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R. HESSLER - U65 - Patrol 4 - Msg2
Latest status of U-65
14 Torpedoes remain Current tonnage as per previous report - no further sinkings or significant action. Encountered a distant task force heading through designated patrol grid of AM78 during early hours of 22/03/1941. This appeared to consist of a number of british battleships. Decided not to attack due to heavily escorted plus the feeling of danger amongst the crew. As the T/F passed, U-65 remained undetected throughout - an achievement the crew later toasted. Since sighting the T/F on Mar 22, there has been no further sighting of ANY vessel for some three days. We have patrolled an area of Rockall Banks to no avail, and are now just north of AM53, a fruitful hunting ground from the past. End of report, Dated 25 Mar 1941 From: R Hessler, U-65 (IXB) |
U56 IIC. Patrol 4.
AO77 0340: Underway from Kiel. Orders: Patrol grid AN18 (Aberdeen). All 5 torpedoes (TII G7E) set to MZ (Magnetic Pistol). 1.feb.40 AN44 1058: "Sound contact! Slow merchant. Closing." 1200: Contact IDed as Fishing Boat. No action taken. AN18 1700: On station. 1744: "Sound contact! Medium speed merchant. Closing." 1745: Periscope depth! New course 333! 1816: New course 063! Targets estimated course 153, making 9 knots. 1817: TDC preset. AOB 90 Stb. 9 knots. 4 meters running depth. 3 degree spread. 1821: Open tubes 1, 2, and 3. Uncommitted ID as C2 Cargo. 1825: Target ID committed as C2 Cargo. 1835: British flagged. 3 TII G7E torpedoes to be fired individualy. 1837: Fire 1! Fire 3! Fire 2! 1838: Premature x 1. Impact x 2. Torpedo run 42 seconds. Range about 700 meters. 1839: New course 150 (Now known course of target). New depth 50 meters. 1840: Target moving away slow. 1930: Surface! Tubes 1 & 3 loaded. 1939: Target resighted. She has a fire forward of the bridge. 2010: Open tubes 1 & 3. 2011: Target speed 6 knots. AOB 90 Stb. Depth 8,8 meters. AN44 2050: Fire 1! Fire 3! Back slow. 2052: Impact x 2. Bow & Stern. Torpedo run 76 seconds. Range about 1.200 meters. 2053: Target sunk. Vacating the area at All Ahead Full. 2055: From: U56 To: BDU One freighter sunk for about 6.000 GRT. All torpedoes expended. 2 attacks. 1 premature. 4 good hits. Clear. 9 M/S. 2210: From: BDU To: U56 Return to base. 7.feb.40 AO77 1445: Docked at Kiel, beside U10. Patrol results: All torpedoes expended. 100% Crew & Hull Integrity. 1 ship sunk for 6.446 GRT. U56's history to date: 4 war patrols completed. 2 ships sunk for 8.489 GRT. Dockside News: U10 returned to Kiel on 31.jan.40. She had a rough patrol around AN81, plagued with bad weather, and torpedo problems. U111 departed Wilhelmshaven for her first war patrol on 19.jan.40. Good hunting, Kaleun VONHARRIS. |
Inspection of shipping papers first. I'm at the stage now where it's gradualy shifting to unrestricted submarine warfare but, through 1939 is rough. Nobody complies, but I have to wait for them to attempt evasion before attacking. (A deck gun would be a realy thing to have.) By next patrol BDU should have it all straightened out with Ręder. The reduction in single ship contacts is my own self modding. About one half of Stock SH3's trafik, and about one third of GWX's. It's a whole different game. My tonnage won't even come close to yours, but it's a realy good incentive to stay in contact with convoys, and value every target. |
Good work, :up:
Thanks. |
U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 6, report 1
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel Orders: Patrol grid AN28 Statusbericht 15.3.1940 I have arrived to my grid in clear weather, wind 1 m/s. Not much fuel used, no enemy sightings. Continuing patrolling. Wiebus |
Good hunting, my friend. |
U56 IIC. Patrol 5.
