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KL-alfman 05-03-10 11:39 AM

excellent work for being already in Jan1944!

Zedwardson 05-03-10 02:44 PM

Well my first campaign ended last night, Otto Van Graff and U-46 where off of Bristol, July 1940, and came across two torpedo boats, was able to hide in the very shallow waters, but when I came to the surface to get out of there, a ASW Trawler was on top of me, firing within a hour of surfacing, I moved to avoid this, and I ran into two more groups.

Ended up having two Torpedo boats, a ASW Trawler, a flowers Class, and FOUR V&W class ships on top of me in no more then 40 meters of water. My first escape was foiled by dud torpedos (fired three at a V&C that was blocking my escape, and two duded, and it survived the one strike.

The they had me circled and closing in, the first round of depth charges damaged my rudders, and I knew I had to do something drastic, I told my men I hoped they told there families and girls back home that they loved them, and went to flank, surfacing, hoping to at least be able to zigzag into deeper water. Never made it to the surface as one of the V&Ws dropped depth charges right on top of me.

Starting a new one tonight, of course, tempted to mod my recently purchased game with GWX and SubCommander.

KL-alfman 05-03-10 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Zedwardson (Post 1381220)
Ended up having two Torpedo boats, a ASW Trawler, a flowers Class, and FOUR V&W class ships on top of me


you sure like the challenge! :up:

welcome to SubSim! :salute:

Lord_magerius 05-03-10 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by KL-alfman (Post 1381071)
excellent work for being already in Jan1944!

Thanks but I did cheat, originally Rudolf Strasser was sent to... wherever it is that you go when you retire. Just started a new game with the same character in Jan 44 to simulate coming out of retirement :)

Zedwardson 05-03-10 10:22 PM

Well, I installed Sub Commander and GWX :|\\

Karl Myer is my new Campaign Captain - Commander of U-17, and has finished two patrols.

At the outbreak of the war he found a rich little 10,000 ton British cargo ship trying to get home. It never did, Two eels, on midships, and one in the rear. It slowly slid under, didn't get a chance to give out a distress call. The remaining three missed or duds, but he came home a hero welcome.

2nd patrol, AN21 - in a storm was jumped by a A&B, and even though I called a crash drive, it raked me with depth charges, I lost my Radio and Sonar man, plus another crew member, and had three more hurt. I had to stay under and craw at 2 knots for three hours before I was able to get away, since I didn't know how bad the hull was, and I was down six men, I returned to port empty handed. :down:

But hey, I survived a true depth charging, was really unsure if Was going to make it out alive. My officers, both Commissioned and most of my NCOs kept the ship together as most of my men where freaking out. These will be noted when medals will be given out. :salute:

JohnWoo 05-05-10 05:42 PM

Oberleutnant z. See Kurt Gies, captain of the U-52.

Just finished my 1st war-time patrol in 1939, with a total of 99971 ton sunk. Not a bad start, if I say so myself :DL.
I even wrote an AAR about it, for those interested:

KL-alfman 05-05-10 05:49 PM

great you did in your harbour-raid! :up:

Jimbuna 05-05-10 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWoo (Post 1383309)
Oberleutnant z. See Kurt Gies, captain of the U-52.

Just finished my 1st war-time patrol in 1939, with a total of 99971 ton sunk. Not a bad start, if I say so myself :DL.
I even wrote an AAR about it, for those interested:


Leg 05-05-10 07:09 PM

18 september '42 leaving La Spezia to patrol north-east africa coast; the Mediterranean experience is getting interesting.... in 3-4 patrols there I've sunk the King George V, the Nelson, a Dido and a Fiji class.

frau kaleun 05-05-10 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1383321)

Last time out I torpedoed England and she sank.

Zedwardson 05-05-10 07:33 PM

Well, I am starting to get the hang of GWX, and actually have found some kill zones, and building up enough Renown to upgrade to a VII soon, Norway is about to be invaded, So I am might see the first of the scripted GWX events :salute:

I am grinding it out, with a IIA you only have five eels, and no deck gun, last few patrols I sunk 1-2 ships to keep a decent tally for the early war years.

Last Patrol I picked up one kill

Ship sunk! SS Empire Kingsley (Empire-type Freighter), 5845 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 75. Crew lost: 62

after wasting 3 torpedoes at 1800 meters, I cornered it, calmly went to 90 degrees angle, and put one eel in at 500 meters. of course, that was most of my loadout in a IIA.

krashkart 05-05-10 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1383372)
Last time out I torpedoed England and she sank.

