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Bojanpopovic 05-27-19 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2611500)
Upload your gamesave. I'll try to test what's going on.

Can you tell me how to upload my saved game, I don't know how :smug:
Sorry Vdr...!

Tonci87 05-27-19 03:37 PM

Hey VDR, I did some testing on submarine damage from depth charges, and I think it could indeed be toned down a bit.

Two examples I encountered:
DC exploded directly on top of my bow. Not only did the torpedo, radio room and command room get damaged, which is OK, but also the diesel engines. and some other stuff that should not have been impacted by this. Managed to save the boat from sinking by the way.

In another example a DC exploded like 10 to 15 meters away from my left side rudder. Both rudders, electric engines, diesel engines, left propeller and much more destroyed, so far so good, but also the torpedo tubes?! This explosion was fatal. The boat went down like a stone. Thankfully that was only testing.

It seems as if damage gets distributed to too many areas in the boat.
Would it be possible to either reduce depth charge effectiveness

Also one other thing that I noticed is that the engine RPMs are very slow to change with electric engines. In my opinion the RPM changes with electric engines should be even faster than with the diesels, since the electric engines should have a higher torque. They do have as much Horsepower as the diesels though. What do you think? :hmmm:

vdr1981 05-27-19 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2611677)
Hey VDR, I did some testing on submarine damage from depth charges, and I think it could indeed be toned down a bit.

Two examples I encountered:
DC exploded directly on top of my bow. Not only did the torpedo, radio room and command room get damaged, which is OK, but also the diesel engines. and some other stuff that should not have been impacted by this. Managed to save the boat from sinking by the way.

In another example a DC exploded like 10 to 15 meters away from my left side rudder. Both rudders, electric engines, diesel engines, left propeller and much more destroyed, so far so good, but also the torpedo tubes?! This explosion was fatal. The boat went down like a stone. Thankfully that was only testing.

It seems as if damage gets distributed to too many areas in the boat.
Would it be possible to either reduce depth charge effectiveness

Distributed damage you've just described is caused by "collateral damage" patches which are enabled by default in TDW Generic Patcher. Disable the patches (there are two of them) and the damage will be much more localized. Note that this will apply to your torpedoes and deck gun damage as well...


Also one other thing that I noticed is that the engine RPMs are very slow to change with electric engines. In my opinion the RPM changes with electric engines should be even faster than with the diesels, since the electric engines should have a higher torque. They do have as much Horsepower as the diesels though. What do you think? :hmmm:
In TWoS, submerged acceleration, turn radius and speeds are adjusted according to real type VIIC manual to the best of my abilities. RPM acceleration can be adjusted manually in TDW_SHSim_Patch.s5p file though. I'll explain this some other time because it's a bit complicated...:yep:

Tonci87 05-27-19 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2611680)
Distributed damage you've just described is caused by "collateral damage" patches which are enabled by default in TDW Generic Patcher. Disable the patches (there are two of them) and the damage will be much more localized. Note that this will apply to your torpedoes and deck gun damage as well...

In TWoS, submerged acceleration, turn radius and speeds are adjusted according to real type VIIC manual to the best of my abilities. RPM acceleration can be adjusted manually in TDW_SHSim_Patch.s5p file though. I'll explain this some other time because it's a bit complicated...:yep:

The thing is that I like to have collateral damage, I know those patches and I am happy that they are there, especially for the benefit of my own torpedoes :D, but it seems to be a bit too much when the submarine gets damaged. But maybe it is supposed to be like this. I don´t really know how lethal DCs are supposed to be to have realistic values.

Another thing that has been bothering me. I´m using your "Reduced damaged/destroyed ships fires and explosions with more smoke effects." mod. Sometimes I get ships that after being hit by a torpedo or deck gun burn for a very long time (many hours) apparently without getting more damaged or the fire being extinguished. They just keep burning. Is that a side effect of the mod? I get the feeling that the fire should gradually spread if it can not be extinguished. :hmmm:

XenonSurf 05-27-19 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2611684)
The thing is that I like to have collateral damage, I know those patches and I am happy that they are there, especially for the benefit of my own torpedoes :D, but it seems to be a bit too much when the submarine gets damaged. But maybe it is supposed to be like this. I don´t really know how lethal DCs are supposed to be to have realistic values.

What you can do is edit the Zones.cfg files and the 'father' values (value in system A pointing to system B; if B gets x damage then A starts to take damage). This is rather complex and prone to errors, so know what you do. This should do the trick to make very punctual damage, other than this there is nothing. And if you try you will get a lot of CTDs probably...
You can also change the 'armor level' values and in that way change damage delay for a system (consider armor value as free hitpoints you can get before the system gets damaged), but this one will not help your purpose I think.

