF, and the northwestern corner of BF1 should be BF11. When they broke down each grid square into smaller squares I thought they added extra digits 1-9, I didn't know the KM maps used a 0 in any of their designations. :hmmm: |
U64 IXB 29.sep.42
Patrol 10
Current position is the border of EC19 & EC27, southeast of Cuba in the Carribean Sea. Departed Lorient, for EC41 on 11.aug.42 On 18.sep.42 2 stern torpedoes were fired at, and missed a freighter, during a daylight submerged attack. On 25.sep.42 we arrived on station. And on 26.sep.42, in our assigned grid, came A L A R M ! Night air attack. On 27.sep.42 a status report was sent to BDU stating that 0 tons were sunk and 12 of our 14 torpedoes were still available. Be more aggresive, came the reply. With BDU's instructions in mind, it was decided to lay a course for the Leeward Straight. On 27.sep.42 we got a sound contact. 7 hours, and 6 G7E torpedoes later a T3 Tanker of 11.675 GRT was on her way to the bottom with 5 torpedo holes in her. 2 end arounds, and 2 submerged attacks, all during daylight hours. Light Fog. Wind 15 m/s. For the first attack the end around took some time. The best speed we could make was 13 knots, at full ahead. Target Course 297. Speed 10 knots. 3 G7Es fired. 2 hit. Slight under-estimation of speed. For the second attack 3 G7Es were fired, and 3 hits were scored, sinking the tanker. Whatever his cargo, it was neither flammable nor explosive. Target Course 300. Speed 5½ knots. Our next status report read, 1 tanker sunk (USA) for 11.675 GRT, 6 torpedoes remaining. Things are looking brighter as we were advised to "keep up the good work". Something is always better than nothing. All tubes are loaded, with all reloads expended. |
:oops: Been there done that.... |
U-64 IXB
Kptltnt Hans Hacklander
U-64 IXB August 18 1940 In port Next patrol grid : DG99 So far: Patrols : 5 Days at sea: 155 Merchant sunk : 32 Tonnage: 188129 Warships sunk : 8 Tonnage : 44868 In this career I want to try the Far East front. So when available I will transfer to the 10th flotilla , aquire an IXD2 and sail to the east. |
@ Missing Name :
Quote : "Encountered two light cruisers, steaming at 28 knots. Four torpedoes missed, so I surfaced and let off a few rounds with the deck gun." Now that takes some balls to take on 2 cruisers with a deck gun...:hmmm: |
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