AO77 0200: Underway from Kiel. 1400: Radio Message: From: BDU To: U56 "Return to base. Boat to remain ready to sail at 12 hours notice." (True event). 3.apr.40 AO77 2100: Underway from Kiel. Preliminary orders: Patrol grid AN28 (Norge). 9.apr.40 AN28 (SW of Bergen) 0240: On station. 0853: "Ship spotted! 081. Long range. 0859: Northbound german Small Merchant. 10.apr.40 AN28 0600: Radio Message: From: BDU To: U56 "Proceed to AN2330 at utmost speed." (True event). 0605: Ahead Flank! 10.apr.40 (still) AN2330 (WNW of Bergen). 1330: On station. 14.apr.40 AN2330 1010: Radio Message: From: BDU To: U56 "Occupy grid AF7830." (True event). 1015: Ahead Full! 15.apr.40 AF7830 (NE of Shetlands). 1030: On station. Targets limited to Large Naval Vessels, and Transports. 16.apr.40 1406: "Ship spotted! 335. Long range." Destroyer! 1406: Preliminary dive to 15 meters. 1408: "Single contact. Closing fast. Medium range." New depth 100 meters. 1411: He passed just ahead of our bow. Undetected. 1415: Estimated course 330, making 27 knots. 17.apr.40 0034: "Ship spotted! 117. Long range." Destroyer! New depth 97 meters. 0035: "Single contact. Medium range. Closing fast." 0045: Undetected. 18.apr.40 0030: Radio Message: From: BDU To: U56 "Reoccupy grid AN2330." 0035: Ahead Full! 18.apr.40 (still) AN2330 2110: On station. 22.apr.40 1200: Returning to Kiel, due to fuel constraints. 28.apr.40 AO77 1140: Docked at Kiel. No ships sunk this patrol. U56's history to date: 5 war patrols completed. 2 ships sunk for 8.489 GRT. |
Gute Jagd Snestorm! |
Are those self made rules you guys playing with? Or did u modify ur campaign files to reduce ship spawns? I wanna know! |
U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 6, report 2
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel Orders: Patrol grid AN28 Statusbericht 25.3.1940 Returned back to Kiel. Two 1800 BRT freighters sunk in grid AN28. The other had a speed of 9 knots, course 65, the other probably 8 knots, course 55. Five torpedoes used at approximately 90 AOB angle, depth 5 meters, MZ. One dud in 9 m/s winds, two misses, two hits which were quite enough in sinking the ships. The port traffic to Bergen seems quite heavy. Wiebus |
Tonight's developments
2nd Sept uneventful 3rd Sept day 3 at sea making our break into the North Sea from the SE tip of Norway we sighted a lone vessel heading 246,speed approx 5-6 kts. followed for around 2 hrs,vessel clearly indicating it was a Norwegian medium cargo broke off and sent contact report back to base earlier in the day we recieved reports of a German UBoat attacking a Polish sub in AO94,which was finally sunk 4th Sept day 4 no major events other than a radio message at 0846 reporting that HMS Courageous had been dispatched on ASW mission with destroyers Anthony,Acasta,Amazon,Ardent 1430 second radio message,Royal Oak departed Scapa Flow on patrol in North Sea.If only I knew where 5th Sept day 5 1000 arrived in assigned grid AN21.patrol ends at 1000 on 6th Sept dived to 20m 6th Sept day 6 0400 surfaced,co2 at 50%,14hrs submerged (smd) 1000 set new patrol grid AN14-AN16 on an 80km corridor between the Shetlands and the Orkneys 1723 radio report from U-38 fired at by steamer in CG5553 steamer sunk for approx 7.000 GRT 1730 dived to 20m will remain in area for 1-2 weeks depending on current situation 2100 surfaced,4.5hrs smd,approx 15km covered,recharging 0000 D20m,RC time 3hrs 0002 sound contact,merchant bearing 50,speed slow 0330 broke off from chase,visibility extremely poor with 15mps waves,target pulling away 0638 sound contact 0715 visual on target,British vessel,rough course 151,speed unknown 0750 broke off due to poor vis and rough sea,cannot afford to attack in such uncertain conditions due to our meagre supply of 5 torps 1008 sound contact 1300 gave chase for a good 3hrs,no visual,target must have been faster than our mean speed of 9-10kts at full 1500 D20m 1741 radio message,convoy OA1 departed from Thames estuary for Halifax 1806 sound contact,visibility improving,wind still 15mps 2025 visual contact,target ID British Granville got well ahead of target and set up for a submerged perpendicular shot fired from 1000m fired 1,impact tip set to fast,depth 3m.torpedo aimed at foremast torpedo impacted directly at intended spot.target still afloat yet secondary fires observed below front mast 2100 blew ballast,keeping parallel with target mean course we got in position for a second 90 degree shot fired from the surface at 2000m,light fading,decent cover torpedo passed literally inches