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THEBERBSTER 07-22-15 05:31 PM

I know this has been deactivated, but is there a way to see the contact > type in the hydrophone station rather than waiting for it to appear in the message box.

veenee 07-25-15 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2329478)
Hey guys,
does the new WoS version still work with the TDW options file editor? The changes I've made with the editor have no influence to the game anymore... With WoS 1.03 everything worked fine. In the installation guide for the new version there is no word about the editor :hmmm:

same here - what am I missing?

I make the save to:
\Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.04\data\Scripts\Menu\

menu path is:
Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.04\data\Menu\menu.txt

are these correct locations?

EDIT: scrap that, followed these instructions and it is fine now:

THEBERBSTER 07-25-15 04:20 AM

Hi guys

You need to disable the mods first.
Make the changes.
Re-enable the mods.


Ratti 07-26-15 02:11 AM

Thanks a lot for this mod!

I had bought SH5 a few years ago when it got out and i abandoned it as soon as i realized how full of bug and glitches was.
However i recently reinstalled it and i'm glad that i found a megamod so easy to set up. So far i have been training on the tutorials, but i'm quite enjoying the overall feeling of the game and the mod, it's quite great. I'm just sad i didn't decided to try it earlier!

However i have a small question, not sure which mod is tied to so i decided to ask it here, maybe it has been answered already but i couldn't find it: from the look of the tutorial and the videos, when i lock a ship i could click on a button from my officer to recognize the ship. However i don't have that button at all(i have all the others). Is it an intended change of feature or i messed up something in the installation process?
thanks again for the great megamod!

Ratti 07-26-15 03:21 AM

By digging deeper into the forum i found my answer: the feature has been disabled for realism (it's on page 60 for anyone with the same problem). This however brought me to another problem: if i manually recognize the ship through the manual, and i click on "send to TDC", the ship bottom hull shape is not transferred to the torpedo height chart in order to set the dept of the torpedo, therefore i'm always not sure where i'll hit the ship.

Thanks again for this great mod!

THEBERBSTER 07-26-15 06:20 AM

Just add this mod last in JSGME.

The Wolves Of Steel > Adds The Missing Target Identify Icon Back > Wind & Smoke addon Mod

Ratti 07-26-15 07:23 AM

Thanks THEBERBSTER for the fast reply!
I'm downloading it now. So far i'm quite enjoying the adrenaline when you are hunting down a ship. The real navigation improves quite a lot the feeling. I'm still quite bad at it, but i'm improving!

Funny noob experience: After finding a merchant, i decide to hit it whit 4 torpedos (you never know, duds and misses), but only one lands on target! Therefore i surface really close to the ship trying to give it the final blow with my deck gun. Ship starts to run off by passing in front of me at 50m at 90' on fire. In all this excitement i forgot to check around for smoke on the horizon. At some point i notice in the trail of the ship a distant smoke. As soon as i notice it while my crew was reporting it, a light bliz of a shell land on my unfortunate Uboat. I crash dive into the see with half of my submarine flooded, trying to save myself: i never made it back on the surface.

Riekopo 07-26-15 08:02 AM

Two questions from a nooby. Does this mod make the water much murkier/darker? If so, is there a file I should remove to stop that or replace with a different file? Second, how can I make the Sub System screen be in English instead of German?

THEBERBSTER 07-26-15 09:58 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Ratti :subsim:
You Will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:
New To Silent Hunter <> Need Help <> Click On My Thread Link. :salute:
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Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos :ping:

When using "Real Navigation" it can be used with or without "No Map Contacts."

THEBERBSTER 07-26-15 10:02 AM

Hi Riekopo

The TWOS file affects both fog and the water darkness.

Try this and see if it was you are looking for.

Post #170 How To Improve Underwater Visibility


CaptainFunk 07-28-15 02:37 AM

HI again In my new found return to SH I have now also rooted out my old SH3 disk and set up a great molded SH3 version which is quite simply awesome! however my intention is still to dabble in Sh5 (will no doubt cracking open SH4 again at some point) so my question(s) is this.

