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CaptJulius 12-14-18 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by DieSauergurke (Post 2581615)
Hello and thanks for this great mod.

Just a small question:
Is there a way to remove the annoying "closing tube x" sound files that are played when you switch to another tube?
They can get pretty annoying if you just want to set up all the torpedos.

Already tried to remove the corresponding sound files in "Silent Hunter 5\data\Sound\Speech\TorpedoMan", but unfortunately nothing changed.

Thanks in advance.

I would like to know this as well. :yep: Also why there is no torpedo tube opening sound ? I only hear torpedo tube closing sound ? :06:

As for diesel room engine animations (I have freshly reinstalled SH5 with newest WOS) after couple of saves in patrol or some time compression animations stop working at low speeds , only working on higher speeds. Reloading save or starting new patrol fixes that but not for long , after some time compression animations get stuck again.

Fifi 12-15-18 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by CaptJulius (Post 2581622)
As for diesel room engine animations (I have freshly reinstalled SH5 with newest WOS) after couple of saves in patrol or some time compression animations stop working at low speeds , only working on higher speeds. Reloading save or starting new patrol fixes that but not for long , after some time compression animations get stuck again.

So i’m Not alone...

What max time compression are you using?

Rickster1 12-15-18 03:26 AM

I have had that problem in the past and I seem to remember it was a graphics card\memory issue

THEBERBSTER 12-15-18 05:17 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > DieSaurgurke
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CaptJulius 12-15-18 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2581637)
So i’m Not alone...

What max time compression are you using?

Max 512. I tend to avoid using 1024. You ?

fitzcarraldo 12-15-18 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by CaptJulius (Post 2581622)
I would like to know this as well. :yep: Also why there is no torpedo tube opening sound ? I only hear torpedo tube closing sound ? :06:

As for diesel room engine animations (I have freshly reinstalled SH5 with newest WOS) after couple of saves in patrol or some time compression animations stop working at low speeds , only working on higher speeds. Reloading save or starting new patrol fixes that but not for long , after some time compression animations get stuck again.

Max 128. No problems.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Fifi 12-15-18 07:11 AM

I go up to 1024 when clear of any action. But most of time it’s 512.
Anyway we can’t pass 64 when ships around.

Maybe the lost of diesel animation is due to GPU limitation at certain point...

Fifi 12-15-18 08:06 AM

Ah, other thing: when i choose to have a TII in stern tube at bunker, when i launch patrol i get a TI... :doh:

vdr1981 12-15-18 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2581661)
I go up to 1024 when clear of any action. But most of time it’s 512.
Anyway we can’t pass 64 when ships around.

Maybe the lost of diesel animation is due to GPU limitation at certain point...

Or maybe game alt-tabing?


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2581668)
Ah, other thing: when i choose to have a TII in stern tube at bunker, when i launch patrol i get a TI... :doh:

That's an old and know problem...

Fifi 12-16-18 01:23 AM

I never alt tab my game because it can give unexpected issues :yep:

Diesel animation isn’t a big deal anyway for me as most of time we are in the command room.
But the rear torpedo issue is a lot more annoying...i remember using stern tube for the T5 one against destroyers in SH3.
If i can survive enough, i won’t be able to do the same?

Katze 12-16-18 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2581762)
I never alt tab my game because it can give unexpected issues :yep:

Diesel animation isn’t a big deal anyway for me as most of time we are in the command room.
But the rear torpedo issue is a lot more annoying...i remember using stern tube for the T5 one against destroyers in SH3.
If i can survive enough, i won’t be able to do the same?

A workaround I use is I fire the T1 aft torp while still in range of my bunker/base, and then use the Refit button and it replaces the aft torpedo with the one I had selected before leaving the bunker.

