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fitzcarraldo 01-02-19 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2584308)

Post #1 in the Dynamic Environment thread, second to last link in the 'patches, fixes & updates' section: DynEnv v2.9 - No Underwater Impurity Patch :03:

I solved it.

My problem isn´t the impurities. I love them.

Simply, I take the High Visibility addon from DynEnv, and delete all the files of the mod except the fog parameters (cfg). Working fine now.

BTW, another question: Is there some way to calm those screaming sailors in the boat?. When I´m submerged, silent running on, 1 knot. speed....ever don´t lack some badass sailor screaming some order: change of course, depth, etc. Is it not supposed to hear whispering voices in that condition? All my crew are a gang of histerical screamers!!! :Kaleun_Mad::Kaleun_Mad::Kaleun_Mad:

I use only TWoS sounds and voices. No voices mod added.

Best regards!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

gap 01-02-19 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2584480)
I solved it...

Glad to hear that :up:


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2584480)
BTW, another question: Is there some way to calm those screaming sailors in the boat?. When I´m submerged, silent running on, 1 knot. speed....ever don´t lack some badass sailor screaming some order: change of course, depth, etc. Is it not supposed to hear whispering voices in that condition? All my crew are a gang of histerical screamers!!! :Kaleun_Mad::Kaleun_Mad::Kaleun_Mad:


For a start, have you tried checking if the whispered equivalents of the screamed orders are found in the speech folder? :hmm2:

fitzcarraldo 01-02-19 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2584501)
Glad to hear that :up:


For a start, have you tried checking if the whispered equivalents of the screamed orders are found in the speech folder? :hmm2:

I will check that, but I didn´t touch anything of the sound folder of TWoS, and I suppose the sound should be there....

Many thanks.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

gap 01-02-19 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2584504)
I will check that, but I didn´t touch anything of the sound folder of TWoS, and I suppose the sound should be there....

Many thanks.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

I am afraid that devs might have overseen some sound files, that's why I asked. I the sounds are there but not used, there should be a way to script them in game or to fix their (broken?) scripts. I once had a look in those scripts and, while not a piece of cake, they didn't look like rocket science either :)

fitzcarraldo 01-02-19 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2584506)
I am afraid that devs might have overseen some sound files, that's why I asked. I the sounds are there but not used, there should be a way to script them in game or to fix their (broken?) scripts. I once had a look in those scripts and, while not a piece of cake, they didn't look like rocket science either :)

The folders "whisper" have voices, not screaming, but also not whispering....

In SH3, Thomsen Sound Pack mod, you have real whispering voices for a silent running.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

fitzcarraldo 01-03-19 10:43 AM

Existential question:

Are the sounds in SH5 related only to Sh.sdl or also are related to the scripts of the characters?

The Stormy´s mod DBSM have whispering voices. The mod uses his own Sh.sdl and scripts for the characters (all changed for more young crewmen).

I think the sounds of Stormy´s are compatible with TWoS, but the Sh.sdl file and the scripts, not.

Stormy´s DBSM without the scripts and conserving the Sh.sdl file from TWoS is useless for me.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

CWorth 01-03-19 12:53 PM

Been a long time since I was here on this forum.

Just got back into the Silent Hunter games and was wondering how I would go about removing the underwater fog this mod uses.

I know it is realistic but I like to take screenshots and having the stock underwater look would be great or a greatly decreased fog.

fitzcarraldo 01-03-19 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by CWorth (Post 2584582)
Been a long time since I was here on this forum.

Just got back into the Silent Hunter games and was wondering how I would go about removing the underwater fog this mod uses.

I know it is realistic but I like to take screenshots and having the stock underwater look would be great or a greatly decreased fog.

See post #11569

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

tactikalwarfare 01-03-19 01:12 PM

new to sh5 twos mod
hi all.. i am new to playing twos mod. Im trying to find out how or if there is a way to have a chase camera for the exterior of the boat? thanks dave

Fifi 01-03-19 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by tactikalwarfare (Post 2584586)
hi all.. i am new to playing twos mod. Im trying to find out how or if there is a way to have a chase camera for the exterior of the boat? thanks dave

Yes, mousing over middle top screen, you’ll see icons for that.

Silvo 01-03-19 02:32 PM

The mod look's realy good.

aaken 01-03-19 03:17 PM

Hello, I'm wondering if it is possible to increase airbase aircraft spawn probability for a given campaign.

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

CWorth 01-03-19 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2584585)
See post #11569

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Thank you kind sir :Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 01-04-19 05:21 AM

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Kavil 01-04-19 10:29 AM

Tried in forum search engine and google. All i found was about older version of options file editor. So my question is how can i Change map mark color on TWoS 2.2.9 ? thank you

fitzcarraldo 01-04-19 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kavil (Post 2584737)
Tried in forum search engine and google. All i found was about older version of options file editor. So my question is how can i Change map mark color on TWoS 2.2.9 ? thank you

Between the addon mods in TWoS, there is one: "TWoS Map Contact Colors", try it.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Kavil 01-04-19 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2584761)
Between the addon mods in TWoS, there is one: "TWoS Map Contact Colors", try it.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

It says not to be used with Real Navigation :wah: All i want it colored mark, ruler, protactor, cicle etc.. They became really hard to stop when they overlay each other.

der001 01-04-19 07:30 PM

Hello submariners.

I'm new here in the forum, but I'm a SH5 player for many years. Especially with the Wolves of Steel Pack it is an absolute must have.

I bought a new computer today. After everything was set up, I immediately installed SH5 from Ubisoft including Wolves of Steel.

Now: the following is my problem. As soon as I start SH5, some labels are moved somehow. The message that appears cannot be closed. The message header is "OK".

In the game it goes on with these curiosities. I always have a black window in the picture. No matter what I do, it just doesn't go away - just like the card menu.

I have SH5 with the highest graphics setting.
Apart from these problems, the new computer manages SH5 with 60FPS. In comparison to my old computer an absolute progress.

Does anyone know the problem or even has a solution for me?

Niclas from Germany

gap 01-04-19 07:53 PM

Hi deer001 and welcome to the surface after years of silent running, I hope that you had some fruitful huntings while hiding in ambush! :salute:

Regarding your problem: is your game updated to v 1.2.0 with Ubi patch? You can check game version from the main menu's top right corner.

der001 01-04-19 08:00 PM

Yeah, I was just checking. It's version 1.2.0. Is that bad? Unfortunately I don't remember which version I had before.

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