from the bow fired a 3rd,same fired a 4th,same (incorrect torpedo setting) :damn: 2116 target slowed to 3kts and still burning slightly prepared our final fifth torpedo aimed slightly aft of first damage site torpedo hit perfectly target finally sank on even keel for 4707 GRT report sent in to BDU,returning to Kiel end of report ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion below average performance,I think mainly due to impatience,after all,this is my first patrol in almost a year away from the game and was eager for a kill,which after all said and done we did get ;) Why on earth I left in a type II i'll never know,the only thing I like about it is its cramped space which lends a sense of coziness. Two weeks back in Kiel and we should be ready for our 2nd patrol,or I may give the men 1 month bringing us closer to 1940...1939 is so slow |
U-111 IXB
Patrol 12
21 May 1941 04:17 hours U-111 left Lorient for grid ET29 ,Freetown 05 June 1941 Grid EK47 04:03 hours Warship seen - fast dive to PD 12:31 Surfaced 12 June 1941 Grid ET29 11:39 hours Warship seen - fast dive to PD 11:45 hours Positive ID: Hunt I class DD 11:51 hours 2 x TI(stern) fired - impacts - ship sunk 12:00 Surfaced 14:24 hours Aircraft spotted - engaged 14:25 hours Aircraft damaged - minor damages from machine gun fire 14:27 hours Crash dived as aircraft was moving away 16:26 hours Surfaced - attacked by aircraft - engaged 16:27 hours Aircraft shot down - PBY Catalina 16 June 1941 Grid ET29 01:12 hours Warship seen - fast dive to PD 03:09 hours Surfaced 19:49 hours Moving to intercept convoy 20:48 hours Ship seen - US Somers class DD - convoy neutral 18 June 1941 Grid ET38 18:19 hours Warship seen - fast dive to PD 19:41 hours Surfaced 22 June 1941 Grid ET29 18:30 hours Warship seen - fast dive to PD 18:38 hours Positive ID: Tribal class DD 18:43 hours 2 x TI(stern) fired 18:44 hours Impacts - ship sunk 11 July 1941 Grid BF77 21:37 hours Ship seen 21:45 hours Positive ID: Medium cargo unarmed 21:58 hours Opened fire 22:02 hours Ship sunk after 31 105mm rounds 12 July 1941 Grid BF72 21:58 hours Ship seen dived to PD 22:03 hours Positive ID: Medium merchant 01 armed 22:17 hours 2 x TI(bow) fired from 600m - both duds 22:18 hours 2 x TI(bow) fired from 500m - impact 22:20 hours Sinking sounds - ship went down This was not looking like a good patrol. 14 July 1941 08:34 hours U-111 docked at Lorient. 55 days at sea 4 ships sunk 13594 tons 94% hull integrity no casualties U-23 returned after her first patrol (Nice report Paul) U-10 also returned safely having sunk two ships. Commander Wiebus must be given a bigger boat. I will see to it. I must talk to Karl about it! U-56 is also at port with no sinkings this time but she evaded two enemy destroyers. U-65 is enroute to her patrol grid , hopefully. |
U56 IIC. Patrol 6.
AO77 1040: Underway from Kiel, bound for AM36. All torpedoes set to AZ (Impact Pistol), running depth 3 meters. Finaly! 1.jun.40 (Clear & Dead Calm) AN14 (Shetland - Orkney Narrows) 1717: "Sound contact! Medium speed merchant. Long range. Closing." 1728: New course 180. Preset TDC for AOB 90 Port, 9 knots. (090 - 9 knots). 1735: New depth 20 meters! Ahead Flank! 1740: New depth 12 meters! Silent speed! 1741: Open tubes 1, 2, 3. Target IDed as english, C2 Cargo. 1742: Fire 1! Fire 3! Fire 2! 1745: Miss! Impact! Impact! Target was making good 8½ knots. 1746: New depth 20 meters. New course 090. 1747: Reload tubes 1 & 3. 1750: Target DIW (Dead In [the] Water). 1845: Fire 3! 1847: Hit, but no explosion. Angle is perfect. Target DIW. Dud! 1848: Fire 1! 1849: Impact! Target broke in two, and went down center first. 1850: New depth 20 meters. New course 090. 2250: From U56 To BDU Position AN14. 1 sunk for 6.000 - 7.000 GRT. All torpedoes expended. 3 good impacts. 1 dud. 1 miss. Weather clear, and dead calm. 2346: From BDU To U56 Return to Kiel 7.jun.40 AO77 2340: Docked at Kiel. Patrol results: 5 of 5 torpedoes expended. Crew & Hull Integrity 100%. 1 ship sunk for 7.909 GRT. (I had underestimated my tonnage a tad. Target turned out to be a C3 Refrigerated Cargo.) U56's history to date: 6 war patrols completed. 3 ships sunk for 16.398 GRT. (eleventh place). Dockside News: U111 departed Wilhelmhaven on 31.maj.40, for a long range patrol to DJ11. U111 transited AN14 just 3 days after our departure, and claimed a Small Merchant sunk. Coming from Wilhelmshaven, he must have passed well south of us. |
...we learn...even after all these years. |
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