Fancy that... I couldn't find England last time I sailed out. :hmm2:

Breaking News: England Sunk By Lone Uboat. World In Shock As Germany Marches Onward Victoriously.

That's a wrap, people. The war is over! Everybody pack up your torpedoes and go home. Thank you all for coming. Happy times, happy times indeed.

schlechter pfennig 05-05-10 09:44 PM

Well, I was gonna post something, but this is an impossible act to follow!


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1383405)
Fancy that... I couldn't find England last time I sailed out. :hmm2:

Breaking News: England Sunk By Lone Uboat. World In Shock As Germany Marches Onward Victoriously.

That's a wrap, people. The war is over! Everybody pack up your torpedoes and go home. Thank you all for coming. Happy times, happy times indeed.

Snestorm 05-06-10 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by JohnWoo (Post 1383309)
Oberleutnant z. See Kurt Gies, captain of the U-52.

Just finished my 1st war-time patrol in 1939, with a total of 99971 ton sunk. Not a bad start, if I say so myself :DL.
I even wrote an AAR about it, for those interested:

The AAR would have fit nicely into this thread.

Zedwardson 05-06-10 08:58 AM

Luck has changed for U-17 and Karl Myer.

After missing the Invasion of Norway (was assigned to AN18 area and used my last two torpedos on a 10k ton freighter as german forces shortied (first time playing GWX, and that was awesome) and by the time he finished refiting the Brits where falling out of norway, patroled the sector off Bergen, then recived a report of a task force headed SSE slowly out of Scapa, U-17 made a run to Northfolk to try to beat the task force to that point (missed them by about six hours) sinking a small cargo-passenger ship that crossed it path. However, a large convoy was headed NNE from the channel, and U-17 found itself in ideal position. As Radio reports that Germany had invaded the low countries.

As the convoy neared, a massive foggy storm covered the sea, and U-17 was desprately looking for signs of this massive convoy. Went to scope depth for the hydrophones and found out that U-17 was in the middle of the convoy, and on the surface, a large frighter appeared off starboard 300 meters away. Doing a quick look around, Oberleutnant Z S Myer saw a large Ore Carrier at 1500 meters who would be at a good shot angle in about 2 mins, so he quickly planned his attack. making a long port turn, he fired tube one at the frighter that was now heading away and at a somewhat bad angle, keeping the port turn, opening the doors on 2 and 3, the Ore Carrier came into view, waiting for the rudder to go to 0 degrees, then aimed two eels at the Ore Carrier, one at the bow and one admid ships, and fired. Checking the weapon officer he found that the remaining Eel would be loaded in 30 seconds, so Karl stayed on the surface to see what happened.

The frieghter shot missed, but the Ore Carrier was hit by both torpedos, it did not go down and Karl looked down to do a third shot. Then there was a explosion. The watch was covered a yellow flash as the first shot of a A&B had hit the IIA watchtower, calling for a cash dive Karl looked at the crew screen, figuring that he had lost most of his watch crew, however they where unhearmed, but the conning tower was badly damaged (red). Diving fast and turning, the crew heard the screws overhead, and braced themselves.

"Depthcharges in the water!" was called out. He heard one sailor say "Vater unser im Himmel,geheiligt werde Dein Name. Dein Reich komme.." when the charges exploded, Myer calmly called for a change in directions and had his new watch officer (his old useful one died in the last patrol in a bad depth charge attack) to lead the dewatering operations and repair the boat. The Crew heard the screws again, and then a loud explosion, but the sonar man was screaming "The Ship is going down!" as the Ore Carrier went down. The crew suffered a second depth charging, and the sonar and radar man where hurt, but they where bunked in the dry births and Myer ordered a change of direction and while not silent running (U-17 is a leaky boat, and it had suffered some bad damage from that first shot) went slowly and away, till the excort returned to the Convoy. The Scope, Radio, and other items where completly ruined, but the crew was able to repair the watch area so that the watch on the surface could be maintained, and U-17 limped back to port, even with a eel in the tube, as the boat was damaged.

Myer earned a Iron Cross, first Class for his bravery, and now his entire crew has the war vet pin. BdU for a while thought that U-17 was lost, as it had lost radio contact. But the Crew was happy that everyone was buying them drinks as it appeared that "Unlucky" U-17, who has lost a number of men and snuck into scapa flow to find a empty port, Luck might be changing.

Of course, Myer has been pestering BdU about a VII, as the improved Eel loadout and deck gun would mean a much better abilty, But seven merchants and a V&W from a IIA is still a respectable tally as the phony war turns into a real shooting war.

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