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onelifecrisis 06-17-09 09:44 PM

:lol: @ Jim

Leandros 06-18-09 04:11 PM

U-34 Sept. 25th 1939 06:25 - BF17 - Patrol 3

Lying still in the South-Western corner of BF17. Nice weather, the merchants are coming singly and in pairs like clockwork. Have obviously found a much-used lane.

Xmas greetings from Räeder.

U-34 Sept. 25th 1939 14:25 - BF17 - Patrol 3

Oops! Just received a radio message from the BdU. Large convoy coming our way. This shall be interesting. 9 torps remaining. And some DG rounds.

Proceeding to intercept. Ideal weather - darkness is approaching.....

Large convoy, indeed.......and, in the middle....

Lead escort detected us......he got a TI on magnetic from a bow tube....pressed his attack, though. No luck!

Now, on to the big one.....

Some hours later......the 6th torpedo hitting the left-behind HMS Rodney....

Then the fireworks......

Sgtmonkeynads 06-20-09 04:17 AM

OK...I was just about to get on here and complain. My last seven missions have been in the worst weather I have ever been in. I not talking about the average bad weather that sometimes shows up. It started in late 1940, november I think, and every mission since, I have began and ended in the 1000m-500m visability range.
I thought this is getting old and just before scraping everything I thought " Well If I can not see anything neither can they"
So to test my theroy i thought of doing the impossible, daylight surface raid at Gibraltor. Well, I got three south hamptons, a Dortshire, and a j&k. I took no damage. :o Could only see the light house light, and just kept clicking the lock button to find a target.

I began the next mission, and LOW AND BEHOLD blue skies, calm weather and my guys threw their wet gear overboard.:sunny:

Was it just bad luck all this time or did something get stuck in a loop?
My Gibraltor mission was in June of 1941, so i had almost a solid year of crap weather, and NO deck gun. Almost an entire year, i thought i was going NUTS!!!!!

DaveU186 06-20-09 06:08 AM

My attempts to try and complete the war in a XXI have had to start again thanks to a virus on the system, but we're back underway.

Second Patrol - November 1939
Came across a convoy North of Ireland, managed to sneak in on the creepers, and lined up three large merchants and an ore carrier. Decided to go for maximum destruction hopefully to occur simultaneously, so unleashed a total of nine torps on my targets, turned away and started to dive.


Convoy was accompanied by just two escorts, and a waste of space submarine.

Leandros 06-20-09 12:49 PM

U-34 Feb. 9th. 1940 17:54 - patrol 4

Leaving Wilhelmshafen in the sunset for grid AM11. Properly escorted:

By Hipper.....

U-34 Feb. 12th. 1940 14:49 - patrol 4 - grid AN15

Position: On the North Scottish coast - average-sized convoy approaching from East - the escorts (3) have been taken care of.

Going up the middle.....

U-34 Feb. 12th. 1940 16:24 - patrol 4 - grid AN15

Better get out of here......a Tribal approaching on the horizon....

Tribal going on to the last floating merchant....

Pohl 06-21-09 11:46 AM

oh look....a lonely Vogue Class (carrier)

I already took the escorts and im heading to him with sound homing torpedoes =) no way he's surviving, now that war will be over in less than 4 months

Leandros 06-21-09 12:03 PM

Not with the big guns.....?.......:arrgh!:......

grislyatoms 06-21-09 12:17 PM

"Das Boot" -sort of moment last night
Set up a textbook attack on a Granville freighter last night. Going to pass 500m off the bow, AOB 90 degrees starboard.

SO calling off bearing... 350...351...352...353... "sound contact lost".:o

Pop up the scope... sweep from 0-350...nothing. Cut back to 5-10-15-20... then back to 350...nobody out there.:damn: I thought I was either in "The Final Countdown" or the butt of a conspiracy theory ala "Philadelphia Experiment". :88)

Picked him up again visually at 40 degrees or so... didn't feel like creating another intercept so I just sank him with the deck gun.

This old Kaleun must need to get his eyes checked, and the SO needs a stern talking to.:D

Leandros 06-21-09 03:48 PM

U-34 April 3rd 1940 01:09 - North-East Newcastle - patrol 5

Left Wilhelmshafen on the morning of March 29th for grid AN51. Uneventful crossing except observed 3 Tribals on opposite course midway across the North Sea. They didn't see us.

