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rav007 07-02-14 01:45 PM

only your mod, i think its a carier problem, need to try single mission.

rav007 07-02-14 01:59 PM

the same problem on single missions . . .
pls help ! i cant play my best game :)

vdr1981 07-02-14 02:21 PM

And what happens if you remove resolution patch? Looks like some ini file is corrupted..I would suggest fresh reinstallation of the game

rav007 07-02-14 02:34 PM

can i use my save games after reinstalation ? or i need to delete them too ?

vdr1981 07-02-14 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2221481)
can i use my save games after reinstalation ? or i need to delete them too ?

Backup them just in case...We'll see what's going on when you reinstall the game...

Echolot 07-02-14 04:24 PM


Hi guys ! love this mod but i got annother problem . . .
I got this all the time when i load a saved game. shift + z doesent help . . . it happends when i got a propose to have a new u-boot, i agreed and in next time when i load save game i got this . . . . it looks like all options of UI are on, ive tryied to fix it in OptionsFileEditorViewer but it doesent work.
Is your game version 1.2?


rav007 07-02-14 04:36 PM

sure my version is 1,2, i was playng a loot without a problem in this mod ,until now . . .
I will try to reinstal tomorow, will see what happends

game reinstaled, but i got the same problem . . . i started a new game, got a 3 min of play and then i look into a UZO and I saw a white screen. I restart a game and have the same problem as i got at the first instal.

lakajadiwa 07-03-14 11:32 PM

Is there any way to enable seeing enemy ships on map and how do i plot a course as I cannot after clicking on little submarine icon?

vdr1981 07-04-14 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2221507)
sure my version is 1,2, i was playng a loot without a problem in this mod ,until now . . .
I will try to reinstal tomorow, will see what happends

game reinstaled, but i got the same problem . . . i started a new game, got a 3 min of play and then i look into a UZO and I saw a white screen. I restart a game and have the same problem as i got at the first instal.

So , this is happening if you use old game saves, right? What's going on if you start new campaign?

lakajadiwa 07-04-14 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by lakajadiwa (Post 2221864)
Is there any way to enable seeing enemy ships on map and how do i plot a course as I cannot after clicking on little submarine icon?

Sorry I figured it out. but I got a different problem, this is in regard to deck crew when I put them on duty and tell them fire at will and say nearest target they do not fire at that ship.

vdr1981 07-04-14 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by lakajadiwa (Post 2222012)
Sorry I figured it out. but I got a different problem, this is in regard to deck crew when I put them on duty and tell them fire at will and say nearest target they do not fire at that ship.

Try to disable one or both of these patches and see what happens...

rav007 07-04-14 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2221936)
So , this is happening if you use old game saves, right? What's going on if you start new campaign?

in new campain there was the same problem BUT ! ive made it to work and its very simple fix ! i just copy TheDarkWraithUserOptions file to the right place in mod and it works ! now im playng on old savegames and have nice fun with this mod. thank you for your help guys !

Otto Ites 07-06-14 11:10 AM

Does the magnetic fuze work correctly now ?

if i remember it right, there were a few problems with it.

vdr1981 07-06-14 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Otto Ites (Post 2222544)
Does the magnetic fuze work correctly now ?

if i remember it right, there were a few problems with it.

I think so, but don't expect 100% efficiency...

vdr1981 07-06-14 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by schnorchel (Post 2222399)
I just tried Mega MOD "the Wolf of Steel 1.02" with Type VIIC, to my disappointed,:dead: it still can not keep the depth and slowly sinking under 180m with 2 knots. :/\\!! Could we fix this issue by modifying the hyroplane's efficiency? I really have no idea about how to edit submarine's . sim file.


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2222481)
I'm not sure why this would be a problem. In real life all ships leak. A submarine must keep moving to maintain depth. As far back as Aces Of The Deep (1994) you could only maintain silent running for a certain amount of time before the Chief would tell you "We can't maintain depth without running the pumps!" One of the complaints about SH3 was that the boat could "hover", sitting still without sinking. The NYGM supermod fixed it so the boat would sink at 2 knots or less, and everyone cheered because that was more realistic.

Now it appears that SH5, or one its mods, has that built in, and people don't like it. The old saying is true, you can't please everyone.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2222497)
It is perfectly possible to maintain depth at 220+ meters but only with the use of slow underwater propulsion and manual dive planes control. It's not so simple like one click command anymore. It is also very important not to observe depth scale command like true"depth selector", it's rather like command for taking in and pumping out water from ballast tanks. With depth scale you're controlling weight of the submarine, not depth directly. I'm preparing small video how to do this but it will take some time...


And, here's the video...

I think those few post are going to be useful here too...

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