I didn't touch these, instead I changed the hitpoints to have more 'reasonable' and easier damage to fit the purpose of my personal modlist. It will lower the damage, but not make any punctual damage depending on the torpedo hit location, I didn't find any code for such a thing, not even the Collateral Damage mentioned by Veko, this one will only eliminate damage in neighbour systems without taking the hit location in account, and it reduces damage too much to be realistic IMO. It takes all aggressive teeth out of the game...

Then, you don't have total freedom: there is a bug in the stock game where destroyers get damaged by their own DCs, if you change the above values too much to your taste, then you re-introduce this bug that Veko has corrected :yep:

You cannot mod if there isn't the code for it, or go make a 'code injection' like TDW did with his NewUIs :)

Be more aggressive...But with someone else's armor...

fitzcarraldo 05-27-19 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2611671)
Could be but from my experience, TC is rarely cause for a CTD. It's almost always a broken modlist and mods them self. Standalone mods are literally full of hidden CTD problems. Trust me, I know...:)

I didn't have CTDs. But I see crazy ships and crashes between ships in convoys when I approach them with high TC. With 64 TC max that behaviour is not observed in my installation.

I have TWoS 2.2.12 with some official addons mods and only tweaked the collateral damage via Generic Patcher. Also Rusted Glory, but it is only graphic candy.

Many thanks.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 05-29-19 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2611684)

Another thing that has been bothering me. I´m using your "Reduced damaged/destroyed ships fires and explosions with more smoke effects." mod. Sometimes I get ships that after being hit by a torpedo or deck gun burn for a very long time (many hours) apparently without getting more damaged or the fire being extinguished. They just keep burning. Is that a side effect of the mod? I get the feeling that the fire should gradually spread if it can not be extinguished. :hmmm:

The damage will build up with time but fire spreading can not be modeled, IIRC. Never tested this much though since almost any ship will go down after 1-2 well placed hits one way or another...:03:

Dadio85 05-29-19 04:29 PM

Compatibilty with steam version (tdw generic patch working)
Hey guys,
I'd like to install latest version of TWoS. Unfortunately I do only own the Steam version of the game. I already read the installation advices and it states that there should be no problems with the Steam version nowadays. Does this mean, that all the changes of TDW generic patcher are included in this version as well? Or do I have to buy the “gold edition“ from amazon to enable the changes of TDW, which in my opinion are essential to play the game?
Thanks in advance, Dadio

XenonSurf 05-29-19 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dadio85 (Post 2611992)
Hey guys,
I'd like to install latest version of TWoS. Unfortunately I do only own the Steam version of the game. I already read the installation advices and it states that there should be no problems with the Steam version nowadays. Does this mean, that all the changes of TDW generic patcher are included in this version as well? Or do I have to buy the “gold edition“ from amazon to enable the changes of TDW, which in my opinion are essential to play the game?
Thanks in advance, Dadio

With the Steam version you will be able to install TWoS if you follow all the instructions in the PDF 'The_Wolves_of_Steel_2_2_Install_instructions'.

Dadio85 05-30-19 02:44 AM

Compatibilty with steam version (tdw generic patch working)
With the Steam version you will be able to install TWoS if you follow all the instructions in the PDF 'The_Wolves_of_Steel_2_2_Install_instructions“

I know that it's in general possible to install the TWoS with the Steam version, but will it be working 100% correct? Because in some older replies it was stated that all the changes introduced with the TDW generic patcher will not work with the Steam version. Im asking because TDW is included in TWoS.

kapuhy 05-30-19 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dadio85 (Post 2612034)
I know that it's in general possible to install the TWoS with the Steam version, but will it be working 100% correct? Because in some older replies it was stated that all the changes introduced with the TDW generic patcher will not work with the Steam version. Im asking because TDW is included in TWoS.

For all it's worth, I have Steam version of the game with TWoS installed and it works ok - game is stable, no CTD's, no bugs.

Dadio85 05-30-19 04:55 AM

Compatibilty with steam version (tdw generic patch working)

Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2612042)
For all it's worth, I have Steam version of the game with TWoS installed and it works ok - game is stable, no CTD's, no bugs.

And the stadimeter, hydrophones, etc. and all the other important changes introduced by TDW generic patcher are working as well?

hauangua 05-30-19 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Dadio85 (Post 2612049)
And the stadimeter, hydrophones, etc. and all the other important changes introduced by TDW generic patcher are working as well?

Yes all work good if correctly installled

Dadio85 05-30-19 12:41 PM

Compatibilty with steam version (tdw generic patch working)

Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2612056)
Yes all work good if correctly installled

Thank you very much for your reply. Thats a big relief for me

jorca2 05-30-19 06:16 PM

I have a problem with the periscope depth. The submarine does not remain stable at the depth that I order. So it is not possible to get the periscope out water.
I have the update 2.9 the wolfes of steel.:hmmm:
what do you recommend me to do?

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