Bumped into a small convoy in the assigned grid. Weather was too bad to use DG so spent some valuable torpedoes on some small merchants after first having ambushed the lone escort - a C&D.

Then received report of a large convoy coming up the coast. Here is:

Should I try to cut in behind the lead escort on the surface or first ambush the escort on the convoy port side. We only have 4 torpedoes left but full complement of DG has improved....that is, for DG use....

Jimbuna 06-21-09 04:25 PM

I wouldn't be considering using the deck gun with escorts in the vicinity.

Why not pick two juicy merchant targets and give them a couple of eels each then scarper/quit while your ahead :hmmm:

Captain Birdseye 06-21-09 04:31 PM

Had my first successful convoy attack this evening. large convoy with a big juicy Fiji class in the middle.

Decided to send a salvo of four torps off into the area most populated with boats (waited til it got to 0 gyroangle).

Every single torp hit and I was already at 70m, bagged an ore carrier and severely damaged a troop transport. Escorts came after me for half an hour, so I popped up after and got one of the Black Swan's returning to convoy, back the escorts came even angrier than last time. 2 hours later I finally pop up lost the convoy, and I pick up a straggling large merchant, 2 torps in his belly and he was a goner.

All torps expended we head off back to St Nazaire a happy bunch, certainly makes me feel better after my recent torpedo impact drought.

Leandros 06-22-09 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1121445)
I wouldn't be considering using the deck gun with escorts in the vicinity.

Why not pick two juicy merchant targets and give them a couple of eels each then scarper/quit while your ahead :hmmm:

U-34, patrol 5, back in Wilhelmshafen - 90 % HI.

You were right - as always....:03:.......Our choice really was to try to down all the escorts - and then use the DG. As it turned out the port-side Tribal was sunk first. However, 2 torps were necessary as the TII on magnetic just passed under it. A TI worked. That left us with one torp too little as we supposed there were 4 destroyers in all (it was). We then surfaced and proceeded towards the front of the convoy as one (large merchant) of the two fattest targets (the other was an Empire) was positioned there. The front destroyer (also a Tribal) turned towards us. That one also took two torps to get down - none left. Surfaced again, flanking towards the large merchant up North. The sea was rather swellish so we opened fire at approx. 2500 meters. At that time the other merchants in the port line had started to illuminate us and the destroyers from the rear and starboard side of the convoy converged on us full speed.

Soon their shells started to fall dangerously close. We had to go down. At that time we had hit the large merchant about 15 times but obviously no serious ones. Depth under keel was approx 85 meters, we went down as far as we could. Soon the D/C's were blossoming around us. We had some flooding but were able to rectify it. One diesel engine was destroyed and at one time we touched the bottom, albeit only at 1-2 knots. After a couple of hours we were able to zigzag eastwards, out of range.

One more lesson learned.

Leg 06-22-09 05:49 AM

Operation drumbeat! Off US eastern coast, attacking all ships in sight! Really juicy targets (some still with lights on), no escorts, a few airplanes, that's the deck gun feast!:woot::arrgh!:

Leandros 06-22-09 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Leg (Post 1121660)
Operation drumbeat! Off US eastern coast, attacking all ships in sight! Really juicy targets (some still with lights on), no escorts, a few airplanes, that's the deck gun feast!:woot::arrgh!:

Save your ammo.....long way to replenish....:03:...

meduza 06-22-09 06:35 AM

Nov 1942, SE of Sicily. U-371
Encountered a small, 3 ship convoy, escorted by one DD and frigate. I sank 2 ships. It turned out that the escorts are much better than usual. No matter what I did, I couldn't get rid of them. After 2 hours of playing cat and mouse 240m bellow, I was desperate enough to try to go even deeper, down to the very limit. I found the limit at 288m :o, and lost the escorts along the way. The boat sustained some pressure damage, but nothing serious.

After that I attack another small convoy and sank both ships (troop ship and landing ship tank). The next day I sank another, larger, troop ship escorted by three destroyers.

So far we bagged 44,000t, and the patrol continues, with three eels still left.

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