Fifi 12-16-18 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Katze (Post 2581767)
A workaround I use is I fire the T1 aft torp while still in range of my bunker/base, and then use the Refit button and it replaces the aft torpedo with the one I had selected before leaving the bunker.


pokara 12-17-18 08:52 AM

hi there and surry my english cause its not my native language..
im back from some years ago and im so excited seeing how this mod has evolved. I did a couple of patrols of the first campaign, and some historical missiones..
i just can say this mod is amazing, i did it well reinstalling sh5 again ))
all for me its working perfect, no lies.
but, i have a little issue i dont know if it could be somethin im doing wrong..
sometimes supermarks and destroyedmarks are not showing on nav map (neither tai map)..
doing some testings, i see that those marks use to fail showing on the map when i use the icon (top right) to enter the nav map.
when i use the key 'M' to go to the map, and i destroyed a ship, i use to see the destroyed mark.
am i a little crazy or there is something of true on this situation?
thanks for support, thanks for this mod!

pokara 12-17-18 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2581661)
Anyway we can’t pass 64 when ships around.

if youre talking about TCx, of course you can with ofev tool

Fifi 12-17-18 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by pokara (Post 2581941)
if youre talking about TCx, of course you can with ofev tool

:hmmm: didn’t noticed it

Yes there is a bug with destroyed marks from very long time now.
You will see that they are all in south Atlantic near west African coast.
My turn over is to copy paste every destroyed mark coordinates (in document/SH5/data/Cfg/savegame/destroyedunits) in a bloc note page, and then before launching game copy paste them in last SH5 save.
Just because game save corrupt each kill coordinate (1.000000 instead of real coordinates)
I have to take care of the capt log bug too (also in save game) and restore the date of the sinking so it could work (otherwise it say 0000.00.00)

A bit tricky but it works :yep:

fitzcarraldo 12-17-18 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2581947)
:hmmm: didn’t noticed it

Yes there is a bug with destroyed marks from very long time now.
You will see that they are all in south Atlantic near west African coast.
My turn over is to copy paste every destroyed mark coordinates (in document/SH5/data/Cfg/savegame/destroyedunits) in a bloc note page, and then before launching game copy paste them in last SH5 save.
Just because game save corrupt each kill coordinate (1.000000 instead of real coordinates)
I have to take care of the capt log bug too (also in save game) and restore the date of the sinking so it could work (otherwise it say 0000.00.00)

A bit tricky but it works :yep:

Not only coordinates: there is an old bug with time of destroyed marks. You are playing in 1940 and see ships sunk in 1943...

I deactivate destroyed marks in the map with each game load (upper right buttons in the map view). I can live without them.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

pokara 12-17-18 11:15 AM

ill try it anyway thanks for the tip ^^
about TC i use to setup to 128, just a little up. so in ofv go to 'time compression'. the first value is "tc level at which the tcx on constant distant...."
change 128 to 256. save it. now you can go up to 128 while ships close to you. there is still a 64 near to land you know..

pokara 12-17-18 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2581966)
I deactivate destroyed marks in the map with each game load (upper right buttons in the map view). I can live without them.

or you can use the two vanilla dds files and overwrite twos files.(, in data\Menu\Gui\Units).
so, when twos is not showing destroyedmarks, the engine it always show the vanilla mark, better than nothing.
when twos is working and showing, youll see the 2 marks on the same position. thats what im doing now, at least i have a mark when its not working

fitzcarraldo 12-17-18 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by pokara (Post 2581970)
or you can use the two vanilla dds files and overwrite twos files.(, in data\Menu\Gui\Units).
so, when twos is not showing destroyedmarks, the engine it always show the vanilla mark, better than nothing.
when twos is working and showing, youll see the 2 marks on the same position. thats what im doing now, at least i have a mark when its not working

Interesting. Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Fifi 12-17-18 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by pokara (Post 2581970)
or you can use the two vanilla dds files and overwrite twos files.(, in data\Menu\Gui\Units).
so, when twos is not showing destroyedmarks, the engine it always show the vanilla mark, better than nothing.
when twos is working and showing, youll see the 2 marks on the same position. thats what im doing now, at least i have a mark when its not working

Doesn’t work at all here...
I keep my method :03:

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