Is there a way to incorporate magui in Twos? ( I love this Ui)

I may give wolves of the deep a go - what is the uninstall procedure forTWOS? Obviously reverse core mod via JSGME BUT what about the generic patcher? I presume I restore some sort of stock file?

Thanks in advance for any pointers

THEBERBSTER 07-28-15 05:12 AM


Unless someone says otherwise it is a complete re-install.
The reason would be all the tweaking of the SH main files would not be compatible with the Magui (WOTD) or anything else.

If you have set up the Generic File Patcher, Options File Editor, JSGME from within TWOS then check out my Tutorial Posts #2 -#4 -#6
It is important to use the latest gps file for the GFP that comes with Wolves Of The Deep.

Make a copy of your Career History cfg file see tutorial post #52.


Deep_Hunter 07-28-15 09:02 AM

It would be nice to mention that all settings for the Option File Editor Viewer are already done...There is no word about it in the description at the first post

fitzcarraldo 07-28-15 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2331911)

Unless someone says otherwise it is a complete re-install.
The reason would be all the tweaking of the SH main files would not be compatible with the Magui (WOTD) or anything else.

If you have set up the Generic File Patcher, Options File Editor, JSGME from within TWOS then check out my Tutorial Posts #2 -#4 -#6
It is important to use the latest gps file for the GFP that comes with Wolves Of The Deep.

Make a copy of your Career History cfg file see tutorial post #52.


Sorry for the question; it seems I don´t understand this point: Can you change the UI to the MaGUI for SH5 in TWoS? I think if I do that, I will ruin for ever all the precious stability of the super-combination-of-mods.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

THEBERBSTER 07-28-15 02:27 PM


The probable reason for this is that it allows each player to customize their own game play.

vecko encourges the OFEV to be investigated in his instructions.

Some of the settings that vecko has made may not suit everybody especially in the TAI and Nav Map settings where gamers may want to play their game on easier settings.

I do not use the OFEV from TWOS but use a stand alone application so I have never used the pre-set patches.


fitzcarraldo 07-28-15 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2331951)
It would be nice to mention that all settings for the Option File Editor Viewer are already done...There is no word about it in the description at the first post

Disabling TWoS with JSGME first you can change at your taste the options with OFEV. I - as newbie in SH5 - changed the settings for autotargeting and no problem in missions or campaign. Also I changed the UI to SH5 Enhanced. But - this is a sine qua non condition - you need to disable TWoS before the changes.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

fitzcarraldo 07-28-15 08:44 PM

Seeing the CSP MaGUI UI - and using MaGUI in SH3 - I would to know if it is compatible with TWoS. I like to try it.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Deep_Hunter 07-29-15 02:54 AM

Hey guys,
thank you for answering my post! I'm using the OFEV since WoS does exist. Its quite important for me to have this tool, because I'm using a german keyboard mod. There are some double settings which I can change with the OFEV. And I like the slideout-option for the instruments. With WoS 1.03 I could change those options without disabling and re-enabling the mods. Somehow I missed the changing that comes with 1.04. It was quite annoying to try it like I used before and nothing happened... Also in the instructions the OFEV was missing... I found out that something changed by reading a lot of posts in this threat (this search also was quite annoying) So I came to post my (angry) suggestion that it would be nice to mention the changes somewhere. Now that I know I can continue playing this wonderful Mod!
Thank you again and good hunting!!!

THEBERBSTER 07-29-15 04:26 AM

With reference to the Magui UI this is a question that vecko needs to answer.

With reference to the OFEV I always set this up outside of SH5 along with the GFP as if you have to do a complete re-install at any time both will be lost.
It is also a good idea to make a copy of the TDW's py file as your OFEV settings can be wiped out.
If you are not sure how to do this there is a green section at the bottom of my tutorial post #6.


fitzcarraldo 07-29-15 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2332202)
With reference to the Magui UI this is a question that vecko needs to answer.

With reference to the OFEV I always set this up outside of SH5 along with the GFP as if you have to do a complete re-install at any time both will be lost.
It is also a good idea to make a copy of the TDW's py file as your OFEV settings can be wiped out.
If you are not sure how to do this there is a green section at the bottom of my tutorial post #6.


Thanks ofr the answer!


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

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