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Fifi 12-02-18 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2579785)
I don't think that crew promotion points and and their train levels have anything to do with this issue but you are free to experiment of course. :salute:

No, that’s not what i meant...ahhh, damn language barrier :D

Just for historical accuracy, if a well trained crew couldn’t keep a steady sub at 180m, they ‘d better try other stuff ... like baby sitting for example :haha:

Mine is actually 100%, so I expect they can keep a steady level any time.
Even if in real it was not that easy :03:

Before, when i was in red zone, the sub was sinking and only way to keep it level was regularly to blow ballast and play with the manual dives planes (not easy, you need some speed though, and when 3 DD are on top...)
After 3/4 ballast manœuvres you are air empty... hence dead.

I didn’t test over 180m yet, but i will (with the patches deactivated)
But so far, i’m Quite happy to don’t have to spend that much time for not sinking myself...
It’s enough tough to evade those Uber destroyers :D

Fifi 12-02-18 10:41 AM

So it seems you were right (again) Vecko... :03:

180m is the limit to not cross for steady sub.
Below, you have to give quite some speed to level up, and blow ballast to return at a normal depth.
But blowing ballast is VERY air consuming! Didn’t realize how much air each time... blowing twice you ‘re almost empty :o

Muckenberg 12-02-18 12:13 PM

I think that this problem is expressed in the game enough. At a depth of 180 meters, the ship has enormous power and can not keep it running without the engines. If my memory does not deceive me, it was sufficiently explained in the novel "Das Boot" by the chief engineer in a conversation with a propaganda worker. Unfortunately, I am unable to calculate how many kgs per square centimeter is affecting the hull of the submarine at this depth. But the pressure of the water column will surely be huge.

Tonci87 12-02-18 12:30 PM

So basically the weight of the water column above the boat starts to equalize the buoyancy?

Muckenberg 12-02-18 02:20 PM

I will find the passion in the book "Das Boot" and I will try to introduce a complete explanation of the problem here.
Just in a nutshell it's the way you wrote. If the ship goes into ever-greater depths, the weight of the water column is constantly increasing, and the ship continually compresses and thus increases its weight. The air that is in the submarine is constantly compressed, and so the less and less the boat is hovering. And at a certain depth, the ship gets to the condition that it is no longer hovering, but it falls naturally. And there are two ways to lift the boat, either use compressed air and inflate into ballast tanks, increasing air volume and active buoyancy, or using engines and rudders.
Just like a submarine captain you have to be able to decide what depths you dive into and how to use compressed air. :Kaleun_Salute:

heli 12-03-18 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2579424)
I'll upload the full 2.2.0 version for you + v2.2.3 update...


Great thanks, that helps me! Now I have learned that the German mod is up to version v2.2.8 compatible. If you do not care, you could put this version even in network? :)

vdr1981 12-03-18 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by heli (Post 2579932)
Great thanks, that helps me! Now I have learned that the German mod is up to version v2.2.8 compatible. If you do not care, you could put this version even in network? :) :salute:

Edward Tambunan gave me permission to use his incredible repainted U-96 picture for new TWoS loading screen, which will look something like this...:yep:

Very SH5-ish I'd say...:)

Fifi 12-03-18 12:11 PM

Very nice loading screen :up:

On other hand, something that is making me crazy actually, is the absolute impossibility to get my flak gunner with rough sea...
Up to 10ms it’s dead :timeout:
He is on top of conning tower deck though! Waves doesn’t come to this heigh.

I know it’s game limitation (or more SH5 vanilla bug) but nothing can really be done?
Very frustrating...
Also i know i can do the job by myself, but AI gunner is ten times better than me!

gap 12-03-18 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2579940)
Edward Tambunan gave me permission to use his incredible repainted U-96 picture for new TWoS loading screen, which will look something like this...:yep:

Very nice, but imho the overlays are a bit messy. I would make the SH5 title text a bit bigger, the TWoS one slightly smaller (so that it won't hamper the visual of Klt. Lehmann lol) and I would move all the subsim/best of subsim patches to one side. The bottom right corner with its black connig tower silhouette seems perfect for that :03:

heli 12-03-18 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2579940) :salute:

Edward Tambunan gave me permission to use his incredible repainted U-96 picture for new TWoS loading screen, which will look something like this...:yep:

Very SH5-ish I'd say...:)

vdr1981 you're my savior :Kaleun_Cheers:

Picture looks great :Kaleun_Applaud:

excel4004 12-03-18 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2579966)
Very nice, but imho the overlays are a bit messy. I would make the SH5 title text a bit bigger, the TWoS one slightly smaller (so that it won't hamper the visual of Klt. Lehmann lol) and I would move all the subsim/best of subsim patches to one side. The bottom right corner with its black connig tower silhouette seems perfect for that :03:

I absolutly agree with gap in this point, with these fixes it would look really fine! I like this new loading screen. :up::salute:

vdr1981 12-03-18 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2579949)

On other hand, something that is making me crazy actually, is the absolute impossibility to get my flak gunner with rough sea...
Up to 10ms it’s dead :timeout:

Even with "Battle stations level 2" enabled?


I know it’s game limitation (or more SH5 vanilla bug) but nothing can really be done?
You can dive...:D

gap 12-03-18 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2580016)
You can dive...:D


vdr1981 12-03-18 04:21 PM

Better? :hmm2:

gap 12-03-18 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2580036)

Much better now, yes, but I like more the red text, I would move the patches by a few pixels to the left (the round one looks a bit too close to the border) and, since we are at it, I would remove the elliptical shaded background under the SH5 logo. If that makes the text lesser readable over the whitish background, I can help you with a lesser dull shading effect :)

vdr1981 12-03-18 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2580053)
... I would remove the elliptical shaded background under the SH5 logo...

I would too but I don't have tools or skills for detailed dds editing...:) This is all Gimp and windows Paint...:D
I'll upload base image and parts and when you have some spare time, you can upload your vision of the new loading screen, if you agree of course...:yep:

Fifi 12-03-18 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2580016)
Even with "Battle stations level 2" enabled?

You can dive...:D

Yes, tried everything, just F7, F7 + battle station level 2, just the WO order, or combination of all...

Dive is the best of course. But that’s crazy to have a double AA up in the conning tower for figuration :D
SH3 and 4 don’t have this issue, a shame SH5 does!

I remember a mod for deck gun in all weather, could it work for AA also?
Or was it for an other SH?

excel4004 12-03-18 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2580053)
Much better now, yes, but I like more the red text, I would move the patches by a few pixels to the left (the round one looks a bit too close to the border) and, since we are at it, I would remove the elliptical shaded background under the SH5 logo. If that makes the text lesser readable over the whitish background, I can help you with a lesser dull shading effect :)

Yes, the red text with the shadows was perfect! Matches fine to the SH5 letters and the loading bar. Again, all other tips from gap would be nice too! Great work Vecko. :salute:

gap 12-03-18 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2580056)
I would too but I don't have tools or skills for detailed dds editing...:) This is all Gimp and windows Paint...:D
I'll upload base image and parts and when you have some spare time, you can upload your vision of the new loading screen, if you agree of course...:yep:

Sure, upload them, helping you with that beautiful loading screen would be my pleasure :up:

vdr1981 12-03-18 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2580064)
Sure, upload them, helping you with that beautiful loading screen would be my pleasure :up: :up::salute:

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